(Or: Disposing of Mind*)
Grammatical variants distribute twoness throughout discourse: double, half, dyads, duality, diadic, dualisms. Also: pairs, twins, images, copy, ditto, polarity, sides; fork, Y, 'break in twoness'
Now, emerging in the flow of process (abbrv. =>) in group discourse, is another "twoness" phenomenon. Of a different, 'empirical' sort, but strangely connected to the grammar.
"Everything comes in two's these days", a friend recently observed, referring to Signal "Media Circus" events (Ex. death of Anna Nicole Smith) -- 'signal' in the sense of something obviously symptomatic, perverted, and diverting. "Nicole" splits off, rematches to O.J. Simpson, 1995, also returned these days.)
1. Text-token -- Text for what is outside (=> the other side of the 2-way nose bridge; Token for the private personal side of Sign-use.
Sign-Use (S*): = df. communication of a meaning, or intention, by an empirical sign; a universal by a particular, text x token. These two ubiquitous, essential aspect of sign-use as such arise from different source of the apparatus, token preceeding text as caused (belonging to the causal order of process as qualitative content); text (the unity of thought) preceding the token as its telos (why a choice of words and/or pictures is used.) These two strands of process, causal for token, logical for text, flow together to "Y" omtp S*.
2. Conscious / Unconscious psychological system-processing
From Depth psychology: Freud, Jung. Both recognized 'barriers', 'resistances' marking the boundary between these processing systems, preventing their respective contents from merging. It is a sanity barrier. Jung described it as resistances to seeing one's opposite ('other': dark- or light- side of developed norlam consciousness). Freud structured this barrier as a censoring, censuring agency programmed to keep split-off products of wayward childhood sexual fantasies (not then, or to the children having them, of course, but seen from a later, retrospective standpoint) from returning as Unwanted Bats in the Belfry. In Freud, the sexual life, subject to virtually autonomous flow-of-process independent of the necessary reality-centered concerns of ego-consciousness, is an instinctive trend in the psyche permanently at odds with its sane-being-mentation proceeding through the thinking center. This is the metaphysics built into Freud's notion of Repression. The Male represses his (Female side) to individuate maleness; the Female represses her (Male side) to individuate femaleness. Jung did not follow Freud's libido theory of psychic energy, which appears to equate all desire with desire for pleasure, thus a 'purely biological view of man', hedonism, utilitarian ethiocs, etc. Critics taking this line, however, overlook what Freud called "sublimation", roughly, transformation of Eros into Agape. Perhaps because it isn't part of their flow-of-process. But Freud is merely being descriptive, not telling people what or what not to do about anything. Anyone can sublimate, or not, depending on their will, as they always could. There is no need for traditional culturalists to impugn Freud, and it quickly becomes symptomatic when assayed. (He knew their ass.) Jung, shifting the metaphysics of psychic energy (and the so-called 'economic model' of psychic process) from "libido" to "interest" in general (so that not all objects of interests are derivatives of sexual wish-fulfillments), can speak of the male-or-female centered ego as "reconciling itself with its Own Unconscious through the Other"; and, Beyond (this goes to "Mercurialis", the "philosophical water" and transformation by the marriage-of-opposites, an internally completing process. This is a capsule of his Mysterium Conjunctionis.
Both these great psychologists began with, then almost discarded, as from over-familiarity from use, the notion of "consciousness." It's use was not regularized. Jung's use to contrast with "the Collective Unconscious" pralleled, but not square fully with, Freud's. One invokes mediums, spitirism , and wandering off outside one's body into Akashic TokenSpace, and astralism in general. That's the field of Jungs 'psychic energy'
("interest"). The other, libido hypothesis, holds this grand plethoric panaroma in check by tracing it, itself, to split-off childhood fantasies (many Freudians regarded Jung as a lunatic).
"Consciousness" was not regularized because what it was contrasted with, "Unconsciousness", was not regularized. For example, "the inconscious" was modeled by Freud in 1900 as a Dyadic. two-memory, two-layered "System": "Prc", the pre-conscious, outer-chamber of full conscious awareness; and "Unc", the deeper, trauma-rooted motility-controlling ("acting out", as in "warding off'") thought-like process. The Unc. flows into the Prc., which flows into consciousness (Cs.). Jung, in contrast, focused on the content of the earliest mental processes, including those of the Polymorphous perverse, Oral, Anal and Oedipal fantasy content which is "incompatible with the conscious standpoint", therefore split-off in the course of development, rejected as "not mine!", and projected as "Evilness in you*"... and devised the theory of Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious to unite "the archaic residues" reappearing in each ones dreams early on, with the identical motifs scattered among peoples globally from earliest times past. As if there were a point at which both once converged, at the outset of the human trajectory, when "Minds" were beginning to evolve; then became dispersed or distributed, over time, into separate material 'localizations', like crystalized particles connected into larger ones. (In Gurdjieff, Omni-present Okidonakh entering into the flow of process of "Tetarocosmos" through second being-food, or "air". )
The Collective Unconscious becomes Consciousness of (the) Collective by traversing the Mandala-wheel of individuality. That is the transcendental side of psychodynamics.
The reference to Omni-present Okidonakh as substance mixing with the air we breath takes the discussion of Twoness down a metaphysical step to basic anatomical process: breathing air => intake of Two kinds of Oxygen: Oxygen 1 (higher) in S*- formed sight/sound vibrations ("communication by sign-use), 1 ; Oxygen 2 (lower) => blood cell bonded => transformed in digestion, separating the higher vibrations in first being food, sending others through the liver (=> bowel => bile => kidney => gall => stool =>out ....) Oxygen 1 goes directly to the brain, as a needed "3rd force", or "coolant", for it's upper level cortical processes (active-force for thinking-center, given S* (language)) demanding control of movement, motility, responsiveness from the less-vibrationally vivified, langourous, protein cell based response to entering sound-sight shock waves with "information".
3. Hypnotic vs common/normal states
Duality of consciousness (Gurdjieff)
Hypnotic states <= (flow from)
Division of flow-of-psychic process in the sentient organism into two independent streams alternating the 'zoostadt" controlling two different 'consciousnesses', according to different tempos-of-blood- circulation. The states vary from 'orgone dilation' (W. Reoch), blood-flow of openness, passivity, receptivity to receiving impressions; to "orgone contraction" (as: sphincter), crackdown, stifling, blocking,'turning-back' the flow of psychic energy -- the neurophysiological basis of "anxiety" (repression). . ,
Gurdjieff's account of a primordial division in the tempo's of flow-of-blood determining entirely different consciousness (not: "states") is here.
"The first fact (explaining the duality) is, that from the time when owing to their abnormal existence (cf. the organ kundabuffer; inserted at base of the spine, then removed, leaving behind crystalizing consequences) there began to be formed inthem what is called the 'two-system-Zoostat,' that is, two independent consciousnesses, then Great Nature began gradually to adapt Herself to this, that after they arrive at a certin age, there begins to proceed in them two 'Inkliazanikshanas' of different what are called 'tempos,' that is, as they themselves would say, two 'blood circulations of different kinds.'
"From this certain age mentioned, each one of these 'Inkliazanikshanas' of different tempo, that is to say each 'blood circulation,' begins to evoke in them the functioning of one of their mentioned consciousnesses and vice versa, the intensive functioning of either of their consciousness begins to evoke in them the kind of blood circulation corresponding to it."
(Note: this would explain why smell metaphors are often used in evaluating prose.)
"The difference between these two independent kinds of blood circulation in their common presences is actualized by means of what is called 'tempo-Davlaksherian-circulation,' or, according to the expression there of what is called contemporary medicine, the 'diffeernce-in-the-filling-of-thue-blood-vessels'; that is to say, in the condition of the waking state, the 'center-of-gravity-of-the-blood-pressure' in their common presences obtains in one part of the general system of blood vessels, and in the condition of the passive state, in another art of the vessels."
Gurdjieff further constated these things:
-- The Sacred impulse called Remorse of Conscience enters into ("is felt") the sub-conscious of the top-most consciousness from which it is split off. This sacred impulse is required by the Soul as Higher Oxygen to complete its function, and that of the planetary body, on earth.
-- Yet the occasions for for this "instinctive response" befitting all three-brained beings, on earth or throughout the cosmos, are increasing daily in every sphere of the soul-completing factors.
4. Enter: Altered States and drugs
Types of mind-altering drugs by Objective experiences
"Getting high": acceleration of blood-flow, altering time by enlarging the picture-distances from head-brain to body; abolishing the barrier between Conscious and Pre-Conscious, without tripping.
"Tripping": entering the Bardo planes (as in Leary's "Psychodelic Experience" interpreted according to the Tibetan Book of the Dead.) The tour guide (Tim, himself, after Cary Grant turned him on) helped sort out 'what's just in your mind, this time around", the passages the tripper must navigate to get through, and may get 'hung up' on if apparitions are mistaken for reality. Thus was, and is, an ultra-powerful mythology laid on altered state consciousness induced by LSD. My existential criticism is, it uses up the energy potential of the planetary body without coating the higher-being (astral). Leary was noi anti-Vietnam war beacon.
"Tripping" went from the Grateful Dead of "the 60's", via Right-Wing Reversal by Reagan ("666") in the '80's, to "Iraq War for YHWH" after 2002. (Not the real God of the Old Testament, of course, which nobody knows what was; the Zionist semites' token-diety, confirmed by the Pope, linked to Busch's Base.) What Jesus-trippers were to the 60's, cancer-brain Atwaters and Oliver North's were to the 80's.
"The Trip", Right-Wing hi-jacked, returned in the 2000's in the movie The Gladiators: "We who are about to die salute you!" Russell Crowe, reciting the lines plugging in the "die for the Glory of Rome" Inkliazanikshana for this generation. Theirs would the the Last Generation. Theirs was the Death trip. IT's what the 60's brought.
In Gurdjieffian dynamics, the function of the above Twoness in communication, is 'plugging up both ends of the torus consciousness cannister", compressing the flow of circulation of content through the "8", expanding the force-of-pressure on the inside, blocking the final stage of transformation from TI to DO, turning back accumulated psychic energy into perpetual repetition-compulsion ("death instinct"), preventing the completion of higher ("9") conscious totalities.
(Ex. of Doubles: Anna Nicole Smith (incest fantasy/fetal origins) => Brittny Spears (=>Paris Hilton) (Oedipal 'want to be raped' fantasies; 'naughty blonds')
Lacy Peterson (and "Unborn son Conner") -- dead pregnant Mom, killed by Evil Good-Time-Charlie Male "Scott", 2002 ... Dead body of 9 month pregnant Jessie Davis and Unborn Child found in Ohio; churlish looking boyfriend "not a suspect", but no matter. Its an Evil Good-Time_Charlie Male killing lovely sweet wife loved by all. That's the consciousness crystalized by the excited flow-of-hot- blood of hate, diverted onto this poor mother from the massive war dead in Iraq, with the same neocon-Repube-military/industrial complex corporate carpet baggers behind the curtain, flashing "ON TO IRAN!"