Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

My Photo
Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Saturday, July 26, 2008

McCain DECEPTS in Bethlehem (Pa.)

McCain DECEPTS in Pa. (July 23, '08)


McCain credits Bush for drop in oil price

WILKES-BARRE, Pa. (AP) - Republican John McCain on Wednesday credited the recent $10-a-barrel drop in the price of oil to President Bush's lifting of a presidential ban on offshore drilling, an action he has been advocating in his presidential campaign. The cost of oil and gasoline is "on everybody's mind in this room," McCain told a town-hall meeting.

This illustrates what psychosemiotics labels the DECEPT formula : show up, read their minds, deliver attack on opponents, exit

Attack procedure:

A. Arouse strong disapprobative force: "what's on everybody's mind -- price of gas" (cf. "pain at the pump")

B. Split the aroused anger response between two opposing sides, including 'yours' (the speaker's: => good, Republican) first; vrs. 'theirs' (=> bad, Democrat) as blamed opposition.
(This works largely through 'we' identifications among the speaker and audience members; why they showed up.)

C. Link justification for blaming 'them' to some alleged fact. (Ex.: Bush's off shore drilling proposal caused $10 per barrel drop in oil.)

That's it. Questions or comments? -Off to Bethlehem (Pa)


It is always the factual ambiguity, predicating on questionable assumptions, that tips off a DECEPT.

In three-brain analysis, this is brain 1 content, and the fact that it can be weak to off-the-wall absurd shows how little any thinking or reasoning goes into the campaign process, at all, relating to the national life. The facts are never considered in their own right (as in: "Wait! let's stop and consider whether Bush's proposal eased oil prices!" "-whether anti-Vietnam war protestors weakened POW morale", another of his claims). The motive force derives from brain 3, to deliver an attack on the opponents. Thought processes are rung in as little as possible, since they invariably slow down and confuse the movement the snake brain is programmed to make efficiently, if given full head-brain cooperation.

Brain 2 is present as the dis/approbative factor, what is pleasing and not in considering the two sides split apart. The campaign stop is, after all, an 'appeal' for their vote. The vote, itself, expresses a double* bond, with negation: bonding whoever actually does it by the act of doing so; while, at the same time, each opposing side negates the other's position. Every election process is always an attempt to bring the Soul, as an autonomous unity of process, into political partisan opposites over some issue of mammalian interests.

The flip side of the spurious brain 1 information content elaborates the motive further. James Petras,

points out that gas prices soared in the first place when, and surely partly as the result of, "Zionists and their allies in Congress authored, implemented and enforced sanctions against Iran". This blocked the worlds biggest oil and gas company from doing business there. Again, "Israeli war exercises and public declarations threatening a massive air assault on Iran" threatened to disrupt the Strait of Hormuz shipping and sent petroleum prices spiking to world records. Israel's perception of 'existential threat' from Iran's nuclear program causing Americans pain at the pump. uh ... Few things more highly disapprobative and 'enemy'- sounding than that. Cut. Paste: Democrats blocking Bush's off shore drilling which brought partial remedy. Result: DECEPT (Wilkes-Barre).


McCain says surge began before Bush's order for troop increases

06:49 AM CDT on Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Associated Press

BETHLEHEM, Pa. – Republican John McCain pushed back Wednesday against Democratic criticism that he misstated when the troop buildup ordered by President Bush began, saying elements were put in place before Mr. Bush announced the strategy in early 2007.

He told reporters during an unscheduled stop in a supermarket that what the Bush administration calls "the surge" was actually "made up of a number of components," some of which began before the president's order for more troops.

At issue are Mr. McCain's comments in a Tuesday interview with CBS. The Arizona senator disputed Democrat Barack Obama's contention that a Sunni revolt against al-Qaeda combined with the dispatch of thousands more U.S. combat troops to Iraq to improve security there. Mr. McCain called that a "false depiction."


This was an altogether odd, even bizzare campaign tidbit. But as an event in TokenSpace, a DECEPT, it bespoke volumes.

First of all, it was an unscheduled stop in Bethlehem. That had to have been arranged because of its symbolic resonance. Barack Obama had arrived in Israel from Jordan the day before with pictures of him in a Yarmulka praying at the wailing wall in Old Jerusalem, calling Israel itself a "miracle." The PR impact of this message was enormous. Moderates around all sides on the oceans were greatly empowered.
As if it had been anticipated, McCain materializes, speaking from inside a grocery store, in front of the cheese section, just down the verbal road to Christ's birthplace itself: Bethlehem (Pa.). The impact of this, on me, was jaw dropping. So it was on Keith Olberman who wondered aloud whether the old guy would make it much longer out there on the hustings.

The oddity only begins with this mythic synthronicity, no doubt arranged so as to communicate according to the tokens rather than the texts. No advance notice was given that he was coming, only one reporter reading a scripted question about his misremembering the time- line of the so-called Surge and the Anbar Province, 'awakening' in Iraq. This was, and remains, a virulent issue between the two sides since Obama had voted against it and McCain for it in early '07, and the ongoing premiss of all who oppose troop withdrawal -- as mandated by the '06 vote -- is that it was a "success", and it's being so justifies having reversed the will of the people and contradicted democracy.

Speaking extemporaneously, but from pre-scripted
talking points, he explained that the term "surge", used throughout the MSM, is military shorthand for "counter insurgency" operations, such as begun in Anbar against Al Queda and the Sunni insurgents. It is an issue especially sensitive to him, because he has an inside line on how things have gone. In the first place, he had spoken personally with Colonel MacFarlane and learned that the 'Awakening' in which some Suuni tribal leaders switched sides against al Queda, the beginning of the surge had begun then, in December '06. Secondly, when the time came to support the increased troop levels with funding, he had had to buck some powerful members of his own party who wanted to block the plan. He stood out as one of Bush's most vocal backers.,2933,250214,00.html
"WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans tried to rally support Monday against a non-binding resolution that if passed would amount to a no-confidence vote on President Bush's Iraq 'surge' plan.
The top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Sen. John McCain, slammed the resolution and its supporters as wrong and intellectually dishonest.

"I hope they keep in mind that this is fundamentally a vote of no confidence in the people that we are sending on this mission in harm's way. We are telling them, 'we support you but we believe your mission will fail. We don't believe what you're doing,' " McCain said.


This is, in fact, the consistent position. He's got that to hold over the head of the half hearted. Never mind that NOONE defends the mission, as originally drawn, and are hard put to define it, now, in any terms that were not rejected by the 'o6 vote to get out. Now that the surge has proven successful, he can wag his finger, raise his voice, and call them would-have-been losers. So long as the Iraq war issue is framed in terms of Surge Success, he has an invuncuble argument. If It wins, he wins; twice; and they lose.

This is the ambiguous information stage of the DECEPT. Is the surge a success? Did it "work"? Cite evidences, please.

If you say "yes", you will the Hallelulah chorus, led by the spectrum of NY Times Jews from David Brooks to Tom Friedman. Brooks even finds something redemptive for Bush in it.


The Bush Paradox

Let’s go back and consider how the world looked in the winter of 2006-2007. Iraq was in free fall, with horrific massacres and ethnic cleansing that sent a steady stream of bad news across the world media. The American public delivered a stunning electoral judgment against the Iraq war, the Republican Party and President Bush

Expert and elite opinion swung behind the Baker-Hamilton report, which called for handing more of the problems off to the Iraqi military and wooing Iran and Syria. Republicans on Capitol Hill were quietly contemptuous of the president while Democrats were loudly so.

In these circumstances, it’s amazing that George Bush decided on the surge. And looking back, one thing is clear: Every personal trait that led Bush to make a hash of the first years of the war led him to make a successful decision when it came to this crucial call."


John McCain needs to wake up and smell the Arabic coffee

I know this is not an easy time for him. When you have been beaten up for four years because of your support for the Iraq war, and then you get something big right — your support for the surge — you want to be able to savor that for a while. You want to make your rightness on that issue the issue of this election.

McCain was right about the surge. It has helped to stabilize Iraq and create a better chance there for political reconciliation. But Iraq has always been a story full of surprises. And one of the most important political surprises is how quickly the surge has made Iraq safe for Barack Obama’s foreign policy — and for the election policy of the Iraqi prime minister, Nuri Kamal al-Maliki.


Such is the Received Opinion. Across the board. So strong it is, in fact, that John McCain is on Sat., 26 am TV having surged, himself.

"While Obama was wooing and wowing 'em overseas, McCain has risen in the polls. He may be popular over there, but back home is where he will have to win the votes, and the polls show he hasn't closed the deal." It's as if First, there was 911 (followed up by the false flag anthrax poisoning episode), then Second, there was The Surge of '07. Now the Republican presidential campaign has gone back, as is their custom, to insert a slight technical adjustment. It is part of what you say to yourself -- "the surge is in there" -- when you see and think of the fine work our counter insurgent soldiers do. Having The Military Man, McCain, sock puppet this into the historical narrative is the Snake-Brain/Head-Brain DECEPT link. The MSM will now be obliged to stop!, rethink; tone down the Viagra -Surge jokes; ..and examine whether or not they, themselves, honest hardworking Jane's and Joes as they are, and put in the unfortunate positions of bringing forth a public grammar, didn't really secretly want to see troops dying for nothing and America defeated, like liberals do. The Fox News TV spot showing The Man looming large, head on, square jawed, repeating again the line that the Surge's success, "which no reasonable observer now denies" validates his judgment establishes that this IS the line the Republicans will run on. Their term of bottom line nitty gritty patriotic approbation.

McCain's insertion of its token into the stream of discourse, embedded in a longer term of military use, installed a processing loop in the space of shared communication wherever the subject is later touched on. This is psychosemiotic revisionism, a key elementin group mind control (more below).

A look back at the history of the Surge's use 'wires around' the loop. When it was first trotted out in January and February of '07 as the One Word Reversal of the sense of the '06 election, launching one of the broadest and most extensive political advertising campaigns of all time to back a war strategy that had been demonstrably rejected by official democratic vote, no one could take it seriously, at first, except the ones inside who faced choices. It didn't take a PR expert to see that the term 'worked', psychosemiotically, through what can be called 'the tittilation factor' -- recently confirmed as one of America's psychological plagues by the Pope, btw.

The name connotes a laundry detergent, constipation relief, erectile disfunction remedy, surfer's ocean tide -- and, if you go with it, "support the surge?", you "support the troops." Who is going to vote against a Troop Surge? It just doesn't sound right.

--And THAT is the name of the right wing political reversal game: use inserted terminology for your mental processes to loop through that will bring up a latent self-contradiction, so that you will be contradicting something in yourself if you deny THEIR predications. If you are one of those who would have "voted against the surge", you are one of the sillies who would deny themselves little indulgences and eschew glory on the battlefield, in addition to.dragging down troop support. You are no doubt a hypocrite who secretly makes love (brown paper bag, internet porn style), not War, unwilling to even defend your right to enjoy all that concupiscence. John McCain leads the "At least let's be honest" pack. Who never are; its just the final (Reversal Squared) way of continuing the dishonesty.


McCain's stop in Bethlehem (Pa) amounted to psychosemiotic revisionism. An effective buzz word, with bathroom associations, is first introduced as a principle designator in a publicity campaign designed to reverse a deep, wide, profound group sentiment, (A brain 2 content shared by individuals: war revulsion.) Next, this word, recalled from that context of use as a designator, still carrying its blinky and confused political associations, but given a refined, quasi-technical use by one authorized to speak as a cohort of such things (brain 1), is applied to a situation calling for decision and action ('closing the deal') (brain 3).

This is the situation that 'we', the public, are left with. In order to decide and act, by voting, we are required to use the language of the campaign,This has now been corrupted by specially designed designators, disambiguated by approbations. What is meant is not fixed, but 'waggles' in the consciousness where the political alignments committed to one way or another pervades the processes. Put bluntly: the language has become politicized, so that even to communicate in the election discourse is subjects oneself to psychic manipulation and possible sanction. Since all such means of deception contradict the very premise of democracy as free vote by informed people, this re-looping of "The Surge" through brain 1 (quasi technical thought-meaning), over* memory content of brain 2 (political approbative polarity), in the service of brain 3 (with the decision to attack Iran hanging in the balance, to agree 'the surge is a success' is to go with the flow of snake brain satanism.


The Surge is Jewish Freedom's Watch is Orwellian

Ari Fleisher Freedom's Watch/ AEI coterie

A. Back in '07
Big Coffers and a Rising Voice Lift a New Conservative Group

Freedom’s Watch, a deep-pocketed conservative group led by two former senior White House officials, made an audacious debut in late August when it began a $15 million advertising campaign designed to maintain Congressional support for President Bush’s troop increase in Iraq.

Founded this summer by a dozen wealthy conservatives, the nonprofit group is set apart from most advocacy groups by the immense wealth of its core group of benefactors, its intention to far outspend its rivals and its ambition to pursue a wide-ranging agenda. Its next target: Iran policy.

Next month, Freedom’s Watch will sponsor a private forum of 20 experts on radical Islam that is expected to make the case that Iran poses a direct threat to the security of the United States, according to several benefactors of the group..

B. Surge Protectors - later

Late this summer, just as American political armies were squaring off over the next, and likely last, act of President Bush’s Iraq War policy, a new pro-war group called Freedom’s Watch announced a $15-million ad buy over several months in key states. The first ads featured soldiers who had been maimed in Iraq but stood by the cause of a global war on terror. Political observers said they were targeted at the districts of Republican congressmen who were going wobbly on the war....

The Jewish press offered a different take. “Pro-Surge Group Is Almost All Jewish,” reported the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, the lead wire service for Jewish news. Four out of five members of the Freedom’s Watch board are Jews, and half of its donors are Jewish. The JTA quoted one of its directors, Matthew Brooks, saying this was strictly a “coincidence.”

Bring Them Home, don't be fooled again

C. Now '08 => McCain
Freedom's Watch may spend up to $250 million in 2008 election
By Bill Berkowitz
Online Journal Guest Writer

Feb 12, 2008, 00:14

President Bush has been to Las Vegas nine times since he was first inaugurated, but last Wednesday was the first time he ever stayed overnight in Sin City. He and his aides (and the traveling press corps) did so in luxury, staying at the Venetian, the palatial casino resort run by Sheldon Adelson, the chairman of Las Vegas Sands Corp. and a big force in GOP and philanthropic circles. (He is part of the money behind Freedom's Watch, the conservative foreign policy group formed as a kind of counterpoint to liberal groups like Adelson and his wife, Miriam, were in the loading dock at the Venetian Thursday to greet Bush and jumped into his limousine to ride with him to his speech sponsored by a conservative think tank.

After the speech, Adelson -- who was at the White House in November for the official dinner for French President Nicolas Sarkozy -- hosted Bush at a Nevada GOP fundraiser at his home in the Tournament Hills gated community. A Nevada GOP official would not provide figures for the total take. -- Michael Abramowitz, in the Washington Post, February 4, 2008.


Monday, July 21, 2008

Three Brain Theory of Sign Use

Illustrated, with applications to psychohistorical group process

Classical locales

in TokenSpace

1. Socrates

-as a Silenus: "...only his outer casing, like those little figures've only got to open him up to find him full..." (Symposium).

as Marsyus the satyr (pan) "..can get just the same effect without any instrument at all -- with nothing but a few simple words, not even poetry...staggered and bewitched."


Socrates devoted his entire life to 'tendance of the soul'. This is total devotion of brain 1 relating to crowning the reality of the upper part of Brain 2 with its knowledge. The power of this life work's force is real, beyond measure in the reality of brain 3 world, still felt when contacted. This is the manifestation of a coated higher-being-body in Gurdjieff's system, as I understand it.

2. Direct self observation gives the standard philosophical divison Processes of thought using signs (cognition); processes of feeling (connation); processes of bodily movement (motility). (Mind, soul and body)

3. The three term series of cumulative word order -- movement, expression, speech -- can be used, together with though/observation experiment, to demonstrate the three brain function.

Let these three words be posted on the diagonal inside a 3 column, 3 row matrix of 9 squares, as in a sudoku section:



Body movement
Speech is the finest grade of expressive movement.
Expression is the finest grade of body movement.
Body movement is lowest in the descending order of presupposition; first in the ascending order of actuality.

In order for a body movement to be an 'expression', as clapping hands in approval expresses the sentiment of appreciation, an inner quality is required to distinguish the movement as "expressive", as opposed to merely behavioral. Lacking such an inner determinant, the body movement 'acts out', or mimics expression. I take the existence of this word, with its function observable by contrast, to be a demonstration of the effects of brain 2. Higher grade expressive body movement is with the nimble and differentiated extremities: limbs, fingers, facial contortions; and the larnyx.

Speaking, as in the expression of thought or passions, is the highest grade expressive body movement, manifesting an additional inner factor distinct in kind from merely expressive consciousness and unique to thought. This the cortical-capped head brain (usually called "the brain") without which there may be sound-mouth movements, but nothing said. A body movement identical, in the lower motility apparatus, to the process of articulating ideas and propositions in verbal discourse -- except lacking the function of the head brain thinking.

With these relations spelled out, the numbered slots can be formally completed by referring to contectual parameters, as follows.

speech => (2 Text/Token) => (3 Quality/Quantity)

(4 per-/illocutionary force ) < =

<=> -expression <=>

(6 Brain 2<=1 arousal)

(7 voluntary/involuntary movement) < =

(8 limbs (fine) / torso (gross))

<= body movement

can be formally completed in contextual parameters by:

Elaborations. 2. text and token are the two conjoined constituents of actual sign use -- a particularized meaning-energy unit.

3. Quality and quantity, intensive and extensive magnitude (Kant), are the two metaphysical determinants of content of consciousness under sign-use (communicated by S*). "x is a content of consciousness under S*" in analyzed schematic form is: S*(ql, qt). These three constituents of each content of consciousness correspond to the three brains: intellectual, mammalian, reptilian.

4. John Austin's distinction between the perlocutionary and illocutionary force of a speech act follows functionally from expression on its way to getting spoken. Illocutionary force is the information, or 'truth value', communicated by S*. This is related to 2., text and token, following the order of descent. Perlocutionary force is the primary, pre-linguistic expressive movement from which interest on fact, and science, breaks away and becomes linearized in systems. It is thus the ambiguously polarized "booming, buzzing confusion" of infantile life, in William James' terms; the flow of content of consciousness as a phenomenal totality, including its pictures and words; the polymorphous perverse source of all textual content.

6. This makes explicit the hypothesis of two separate processing centers, or "brains", are actualized in the speech act communicating a content of consciousness blending arousal of the moving brain 1 of the soul brain, 2. This 'yielding' supplies the necessary preparation for Expression, 5, to carry over to brain 1 speech.

7. Voluntary movement is subsumed under S* used for moral judgments ("I couldn't" cancels "you should have"). Non-random involuntary muscle movements of the most basic instinctual origins are: A. struggle-to-escape (survive), imprinted by the trauma of birth; B. The orgasmic reflex at the climax of maximally pleasurable sexual conjunction. The extreme psychic vulnerability of the person in regard to B., if it is experienced with the open, swollen lubricity required for orgasm reflect to engulf consciousness, edges the "Turn loose and go with the flow" attraction with danger, and fearfulness. Birth trauma and any sexual or emotional abuse are collaterally aroused.

8. The overall skeletal-muscular movements differentiated into anatomical locales is the first derivative of. The infant batting the butteflies on a jungle jim hanging above his crib is grooving hand-eye-impulse ('desire') coordinated neuron paths.

9 Body movement: a hypothetical totality of material energy expended in activating body functions in general. Exists only metaphysically, as it were (compare alchemical 'prima materia'). Lacks any apriori determinations except "off" and "on" at any given switch point.


Analysis of other S* linked phenomena using the 3 brain hypothesis

1. Classroom teaching-learning situation. "Sit down and be quiet." Sitting down (while remaining alert; cf. Buddha meditation positions) shuts off the impulses arriving at the head brain responsible for responding to perceptual stimuli as danger or prey. "Get quiet" (Shut The Fuck Up) similarly cuts off the mechanical flow of process of moving lips, tongue and larnyx in ways that create distractions for unimpeded brain 1 activity, which is to grammatically connect experiences through S*. Generally speaking, the two lower brains are put out of commission, or narcotized, to allow higher level language operations to occur, without which the quality-quantity content of consciousness would lack unity and coherence. This would be the rationale for gender-segregated education in the lower grades.

Again, speaking in over-all terms, the gathering of young adults together as students on college campuses, most typically seated and taking notes in classrooms; contining the regime of teacher-communicating with -listeners; is structured objectively along the same hierarchical lines. The only distractions being 'aides' (visual, ornamental, staged, etc.) introduced into the classroom situation to supplement the textual subject-matter. Relationship of members of 'the class' to each other through brain 3-2 content is incidental to the goal of distributing pre-packaged units of brain 1 material, and may exercize strong tacit control over the process ("he's out of order! personal stuff.") without ever being mentioned per se (although it can be). Social relationships between members of faculty, staff and students of a University has a different center-of-gravity than that of other groups, and is given its own name, 'collegiality.' Special activities textually designated "sports", "performing arts", are devoted to exercise and development of brain 2 and brain 3 functions, to promote a collective spirit of collegiality. This is encouraged in theme-dominated universities, especially those of religious heritage that previously assumed brain 1 learning was compatible with its theology and (in the case os some -- Catholic, Jewish) even thought to flow deductively from it.

2. Psychotropic drugs

The term 'consciousness' is required as a single designator for that which is the inner unity of the continuity of wide variety of contents of consciousness under sign-use as "mine." This most particularly includes self-awareness in altered states; ritualized ('acting out') behavior, including group chants, mantras, as well as 'scrambled' impulses, ideas, desires, approbations, other processes. (cf. What Alice saw on the wall in her 'fall' (<= mental ascent) down (up) the rabbit hole. I suppose experences of "getting high", along with 'tripping', are among the most widely shared, alluded to, confessed and described events in human biography today; typically -- as with the sexual orgasm -- talked about in heavily metaphored, pricked-up steet slang, among the libidinized cohorts and black hip-hop music. ("Grass 'n ass girls" NY co-eds are known as in So. Carolina, I know for a fact; this doubles altered state- orgasmic predication, activating all three brains.) After the fall of Tim Leary as pop drug cult hero, gettin' high continued apace as a preferred state-mood of consciousness for many, while integration of its expressive language in common parlence, up to and including political, theological and collegial academic discourse, is lacking-to-non-existent. The subject is generally avoided at the meta-level, except via jokes, sight-gags, ventriloquism, sock-puppetry and the like.
These are the result of flow-of-process through different brain centers on the stage of consciousness.

The following are 'moments' empirical phenomena from my particular self-observation, but verifiable through everyone's, in so far as it obtains objectivity by the three brain hypothesis.

1. Altered States

"Getting high" is a polar opposite of "getting stoned", with respect to Brain 1-2, vs. 3 dominants of consciousness. The boost in blood-enriched energy is distributed through the system according to the individual biographical flow of process. In general, the more trauma-abuse connections in the neural loops, the more the effects of smoking marijuana will tend toward getting stoned, rather than getting high. The turgid, territorial, but highly present-to-itself alert to brain 1 consciousness is brought back from eons past, happiness is Being Here Now contentedly sunning on a hot rock by a cool stream. The mental altitude (from G.) connoted by "high" is the position of consciousness as a totality 'looking down from On High". This is a reversal, an exchange of places in the infant experience of 'looking up' into parental eyes, later understood as 'looking back at me'. Thus, psychodynamically, "high" can bring exchange of places between child and parent, eliciting self-judgment, but more importantly, endangering consciousness with inflation - secretly 'gnosed' group identity, joining in God Almighty Patriotism in extreme Fuhrer worship. When this happens, mercenary stoners will shoot out the WatchTower Head Lights on the ocean. But if it connects Brain 2 (upper part) to Brain 1 (upper part), it loops out Brain 3, except for the libido converted by sublimation from eros to agape. This re-traces the Socratic loop, on the textual side, and enlarges to 'the Jesus trip' on the token side. Socrates* and Jesus" particularize the same highest content of Brain l and Brain 2, respectively. The destiny shaped by the karmic feed-back of their flow of process was roughly the same: they reflected what was behind the mask of Group-inflated identities.

2. Altered Functions

Chief among the effects of altered states on functions concerns memory, A. Recall memory of emotionally saturated scenes may be enhanced, revivified, replayed, re-enjoyed, in sequences of signs that are brought together in an altered state. This would be the mark of the functioning of another brain -memory, associatively attached to a present ql./qt. enhanced content. Like opening up the inner side of the experience; 'known' by having been lived through, as proved by the vivid recall, but not 'as such' -- without being assembled as a totality 'photographed' by the soul brain. B. Short-term memory lapses, so called, are temporary disconnects of information and impulses arriving at head brain junctions engaged in other processes. Getting high can un-wire habitual danger-signal response (as in "Freedom" -- Richie Havens), making IT a threat to objectivity feigned as group threatening snake brain discourse.

3. Politics and the War On Consciousness
Contents: There-Then// Here -Now Spinning, spanning

The supreme psychological challenge of the period following the 60's blow-out was how to deal with the smattered mercurial droplets of Old Father American consciousness the group was called upon to absorb.

The major narrative line is: "Conservative", as the Brain 2 catch-all of right-wing, pro-war resistance, much of it located as a sympathetic sentiment in the South, morphs* into the "neo-conservative" take-over. The psychohistorical pivot was the 80's.

<= Jewish-Catholic convergence

Nixon and the War on Cancer (AIDS seed strewn in Africa)
-Leary: the politics of consciousness
-Reagan: The Great Reverser -- The Contras
-Bush Father - Gulf War I
-Bush Son - Gulf War II: Iraq The Neocons

McCain - resurrected by the Dead to rule Living.

4. Unmasking The Joker


-The disfigured face behind the painted white/red mask.

-On the inner side, nothing except what reflects
the other side of the conscious psyche, after it knows how it appears epitomizes the unspeakably twisted, loathsome ugliness, and all sympathetic soul content has been wiped out except grinning laughter at similar manifestations in others when elicited.

G. speaks of the delight taken by hasnamuss individuals in seeing shock register on other's faces. Cf.: children wanting to shock parents; boys frightening girls to get sex; clowns and dress-up bogeymen; Charles Manson's terrifying 'family' simulacrum perpetrating abominations to particularize the shared right-wing group-fantasy of60's soullessness (actually their own, standing convicted of the sin of the Vietnam massacres forever). The Joker is what laughs at and mocks any pretense you are one iota different from It -- that you 'have a soul'. That particular mask, as if some inner goodness underlies your insatiable desire for instant gratification of whims, is what the joker takes great glee stripping off.

Stripping the good-guy mask off America was a process definitely proceeding apace July 18f. as context and atmosphere of Morris' Mosaic prouncement. Microphone gaffs by a black men about wanting to cut another's nuts
off -- serious Black in America stuff there (CNN Sunday). Wrong email White House buttons punched to send notice that al Maliki had backed Obamas pull-out plan in Iraq, which he at first Did in a Die Speigel interview, then Didn't, later stating he had been misquoted. HEHEHEHEHEHE
And here is a NYTimes artlcle declaring a shift in U.S. policy in talking to Iran, contradicted by Sec. of State Rice declaring the policy was basically in place, no talks until they stop uranium enrichment; meanwhile, contacts that have been going on, whether called 'talks' or not, get a new face HEHEHEHEHEHE .

Stripped of its "Mr Good Guy" mask would accurately describe what has happened to U.S. foreign policy in the Mid East and S.E. Asia. America The Harlequin.

-In Afghanistan, the story was finally breaking in the MSM -- though soundlessly -- of how Al Queda and Osama Bin Laden were originally aided by the CIA, organizing attacks on the Soviets in Chechnya, during Wm. Casey's tenure under Reagan. The spirit of jihad was instigated among Muslims, many from Pakistan, and the Taliban became the religious repository of this spirit.

Another grotesque mask close to getting shredded by bringing back the CIA-Pakistan ISI link from this era, two decades later, is the globally televised beheading of Daniel Pearl, after saying "I am a Jew." This is a particular strain of the most abominable form of 'Jew hate' . The name and prestige of Omar Sheik Mohammed, who had been used as a CIA asset in the Serbian-Muslim war, wining recognition as a young, charismatic freedom fighter, later coming under the control of the ISI, was smeared with this anti-human, ghastly video. Later information surfaced that it may well have been a DECEPT. If so, if one dares to flip the image over on its other side to see what the mask hides... the torn-out page of a Protocols of the Elders of Zion script...?

Meanwhile, the situation along the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan, all reports say, is lost. The record of U.S., 'Nato' and 'coalition forces' bombing and killing civilians, plus use of Drone missiles to kill from the sky, adds to and amplifies the previous duplicitous conduct in the '80's to make Americans hated in that region of the world, to the maximum limits of human detestation. Musharaff is gone. Among the officials of the new democratically elected government, only the hard-core ISI man from the old days, who knows the territory and is probably linked with Omar Sheik, will even meet with U.S. delegates. And he is actually prized BECAUSE he is a master manipulutor.

One senior C.I.A. official, recently retired, said that of all the foreign spymasters the C.I.A. had dealt with, General Kayani was the most formidable and may have earned the most respect at C.I.A. headquarters in Langley, Va. The soft-spoken general, he said, is a master manipulator.

“We admire those traits,” he said. .

Harlequin America, ruled by intelligence-counter-intelligence agents whose task it is to outwit the other, and get paid enormous sums to do it, with massively lethal punishments pending for failure. Opium for the people, and religion, too.

The 3-Brain theory is of particular use in organizing the booming-buzzing, polymorphously perverse content of experience, in these ways:

1. referential unity, a core situation repeatable as a whole under a name-token assigned for its recovery.
2. Through the unity of content of the three brains, a continuity of consciousness surveying them altogether as a 3-brain totality.
3. Narration based on personal participation is added to the recall-loops
4. Generalizations in thought along otherwise entirely independently constellated routes of process
5. Particulizations: The effect of DECEPTS on the flow of process through brain 2 is to particularize the general 'psychic atmosphere' in TokenSpace in percept-memory loops externalizing inner situations.

And this is Batman's America. Helpless before Hollywood's joker. Something as eternal about the universe as it is, standing outside and mocking human consciousness, re-looped now into the narrative of the psychohistorical bloodstream to particularize what it is brought to.


The Sword of the Lord and Gideon


Published: July 18, 2008

Li-On, Israel

Using Bombs to Stave Off War

ISRAEL will almost surely attack Iran’s nuclear sites in the next four to seven months — and the leaders in Washington and even Tehran should hope that the attack will be successful enough to cause at least a significant delay in the Iranian production schedule, if not complete destruction, of that country’s nuclear program. Because if the attack fails, the Middle East will almost certainly face a nuclear war — either through a subsequent pre-emptive Israeli nuclear strike or a nuclear exchange shortly after Iran gets the bomb.

Indicatively Predicated:

"Israel's coming attack on Iran."

This is the planted Brain 1 content. This wording was actually used in a Huffington Post blog commenting on Morris's article. The illocutionary force of "Will almost surely attack..." is only a shade less emphatic than "will surely". Whatever attention deserves to be paid to this man's prognostications applies y unmistakably here. He expects Israel to attack Iran,

"is justified by self-defense"

'Justifications' are addressed to Brain 3, to answer "Why?", with linkage to the "we" bond of identification: "...just as you, anyone, all are instinctively compelled to do when threatened. We have no choice."

This link allows the snake brain to come in. The destruction threatens not just them, but all. "It is in the interest of neither Iran nor the United States (nor, for that matter, the rest of the world) that Iran be savaged by a nuclear strike, or that both Israel and Iran suffer such a fate. We know what would ensue: a traumatic destabilization of the Middle East with resounding political and military consequences around the globe, serious injury to the West’s oil supply and radioactive pollution of the earth’s atmosphere and water."

"slim message of hope"

The positive raison de etre for this over-the-top outrageous performance, however, if it has one, would be the weak appeal to Brain 2: "Iran’s leaders would do well to rethink their gamble and suspend their nuclear program." No one expects that. But Morris can say they were given every opportunity to relent. According to his metaphysic, dominated by brain 3, the militant Iranians must want want to get destroyed

"everybody loves/hates little/Big Israel"

That ultimate twistedness -- that Iranians, if not Ayrians in general, get their jollies out of the unconscious idea of Israeli's bombing them up the ass -- his unconscious thought -- is not missing:

"Given the fundamentalist, self-sacrificial mindset of the mullahs who run Iran, Israel knows that deterrence may not work as well as it did with the comparatively rational men who ran the Kremlin and White House during the cold war. They are likely to use any bomb they build, both because of ideology and because of fear of Israeli nuclear pre-emption."

This explains why he knows they would use a nuclear bomb: they would be fools not to. The Huffington Post blogger called this certainty of his "metaphysical." It belongs to his version of reality itself: "Nonetheless, Israel, believing that its very existence is at stake — and this is a feeling shared by most Israelis across the political spectrum — will certainly make the effort. Israel’s leaders, from Prime Minister Ehud Olmert down, have all explicitly stated that an Iranian bomb means Israel’s destruction; Iran will not be allowed to get the bomb."



Foisting False Frenchism as nEuro tonic.

Published: July 17, 2008

Op-Ed Columnist

France on Amphetamines

.......Old and settled in its ways? I think not. America’s first lady may love her man, but not like this. France has stepped out of hibernation on amphetamines.

Now we have another beautiful singer, who happens to be his wife, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, strumming these lines to him on her new album:

“I gave you my body, my soul and my chrysanthemum/ For I am yours/ you are my lord, you are my darling/ you are my orgy/ you are my folly.”

But this man is a tonic to his country and the most important European leader of his time.


Common sense sources say that this is hype; the French living room, street and acadamies greatly dislike-to-detest the entire charade of French Jew le 'amour personification, and are insulted no end by the post-modern new age kitch, or whatever it is supposed to be, pandered to New York- London-Madrid-Berlin-world audiences as public image tonic. It's like stale Seltzer, at best. But with Cohen selling it, can it all be snake oil?

Sarkozy and wife particularize the titilation factor, as McCain particularizes the sacrifice redemption. These are major brain 2-3 processing loops. Perception of the connubial pair supplies constant titilation, a reminder that they might have just tumbled out of the sack to do this TV photo op for you, like John and Yoko did. At the same time, John McCain 's presence flashes "War Hero" on the mammalian Brain 2 screen. "War,", acting out blood cleansing sacrifice of Id-impulses to Kill the Father by slaying the innocent Lamb that latently contains them, is the prime birth-trauma token template common to all born of a human Mother. "Hero" is always the fantasy warrior defeating the Poisonous placenta to release (deliver) the unborn fetus from its choking, squeezing, overpowering, alive and writhing entrapments, as in the story of Marduk slaying Tiamat's champion Klingsor, and her, to release the original children from the sea monster's belly. (Sumerian myth) The political juxtaposition of Sarkozy and McCain, therefore, particularizes the conjunction of birth and sex, as internal strata of opposites, externally in grouo-historical TokenSpace. The sex-reptilian brain 3 is carrying out an attack on brain 1 processes by titilation of the lower part of brain 2, to substitute saving their seats of pleasure for coating the higher being bodies of soul. What is called 'narcissism', sexual love of the body through the mirror of its reflection in the original mother's eyes, is part of this reptilian re-looping.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Applications (of Decept anal.)

2. Application

(of Decept analysis to S* in the current historical context)

A. Texted: By Scott McClellan.

McClellan's revealing new book, What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception, has gone through the roof, hitting #1 on Amazon less than a day after The Politico broke the news of its "explosive revelations," including McClellan's assertions that the Bush administration used "propaganda" to sell the Iraq war; that the Bush administration had not operated with "candor and honesty" about "rushing to war with inadequate planning and preparation for its aftermath"; that Karl Rove and Scooter Libby met to "get their stories straight" about PlameGate, and "had at best misled" McClellan about those stories;

Decept terms: (further specifying the grammar)

Propaganda -- "used 'propaganda' to sell the Iraq war" Any instance of that, such as fabricating, exaggerating, or not vetting evidence of threat from Saddam Hussein's regime, would be a decept.

Dissembling -- "..had not operated with "candor and honesty'" "Operating with" is a psychosemiotic metaphor. It implies a general mental attitude, orientation or 'mind-set', in colloquial terms. These correlate with the factors of positionality of (individual) consciousness and 'place' (locale) in TokenSpace. They are conditions not squared* in particular "look, now he's doing it!" decept- moments, but are part of the on-going process you have to deal with in talking to them. Expressions like "There he goes again," said by Reagan of Carter, capture typicalities, rather than instances..

Misleading -- euphamism for lying; implying a scale "at best; at worst" of decept- potency. Cf "Plamegate" as a big media instance,

Chief elements: intent to deceive; motive: to 'get over', remove abstruction, avoid punishment

B. On The Token side

1. Polling the predicate.

What do poll numbers communicate when the predicate is disambiguated by dis/approbations?

Ex. Actual poll reported 7.16 "on the candidates patriotism": "Who do you think is the most patriotic, McCain or Obama?" (70 -27%) (MSN)

One who had seen the CBS poll numbers showing virtually the reverse on a number of issues would be naive not to see this as an almost reduction ad absurdum instance of a question designed to produce the numbers, rather than the numbers responding to any important electoral difference. Another example of the same sort came along minutes later. "Who do you most trust to handle the war in Iraq?" This was narrower, McCain 65%, Obama 30's.

What stands out here is that the predicates "patriotic" and "handling the war in Iraq" are dis/approbatives, eliciting pro and con impulses. Since 'patriotism' is approbative, going in, the contrast "more" or "less" calls for ranking in terms of approbation, or goodness, on the part of the one responding. Yet the grammar of the question, assuming 'patriotism' stands for a quasi-objective scale, like "more" or "less" athletic (or reasonable, etc.), disguizes this subjective response as an 'opinion'. Such subjective identification is, in fact, included in the second example lead in: "Who do you trust...?" This form of sign use addresses the soul-brain directly. The palm-upheld hand of the Egyptian Goddess Ma'at conveys this mode of address also. The predicate/referent, "...(to) handle the war in Iraq" again has only approbative, not descriptive meaning. Like "change", it will befall whoever the next president is willy nilly, so the question "who you trust most" asks for nothing but who you approve, or "Who would you vote for? -- the psychosemiotic tautology tacit in the subtext of all approbatives. The point of the grammar is to try to make them appear objective, not individual and subjective, thus imprisoning the person(s) in their own group-looped pseudo-objectivity shared by others on the same basis (mutually agreed metaphysical titilation).

There is a Brain 3- Brain 1 factor affecting Decepts. It is becoming clearer that, as essentially involving the good-bad Brain 2 functions, their essence is to substitute the approbative -- what is desired -- for textualized Perceptual content, whereever possible (the pleasure principle). The meme for this is "having your cake and eating it too." The 'evidence' for a proposition judged to be true, 'holding' for a segment of reality it is about, will tend to be disambiguated in favor of the desired. Otherwise put: people will tend to seek and accept evidences that support what they want to see as real, and tend to avoid and object to evidences pointing in the other direction. This Freudian metaphysic is even rational for the case of believing in God, according to Wm. James famous argument in The Will To Believe. The main problem Brain 2 has with this unrestrained Brain 3 (Id) dominance of conceptual consciousness however is that it does not sublimation. There is a kind of oxygen the soul-brain requires to differentiate and coat the higher being body growing within it. When the signs attached to completion of the soul function in the group substitute for the higher level signs of the individual's completing totality; and when, in addition, the signs of unity for the completing totality of the group -- America, in this case -- have been falsified, text for token for text...; then: two intersecting Decepts* have been installed in the processing schema, affecting the soul of the nation and the nation's citizen's souls. These act as kundabuffers to re-loop the sacred energy striving to reblend into a whole.

This the psychosemiotic effect of the surge of polls. First 'focus groups', featuring hand-held devices that register shock reactions to words and phrases in advertisements. On top of these, effectively narrowing the psychic bandwidth of media communications, come polling results, further defining the terms of agreement and disagreement. Taken in as information, the percentages align the Brain
3-2 reactions through the intellectual (Brain 1) level as 'opinions', directed by Brain 3 interests by group-synchronic approbation. Adaptation to this as flow of group-process sustained by the human psychic apparatus merges personal psychic identity with national psychic identity. This is Jung's analysis of the psychic "inflation" of Nazi Germany.

It is a closed metaphysical loop of snake brain reality.



What stayed in the Jungles of Colombia and Vietnam?

Value is the noun form of the good-bad distinction;that is, the square of the dis/approbative per se. It is grammatized as if it were a 'something', an 'it' manifested in whatever was contrast as good or bad, as an objective basis, like white or black color. Economist speak of "the value of corn (oil, commodities and services)", tacitly adding 'in today's marketplace', or some other disambigating standard. Without such an addition, implying an objective standard to which judgments are explicitly or tacitly referred, it becomes a pure approval/disapproval indicator. Since the phrase "good values" is a psychosemiotic tautology, the second term texting what the first tokens, and "good" is the token particularizing approbation itself, the introduction and use of the word "values" in discourse, by itself, will disambiguate textual content (under the sway of the pleasure principle) according to what the user subjectively approves. The phrase "bad values" is not a logical self contradiction, as long as 'values' is used as a neutral term for opposites; but it is is a conjunction of brain-processing opposites that tends to collapse an untenable and self-refuting "not: good is a value" content.

It is well known that many who call themselves "conservatives", politically, also often refer to themselves as "values voters." When it comes to politics, they vote (on, for) values. That's it. They are also wont to speak of 'principles', deciding issues on a generalized rational basis, as opposed to ad hoc, temporary inclinations or 'pragmatism' (not taking the easy way out, regarded by conservatives as favored by 'liberals'). This gives them token alignment as "conservatives" for the MSM. (compleat with "bases": Bush's, neoconservatives, McCain's).
Conservatives tend to be values voters. This is a political fact; it was verified by exit polls in Ohio 2004 election, which tilted Republican and gave G.W. Bush capital to bomb Falluja. The metaphysical question to be raised is "what's the standard?" And the degenerate case of converting a situation in which there is none, only a feigned objectivity, into one worshipped FOR THE SAKE OF its duplicitous falsehood. This is what "conservatives" have come to mean by "values vote" Unprincipled use of "principle"; reversal of the approbative-disapprobative polarities by "values", rounded out by an array of Theological Decepts (see* section) designed to crystalize particles of false soul -- their values, text, are just the reverse of the objective value tokens that gave the sign-uses meaning. And that is why they are used.

A glittering example of this degenerate case duplicity occurred during the staged rescue of Ingrid Betancourt, and other hostages, held captive by anti-government Colombian guerillas. This 'story' is a major DECEPT event, mirrored (as in another brain consciousness) a classical
token of itself: using the RED CROSS sign to disguize partisan intent. This was not announced until a week later then only on BBC, quoting the President who was no doubt pressured into admitting it, then did so in terms impossible not to construe as intendedly deceptive. ("Just one did it, in violation of strict orders."). This 'sting' strategy, in which lethal opponents "dress up like", or pretend to be, members of a militant group in order to betray it, was evident, again, in a second behind the scenes firgure referred to as "the turncoat" who hooked up the pro- and anti-government arrangements at the highest levels. This would surely have included contact with John McCain who was serendipitously present during the July 4, Birthday Of Our Nation commemoration. Both she and he, of course, are globally famous for having survived 6 years in enemy* (*key anti- 'values' ambiguater) hands.

The Archetype of these tokens is unmistakably Judas Iscariot, old New Testament version (before the recently announced discovery of a 'Gospel of Judas'). He was "13th" disciple, of a different cosmic order than the 12, according to the recent text. But the scriptures always speak of him as standing apart, different, not one of them as a circle, but associated. The new text counts him related to Jesus as friend-like, or colleague. The new version of the sell-out is, Judas was doing Jesus a favor, helping him shuffle off the mortal coil to pander some neoplatonic obsession he picked up as a Nazarene. One can see how some might want to keep the spirit of a guy like that knocking about.

The old Judas was the essence of the disapprobative, as psychological opposite of group of group-approbation in general. Jesus and the 12 disciples is the Archytype of the Completing Totality "as above", the Soul-unit constellating content in the Upper Triad (S*7,6,5). The New Testament Judas attached himself to this circle, was counted by others as one of them, shared their experiences, secrets, and ceremonies ... but always as one who would betrayed them. When the time came to take advantage of knowing both sides of the situation, he would be the one to act. "Go do what thou must." In the event, Gethsemane, where the DECEPT went down, he betrayed him with a kiss.

The kiss is a token of love, a Good on the scale of Christian Values disambiguated to the qualia of Brain 2 flow-of-process. The Archetypal conjunction is unmistakable: The Judas kiss uses a token of physical love, eros, as a Decept, to mask, and redirect the metaphysical flow-of-process toward the Token of higher love, agape,

To take advantage of the approbation the Red Cross spontaneously elicits for the care it brings, deceives like a Judas kiss.

The process as a whole unfolding historically in these fields-within-fields-within ...of TokenSpace can also be thought of as: subversion of the Being-Agenda of the Completing Totality ("God's plan for humankind", in Christianity)

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Asymptotic Apocalypse


--Sliding "End Times" Bookends forward
-4000 => 2000 => 0 => 2000 => 2008 =>

THE WEEK THAT WAS (That was ...)

THEN -- the zany Rowan and Martin TV Laugh In Companion
NOW -- Friday, June 13. 2008

Tim Russert's sudden untimely death
<= Reagan's Hermes <= a Sacrificial Son of patriotic Buffalo, New York

Flag Day
Father's Day
II. TWTW-ENDTW (That was the weekend that was.)

Memorial Day <= honoring the military dead, Veterans
July 4th -- Independence day Saturday

<= "Whose Is Little Alex?" - mother refusing to surrender son to surrogate Father-war leader. NYTimes article, commented on by Dave Rossie's Sunday column, who notes both Bill O'Reilly (Catholic) and Willian Kristol (Jew) took heated exception to the sentiment. Like Cindy Sheehan, it represents instinctual female shielding the ones she raised to be something more, from the male war culture. The Good Mother Archetype is turned against the Military Father Archetype, taken up on either side (L or R) by Jews and Catholics. They agree in throwing mothers under the bus, letting them raise little Alexes as they want until it comes time to snatch them for Afghanistan/Iraq duty.

<= The entirely remarkable (daring, audacious, impeccably planned and executed) rescue of Ingrid Betancourt and 11 hostages from the Colombian guerilla group FARC. Her personal story uncannily matched John McCain's: 5-6 years spent in captivity, he as a result of fighting in his Father's War (literally, as son of the commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet), she as the result of fighting in her Mother's war -- just as literally, taking Yolanda Betancourt's work as caretaker of hundreds of poor, orphan children in Bogata, to the streets, then into House of Representatives and from there running for President. She had asked for audience with FARC, ostensibly trying to broken a deal wereby they renounce armed opposition to government control. She had received numerous warnings not to continue, chants of GET OUT! GET OUT! raising against her. It is evident from any survey of her biography that she is a Militant Daughter, carrying forward to the point of self-sacrifice for the Larger Cause of birthing a new Colombian ideological movement. The fact that she pursued this to the point of virtually provoking capture, for exchange of prisoners, is the karma of that formation manifesting as destiny. (this is an esoteric 3=> 4 process)

<= John McCain is physically present, not at her release, but in Bogata, conferring with a government official who had been a FARC captive.

If Betancourt's karma led her to the destiny of a daughter's imprisonment by over-much Mother idealization, McCains karma led him to the destiny of a son imprisoned by over-much Father Idealization. They are matching karmic destiny tropes, from opposite gender as well as political sides of the pole. She is Leftist Liberal Do-gooder, composite Tikkun olam Jew, Jesuit Catholic, 60's Civil rights activists in the 60's South, and French leftist. He is Right Wing patriotic war hero, anti-60's to the point of vacuity except for what he was told; friends via his Father's links to the global Military industrial complex, right wing Catholics and neocon Jews. Both karmic destinies were constellated around non-American, old-world old-religion identities against enemies not indigenous to us. The gender-Parental Archetype reversal, matching and aligning them as Western captives released from communist-socialist prisons, shows that what is common in the will to resist alien, barbaric enemies is stronger than the liberal-conservative domestic politics that divides us. Or so the mythic Matrix texture would print out.

There is just one problem, the nigger in the woodpile as grandaddy Sid would say. That is the truth about McCains P.O.W. record. That comes down to the issue of whether his behavior was dishonorable. There exist documented testimony -- he can call it lies or not -- that he received preferential treatment, including Soviet medical, while collaborating extensively with the enemy for propaganda as well as hard information purposes. This would be after they learned he was the son of the Pacific Fleet commander. His karmic destiny is so tight it brings even his father and the enemy into a political linkage, if one did not already exist. This would not matter so much, or call in condemnation, if the step weren't taken to parlay the mystique of the untold story into political capital. But that is exactly what is occurring, full court press. After returning from the Colombia trip and shaking up the campaign staff, McCain's team produced a newly edited biopic TV ad starting off with him as a young man in smart Navy Pilot uniform, split screen with loathsome hippie-looking 60's slackers on the left side. Then he is shown like a blood-drained cadavar strapped to a lorry, but only to .... emerge in the next scene hale and hearty and ready to cut the presidential cake, much as Ingrid Betancourt. It is Sacrificial death-and-rebirth of the Good Son, juxtaposed to lurid kissing/fondling multitude of sinful deviates.

An "Honest John" McCain would be bound to acknowledge and respond to Douglas Valentine in Counterpunch "McCain is not some principled leader, not a maverick cowboy fighting the powerful. He’s a sycophant. He believes in nothing but power and will do anything to attain it. He explodes in anger when challenged because, when a criticism hits to close to home, it goes to straight his deep-seeded shame."

Honesty requires he address address the subject of his deep seated shame as source of his notorious short temper. ("Somewhere in the unplumbed human part of John Sidney McCain III, he knows his POW experience contradicts the war hero image he projects. This essential dishonesty, this lie of the soul, is a sign of a larger lack of character.")

To McCain's backers: now that you know, you must re-choose. If he does not confront this, as it seems clear that he will not (nit picking negativists, McCain haters, extremists, ..; every great man has his detractors...), you are left backing a double talking turncoat, a sows ear the media has turned into a sick purse.

The Big Glitch of the 60's, reversing who was an American patriot and protested the war, versus who merely followed orders of the Fatherless sons who fought for Nixon, played out in the Big Glitch of '08. The over-determined Father-Son relationship in the McCain family is a compensation for the lack of it, at least in fantasy, in the student hippie hoard. Their rebellion was of course seen in Freudian Oedipal terms by right leaning social psychologists (Bellinger). This avoided facing up to the social issues the war raises. In reaction to their perceived, and often real anti-Authoritarian, right wing Daddy please-ers sprouted up everywhere in the 80's and picked up on 'rebellion without a cause' as a foil to taunt radicals with still in use today.

Some of the early 70's stuff McCain would have seen the baby boomers wearing when he emerged from cativity could not help strike him as bizarre, clownish and effeminate. Downhill the country must certainly have seemed to have gone Bow ties appear on George Will, Tucker Carlson; deep voices doing news, manly men up front ... came back in style. A run on actual man ass itself came later, in the 90's, morphing into barely repressed fantasies of male homosexual rape of robed Arabic men in head dresses, deconstructed at Abu Ghraib. Followed by Brokeback Mountain, and Willy Nelson's startling "Cowboys are Often Secretly Fond Of Each Other (..'whadyu think all those saddles and boots wuz about? ..)" The theme of Fatherless Sons emerged from Nixon's presidency, re-constellated under Reagan with generous help from His own (Catholic) (see L. deMause's Reagan's America); B. neocon Jewish reconcilers; C. anti-Jimmy Carter reaction.