WHAT THE ANTI-ABORTION MOVEMENT IS ABOUT: 2008 is scheduled on the Rove-o-meter (hypothesis) to be a
Re-Birth of New Republican-Conservative majority party. Psychohistorian L. deMause has shown that the 4 year election cycle has become (is, at the unconscious level) the acting out of ritual re-birth fantasy. It re-enacts the original sequence of events humanity passes through in order to get where we are:
the Countdown! => increasing Buildup ("Growth"); decreasing discomfort in ever more constricting womb-surround => Release! (Rescue!) from the pounding, squeezing, over-heated birth canal, and drawing of blessed First Breath of life outside the 'monstrous' poisonous placenta. Those who emotionally count themselves as 'members' of the group America*-- a citizen, and proud of it -- share the unconscious group fantasy of sharing it* as womb-surround of sibling fetuses. "Heroes" down through the ages, from Mardul to Jesus to McCain, invariably come to Rescue! Save the Children! from the crushing, strangling, breath-sucking (de-oxenized blood flow) mysteriously powerful Evil Poisonous placenta, keeping them in Bondage, denying Freedom, Birth! Being! This an essential element in the repetition-compulsion of the birth process as a trauma imprinted on the neural apparatus: fetal heroes fighting an evil, death-intending monster threatening extinction. Calling on the Will to Never Yield! To give up the Spirit! -- and die. (note: in actual childbirth, deMause notes, complications can lead to such continuous hard pounding against an unopening cervix, or blocking umbilicus cord, so that the confluent inner movement of straining by the fetus to GET OUT! of the birth canal, and GET FREE! of the poisonous placenta, ...go into the condition of 'body fail'. The Unborn simply gives up. Its existential impulse exhausted. (McCain knows that point, too.)
Given this structure of the sign-use processing (psychosemiotic) apparatus, ABORTION -- even the word, use of which evokes a mini-cathexis of the birth-trauma complex -- is an ultimate psycho-intellectual threat. It terminates the pregnancy. (cf. "The Terminator", "Term limits" - Mayer Bloomberg calls for increasing them to 3 for NYC). Taken 'on the token side', if "We", as a group, "allow abortion", that would be the same as allowing "Me", as a member of the group, to die. This accounts for the fanaticism of the ant-abortionist movement. It is based on the shared unconscious group fantasy of Americans* as sibling fetuses in it* as blood-supplying womb-surround. It leads (=>) to the political tautology: WE* MUST PROHIBIT ABORTION IN ORDER FOR ME* TO EXIST! For ME* can also be substituted YOU*, to those in the audience that will join up in their capitalist torture-womb. Their "me" is also their "we": they think of themselves in the same terms* as fantasized for others.
This is the ritual role played by the anti-abortion movement. What has been acted out unconsciously, on the token side, is now textualized, repeated in explicit, though doubly-unconscious, rebirth imagery, icons, pageantry, etc. associated with 11.4.08 --birthday of the New Administration! The Voters will have Spoken! They will have selected one of the two Champions of their America as the one to "defend it from all enemies". By definition, that can never by a liberal, who allows them; least of all Obama, a black man, probably closer, existentially, to those who might need one. lol ;-0 If the Republicans get over on America with the McCain-Palin ticket, this double-unconscious/conscious Monster Child dialect, Conceived in a commandeered Womb Surround by soul rape, will become the psychosemiotic coin* of the land. We will all be required by the official stories about events, such as 9.11.01, to think, whenever we think of ourselves as "Me", either In or Out of their projected fantasy womb-surround. The dichotomy is itself a poisonous intrusion. What is unconscious in this case cannot be included side by side with what is conscious, for it conjoins what is not (X) with what X IS, for America. This is a new field of logic, difficult to explain without preparation, but clear, when seen. The unconscious agenda of right wing politics is to bring everyone, every citizen, under their benign gift of life.
(..ILLEGITIMATE -- not asked for; product of rape)
(..deformed: by-passing Congressional hearings; no full citizen's input anywhere in the process)
Personal vs. Transpersonal Abortion
In personal terms: terminating a pregnancy is an interaction between a woman and the embryo growing in her, ordinarily made with medical assistance. It would be an extremely traumatizing decision about an ultimate, forever-after thing in her life. This region of private tokenspace should be treated as inviolable.
Transpersonally: It has already been explained above that the shared Me = We fantasy reconstitutes the original situation externally, in participation in election-rebirth rituals. The religious compulsion to VOTE! is pushed in everyone's face every day from all sides of the media. VOTE! Through the ballot, as umbilicus (remember 'changing chads'?) there is a silver, or blood red, thread binding all in The Election. "How did you vote in the '08 election?" will be a forever-question. It will Make A Difference. After that, can come Change.
There are different levels (predicates presupposing prior predications) of Transpersonal Abortion. 1. "killer mommie" (who would do Me in)
2. Wall Street Bailout holdouts (cutting off flow of money=> liquidity =>oxygen)
3. John McCain's presidency <= Vietnam guilt paid
4. Republican Party Rebirth
Benedictus Reptiliano --
Catholic Satanism v. America
(Or: Life is Death (for them)...is what is is)http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2008/sep/08093012.html
Democrat Party Risks Becoming the "Party of Death": US Vatican Prelate
By Hilary White
ROME, September 30, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Archbishop Raymond Burke, who is regarded as one of the "heroes" of the cause by pro-life advocates, has warned the US Democrat party that it is at risk of becoming the "party of death" for its hardline advocacy for abortion and euthanasia. .
Vatican officials seldom single out political leaders who differ with the Church on issues like abortion rights or embryonic stem cell research. But now that the Vatican’s highest court is led by an American, the former St. Louis Archbishop Raymond Burke, we can expect things to get more explicit in Vatican City — at least when when it comes to U.S. politics.
Burke, who was named prefect of the Vatican’s Supreme Apostolic Signature in June, told the Italian Catholic newspaper Avvenire that the U.S. Democratic Party risked “transforming itself definitively into a party of death for its decisions on bioethical issues.” He then attacked two of the party’s most high profile Catholics — vice presidential candidate Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi — for misrepresenting Church teaching on abortion.
He said Biden and Pelosi, “while presenting themselves as good Catholics, have presented Church doctrine on abortion in a false and tendentious way.”
The Morning After the debate, the TV news channels blared
"The Pope says Democrats are the Party of Death". One had to google around to find that it was a U.S. Archebishop from St. Lewis, not the Pope, who said it. The issues, of course, is abortion. Kervorkian's do-it-yourself Egress Kit is tacked on though never brought up in discussion. This kind of slippage in who-said -what-for-attribution I have found characteristic of RC discourse. No great care is taken on getting this or that detail right, What count's is Truthiness Itself. Quibbles can always be addressed later by those who know best, out of sight.
The debate itself was held at George Washington University in St. Louis. Redoubt of old French colonialism, the chief Catholic institution is Jesuit Saint Louis University, about which:
Jesuit Tradition
Why choose a Jesuit school? There are reasons people are impressed when you say you attend a Jesuit college.
First, we believe in educating "the whole person" -- mind, body, heart and spirit. The more whole you are, the more you can contribute to the world.
Second, Jesuit schools are known for their rigor. We don't so much embrace ideas as challenge them, always looking for larger, stronger answers. As a consequence, not only will you learn to defend your ideas, you will learn to improve upon them, developing the intellectual wherewithal to think clearly, argue pointedly and express yourself beautifully. These ideals surely apply as well to my undergraduate Southern Baptist institution, Baylor. The quest for intellectual rigor, in fact, led me from a major in Religious Studies, as a future minister, into philosophy, and 40 years learning and teaching that instead. "Truth is One", we were raised to believe. It follows that all who objectively pursue it are heading in the same direction and should arrive at the same conclusions after considering the same facts. And this generally holds when the facts can be laid out and agreed upon, as in the case of reasoning to conclusions about numbers, and that to which they apply (space, time => Tokenspace). However, when the facts, or the signs used to depict them, are not, perhaps cannot be, agreed upon as the data 'in evidence' regarding a specific question on which parties disagree, subjective factor, 'wish fulfilments', come into play. If one side of a dispute, allegedly over truth, wants one thing, the other side another, it is common sense and axiomatic that they will arrive at conclusions that favor their desires. "And why not?" it will be asked, suspending false pretense. Indeed.
This raises in stark form the question of the possibility of metaphysics, a descriptive (true or false) account of the reality all true conclusions reach. The problem is, the very signs used for describing descriptive language comes into contention when the subjective totality is at stake. Such is the case par excellence (above all others), for use of the sign God*. It is Of the Totality, In the Totality, By the Totality (cosmos, spirit, subjective consciousness); its actual use, as in the Bible read aloud, is the fourth: For the Totality (completion of the striving-to-reblend of Etherokrilno through the Okidanokh. Those who used it would say the same. God's name is used for Him addressing Himself; the human subjectivity is a conduit (token) through which the Eternal completes itself. It is not to be even mentioned casually, much less uttered with intent to communicate without assuming a particular attitude, state, inner orientation. According to birth trauma theory, this is God* returning through regression to fetal origins as the Mysterious Placenta. Much placental trappings adorn the beautiful Catholic iconography (robes, curtains, hoods; stern, solemn faces, piety in passive hands), much of it carved in stone.
It is not to be expected that, if taken as a starting point for describing reality (metaphysics), God* with lead to, or follow from, any pursuit of truth that does not include the user's personal trajectory, inner through memory, outer through the body. The placenta as All Powerful, Mysterious Other is an actual imprint, something 'known as real', though belonging only to the inner alter-world of pre-verbal emotional roiling. "Fighting through" the darkened Poisonous side of that, secretly helped by the Nurturant (good mother) placenta (cf. the Bad and Good Witches), rejoins the Voyager away from Home (trip on a ship; the Cap'tn is McCain) in BIRTH. This brings First Breath into lungs; First Awareness of Freedom of Movement in Space to muscles; First Shock of true visual and auditory consciousness in a Booming Buzzing Confusion (Wm. James) replace the content of the entire earlier pre-life-drama, memories of which are sealed by the climactic delivery trauma. It is the sense of this original Placenta as Phantom Other that the Catholic presence so profoundly, overpoweringly brings back, splitting off the Poisonous (evil serpent) from the Nurturant (Good Mother) sides of the earlier One that alternately pollutes and/or 'blesses' The Unborn, depending whether it fails to purify and/or oxygenize the blood flow. This sense of being connected in the universe, somehow, to a Something "from whom all blessings flow" is a survival of that primordial and universal imprint. To invoke and bring back this Original Source of The Good, however, as a primal Artifact in the public arena, is that it awakens its opposite. The God* used only as substitute for the Good Placenta, in fantasy, cannot be evoked without bringing back A. the dread of return to the Nether world, the Hell preceeding birth; and B. the Poisonous, strangling, squeezing, smothering side of Mother. For God*, as token of the completing totality, cannot be used without folding in, regressing back through, as it were, memories of each ones personal Mother. It is here, according to both Freudian and fetal origin theory that the original "Y" divergences that emerge later as 'wants' originate. Perhaps if every human had only a Father, with the Y chromosome, they would come to agree on the truth about God, through God*. But, alas and aday, each one by inheritance also passes through this tie with who they are through their mother; the passive, female side. Psyche, or soul.
The conjunction of timing, location and symbolic import of Raymond Burke's quote deliberately injects the Catholic church into U.S. partisan politics on the side of Republicans. The impact of lovely TV anchors reading the Pope denounce Democrats as the Party of Death, overlaying (as word meanings overlay images) visuals if Biden and Pelosi walking head-down, shameful spectacles that they are, in high-grade media messaging. They guard two doors to the abortion clinic through which true followers of The Church must crash: Biden had to hold back Sarah Palin's attack; Pelosi had to hold back Bush/Paulson's. (Plotting these four figures on corners of a square marked by an X illustrates juxtaposition of gender - party opposites on abortion.) The Bush/Paulson attack on Pelosi was Rape: summoned, traumatized with peril, compliance demanded; CLEAN, Quick and we're outtahere. Zipless Shuck. She withstood that, returned the favor by telling Republicans what they are, before the House vote, for which she was called "poisonous". Return of the Poisonous Placenta to block fructification of New Republicanism. It needs that infusion fast, or the Un-but-Almost Born Life-Form, is left hanging perpetually like an umbilican chad for Gore ....
As for how Joe Biden, male Democrat, did in debate against Sarah Palin, female Republican, I have no clue at present. It has taken all this to get to the point of peeking at what went down without being swamped by it.
It is the Y- key to unlocking doors to the future. (answer to future WHY?-s)