Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

My Photo
Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Thursday, October 30, 2008


image (<= dream replay of alternate brain content)


- IMAGINATION The inverted Y. Brains 2 and 3. Soul and Snake, send signal energy to Intellectual Brain 1 consciousness by way of sense experience. It (Brain 1) works in the present through what is given in re-presentation by words and writing. (Exodus 20.4).

Thus Descartes split imagination off from intellectual grasp of reality as not providing 'clear and distinct' ideas. What color words recall to consciousness, apart from the visual sensation, for instance, is, at most, a slice of a spectrum of hues. This is fundamentally John Locke's rejection of "abstract ideas" as the basis of knowledge: there wasn't anything 'there' (in 'experience') on the tablet if the tokens giving the signs a claim to momentary sense content were removed. David Hume then asked about the idea of "idea" -- as if were a word that stood for a tokenless text, or the for text of all tokens.

Imagination can re-arrange the tokens to satisfy one brain while the intellect arranges them according to an entirely different text. The "seeing" of "Palin", for instance, as Isis, or as Madonna through transpersonal imagination of "woman". (And what "I" am, who is one.)


This distinction in words marks the contrast between Brains 2 (=Right) and 3 (wrong) as will controll sanctioned by the intellect. "Moral Choice" is the decision of which brain to follow as guide, but it can only be made consciously through the soul brain. The snake brain merely acts. The 'choice' to ignore morality, to "go amoral," is the permission to let torso-instinct rule the situation. ("Cut loose", as in 'go gonads' in fighting; complete the act of intercourse or killing. This is the Freudian Id, recognizing no constraint on the pleasure principle except force; also, the totality of impulses he later called death instinct.

Just as the distinction exists apriori, prior to acts OR judgment, so the choice between Right and Wrong has already been made tacitly, prior to application to particular cases. This would be through an inner inclination of the will toward Soul or Flesh. Whichever way it goes, the snake brain will manifest as the force of 'righteousness': Saintly or Lustfully.

In metaphysical terms, "right and wrong" are a duality for Brain 1 processing, distributing S* over the totality of human acts, reflecting the distinction between itself, as such, and the two Brain processes it spans and mediates. "This is right (Ex.: not killing)" vs. "That is wrong (Ex.: wanton killing)" are exercises of the Soul brain; the other wouldn't care. "Morality", as a (constructed) Unity, then, is a contender in the realm of Duality that arises derivatively from attribution of moral distinctions to personal acts. The logic of this relation is given in Thoth's saying: "The Contention is One against the Two; whilst it flies away, they try to hold and detain it. But the victory of both is not alike. For the one hasteth to that which is good,the other is a neighbor to the things that are evil."

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

US Foreign Policy end-game contradictions

FOREIGN POLICY -- end game contradict

-failure across the board in the Middle East

1. Syria - calls U.S. cross-border helicopter raid 'terrorist aggression'

2. Iraq - agreement and signing of security pact held up by demand that U.S. not use Iraq territory to attack neighboring countries.

Very hot anger against American occupation. December deadline on authority to remain fast approaching.

The Kirkuk-Kurdistan split with Baghdad is in end-game. G.W. Bush has press conference with pesh merga leader this a.m. expressing solidarity. They have been steady U.S. allies, but the Sunni want them out of Mosul. Basic agreements on splitting the oil revenue have not been reached.

Meanwhile, Gen. Raymond Ordierno has presented Iraq 'leaders' with an 'inventory detailing the collapse of the Iraqi security services if (U.S.) forces were pulled back to barracks." To which "'Iraq' (?) has demanded the negotiation of a security agreement with America which would authorise continued US combat operations against terrorism until 2011."

Thus with relations to the Sunni fraying, Al Sadr getting restless, and mounting rage in the streets against against them, the war forces from the first pull another end-run stunt around the on-going legitimate processes by looping Ordierno and unnamed Iraqi's into a 'demand' to stay. This are contradictory currents; buth cannot be sustained. It is the outcome of the fraudulent "Surge" policy, which reversed the results of the undisputed mandate of the '06 national election, to get out. It never 'worked' except for paid stooges, hustlers, media mouths and ZOG-gers (agents of U.S. Zionist Occupied Government).

3. Pakistan summoned the U.S. ambassador and issued a formal protest and harsh condemnation of the most recent cross-border raid that hit a religious school in South Waziristan, killing 8, with 20 more killed by drone aircraft. The story there is one of rising anti-U.S. hatred, shielded against only by the old ties with Musharraf, ISI and whoever controls the nukes. This also looks like an end-game scenario, playing out the contradiction between demanding democracy and practicing control.

4. Policy toward Afghanistan conradictory:

A. "The US is considering official talks with the Taliban in a major policy shift to stem the surging violence in Afghanistan ans Pakistan,: (UK Telegraph)

B. 20,000 U.S. troops sought for Afghanistan
By Ann Scott Tyson

October 29, 2008

WASHINGTON – U.S. commanders in Afghanistan now believe they need about 20,000 additional troops to battle a growing Taliban insurgency, as demands mount for support forces such as helicopter units, intelligence teams and engineers that are critical to operate in the country's harsh terrain.

This can only be described as an end-game contradiction. "Talk talk! Fight Fight! became the policy in Vietnam.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Old Virginia

Post to the NYTimes

In Defense of White Americans

Published: October 25, 2008


Frank Rich's complaint about Republican appeal to "real Virginia", is simultaneously A. not sharp enough; B. not sensitive enough.

A. In logical terms, the charge should bring a counter-charge, in kind. Official political application of a common term to only a preferred fraction of those it rightfully designates, on the basis of considerations opposite to the common ground of reference -- real Virginian citizenship -- is a self-condemning misuse. It is a text-token reversal; the meaning contradicts the name. (Pivoting off an inserted approbative, like "real", "true" "patriotic".)

This condensation is useful, because text-token reversals illustrate a self-contradiction in their users; guilt for dishonoring the approbative. In other words, Anti-Virgian; Anti-American; anti-Patriotic applies to their linguistic hijackery. Rich needs to face that. There can be no unity and no bipartisanship with self-haters. They have made reconciliation logically impossible by their sign use.

Second: What of old Virginia? One can see F. Rich's soul sweating not to show blackness, defending us old White pot bellied geezers from all that. But no thanks, yankee. "I'm not fighting for the Confederacy," Lee said. "I'm fighting for Virginia." I don't think a lot of the Time's readers can understand what that might still mean, and I don't mean "macaca", but it can mean "not Obama" without being racist. Frank Rich seems to have little grounding in what it is to be American. I wonder what he did during the Vietnam war.

And with McCain/Palin demonstrably anti-American, that leaves the text x token Square, American's America, vacant.

— Sid Thomas, Binghamton

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Contention


(from the Divine Pymander)

"...for the contention is of (the) One against Two,
whilst it flies away,
they strive to hold and detain it.
But the victory of both is not like,
for the one hasteth to that which is Good, but the other is a neighbour to the things that are Evil;
and that which is Good desireth to be set at liberty, but the things that are Evil love Bondage and Slavery.”
The Divine Pymander of Hermes Tresmigestus. tran. D. Everard

Refutation of Republicanism

A. The political contention between the Right (Republican) vs. Left (Democrat) over America bears out this description. The One is what "America" stands for as a unity: the concept; idea; linguistically distributed terms of authorized use from each citizen to all government officials. Tokened in documents, oaths, wars. Both of the Two claim to represent that Unity in what they stand for.

B. "whilst it flies away..." -- the incessantly flowing process of intra- and extra-psychic interactions mediated by living communications: America ever on the wing..

C. "They strive to hold and detain it." Other translations connect B./C. with the suggestion that One resists being bound by Two, interpreting "flies away" as "straining against".

D. There follows the central teaching if the Contention, The victory of both is not like There is a real difference between what would exist under Republican America vs, what would exist under Democratic America. This holds as regards continuity with the past, the present flow of process, and for latencies determining future potentialities.

E. This next is hard. Everybody is willing to follow the Great Pymander until this part:
"...for the one hasteth to that which is Good, but the other is a neighbour to the things that are Evil."

This does not say one (of the two) IS Good and the other Evil. The opposition between these is presupposed, the way that the opposition between 'straining to be free' and 'holding onto by dividing' is presupposed in stating the contention between One and the Two. The opposites "hasteth to that which" vs. "neighbour to things that are" posit a psychic polarity of: attraction to the Good by one side's One, vrs. neighborliness with things that are evil on the other.

F. " that which is Good desireth to be set at liberty, "

Desire toward the Good is toward liberty. This urgos (direction of the will) restates the completion of the One unbounded. It is the Democrat party that restates this completion of America in each individual.

G. " but the things that are Evil love Bondage and Slavery.”

Here is where the Republican party does the metaphysical flip-flop. It's coated version of America has delivered the McCain/Palin ticket in 2008, completing the Orwellian circle, 24 years after 1984. The things of Bind and enslave the soul will be disguised as things loved as the Good. It is the possibility of this Reversal -- of Evil for Good, however Good is defined if it implies liberty -- that the Divine Pymander leads us to see. Republicans cannot, dare not, and will never set anything at liberty. Such talk is what they call "dangerous", possibly requiring constraint and sterile handling.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

And, Or and And/Or

'AND', 'OR' and 'AND/OR'

The Logical Origins of "Anti/Semitism"

This essay is a psychosemiotic analysis of the brief, two-sentence paragraph below, to show (demonstrate), by text-token analysis of communication, how present psychohistorical process has come under the control of Unconscious Group-Fantasy solidarity with Israel, with American identity absorbing their contradiction.

The analysis is offered as self-evident, intuitively grasped. But at the same time, it is theoretically grounded in a formal-syntactical metaphysics of Sign-use, by a further interpretation of the psychosemiotic constants* (*terms occurring in all contexts of analysis of contents of consciousness under sign-use). These are used here, though elaborated further elsewhere.

As a general philosophical preface, it may be noted that, logically pursued, this leads to a causal explanation of the process. By generalizing the causes that produce individual S*- tokens. as content of individual sense-consciousness, intra-psychically translated into S* text, content of thought.

The principle of analysis is: The metaphysical context of communication is the interface (conjunction, bond of unity) of individual and group consciousness by S*, taken causally as token, logically, as text. It follows from this that individual intra-psychic processes involved in causally translating localized tokens into common, logically shared text are the actual determinants of content of group communication.


People of the Button
by Peter H. Schweitzer

"In my experience, the most obvious way politicians try to woo Jews today is to demonstrate their support of Israel and to appeal to long-held social values. The less obvious way is through, well, political buttons. "


If the connective "and" is replaced by "or" in this context, to accommodate questions that immediately arise by conjoining these intrinsically opposed alternatives, an alter-universe of discourse unfolds as conscious content through S*.

"In my experience, the most obvious way politicians try to woo Jews today is to demonstrate their support of Israel OR to appeal to long-held social values. The less obvious way is through, well, political buttons. ..".

The use of "and" rather than "or" shows how the contradiction that defines an entire epoch of humanity, in the West, created by conjoining the Old and New Testaments of the Bible into one Book, can be texted over (buried, covered up) in a single S*. This is possibly the most condensed, extensive, comprehensive, twisted two-sentence S*-performance that has ever occurred.

To see this it is sufficient to note the radical opposition between politicians who "woo Jews" by demonstrating support for Israel, and those who "woo Jews" by appealing to "long-held social values". These two classes of politicians in the current situation are pro-war/conservative Republicans vs. anti-war/liberal Democrats opposites. War-favoring, conservative politicians, ex. McCain, woo them by predicating U.S. foreign policy on defense of Israel whose apologists insist acts strictly in its own interests. War-opposing liberal politicians, ex. Kucinish, woo them by advocating homosexual and abortion 'rights'.

This opposition within Jewish groups is between the leaders of their organizations and the members. The party of the leaders act out male role, defending Israel (cf. McCain's narrative arrived at in "Faith of My Fathers") as its humanity. The party of the people act out the passive female role of acceptance and nourishment, requiring defense. This party, as such, is neutral on the Israeli (Zionist). But there is an asymmetry: Republican "Faith of My Fathers" patrons uniformly oppose, with more or less tolerance of, liberal causes. Liberal Democrats will split over war issues more than conservative Republicans will split over rejecting liberal ('long-held social values') ones. This asymmetry tips the balance of the scale of the causal token process in favor of conservatism. Warrior father wed to the Moral mother produces a progeny the majority favors.

This is the Archetype the McCain/Palin ticket manifests. The logical/causal result of wooing the Jews.


It is is a tautology that the assertion of a conjunction of two propositions, "p and q" can be true and compatible with "p or q" only if "or" is taken in the inclusive, not exclusive sense. Translated into the symbolism of propositional logic:

The inclusive sense of "or" in standard symbolic form is
"p v q" (at least one is true). The exclusive sense is expressed by "(p v q) . ~(p . q)" (at least one but not both are true).

Therefore, the assertion (p . q) entails (p or q) only if "or" is the inclusive (p v q). If the "or" was exclusive, (p . q) . (p or q) would entail the explicit contradiction (p . q) . ~(p . q).

But for the electorate at large, the Republican-Democrat opposition is the mutually exclusive "or". One cannot be both Democrat and Republican.

Therefore the Jewish identity can preserve the inclusive sense (and be either pro-Israeli or pro-'social' values, or both) only by the electorate at large absorbing the contradiction in the voting process. When Peter Schweitzer uses "and" instead of "or", which would have been sufficiently strong to convey the political alternative, he adventiously conjoins opposites compatible at the level of Jews, incompatible at the level of national politics. America's war-proneness is expected to absorbs the difference.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Three Reasons Not To Vote for President


Firstly, the legitimacy of the result, whatever it is, is already nullified by manipulations of the campaign process leading to it.

The position of both candidates on fundamental national issues has been determined by 'wooing the Jews' from both sides of America's political divide. "In my experience, the most obvious way politicians try to woo Jews today is to demonstrate their support of Israel and to appeal to long-held social values." writes P.H. Schweitzer ("People of the Button", NY Times10.13, A29) This is a major pivot among tier 1 issues dividing Republicans and Democrats. McCain, having discovered his narrative while writing "Faith of My Fathers", the Times report, p. 1, demonstrates his ardor by singing readiness to bomb Iran. Obama, no less supportive of Israel, but willing to talk to Ahmadinejad, attracts the Sarah Silverman, pro-choice, gay, minority-rights liberal side of Jewry. Thus, the campaign's political division delivers, as unspoken union of opposites, the appearance of a bond of unity not voted on.

Conspicuous by its absence here is a politics that does not woo the Jews. Whatever it is, the vote in '08 has been guaranteed to produce a certified Jew wooer. This, although the issue of U.S. -Israel relations has never been debated and voted on, as such. The process uses Jew woo voo doo to subvert democracy.

Secondly, but not entirely unrelated, the vote, however it turns out, will seal up, by texting over, contradictions in group psychosemiotic processing encompassing vast historical --even trans- Biblical -- expanses of content. It is as if all pasts and futures, including those of both Old nd New Testaments of the Bible, have been dumped into our collective TokenSpace here in America. This sense of repetition is conveyed by the very name Palin, in "McCain/Palin"; in the Greek language it translates into "again". "McCain Again", the button says; as if showing Him re-enlivened by conjoining with Her.

The mythic vista opened here is that of Egyptian Goddess Isis, who collected the severed parts of her brother Osiris' torso which had been dismembered by his brother Seth into 13 pieces, and strewn up and down the Nile. Then, having re-assembled the torso, she, helped by Thoth who had the secret of life, restored him to life, with potency to impregnate her. This occurred by their supplying a wooden cult phallus to substitute for His missing 14th member.

This mythic impregnation of Isis by Osiris gave birth to Horus. Revenger of his Father's death, the presence of the Son is conveyed by the ubiquitous EYE OF HORUS. This great icon mirrored this mystical progeny of Isis and Osiris as The All-Soul Seer: a TOKEN of the perceiver's bond to the Other Side of perceptual consciousness, activated whenever it is dwelt upon. The EYE OF HORUS functioned as kind of psychosemiotic map, or schema, of consciousness, in Kant's sense. It reflects individual consciousness under sign use as included in a vastly larger, collective, all containing counter-consciousnes: what is looking back at hus wen we are looking back at it..

Such a reflected presence was omnipresent in Egyptian iconography. It has returned today in the mysterium conjunctionis of McCain/Paalin, giving birth to an embryonic Big Brother Police State.

A vote that set that up would be an act of soul-suicide through the democratic process. Freedom is Slavery.

Beyond the servility of both candidates to Israel, to returnto that, at stake are sudden, irreversible shifts in lines of authority and command over money, resources, and military deployments, brought about by the Wall Street crash, debt crisis, and nationalization of finance markets and banks which will be certified by the vote.. It will usher in a historically unprecedented centralization of controls, a New World Order indeed, that few can grasp the import of. At the very least, the vote must be delayed. There is simply not enough time, even if there were the will, to convey a full picture of what is taking place, in a way that informs the public sufficiently to make an intelligent choice. Whoever is elected, the vote will be used to authorize NON-elected, finance-industry related individuals to act in the interests of the nation, to oversee a vast monetary-service bureau-ocracy that will operate essentially out of sight. under no external control.

Thirdly, just as there has been no discussion of alternatives to present U.S. policy toward Israel, there has been no discussion of alternate policies regarding the residual cold war NATO alliance stance toward relations with Russia, over several things: the unnecessary missile shield Eastern Europe is said to require to protect against possible Iranian nukes down the line. And, over the question of Georgia's invasion of S. Ossetia. The military thinking of the current administration has taken the wrong, bullying side on both these issues. This cannot be claimed as confirmed by the democratic process if it is not discussed, and alternative strategic overviews considered.

The quote from Mr. Schewitzer's article, above, tartly concludes his apt remark on how politicians woo Jews by adding "The less obvious way is through, well, political buttons." And thereby hangs the tale of his pitch. "The People of The Button" indeed. It used to be The Bible.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Poisonous Operation Rescue Bill




: 2008 is scheduled on the Rove-o-meter (hypothesis) to be a
Re-Birth of New Republican-Conservative majority party. Psychohistorian L. deMause has shown that the 4 year election cycle has become (is, at the unconscious level) the acting out of ritual re-birth fantasy. It re-enacts the original sequence of events humanity passes through in order to get where we are:

the Countdown! => increasing Buildup ("Growth"); decreasing discomfort in ever more constricting womb-surround => Release! (Rescue!) from the pounding, squeezing, over-heated birth canal, and drawing of blessed First Breath of life outside the 'monstrous' poisonous placenta. Those who emotionally count themselves as 'members' of the group America*-- a citizen, and proud of it -- share the unconscious group fantasy of sharing it* as womb-surround of sibling fetuses. "Heroes" down through the ages, from Mardul to Jesus to McCain, invariably come to Rescue! Save the Children! from the crushing, strangling, breath-sucking (de-oxenized blood flow) mysteriously powerful Evil Poisonous placenta, keeping them in Bondage, denying Freedom, Birth! Being! This an essential element in the repetition-compulsion of the birth process as a trauma imprinted on the neural apparatus: fetal heroes fighting an evil, death-intending monster threatening extinction. Calling on the Will to Never Yield! To give up the Spirit! -- and die. (note: in actual childbirth, deMause notes, complications can lead to such continuous hard pounding against an unopening cervix, or blocking umbilicus cord, so that the confluent inner movement of straining by the fetus to GET OUT! of the birth canal, and GET FREE! of the poisonous placenta, ...go into the condition of 'body fail'. The Unborn simply gives up. Its existential impulse exhausted. (McCain knows that point, too.)

Given this structure of the sign-use processing (psychosemiotic) apparatus, ABORTION -- even the word, use of which evokes a mini-cathexis of the birth-trauma complex -- is an ultimate psycho-intellectual threat. It terminates the pregnancy. (cf. "The Terminator", "Term limits" - Mayer Bloomberg calls for increasing them to 3 for NYC). Taken 'on the token side', if "We", as a group, "allow abortion", that would be the same as allowing "Me", as a member of the group, to die. This accounts for the fanaticism of the ant-abortionist movement. It is based on the shared unconscious group fantasy of Americans* as sibling fetuses in it* as blood-supplying womb-surround. It leads (=>) to the political tautology: WE* MUST PROHIBIT ABORTION IN ORDER FOR ME* TO EXIST! For ME* can also be substituted YOU*, to those in the audience that will join up in their capitalist torture-womb. Their "me" is also their "we": they think of themselves in the same terms* as fantasized for others.

This is the ritual role played by the anti-abortion movement. What has been acted out unconsciously, on the token side, is now textualized, repeated in explicit, though doubly-unconscious, rebirth imagery, icons, pageantry, etc. associated with 11.4.08 --birthday of the New Administration! The Voters will have Spoken! They will have selected one of the two Champions of their America as the one to "defend it from all enemies". By definition, that can never by a liberal, who allows them; least of all Obama, a black man, probably closer, existentially, to those who might need one. lol ;-0 If the Republicans get over on America with the McCain-Palin ticket, this double-unconscious/conscious Monster Child dialect, Conceived in a commandeered Womb Surround by soul rape, will become the psychosemiotic coin* of the land. We will all be required by the official stories about events, such as 9.11.01, to think, whenever we think of ourselves as "Me", either In or Out of their projected fantasy womb-surround. The dichotomy is itself a poisonous intrusion. What is unconscious in this case cannot be included side by side with what is conscious, for it conjoins what is not (X) with what X IS, for America. This is a new field of logic, difficult to explain without preparation, but clear, when seen. The unconscious agenda of right wing politics is to bring everyone, every citizen, under their benign gift of life.


(..ILLEGITIMATE -- not asked for; product of rape)

(..deformed: by-passing Congressional hearings; no full citizen's input anywhere in the process)

Personal vs. Transpersonal Abortion

In personal terms: terminating a pregnancy is an interaction between a woman and the embryo growing in her, ordinarily made with medical assistance. It would be an extremely traumatizing decision about an ultimate, forever-after thing in her life. This region of private tokenspace should be treated as inviolable.

Transpersonally: It has already been explained above that the shared Me = We fantasy reconstitutes the original situation externally, in participation in election-rebirth rituals. The religious compulsion to VOTE! is pushed in everyone's face every day from all sides of the media. VOTE! Through the ballot, as umbilicus (remember 'changing chads'?) there is a silver, or blood red, thread binding all in The Election. "How did you vote in the '08 election?" will be a forever-question. It will Make A Difference. After that, can come Change.

There are different levels (predicates presupposing prior predications) of Transpersonal Abortion. 1. "killer mommie" (who would do Me in)
2. Wall Street Bailout holdouts (cutting off flow of money=> liquidity =>oxygen)
3. John McCain's presidency <= Vietnam guilt paid
4. Republican Party Rebirth

Benedictus Reptiliano --

Catholic Satanism v. America

(Or: Life is Death (for them) what is is)

Democrat Party Risks Becoming the "Party of Death": US Vatican Prelate

By Hilary White

ROME, September 30, 2008 ( - Archbishop Raymond Burke, who is regarded as one of the "heroes" of the cause by pro-life advocates, has warned the US Democrat party that it is at risk of becoming the "party of death" for its hardline advocacy for abortion and euthanasia. .

Vatican officials seldom single out political leaders who differ with the Church on issues like abortion rights or embryonic stem cell research. But now that the Vatican’s highest court is led by an American, the former St. Louis Archbishop Raymond Burke, we can expect things to get more explicit in Vatican City — at least when when it comes to U.S. politics.

Burke, who was named prefect of the Vatican’s Supreme Apostolic Signature in June, told the Italian Catholic newspaper Avvenire that the U.S. Democratic Party risked “transforming itself definitively into a party of death for its decisions on bioethical issues.” He then attacked two of the party’s most high profile Catholics — vice presidential candidate Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi — for misrepresenting Church teaching on abortion.
He said Biden and Pelosi, “while presenting themselves as good Catholics, have presented Church doctrine on abortion in a false and tendentious way.”

The Morning After the debate, the TV news channels blared

"The Pope says Democrats are the Party of Death". One had to google around to find that it was a U.S. Archebishop from St. Lewis, not the Pope, who said it. The issues, of course, is abortion. Kervorkian's do-it-yourself Egress Kit is tacked on though never brought up in discussion. This kind of slippage in who-said -what-for-attribution I have found characteristic of RC discourse. No great care is taken on getting this or that detail right, What count's is Truthiness Itself. Quibbles can always be addressed later by those who know best, out of sight.

The debate itself was held at George Washington University in St. Louis. Redoubt of old French colonialism, the chief Catholic institution is Jesuit Saint Louis University, about which:

Jesuit Tradition

Why choose a Jesuit school? There are reasons people are impressed when you say you attend a Jesuit college.

First, we believe in educating "the whole person" -- mind, body, heart and spirit. The more whole you are, the more you can contribute to the world.

Second, Jesuit schools are known for their rigor. We don't so much embrace ideas as challenge them, always looking for larger, stronger answers. As a consequence, not only will you learn to defend your ideas, you will learn to improve upon them, developing the intellectual wherewithal to think clearly, argue pointedly and express yourself beautifully.

These ideals surely apply as well to my undergraduate Southern Baptist institution, Baylor. The quest for intellectual rigor, in fact, led me from a major in Religious Studies, as a future minister, into philosophy, and 40 years learning and teaching that instead. "Truth is One", we were raised to believe. It follows that all who objectively pursue it are heading in the same direction and should arrive at the same conclusions after considering the same facts. And this generally holds when the facts can be laid out and agreed upon, as in the case of reasoning to conclusions about numbers, and that to which they apply (space, time => Tokenspace). However, when the facts, or the signs used to depict them, are not, perhaps cannot be, agreed upon as the data 'in evidence' regarding a specific question on which parties disagree, subjective factor, 'wish fulfilments', come into play. If one side of a dispute, allegedly over truth, wants one thing, the other side another, it is common sense and axiomatic that they will arrive at conclusions that favor their desires. "And why not?" it will be asked, suspending false pretense. Indeed.

This raises in stark form the question of the possibility of metaphysics, a descriptive (true or false) account of the reality all true conclusions reach. The problem is, the very signs used for describing descriptive language comes into contention when the subjective totality is at stake. Such is the case par excellence (above all others), for use of the sign God*. It is Of the Totality, In the Totality, By the Totality (cosmos, spirit, subjective consciousness); its actual use, as in the Bible read aloud, is the fourth: For the Totality (completion of the striving-to-reblend of Etherokrilno through the Okidanokh. Those who used it would say the same. God's name is used for Him addressing Himself; the human subjectivity is a conduit (token) through which the Eternal completes itself. It is not to be even mentioned casually, much less uttered with intent to communicate without assuming a particular attitude, state, inner orientation. According to birth trauma theory, this is God* returning through regression to fetal origins as the Mysterious Placenta. Much placental trappings adorn the beautiful Catholic iconography (robes, curtains, hoods; stern, solemn faces, piety in passive hands), much of it carved in stone.

It is not to be expected that, if taken as a starting point for describing reality (metaphysics), God* with lead to, or follow from, any pursuit of truth that does not include the user's personal trajectory, inner through memory, outer through the body. The placenta as All Powerful, Mysterious Other is an actual imprint, something 'known as real', though belonging only to the inner alter-world of pre-verbal emotional roiling. "Fighting through" the darkened Poisonous side of that, secretly helped by the Nurturant (good mother) placenta (cf. the Bad and Good Witches), rejoins the Voyager away from Home (trip on a ship; the Cap'tn is McCain) in BIRTH. This brings First Breath into lungs; First Awareness of Freedom of Movement in Space to muscles; First Shock of true visual and auditory consciousness in a Booming Buzzing Confusion (Wm. James) replace the content of the entire earlier pre-life-drama, memories of which are sealed by the climactic delivery trauma. It is the sense of this original Placenta as Phantom Other that the Catholic presence so profoundly, overpoweringly brings back, splitting off the Poisonous (evil serpent) from the Nurturant (Good Mother) sides of the earlier One that alternately pollutes and/or 'blesses' The Unborn, depending whether it fails to purify and/or oxygenize the blood flow. This sense of being connected in the universe, somehow, to a Something "from whom all blessings flow" is a survival of that primordial and universal imprint. To invoke and bring back this Original Source of The Good, however, as a primal Artifact in the public arena, is that it awakens its opposite. The God* used only as substitute for the Good Placenta, in fantasy, cannot be evoked without bringing back A. the dread of return to the Nether world, the Hell preceeding birth; and B. the Poisonous, strangling, squeezing, smothering side of Mother. For God*, as token of the completing totality, cannot be used without folding in, regressing back through, as it were, memories of each ones personal Mother. It is here, according to both Freudian and fetal origin theory that the original "Y" divergences that emerge later as 'wants' originate. Perhaps if every human had only a Father, with the Y chromosome, they would come to agree on the truth about God, through God*. But, alas and aday, each one by inheritance also passes through this tie with who they are through their mother; the passive, female side. Psyche, or soul.

The conjunction of timing, location and symbolic import of Raymond Burke's quote deliberately injects the Catholic church into U.S. partisan politics on the side of Republicans. The impact of lovely TV anchors reading the Pope denounce Democrats as the Party of Death, overlaying (as word meanings overlay images) visuals if Biden and Pelosi walking head-down, shameful spectacles that they are, in high-grade media messaging. They guard two doors to the abortion clinic through which true followers of The Church must crash: Biden had to hold back Sarah Palin's attack; Pelosi had to hold back Bush/Paulson's. (Plotting these four figures on corners of a square marked by an X illustrates juxtaposition of gender - party opposites on abortion.) The Bush/Paulson attack on Pelosi was Rape: summoned, traumatized with peril, compliance demanded; CLEAN, Quick and we're outtahere. Zipless Shuck. She withstood that, returned the favor by telling Republicans what they are, before the House vote, for which she was called "poisonous". Return of the Poisonous Placenta to block fructification of New Republicanism. It needs that infusion fast, or the Un-but-Almost Born Life-Form, is left hanging perpetually like an umbilican chad for Gore ....

As for how Joe Biden, male Democrat, did in debate against Sarah Palin, female Republican, I have no clue at present. It has taken all this to get to the point of peeking at what went down without being swamped by it.

It is the Y- key to unlocking doors to the future. (answer to future WHY?-s)





: 2008 is scheduled on the Rove-o-meter (hypothesis) to be a
Re-Birth of New Republican-Conservative majority party. Psychohistorian L. deMause has shown that the 4 year election cycle has become (is, at the unconscious level) the acting out of ritual re-birth fantasy. It re-enacts the original sequence of events humanity passes through in order to get where we are:

the Countdown! => increasing Buildup ("Growth"); decreasing discomfort in ever more constricting womb-surround => Release! (Rescue!) from the pounding, squeezing, over-heated birth canal, and drawing of blessed First Breath of life outside the 'monstrous' poisonous placenta. Those who emotionally count themselves as 'members' of the group America*-- a citizen, and proud of it -- share the unconscious group fantasy of sharing it* as womb-surround of sibling fetuses. "Heroes" down through the ages, from Mardul to Jesus to McCain, invariably come to Rescue! Save the Children! from the crushing, strangling, breath-sucking (de-oxenized blood flow) mysteriously powerful Evil Poisonous placenta, keeping them in Bondage, denying Freedom, Birth! Being! This an essential element in the repetition-compulsion of the birth process as a trauma imprinted on the neural apparatus: fetal heroes fighting an evil, death-intending monster threatening extinction. Calling on the Will to Never Yield! To give up the Spirit! -- and die. (note: in actual childbirth, deMause notes, complications can lead to such continuous hard pounding against an unopening cervix, or blocking umbilicus cord, so that the confluent inner movement of straining by the fetus to GET OUT! of the birth canal, and GET FREE! of the poisonous placenta, ...go into the condition of 'body fail'. The Unborn simply gives up. Its existential impulse exhausted. (McCain knows that point, too.)

Given this structure of the sign-use processing (psychosemiotic) apparatus, ABORTION -- even the word, use of which evokes a mini-cathexis of the birth-trauma complex -- is an ultimate psycho-intellectual threat. It terminates the pregnancy. (cf. "The Terminator", "Term limits" - Mayer Bloomberg calls for increasing them to 3 for NYC). Taken 'on the token side', if "We", as a group, "allow abortion", that would be the same as allowing "Me", as a member of the group, to die. This accounts for the fanaticism of the ant-abortionist movement. It is based on the shared unconscious group fantasy of Americans* as sibling fetuses in it* as blood-supplying womb-surround. It leads (=>) to the political tautology: WE* MUST PROHIBIT ABORTION IN ORDER FOR ME* TO EXIST! For ME* can also be substituted YOU*, to those in the audience that will join up in their capitalist torture-womb. Their "me" is also their "we": they think of themselves in the same terms* as fantasized for others.

This is the ritual role played by the anti-abortion movement. What has been acted out unconsciously, on the token side, is now textualized, repeated in explicit, though doubly-unconscious, rebirth imagery, icons, pageantry, etc. associated with 11.4.08 --birthday of the New Administration! The Voters will have Spoken! They will have selected one of the two Champions of their America as the one to "defend it from all enemies". By definition, that can never by a liberal, who allows them; least of all Obama, a black man, probably closer, existentially, to those who might need one. lol ;-0 If the Republicans get over on America with the McCain-Palin ticket, this double-unconscious/conscious Monster Child dialect, Conceived in a commandeered Womb Surround by soul rape, will become the psychosemiotic coin* of the land. We will all be required by the official stories about events, such as 9.11.01, to think, whenever we think of ourselves as "Me", either In or Out of their projected fantasy womb-surround. The dichotomy is itself a poisonous intrusion. What is unconscious in this case cannot be included side by side with what is conscious, for it conjoins what is not (X) with what X IS, for America. This is a new field of logic, difficult to explain without preparation, but clear, when seen. The unconscious agenda of right wing politics is to bring everyone, every citizen, under their benign gift of life.


(..ILLEGITIMATE -- not asked for; product of rape)

(..deformed: by-passing Congressional hearings; no full citizen's input anywhere in the process)

Personal vs. Transpersonal Abortion

In personal terms: terminating a pregnancy is an interaction between a woman and the embryo growing in her, ordinarily made with medical assistance. It would be an extremely traumatizing decision about an ultimate, forever-after thing in her life. This region of private tokenspace should be treated as inviolable.

Transpersonally: It has already been explained above that the shared Me = We fantasy reconstitutes the original situation externally, in participation in election-rebirth rituals. The religious compulsion to VOTE! is pushed in everyone's face every day from all sides of the media. VOTE! Through the ballot, as umbilicus (remember 'changing chads'?) there is a silver, or blood red, thread binding all in The Election. "How did you vote in the '08 election?" will be a forever-question. It will Make A Difference. After that, can come Change.

There are different levels (predicates presupposing prior predications) of Transpersonal Abortion. 1. "killer mommie" (who would do Me in)
2. Wall Street Bailout holdouts (cutting off flow of money=> liquidity =>oxygen)
3. John McCain's presidency <= Vietnam guilt paid
4. Republican Party Rebirth

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Bail Out Wall, Rescue Main street. repeat



The financial crisis in America late September '08 displays the narrative of a family whose Mother has been raped, impregnated with a Satan monster child, which must be aborted with punishment of the molesters. The alternative is to live with the illegitimate, deformed child and its reptilian Stepfathers.


"The rainman brought two cures,
And said, Jump right in
One was Texas medicine
The Other just railroad gin
So like a fool I mixed them
And it strangled up my mind
Now people keep getting uglier
an I have no sense of time.
-Dylan, Memphis Blues Again

Act 1. The Primal Scene

America Raped
by a Gang of Two

One was a Texas Oilman
the other a Wall Street Jew

Padre Bush summons Congress. Delivers punch; lays out the deal.

Hands Her over to 'Hank' Paulson to finish the job. "CLEAN (no questions, no niggling) quick-an'-easy $700,000,000 this time, babe. Lapdancing won't get it."

Act 2. MO:

A. Traumatize (induce altered state of extreme vulnerability by direst threat -- "12% unemployment and soup lines along mainstreet Monday" without a bailout, McCain said. Credit cards make ATM's flash LOL's where "Remove Cash" should appear.

B. take your pleasure (sex, money, place to hang hat and come home to)

C. Leave for dead

D. Party on, Dudes.

Act 3. The Satanic Factor:

Reading the Record: 3/4 (Daniel 12: 4-7; Revelation 12.14) -- 777 seals the Surge of Time

The fructifying effusion is an anti-Christ spiritus.
"Goldman Sachs Socialism" is one unity-of opposites description.

A. The First 7: diurnals between 9.11.01 and 9.12.08, Satanic 'war on terror'; lying massacre of Iraqi's.

B. The Second 7: x 100 billion zero's for someone's tax dollars

C. The Third 7: the points dropped by the Dow Jones industrial stock market averages 9.27.08, largest one-day loss in history, amounting to over $1.2 trillion one estimate said.

They do the kill kill
You pay the bill bill


(3/4 7's -- the fourth is use of the three referring tokens in one number sign for the blow-out impregnation of the MUST DELIVER




Of all the vignettes and incidents illustrating the mother rape-kill process, Republicans taking the male, Democrats the female roles, the aftermath of the first failed House vote is one of the clearest.

Republican leader Boehner's caucus failed to deliver the yes votes he had committed to Pelosi. He then immediately comes on TV to whine that the pre-vote speech by the Speaker 'poisonous remarks. Followers of psychosemiotics (and everyone else, instinctively) immediately recognizes this as an ultimate power-token. Easily ignored as just another put-down, it packs a powerful group-fantasy wallop, both unconscious, from neurologically retained memory of poisoned blood in the womb by the fetus, and conscious, form recollection of what "Saddam Hussein did to his own people" to recall of Bruce Ivins and the anthrax poison. "Poisoning pure Aryan blood," was the group-fantasy that swept Germany and other parts of Europe, projected onto "the Jews", leading to 'the holocaust' as a delusional attempt to purge. The recent hideous political poisonings add to the cathexis (libido discharge) of this S* in public TokenSpace. Boehner's intent was to inject that particular highly charged content into the flow of process.

Pelosi's speech had, in fact, and with good reason, laid out
a brief account of the entire crisis, what brought them together, why, and what they were doing, which defined them as the Sinful Party. It was their consistent backing of hard-line go-go Big Lend/ / Big Spend deregulators that brought about the building-lending-mortgage bust (Fannie * Freddie) that led to the Bank failures, etc.

What was 'poisonous' it, TO REPUBLICANS, is they have to sign off on the truth about themselves. It is simply not done. The implications of the language are punitive. Potentially criminally so, as one House Democrat called for an investigation of whether laws were broken. In effect, her having the fortitude to simply declare what was the case, and why, which was correct and demanded by the objective politics of the situation, was something those who voted against it just could not stomach. At least that is how Behnert presented it. No nay-voter actually came forward to back up that account; they would sound silly. Democrat Barney Frank chided them for putting their hurt feelings before the good of the country. Childish; sulky; immature. Ouch.

This point of objective self-confrontation at which the male rape-kill psychosis emerges to reverse the situation. It is intolerable that She -- the Women, the Liberals, the Soft-on-enemies compliant babes; the Anima side of America -- defines the objective situation, and in a way that shows them what they are. There is thus called into play, by this internal psychodynamic taking place mostly just off-stage of daily flow of conscious processes, the REVERSAL mechanism: "It's NOT US, REPUBLICANS who are assaulting YOU -- It's YOU, DEMOCRATS who are POISONING US!"
This is a complex mechanism that is fundamentally a "defense-by-going on offense", When accused of something indefensible, reverse the tables and accuse the accuser of something they cannot defend against. "Poisonous", metaphorically shifted from a blood-roiling feeling of resentment to ejaculations from the mouth of Nancy Pelosi, is the best, and most telling, of all such indefensible terms. Truth has become (heard as) Hate. Hate, therefore, is (heard as) Truth.

This maneuver, substituting one word for another to reverse the approbative implications, has just been illustrated by Karen Hughes, speaking on Larry King about the Wall Street bailout bill. "I think the Senate will pass the Rescue bill tonight. I call it that becuase the American people are catching on that it isn't to bail out Wall Street, it's to rescue Main street from the failures of Wall Street. All who care about America must leave aside partisan , selfish differences and unite behind the Rescue for the good of the country." Perfect serpentine touch. Now, whoever is doing well on main street will owe them for their valiant efforts. This is the demand of the snake brain dominant way of being: you are on their territory (though you may not have previously been aware of it), subject to annihilation at any time if the situation changes and calls for your sacrifice. The true blood of liberal humanity through countless ages has always opposed this as a way of being. Nancy Pelosi stands on the side of those who died for Jesus. The "rescuers" are the predators the people must be rescued from. "Rescue the Rescue", Tom Friedman's article today is titled. I think he means "Rescue the Rescuers", because if it goes down, those who tried to push it through stand to face criminal charges for doing so. What was first demanded by Bush and Pauilson could only be described in street talk as a BIG HEIST. A Bank Robbery, in olden terms -- reversed: robbery of the people by the banks, with the government's help. The Democrats staved off a Bank Robbery, and must proceed to punish the white collar criminals, and their mind set, who conceived it.

Right wing psychotic reversal has just received another confirmation. Bill O'Reilly has just now compared Nancy Pelosi to Hitler. He was the one who wanted cleansing of national Aryan blood of Jewish ethnic taint by planning the holocaust, we remember. O'Reilly feels as if HE were a hated Jew under attack by Nazi's, masquerading as Pelosi Liberals. This deserves explicit contradiction as the ultimate absurdity of being. It is the Rush Limbaugh 'feminazi' gig now predicated on as psycho-fact. Part and parcel of the right wing male psychotic reversal. Fox news people seem to not only indulge such jimcrackery, but demand it of him.

Although the import of this word combination* may seem to be only insulting, what "poisoned" says, when oxygen in the body liquid is analogized to sign-use (S*) in the flow of communication, and -- when bringing nurturance, growth liquidity as literal blood to the collective enterprises that depends a medium of exchange -- to money ii metaphysical. Poisoned blood is a metaphysical metaphor.

In the financial atmosphere, oxygen is what Wall Street and leaders 'like': S* conducive to unfettered trade. America's economy is the Goose that lays its Golden Eggs, is also Mother Goose.