The Self-inflicted wounds of John City officer M.C. Romano are the hall-mark of America under suicide watch. (October 10. 2007)
JC officer's alleged false account raises racism concerns
Last Dec. 30, Johnson City Police Officer Matthew C. Romano radioed in to dispatch that he was watching a suspicious vehicle parked in Calvary Cemetery. He called again moments later requesting backup. When police arrived they found him lying on the ground, critically injured by two stab wounds to the abdomen.
The mysterious car -- a white Acura with no license plates -- was reported to have two men in it. The description of one man was quite detailed: a black man in his 20s, medium build, about 6 feet tall with dreadlocks visible under a kerchief tied at the back of his head. According to police, he was wearing a black, down-filled heavy jacket, and he wore a large, diamond stud in one ear.
This much contains the violent Self-Victimized/*_*/Fantasy Victimizer dyad which has become intrinsic to BizzaroWorld in America.. (New Flat Earth Society seeks members.) ("Dyads", as used here, are two-sided figures of speech, like "truth-value" for "true or false", or "handedness" for "right or left", etc..)
There is a take-out, or variable determinant, off the */FV side of the _, depending on how the Victimizer is fantasied in a particular case. "Black Dude with dreads and a diamond ear-stud driving an Acura, eh?" This leads the editors, concerned about community relations, to focus on the issue of race in Romano's fabricated Victimizer. "What does it say about us?" they ask, that this stereotype should be reverted to to get him off the hook. The answer is "Not much, really." Jeez. It is a pertinent point Acura owners and others who were incited-against ought to raise hell about, sure enough. But take a step back from this layer of fall-out. If he had said he was anally raped by a gang of militant jihadist Islamic lesbians it gets better, but what accounts for the terrible state to which he been reduced? That is the "What does it say about us?" question crying out to be addressed.
Beginning from the Self-Victim/* side of the dyad, then... (see thesis: ROMAN America)
This can be shown on three parts. First, seeing the template of the act; Second, in several places; Third, psychoanalyzed and understood.
Picking up on (Note: The racism issue is a variable determinant, not essential to the general character of Romano's action as violent self-inflicted suffering. The answer to the bolden question below is: Yes, it does say something about us that the fabricated (assuming) VictimIzer in this case (assuming it is) is a black dude with dreadlocks and a diamond ear stud driving an Acura -- but not much not already known and dealt with. The larger, deeper issue is the turmoil inside the kid. Not: why would he have chosen this stereotype to blame? which is pretty obvious, however one feels about it. But rather: What explains the breakdown into violent self-destruction? It is recognized psychoanalytically that such tendencies do not originate overnight, and may lead to the ultimate point, suicide, for instance if Romano had died.
Now, America is clearly and distinctly suicidal, at this particular historical moment. The term was used by editors of the Press & Sun-Bulletin just recently for the 'gossip', as the President called it, of a planned attack on Iran. Virtually under way, according to Seymour Hersh, in last week's New Yorker. "As an American, and as Jew, I pray with all my heart that he does it," Norman Podhoretz avers.
The term is also turning up other places. "My opponents might be considering suicide," said Rep. candidate Mike Huckabee. The context of Drudge made it appear as if he were saying they ought to do it, bestowing momentary impetus to his message. Only to bland out upon learning only political death was meant. But it was a signal to/of a psychic atmosphere saturated by self-hate, self- loathing, self-punishment, suicide.
The shape of the letter Z, showing two parallel lines connected end-to-origin by the diagonal, can be used as the format, or template, for mapping the ingredients of a recurring complex situation. These ingredients, occurring as a crystallized identity of form in widely different and variable contexts, essentially include an instinctual twistedness, in the inner 'existential' side, this being manifest in behavior as abnormal 'defensive' attitudes and actions.
As such a mnemic/schematic device, the four vertices of Z may be designated as follows.
Let 1,2,3,4 represent the four points of 1.= beginning of the single connected line; 2. = the point where one direction ends, sharply bending to the diagonal; 3.= the end of the diagonal direction and sharply bending to make the lower parallel, ending at 4.
The template can be stated succinctly and informally
1. An act of self victimization (self-inflicted attack and/or suffering)
2. ...Blamed on a pre-selected Victimizer
3. --- --- Making the Fake Victim a member of an aggrieved posse comatatus dedicated to seeking down and punishing the Victimizer types (who, if they would do it in one case, would do it everywhere to anyone).
4. -- -- -- presenting the public, at the end point of this contorted preparation, confronting double- talking Sweet Reversers, guilty as hell of precisely what they punish others for.
That is the Z-Twist template, in succinct terms. At terminus 4., the public (us) confronts the work of duplicity begun at 1. (by the twisteds). 4. marks the interface between between individual and group self-reference, the space* where "we" converse about "our" country, America. It is characterized by double-talk, reversals, and the occasional double-double reverse negative thrown in as the logically degenerate psychosemiotic position of sign-use. This is the hallmark of throughly politicized discourse. Every utterance becomes either an assent or an affront, an affirmation or an insult to another's way of being.
After examining a range of instances illustrating, return will be made to further analyze the lines on this configuration.
The following is a list of items illustrating variations on the Z template.
1. False Flag operations. Paradigm: The anthrax poisoning, 1. making liberal U. S. Senators Daschle and Leahy victim; 2. making Muslims false Victimizer; 3. putting those in the law enforcement agencies (mainly FBI) in the role of pursuers; 4. confronting America with doubletalk bullshit "investigations", and (in the case of Richard Perle) continuing to blame Iraq.)
If 9/11 was an inside job, it would be THE biggest Z-twist in human history. And whether actually the case or not, it is built into the tokens*. First, "911" is the number you call for emergencies. It therefore represents Victim twice. Once, for each person who may be threatened in daily life. Twice, for the victims of the Terrorist acts on that date. It is a dyad, a text-token "double". Everybody observes this, I assume, but no one remarks on how remarkable it that such a historical juxtaposition of sign-uses has occurred. Every mental act running over these marks from now on much tacitly or explicitly around "danger", sense of threat, and "attacked/killed" applied to the thought of the poor people who perished in the airplanes and buildings that day. That's as good as having a picture of Bin Laden pasted on your touch-tone phone.
This takes the Z formation over to point 2., the Fantasy Enemy. This must also be a Duplex object in order to project the twistedness. It must look normal, even outstanding, in frontal appearance, but cannily perceived by the 'hip' to be just the opposite -- evil itself, incarnate. The frontal appearance is what perception identifies with; it is the libido-cathected content nearest consciousness. The enemy REALLY present in the picture, however, is added by the Victim-obsessed who 'knows' by inner perception (fantasy) what he sees. In actual fact, a Binghamton Press forum board poster argued that the mere PERCEPTION of Saddam Hussein having weapons of mass destruction justified attacking Iraq. This would be the psychic foreclosure, in Lacan's terms, passing down by the Z diagonal to point 3., where the posse comitatus takes charge.
This occurred when "war" was declared in retaliation for 9/11, rather than responding more effectively, with less grandiosity, by an effective international police effort to track external causes. But the pictures of 19 Arab "Terrorist" faces, the False Flag anthrax poisoning of liberal Senators Daschle and Leahy, picture of John Walker Lynde, "American jihadist" -- and, of course, lots of shots of Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein -- pretty much Slam Dunked the America Grieving TV public into supporting "war" -- if only on their own terrified emotions. This is the social continuation of the self-hate injected into the stream of communication at pont 1. Once "war" is declared (Not: that takes an act of Congress, Ron Paul stands alone preaching on the national street corner), the posse comitatuses can ride to shoot down enemies everywhere. The masochistic, self-destructive drive has been totally externalized into group sadism toward the Enemy Itself: the "AXIS of EVIL". As if this were, or could be, an objective external reality. It was a phrase contributed to the group conversastion to go with "War" by David Frum, a Jew.
Point 4. of the template is the interface between individual citizen and collective American group dynamics, represented by transition along the diagonal from 2. to 3., carried by "9/11". It is a condition of profound ambivalence, uncertainly, with splitting-and-mixing of language for reality with that of fantasy and non-reality to come out with a metaphysical fact-value cocktail psychosemiotically similar to the chemicals that AIDS victims require to survive. It's as if America had delegated the War Wing (anti-) Patriots to treat everyone else as if the were infected by the deadly HIV AIDS virus requiring mega-shots of toxic medicine* each day even to survive.
The same self-punishing psychopathology played out in Hitler's Germany, as he pushed healthy moral masochism to the point of group suicide. According to Z-twist theory, this was built into their propaganda system by the Reichstag fire, so that predication of national unity on that basis necessarily ends in suicide. Pressing a lost cause to its ultimate end.
cover up whatever
2. False military fronting. General Petraeus, acting as torturer of the democratic system, his governing body, by carrying out the "Surge" of troop increase, reversing the '06 vote expressing the will of the people to pull them out. HE was converted into the Victim, instead -- by the heinous wordplay on his name by vicious Leftist military haters. As for Z point 3., He IS the posse comatus, the force armed with authority to act against Victimizers. What civilized Americans and the rest of the world are confronted with is a self-wounded Bull running amuck, getting pierced by Matadors throwing spears from all directions.
3. False (outsourced) patriotism.
A. Blackwater. (Eric) Prince of Darkness -- Richard Perle's old moniker. Mercenaries cheapening and reversing what the American military presence in a country stands for. Contractors, Americans and Jews are the forces occupying Iraq for Iraqis.
B. SITE sighted. Talk about EXPOSED (the cover-up of romano's misdeed). This 'story' broke day before yesterday (9.08.07), and is barely to be found anywhere today. Yet it goes right up there alongside Blackwater as patriotism, represented by key sensitive institutions, this time intelligence, has been out-sourced to special private interests and removed from oversight.
SITE is acrognomic for "Search for Terrorist Entities", a website at, advertising itself thus:
SITE Intelligence Group Monitoring Service
"By monitoring terrorist and extremist websites and penetrating password-protected Al Qaeda linked sites, SITE provides a state-of-the-art intelligence service to both practitioners and analysts to understand the adversary." - Rohan Gunaratna, Author, Inside Al Qaeda: Global Network of Terror (Columbia University Press)
Studying the primary source propaganda, training manuals, and chatter of terrorists offers insight into terrorists and their activities that can not be obtained anywhere else. Failing to monitor terrorist propaganda is a failure in intelligence. To fulfill this need, the SITE Intelligence Group offers its Monitoring Service, which provides numerous daily translations of terrorist propaganda and multimedia from primary source terrorist websites.
It came into the news complaining that (whoa) its confidential trundling of the last Bin Laden tape to the White House had been leaked to the Press before it was supposed to have been (whoa), thus causing this organization its backdoor secret link to Al Queda to be sacrificed. It had cracked into Bin Laden's own ultra secret on-line operation, allowing them to score the videotape -- first new one in 3 years, it was said. But now, that valuable source of information for the SITE's subscribers, apparently including U.S. agencies, is all gone. Busted up by the damned White House leakers, just like they did Valerie Plame's cover. It's a woman doing her patriotic duty thing again, too, Rita Katz, about whom:
. Rita Katz, Director and co-founder of the SITE Institute, has studied, tracked, and
analyzed international terrorists and their financial operations for several years. Since well before September 11, she has personally briefed government officials, including former terrorism czar Richard Clarke and his staff in the White House, as well as investigators in the Department of Justice, Department of the Treasury, and the Department of Homeland Security on the financing and recruitment networks of the terrorist movement. Many of her leads have prompted the government to investigate and take legal action against individuals and organizations suspected of ties to terrorism.
Before founding the SITE Institute in 2002, Ms. Katz served as Research Director of the Investigative Project in Washington, DC. Born in Iraq and a graduate of the Middle Eastern Studies program at Tel Aviv University, Katz speaks both Arabic and Hebrew with native fluency.
Listen folks, you couldn't make this stuff up, as the I-Man Don Imus would have said, if he hadn't insulted some nappy headed hos from Rutgurs. It is truly Bizzaro World Time in America. The White House denied 'leaking,' of course, which is simply a matter of using another word for what they did. ("Referred it to the appropriate agencies") Well, that would have been known to Ms. Katz. Where, exactly, did she get the tape? - and how was the CIA able to confirm its authenticity, as announced on TV? The tape itself seemed almost a parody of the Great Man talking (we never actually hear him, only a translator's overlay), as if it were a computer generated composit. Since the same sources that say it's not are those who have authenticated anything since 9/11 needed by the war faction for propaganda purposes, that must be suspected. Coinciding with Petraeus' betrayal, now known to have been perpetrated on America by the Freedom's Watch Jewishters -- with Congress getting arm-twisted to authorize attacks on Ahmadinejad and Iran (didn't take much) -- a background tape of Bin Laden calling for Americans to either convert to Islam or fear the wrath of Allah would be just what Dr. MC Rove might order, if he could manage it. Pushed that old Chialis Right Wing Surgers Big Erection spew all over Uncle Sam's tinfoil Top Hat. On On to Bomb Bomb Iran. Even if it doesn't happen, it will be the indelible history of this moment that these entities would do it, some with all their heart even prayed. .
4. (Split-off) False "values" pushers. The Craig fillets, winning pubic approval by leading the posse against what he is in secret. Also, the rabidly anti-gay but also flaming homosexual White House whore Guckert. And Ken Mehlman, ex-RNP chairman.
These publicly ally as friends with those who would condemn
what they do, and ally over against those those who speak out for it. (As if the 1. - 4. points on the Z were connected along a secret forward-slash diagonal; flipped over.)
5. Fake (self-) Hate crimes on campuses.
6. Right Wing Political hooters
A. -"Am I crazy, or are they?" T. Friedman...comment 9.7.07 on: "When Dana Perino, the White House Press Secretary was asked about a proposal by some Congressional Democrats to levy a surtax to pay for the Iraq war, and she responded: "We've always known that Democrats seem to revert to type, and they are willingto raise taxes on jus about aything,'" -- This is the voice of those who start wars, then joins with the posse comitatus to attack Rich tax and spend liberals (they become the victims when it is time to pay for what they have done.).
B. Same vein. Nancy Pelosi interview on MSNBS about Bush vetoes child health care bill: "How can you Democrats justify giving national health insurance to kids whose families earn $60,000?" Always playing the victims of "tax the poor to feed the rich" liberals. She replied "In some places, that doesn't go too far." "60,000 a year?" he repeated. Forget about the war nd Israel thay are prepared to spend a trillion and more on.
C. Sympathy for torturers. Alexander Cockburn's blog had this on it, regarding the secret CIA rendition torture interrogations
NThe New Yorker
Nazi officials complained greatly during the war about the psychological hurt and difficulties the SS concentration camp guards and sonderkommando killers had as a result of their jobs. No one in this world has any sympathy for them and their problems, then or nowadays either. Of all the manifold stupidities the CIA is shown committing in this article, the worst, the most obscene and the most unforgivable, is for its officers to come in front of us as they do in the article and ask us for sympathy for their and their coworkers' psychological problems
D. The Coming 'Stab in the Back' Campaign, featuring the Men in Uniform shown Coming Home In Time For Christman to deliriously jubilant (on TV) wives and children.
The Coming 'Stab in the Back' Campaign
Eric Alterman.
Having exposed their country to the ignominy of certain defeat in Iraq, the Bush Administration and its neoconservative allies are seeking to salvage their crumbling reputations by blaming their critics for the catastrophe their policies have wrought. We are witnessing the foundation for a post-Iraq "stab in the back" campaign.
The tactic--Dolchstoßlegende, which means, literally, "dagger stab legend"--is associated with attacks by German anti-Semites on Jews in the aftermath of World War I and is a familiar response for frustrated American right-wingers when reality fails to live up to their ideological fantasies. Following the inevitable collapse of nationalist China, unhinged accusations of a liberal conspiracy inside the US government that purposely "lost" China to the Commies ruled the foreign policy debate. Consider these words from GOP Senator William Jenner of Indiana: "This country today is in the hands of a secret inner coterie which is directed by agents of the Soviet Union.... [A] secret invisible government...[has] led our country down the road to destruction." The China lobby--the AIPAC of its day--tirelessly policed American politics to insure that no one with national aspiration dared recognize the reality of the Communist Chinese victory.
7. False Police protection (when they become threats):
A. woman driven to suicide in Phoenix airport holding cell. Protecting us to death. She screams "I am not a terrorist," immediately activating the imperative to treat her as such. (You expect them admit it?)
B. A 20 year old Wisconsin State certified Sheriff's Deputy cracks at being called "worthless pig", guns down six friends and colleagues. This is the same violent acting out of masochistic self-destruction, reversed to sadism externalized onto those he love who rejected and belittled him.
PART III. The problem of Moral Masochism
The Self-inflicted wounds of John City officer M.C. Romano are the hall-mark of America under suicide watch. (October 10. 2007)
JC officer's alleged false account raises racism concerns
Last Dec. 30, Johnson City Police Officer Matthew C. Romano radioed in to dispatch that he was watching a suspicious vehicle parked in Calvary Cemetery. He called again moments later requesting backup. When police arrived they found him lying on the ground, critically injured by two stab wounds to the abdomen.
The mysterious car -- a white Acura with no license plates -- was reported to have two men in it. The description of one man was quite detailed: a black man in his 20s, medium build, about 6 feet tall with dreadlocks visible under a kerchief tied at the back of his head. According to police, he was wearing a black, down-filled heavy jacket, and he wore a large, diamond stud in one ear.
This much contains the violent Self-Victimized/*_*/Fantasy Victimizer dyad which has become intrinsic to BizzaroWorld in America.. (New Flat Earth Society seeks members.) ("Dyads", as used here, are two-sided figures of speech, like "truth-value" for "true or false", or "handedness" for "right or left", etc..)
There is a take-out, or variable determinant, off the */FV side of the _, depending on how the Victimizer is fantasied in a particular case. "Black Dude with dreads and a diamond ear-stud driving an Acura, eh?" This leads the editors, concerned about community relations, to focus on the issue of race in Romano's fabricated Victimizer. "What does it say about us?" they ask, that this stereotype should be reverted to to get him off the hook. The answer is "Not much, really." Jeez. It is a pertinent point Acura owners and others who were incited-against ought to raise hell about, sure enough. But take a step back from this layer of fall-out. If he had said he was anally raped by a gang of militant jihadist Islamic lesbians it gets better, but what accounts for the terrible state to which he been reduced? That is the "What does it say about us?" question crying out to be addressed.
Beginning from the Self-Victim/* side of the
This can be shown on three parts. First, seeing the template of the act; Second, in several places; Third, psychoanalyzed and understood.
Picking up on (Note: The racism issue is a variable determinant, not essential to the general character of Romano's action as violent self-inflicted suffering. The answer to the bolden question below is: Yes, it does say something about us that the fabricated (assuming) VictimIzer in this case (assuming it is) is a black dude with dreadlocks and a diamond ear stud driving an Acura -- but not much not already known and dealt with. The larger, deeper issue is the turmoil inside the kid. Not: why would he have chosen this stereotype to blame? which is pretty obvious, however one feels about it. But rather: What explains the breakdown into violent self-destruction? It is recognized psychoanalytically that such tendencies do not originate overnight, and may lead to the ultimate point, suicide, for instance if Romano had died.
Now, America is clearly and distinctly suicidal, at this particular historical moment. The term was used by editors of the Press & Sun-Bulletin just recently for the 'gossip', as the President called it, of a planned attack on Iran. Virtually under way, according to Seymour Hersh, in last week's New Yorker. "As an American, and as Jew, I pray with all my heart that he does it," Norman Podhoretz avers.
The term is also turning up other places. "My opponents might be considering suicide," said Rep. candidate Mike Huckabee. The context of Drudge made it appear as if he were saying they ought to do it, bestowing momentary impetus to his message. Only to bland out upon learning only political death was meant. But it was a signal to/of a psychic atmosphere saturated by self-hate, self- loathing, self-punishment, suicide.
The shape of the letter Z, showing two parallel lines connected end-to-origin by the diagonal, can be used as the format, or template, for mapping the ingredients of a recurring complex situation. These ingredients, occurring as a crystallized identity of form in widely different and variable contexts, essentially include an instinctual twistedness, in the inner 'existential' side, this being manifest in behavior as abnormal 'defensive' attitudes and actions.
As such a mnemic/schematic device, the four vertices of Z may be designated as follows.
Let 1,2,3,4 represent the four points of 1.= beginning of the single connected line; 2. = the point where one direction ends, sharply bending to the diagonal; 3.= the end of the diagonal direction and sharply bending to make the lower parallel, ending at 4.
The template can be stated succinctly and informally
1. An act of self victimization (self-inflicted attack and/or suffering)
2. ...Blamed on a pre-selected Victimizer
3. --- --- Making the Fake Victim a member of an aggrieved posse comatatus dedicated to seeking down and punishing the Victimizer types (who, if they would do it in one case, would do it everywhere to anyone).
4. -- -- -- presenting the public, at the end point of this contorted preparation, confronting double- talking Sweet Reversers, guilty as hell of precisely what they punish others for.
That is the Z-Twist template, in succinct terms. At terminus 4., the public (us) confronts the work of duplicity begun at 1. (by the twisteds). 4. marks the interface between between individual and group self-reference, the space* where "we" converse about "our" country, America. It is characterized by double-talk, reversals, and the occasional double-double reverse negative thrown in as the logically degenerate psychosemiotic position of sign-use. This is the hallmark of throughly politicized discourse. Every utterance becomes either an assent or an affront, an affirmation or an insult to another's way of being.
After examining a range of instances illustrating, return will be made to further analyze the lines on this configuration.
The following is a list of items illustrating variations on the Z template.
1. False Flag operations. Paradigm: The anthrax poisoning, 1. making liberal U. S. Senators Daschle and Leahy victim; 2. making Muslims false Victimizer; 3. putting those in the law enforcement agencies (mainly FBI) in the role of pursuers; 4. confronting America with doubletalk bullshit "investigations", and (in the case of Richard Perle) continuing to blame Iraq.)
If 9/11 was an inside job, it would be THE biggest Z-twist in human history. And whether actually the case or not, it is built into the tokens*. First, "911" is the number you call for emergencies. It therefore represents Victim twice. Once, for each person who may be threatened in daily life. Twice, for the victims of the Terrorist acts on that date. It is a dyad, a text-token "double". Everybody observes this, I assume, but no one remarks on how remarkable it that such a historical juxtaposition of sign-uses has occurred. Every mental act running over these marks from now on much tacitly or explicitly around "danger", sense of threat, and "attacked/killed" applied to the thought of the poor people who perished in the airplanes and buildings that day. That's as good as having a picture of Bin Laden pasted on your touch-tone phone.
This takes the Z formation over to point 2., the Fantasy Enemy. This must also be a Duplex object in order to project the twistedness. It must look normal, even outstanding, in frontal appearance, but cannily perceived by the 'hip' to be just the opposite -- evil itself, incarnate. The frontal appearance is what perception identifies with; it is the libido-cathected content nearest consciousness. The enemy REALLY present in the picture, however, is added by the Victim-obsessed who 'knows' by inner perception (fantasy) what he sees. In actual fact, a Binghamton Press forum board poster argued that the mere PERCEPTION of Saddam Hussein having weapons of mass destruction justified attacking Iraq. This would be the psychic foreclosure, in Lacan's terms, passing down by the Z diagonal to point 3., where the posse comitatus takes charge.
This occurred when "war" was declared in retaliation for 9/11, rather than responding more effectively, with less grandiosity, by an effective international police effort to track external causes. But the pictures of 19 Arab "Terrorist" faces, the False Flag anthrax poisoning of liberal Senators Daschle and Leahy, picture of John Walker Lynde, "American jihadist" -- and, of course, lots of shots of Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein -- pretty much Slam Dunked the America Grieving TV public into supporting "war" -- if only on their own terrified emotions. This is the social continuation of the self-hate injected into the stream of communication at pont 1. Once "war" is declared (Not: that takes an act of Congress, Ron Paul stands alone preaching on the national street corner), the posse comitatuses can ride to shoot down enemies everywhere. The masochistic, self-destructive drive has been totally externalized into group sadism toward the Enemy Itself: the "AXIS of EVIL". As if this were, or could be, an objective external reality. It was a phrase contributed to the group conversastion to go with "War" by David Frum, a Jew.
Point 4. of the template is the interface between individual citizen and collective American group dynamics, represented by transition along the diagonal from 2. to 3., carried by "9/11". It is a condition of profound ambivalence, uncertainly, with splitting-and-mixing of language for reality with that of fantasy and non-reality to come out with a metaphysical fact-value cocktail psychosemiotically similar to the chemicals that AIDS victims require to survive. It's as if America had delegated the War Wing (anti-) Patriots to treat everyone else as if the were infected by the deadly HIV AIDS virus requiring mega-shots of toxic medicine* each day even to survive.
The same self-punishing psychopathology played out in Hitler's Germany, as he pushed healthy moral masochism to the point of group suicide. According to Z-twist theory, this was built into their propaganda system by the Reichstag fire, so that predication of national unity on that basis necessarily ends in suicide. Pressing a lost cause to its ultimate end.
cover up whatever
2. False military fronting. General Petraeus, acting as torturer of the democratic system, his governing body, by carrying out the "Surge" of troop increase, reversing the '06 vote expressing the will of the people to pull them out. HE was converted into the Victim, instead -- by the heinous wordplay on his name by vicious Leftist military haters. As for Z point 3., He IS the posse comatus, the force armed with authority to act against Victimizers. What civilized Americans and the rest of the world are confronted with is a self-wounded Bull running amuck, getting pierced by Matadors throwing spears from all directions.
3. False (outsourced) patriotism.
A. Blackwater. (Eric) Prince of Darkness -- Richard Perle's old moniker. Mercenaries cheapening and reversing what the American military presence in a country stands for. Contractors, Americans and Jews are the forces occupying Iraq for Iraqis.
B. SITE sighted. Talk about EXPOSED (the cover-up of romano's misdeed). This 'story' broke day before yesterday (9.08.07), and is barely to be found anywhere today. Yet it goes right up there alongside Blackwater as patriotism, represented by key sensitive institutions, this time intelligence, has been out-sourced to special private interests and removed from oversight.
SITE is acrognomic for "Search for Terrorist Entities", a website at, advertising itself thus:
SITE Intelligence Group Monitoring Service
"By monitoring terrorist and extremist websites and penetrating password-protected Al Qaeda linked sites, SITE provides a state-of-the-art intelligence service to both practitioners and analysts to understand the adversary." - Rohan Gunaratna, Author, Inside Al Qaeda: Global Network of Terror (Columbia University Press)
Studying the primary source propaganda, training manuals, and chatter of terrorists offers insight into terrorists and their activities that can not be obtained anywhere else. Failing to monitor terrorist propaganda is a failure in intelligence. To fulfill this need, the SITE Intelligence Group offers its Monitoring Service, which provides numerous daily translations of terrorist propaganda and multimedia from primary source terrorist websites.
It came into the news complaining that (whoa) its confidential trundling of the last Bin Laden tape to the White House had been leaked to the Press before it was supposed to have been (whoa), thus causing this organization its backdoor secret link to Al Queda to be sacrificed. It had cracked into Bin Laden's own ultra secret on-line operation, allowing them to score the videotape -- first new one in 3 years, it was said. But now, that valuable source of information for the SITE's subscribers, apparently including U.S. agencies, is all gone. Busted up by the damned White House leakers, just like they did Valerie Plame's cover. It's a woman doing her patriotic duty thing again, too, Rita Katz, about whom:
. Rita Katz, Director and co-founder of the SITE Institute, has studied, tracked, and
analyzed international terrorists and their financial operations for several years. Since well before September 11, she has personally briefed government officials, including former terrorism czar Richard Clarke and his staff in the White House, as well as investigators in the Department of Justice, Department of the Treasury, and the Department of Homeland Security on the financing and recruitment networks of the terrorist movement. Many of her leads have prompted the government to investigate and take legal action against individuals and organizations suspected of ties to terrorism.
Before founding the SITE Institute in 2002, Ms. Katz served as Research Director of the Investigative Project in Washington, DC. Born in Iraq and a graduate of the Middle Eastern Studies program at Tel Aviv University, Katz speaks both Arabic and Hebrew with native fluency.
Listen folks, you couldn't make this stuff up, as the I-Man Don Imus would have said, if he hadn't insulted some nappy headed hos from Rutgurs. It is truly Bizzaro World Time in America. The White House denied 'leaking,' of course, which is simply a matter of using another word for what they did. ("Referred it to the appropriate agencies") Well, that would have been known to Ms. Katz. Where, exactly, did she get the tape? - and how was the CIA able to confirm its authenticity, as announced on TV? The tape itself seemed almost a parody of the Great Man talking (we never actually hear him, only a translator's overlay), as if it were a computer generated composit. Since the same sources that say it's not are those who have authenticated anything since 9/11 needed by the war faction for propaganda purposes, that must be suspected. Coinciding with Petraeus' betrayal, now known to have been perpetrated on America by the Freedom's Watch Jewishters -- with Congress getting arm-twisted to authorize attacks on Ahmadinejad and Iran (didn't take much) -- a background tape of Bin Laden calling for Americans to either convert to Islam or fear the wrath of Allah would be just what Dr. MC Rove might order, if he could manage it. Pushed that old Chialis Right Wing Surgers Big Erection spew all over Uncle Sam's tinfoil Top Hat. On On to Bomb Bomb Iran. Even if it doesn't happen, it will be the indelible history of this moment that these entities would do it, some with all their heart even prayed. .
4. (Split-off) False "values" pushers. The Craig fillets, winning pubic approval by leading the posse against what he is in secret. Also, the rabidly anti-gay but also flaming homosexual White House whore Guckert. And Ken Mehlman, ex-RNP chairman.
These publicly ally as friends with those who would condemn
what they do, and ally over against those those who speak out for it. (As if the 1. - 4. points on the Z were connected along a secret forward-slash diagonal; flipped over.)
5. Fake (self-) Hate crimes on campuses.
6. Right Wing Political hooters
A. -"Am I crazy, or are they?" T. Friedman...comment 9.7.07 on: "When Dana Perino, the White House Press Secretary was asked about a proposal by some Congressional Democrats to levy a surtax to pay for the Iraq war, and she responded: "We've always known that Democrats seem to revert to type, and they are willingto raise taxes on jus about aything,'" -- This is the voice of those who start wars, then joins with the posse comitatus to attack Rich tax and spend liberals (they become the victims when it is time to pay for what they have done.).
B. Same vein. Nancy Pelosi interview on MSNBS about Bush vetoes child health care bill: "How can you Democrats justify giving national health insurance to kids whose families earn $60,000?" Always playing the victims of "tax the poor to feed the rich" liberals. She replied "In some places, that doesn't go too far." "60,000 a year?" he repeated. Forget about the war nd Israel thay are prepared to spend a trillion and more on.
C. Sympathy for torturers. Alexander Cockburn's blog had this on it, regarding the secret CIA rendition torture interrogations
NThe New Yorker
Nazi officials complained greatly during the war about the psychological hurt and difficulties the SS concentration camp guards and sonderkommando killers had as a result of their jobs. No one in this world has any sympathy for them and their problems, then or nowadays either. Of all the manifold stupidities the CIA is shown committing in this article, the worst, the most obscene and the most unforgivable, is for its officers to come in front of us as they do in the article and ask us for sympathy for their and their coworkers' psychological problems
D. The Coming 'Stab in the Back' Campaign, featuring the Men in Uniform shown Coming Home In Time For Christman to deliriously jubilant (on TV) wives and children.
The Coming 'Stab in the Back' Campaign
Eric Alterman.
Having exposed their country to the ignominy of certain defeat in Iraq, the Bush Administration and its neoconservative allies are seeking to salvage their crumbling reputations by blaming their critics for the catastrophe their policies have wrought. We are witnessing the foundation for a post-Iraq "stab in the back" campaign.
The tactic--Dolchstoßlegende, which means, literally, "dagger stab legend"--is associated with attacks by German anti-Semites on Jews in the aftermath of World War I and is a familiar response for frustrated American right-wingers when reality fails to live up to their ideological fantasies. Following the inevitable collapse of nationalist China, unhinged accusations of a liberal conspiracy inside the US government that purposely "lost" China to the Commies ruled the foreign policy debate. Consider these words from GOP Senator William Jenner of Indiana: "This country today is in the hands of a secret inner coterie which is directed by agents of the Soviet Union.... [A] secret invisible government...[has] led our country down the road to destruction." The China lobby--the AIPAC of its day--tirelessly policed American politics to insure that no one with national aspiration dared recognize the reality of the Communist Chinese victory.
7. False Police protection (when they become threats):
A. woman driven to suicide in Phoenix airport holding cell. Protecting us to death. She screams "I am not a terrorist," immediately activating the imperative to treat her as such. (You expect them admit it?)
B. A 20 year old Wisconsin State certified Sheriff's Deputy cracks at being called "worthless pig", guns down six friends and colleagues. This is the same violent acting out of masochistic self-destruction, reversed to sadism externalized onto those he love who rejected and belittled him.
PART III. The problem of Moral Masochism