Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

My Photo
Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Friday, May 28, 2010

Atlantian moment - from E. Francis

We are certainly in an Atlantian moment.

Coming to terms with the Gulf of Mexico, an arm of the Atlantic Ocean, named for the mythical Lost Continent that sank because its people could not control their technology, is in part about recognizing the immediate effect of this runaway chemical spill.

For the rest of our lives, the magnificent Gulf Coast, which I was blessed to see just once (from the sea wall at Galveston), will be a hazardous waste dump and wildlife charnel ground. The sight of haz-mat workers and people wearing respirators is the new image of the once-thriving region of the world. It's become so toxic that as of Wednesday the EPA has called back all of the fishing boats that were participating in the nascent cleanup because workers are starting to get sick with dizziness, chest pains, nausea -- classical symptoms of an acute toxic exposure. CNN video yesterday, produced by Anderson Cooper, was eerily reminiscent of descriptions of DDT-sprayed forests by Rachel Carson in Silent Spring. The wildlife sanctuaries, they said, were dead quiet.

Barring an actual divine intervention-styled miracle [if you're a lightworker, or if you're in with some friendly space brothers, please get busy], it's only a matter of time before the sludge gets into the Loop Current and then the Gulf Stream. We could be seeing this oil on the beaches of Key West, of Maine and the coasts of England and Western Europe and as far away as West Africa. Consider this description of the Gulf Stream, from Wikipedia:

"The Gulf Stream, together with its northern extension towards Europe, the North Atlantic Drift, is a powerful, warm, and swift Atlantic ocean current that originates in the Gulf of Mexico, exits through the Strait of Florida, and follows the eastern coastlines of the United States and Newfoundland before crossing the Atlantic Ocean. The process of western intensification causes the Gulf Stream to be a northward accelerating current offshore the east coast of North America. At about [40°0′N latitude] it splits in two, with the northern stream crossing to northern Europe and the southern stream recirculating off West Africa. The Gulf Stream influences the climate of the east coast of North America from Florida to Newfoundland, and the west coast of Europe."

In other words, the Gulf of Mexico was about the worst place on the planet this could happen, as the source of one of the world's master currents.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

MINI BIRTH -- more notes on '10 mid-term elections


MINI BIRTH – (more notes on what we got this time)

Sum: The result of Non-native American religio-ethnic-minority networking institutionalized => : Rand Paul and his Counter-Avatar foothills of the Big BlowOut ?

… These remarks follow Lloyd deMause’s analysis of elections as unconscious ritualized re-birth events, i.e., child sacrifice, in which those ‘voted against’ are symbolic fetal siblings shoved out of the womb-surround, just like Killer Mommies would abort them. Rand Paul, mutilated Sinner (‘Randy’) and New Testament Saint (Ron Paul's son) is Fetal Hero emerging from the birth canal. Just as America was in the process of getting hers, aka the Mississippi River, flowing through St. Louis, Monsanto, Kentucky, clogged with oil forever. BP. That’s him. “The blackness of guilt has covered the bridal earth as with black paint.” This is Jung’s translation of alchemist Eleazar’s description of the state of negredo. It depicts a situation of utter distress. The birth this time around? from blackwater sin through black/’minority’ skin. (antinomy – conjunction of self-contradictory opposites => antimony – chemical element, abv. Sb). By the psychodynamics of mysterium conjunctionis, the political process hath delivered unto us Rand Paul. That’s what we got. Following Elena Kagan on Mother’s day, The Times Square bomb plot, linked to Detroit Christmas underwear bomb plot.
Rand and Rachael. A TV marriage made for MSNBC. The mutually self-referencing cable news networks attempt to contain this poisonous dynamic spiraling out of control, by ‘dumping’ Fox News Avatars Palin and
Beck alongside Rand Paul as “conservatives”, and his rise makes the black RNC president

(more of this later; the anti -abortion psychosis is profound mother hatred – “no abortion!” is the inner defense against getting ‘voted out’, ‘off the island’ etc. –comes into play through Rand Paul’s ‘conservatism’, backing by Sarah Palin)

**** (read “<=(S*/S* ) =>” “is juxtaposed as a marriage of opposites to”)

THE MOST ECSTATIC HIGHEST LOVE (completing the upper triad )

The offering: “This is what I have to give Thee, Father.”

<= re-cathected and hidden (S*) behind Lieberman neocon “G-d” masks =>

THE MOST VILE HATE OF (FATHER-GIVEN MALE) CREATIVE ORGASM ITSELF (completion of the lower triad by reversal of +/- Father-Mother values …mother giving sons orgasms, as in ANSmith, son commits suicide)

Sarah Palin – Father’s daughter: raised to please him by never aborting.

–hidden behind the mask of Beautiful (H)Elena – and Sarah Palin (mysterium conjunctionis)

Feel Anything?

Obama’s is the face of the non-Father “Father of our country”. His blackness, plus lack of certifiable birth record, psychologically neutralizes reaction-formation to his differentness.

-“Rand Paul”-Tea Party Relief – as if ‘we’ were shedding the skin of the two party system. Splitting from them as false containers of America’s future totality. falsely framing unconscious sense of guilt (Freud—parental superego demanding punishment) and Fetal Rage (…punishment for our own birth, us white male pieces of racist, misogynous, homophobic, anti-Semitic dung). Led by Mr. Crock Pot himself

Bill Clinton rips 'birthers'

Former President Bill Clinton is taking the so-called “birthers” to task for ignoring evidence that President Barack Obama was born in the United States.
Clinton made the comments during a commencement address at Yale University on Sunday as part of a critique of American media consumption habits.
“The only place where we’re bigoted now is we only want to be around people who agree with us,” Clinton said. “In our media habits, we go to the television shows, we go to the radio talk shows we go to the blog sites that agree with us. And it can have very bizarre consequences.”
The former president pointed to the “birthers” an example of one of those “bizarre consequences.”
“Hawaii, the state where President Obama was born, has done everything they can to debunk this myth that he wasn’t born in America,” Clinton said. “They’ve done everything but blow up his birth certificate, put it in neon lights and hang it on the dome in the Capitol.”
“But 45 percent of registered Republicans still believe that he is serving unconstitutionally,” Clinton insisted, though he did not identify the poll.
“Why?” he asked. “Because they’ve been told that by the only place they go to get information.”
Responding to rumors during the presidential campaign about Obama’s place of birth, Hawaii state officials posted his birth certificate online.
The move, however, did not stop lawsuits and other queries examining Obama’s birth, prompting Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle, a Republican, to recently sign into law legislation allowing state employees to ignore requests for proof of the president’s citizenship.

(Notes: 1. “rips” <= tears out (after) “birth”-ers. 2. Expect Bubba to side with those who don’t care who “Father” is; raised by his mother (as was Reagan, Randel Terry, probably Scott Roeder and all ‘motivational speakers’ I’ve heard); 3. A certificate of live birth isn’t a birth certificate, so his reference to it as ‘evidence’ is a lying way to avoid the issue. 4. The fact that BC stages this lying farce )

Driven by Categorical Hate (<=for Kagan (compensated by reaction-formation: NO! NO! We love her! – the uniformly pro-Kagan media glazing over bottomed out feeling of utter hate and helplessness: oil Spew, Kagan, homosexual perversion of marriage)

Hate: of everything connected to the realm of earth, water… Orgasm itself (Sex become poison; birth canal clogged (with oil); Gulf War Syndrome documented as causing welts wherever semen of infected veterans touched skin; see Wounds of War.)

Man tells cops God told him to stroll in the nude

THIBODAUX, La. (AP) -- A man who told police that God told him to walk the streets naked to save his soul has been arrested. Thibodaux police responded to an obscenity complaint around 2 a.m. Thursday and found Shafiq Mohamed walking nude down the street. When approached, Mohamed reportedly told officers that "America raped him" and added God told him to walk the streets naked to save his soul.
Mohamed was taken into custody and charged with obscenity. He was booked into the Lafourche Parish Detention Center where he awaited bail.
It was not immediately known whether Mohamed has an attorney.



RAND PAUL -- Son of Ron <= on the Right

…Madcow Maddow => on the Left

Birth of Tea Party Avatar Rand Paul
(and me, Sid Thomas, Avatar cruncher)

WHITE BOYS HOPE – <= what we got this time

 Across the way, his Counterpart

Rachel (“Are you my Mother?) Kagan


(The One with She-Lawyers Legs out -> over there)



White Hero  Black Avatar

“Paul is one of the movement’s card-carrying founding fathers. From the start, he openly defined himself as a Tea Party tribune, and its followers embraced him (and contributed too him) as their uncompromising avatar. Now, after months of debate about what this movement is and isn’t, Paul’s victory provides clear-cut answers.” (F. Rich, NYT 5.23)

Thus according to the popular movie script, to ever achieve redemption from guilt, he would have to give up being a White, Southern, Male (subtext => racist, misogynous, homophobic, anti-Semitic, Indian killing) man on earth; condense his suppressed good essence into a stream of mystic energy sent out to help those his kind have wronged; have sex with, and assimilate his purified spirit with lovely aliens. That’s what Rand Paul’s Avatar-inside-the-man must do, and must be seen trying to do – or he’s just plain evil; and everything he says and does proceeds from regressive chauvinist male pig mentality. The Nav’i were blue, not red; as in liberal (mostly North East) States. He must be sacrificed to them. Forget any beauty you might see in him on TV. That will be the dark side of the moon.

As Avatar, his is the power of paleoconservatism, as on the Original Dissent Forum board, run by Texas Dissident, TD. Slogan: NO WAR FOR ISRAEL. That’s what kept me posting there several years until ’04, when they waffled on G.W. Bush (who could stomach Kerry?), as did several of those behind Paul, I suspect. They’re good Americans. Handled Rand Paul well. Keep him beautiful, guys. He’ll toughen up the rest. Rachel says so (cf. her tuning fork vibration metaphor).

Paleoconservatives are natural enemies in the wild of both the Republican Party and neoconservatism. Thus NYTimes conservative columnist Ross Douthart, commenting on Paul, is obliged to recognize the paleoconservative ideology, eschewing “Tea Party” amorphousness, even while ignoring its anti-Israeli (anti-‘conspiracy theory’ talkers would call it "anti-semitic")

Hysterical Reversal by The Left (attacking him).

He dares question federal jurisdiction over the states in regard to privately owned businesses guaranteeing public access. This

It is the dialectic of Civil Rights vs. States Rights, residue of America’s slavery issue that led to the war between the states.

. This is enough to get Rich to pitch the race card.

“With Rand Paul, we get further evidence of race’s role in a movement whose growth precisely parallels the ascent of America’s first African-American president.” This is chart-thinking. One goes with the other, you see: rise of Tea Party, rise of Obama. The bad guys, the good guys. Expected, it was. (Maybe planned for, as by planting Town Hall disrupters, quasi ‘home grown terrorists’ like the Newberg 4.) Even questioning LBJ’s Civil Rights ’64 legislation, as Goldwater did (did Hillary Clinton?), undermines the basis of the new society launched then, as the Vietnam war was just entering consciousness along with Bob Dylan, The Beatles, psychedelics and Leary.

“He takes America back to Jim Crow days,” Rich cries for the baby boomer enlightened. The always-moral mass media rises up in Righteous Indignation Galore to round on the bad guys! and praise the good! This constraint inexorably exacerbates White/Black race tensions with reverse moral values. Blacks get to be the good guys this time around. Whites… b-a-a-d .

“The Tea Party is a right-wing populist movement with a specific ideology. It resides in the aging white base of the Republican Party and wants to purge that party of leaders who veer from its dogma.” But this intolerance is most obviously manifest right here, in the ‘leftist’ black/women/homosexual populist front, for whom Rand Paul’s stand hysterically generalizes to an attack on civilization’s progress.


The bottom line is an antinomy of consciousness: neither side can be denied w/o self-contradiction; but
one of the two will win, unless a wild card is played. designation of split conservative Tea Party”. The situation therefore illustrates a union of polar opposites, both of which are self-contradictory.


Lecture title: All out Token War in the Mosh Pit

Little Class! Little Class! What links these? Rand Paul’s Victory in Kentucky… and …Kagan’s legs (note: WaPo: “(she) sits with her legs ajar” “why doesn’t she cross her legs like a lady?” – responded to by NYTimes picture of them undeniably crossed and sticking out at you).

(=>in the Group-Cs. totality, this is a token of mother hatred. Cf. Scott Roeder’s creedt: “they’re murders; act like it”. Anti-abortionist psychosis is ultimate mother hatred: “kill the killer Mommy before she kills you” – this generalizes over to the Nanny State as

Kagan’s installment will stack the SCOTUS with 6 Catholics and 3 Jews. That is the first reason sufficient to block it.

Her Jewishness

The fact that she is Jewish, resumed “Dean of Harvard Law School,” where Professor Alan Dershowitz has defended the legality of torture, state assassination; and outside strict international law, “Israel’s right to exist,” protégé of L. Summers, who brought her from the U. of Chicago,…is never mentioned.

(cut to…Kagan’s legs. These have become an issue. WaPo, commenting on pictures of her, interviewed by lovely Mid-Eastern woman, “(she) sits with her legs ajar” “why doesn’t she cross her legs like a lady?” NYTimes respons with picture of Kagans gams undeniably crossed and sticking out at you. Take that, Rand Paul.)

Her sexuality -- widely rumored homosexual; neither affirmed or denied by her, avoided in all interviews -- as if introduced in order to be ‘strategically denied’)

This injection of Kagan’s legs, ajar or crossed, into mainstream content through these two major group-fantasy sources should not go unnoticed. It is, I humbly submit, remarkable, for several reasons. But will only seem so if one stops and thinks about it. (The more one does, the odder it gets.)

-to wit: look at the position it puts Rand Paul in. Here is a pretty transparent, honest man opening a new page. Son of Ron Paul, King of (some) Paleoconservatives, claimed by Ayn Rand libertarians, tagged as “Tea Party” candidate despite having recently won against other Republican presidential aspirants; but nobody knows what the “Tea Party“ is, exactly, except that “it” a. has ‘leaders’, b. activists (reviling NYC Mosque near ground zero), and c. now, according to Frank Rich, an Avatar. Rachel Maddow used a tuning fork to illustrate how this twin-arm vibrating instrument (she had referred to something making her vibrate last Wednesday, yoking it up w/ Keith). When touched to the ground (brilliant action-metaphor!) it produces a sound; wave lengths audible to the human ear. This is how she sees Rand Paul: a spreadable (cf contagion, ‘radio-active’ <=state of mental excitement by suggestibility) energy-force, picking up consonant vibrations (like a ‘contagion’, ‘dangerous’, ‘radioactive’ <= tokening a state of mental excitement, susceptibility to seduction if you listen), pretty soon becoming a song everyone starts humming, in their own way, of course. Such is the constellating power of the Archetype. The Archetype/avatar of conservatism constellated outside the political system is tokened “Rand Paul”. On split screen Left, (facing right) is Kagan’s legs.

This is mid-term ’08 -/’10/ - ’12 psychohistorical vortex point. (A new way of relating to history, and the present, using unconscious fantasy token mashups).


The New Pitch: RP and EK are the two arms of the tuning fork, grounded in the American political psyche


-Only the self-hating (or mother hating) can participate. This rules out good Father’s sons of old White America. These beautiful, bashful, blushing blond/blue-eyed boys and girls of Dixie – whew!.. “marching as to war…”

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Stacking the Deck to Stack the Court


Alignment of the antis:

Opposition to this appointment by the black president can be dismissed by playing various token-cards, beginning with racist:

anti-black – “not allowing a president his appointment counter- traditional; hence, prejudiced.’ (see Ken Starr’s comment: ‘elections mean something’, adding his legal opinion on the ‘liberal’ side, this time; he now says he regrets being used by right-wing ideologues to degrade the public atmosphere by prosecuting Clinton.)

anti-Semitic -- opposed by Jew haters)
anti-homosexual -- opposed by homophobes (whether she is a lesbian or not)
anti-feminist – opposed by misogynists

These are major ‘hate cards’ which either side can ‘play’, or not play, to evoke reaction-formation in political discourse. “NO! NO! NOT! slavery! Nazi holocaust! queer bashing! female oppression! The democratic values this country was founded on! – freedom! equal rights! Woodstock Nation from the ‘60’s completing its vengeful return. They ain't stoppin' this time. It’s feminazis now, down the line.

These “anti”-tokens “frame” opposition to Kagan’s nomination. Even to entertain the thoughts they bring elicits punishment-anxiety. They are therefore repressed. “NO! NO!” is instinctive rejection of such heinous thoughts. (This the only way repressed contents can gain entry to consciousness.)

Trading on unconscious disambiguation like this sets the stage for abuses. Pre-emptively defining expression of ‘anti’ feeling as “hate talk’, is one. Tacit encouragement of such talk to instigate ‘hater reaction’, leading to staged fake-hate crimes in extreme cases, is another. To have to defend or explain criticism as NOT based on these is a third; beyond annoying, to felt as hatefully oppressive.

All these built-in token-signals are residues of love-turned-to hate.
Love of women, of those sexually different; yes, of Jews, with empathy for their suffering. Of Black people, with empathy; of the continent of Africa. All this love once surely prevailed in America. Then came the neocons. And their cunning manipulations of America-talk. Ex.: Leo Strauss, student of Martin Heidegger, who held that people are more strongly bonded by threat of a common enemy than by altruistic feelings toward each other. This is a pivotal doctrine of neoconservatives. It goes with policy favoring pre-emptive strike against enemies. He is their Trotsky, attracting acolytes like Allan Bloom (Saul Bellow; U. of Chicago), Nathan Glazier, etc.). This brings about an existential reversal from expansion based on bonds of trust, to global corporatism based on reaction-formation (=>psychodynamics of the Oedipus complex). It is all about Fathers, and the instinctive positing of a Perfect One for Sons and Daughters to worship, in order that they might complete an inner stage of development (installing a “Super-Ego”, ideal self, under the “Watchful eye of the Father”). The transition is from Loving, Caring Father of the New Testament, to perpetually at-war Father of Old Testament Semites. Catholics, with priestly hierarchy tied to ancestral inheritance of spirit, are closer to the Old Testament Jewish God than Protestants, by virtue of this ‘generational’ link. “What kind of Father do YOU believe in?”


GAMING THE HATE (the reaction-formation candidate)

“She Don’t Take No Man’s Shit”


--and that’s how the psychodynamics is being used to manipulate the legal system.

“Only someone with her mental toughness could be trusted now.” “With that baseball (softball) stance, she’s as good as ar’y man, herself.”

Joe Lieberman: “a little more conservative’ than her liberal reputation.
Kenneth Starr: calls attacks by conservatives ‘not in the country’s best interest’; ‘very well qualified’ (on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”, 5.13.’10)

Apotheosis of Neoconned Liberalism (A Laodicean – neither one nor the other, while pretending to be both)

Being shooed in on the basis of: 1. father-hatred. 2. Killer Mommy revenge


--Tracing America’s psychohistorical narrative
by Power Tokens* (Linking old Tokens with New Text)

From Vietnam to Kagan – (’63) Sins of the Fathers => (’83 Reagan/Neocons) => (’03) <= GW Bush/Iraq (shame) <= religio-ethnic-racial networking: political process brought under Catholic/Jewish favoring influences:

I. “Sinful Fathers” (<=”No! No!” cries the little child in each and all. “Give Us Back Good Fathers!”) => influence favoring Latin/Catholic legal tradition as ‘more rigorous’ compensatory reversal. The shame of pedophile priests augments, rather than diminishing the drive toward “Good Father’s Language”, legal language, by doubling the shame of Iraq (which doubled the shame of Vietnam War fathers, originating with Catholics. With 6 out of 9 SCOTUS justices Roman Catholic, final arbiters of the legal language of America, the circle of guilt and shame reaches the present.

Judgment: Acting outside the law, from ’63 to Vietnam, Reagan, neocons, BushI,II, by its very illegal, immoral (Black*) impetus, cathects childhood desire for Old Just Father’s language even our own fathers heard as a child. The gradual filling-in of pictures fulfilling this wish leads, over time, by karmic feedback loops, to the rising up of Catholic justices: Scalia, Roberts, Alito, Thomas, …). This is the classic psychodynamic of Freud’s Oedipal complex. The first “NO! NO!” is reaction-formation to the content of Father, also the Beloved, as sinful – and possessing the Mother. (This is where Freud’s own analysis was not finished, in my opinion; he did not face up squarely to the image of Rapist Killer Father in his, and the Jewish, unconscious. The conflict regarding sexuality is all about “desire for the Mother’ <=( safe, nurturant, fun, free, early childhood care) <= (womb/placental container of first life)

II. KILLER MOTHERS (ELANA KAGAN) <=Vengeful (Killer) Mother: apotheosis of Masculin-ized Female Liberalism, defined by post-’67 sub-culture reaction to Rapist/Killer Father aggression in Vietnam.

(“No! No!” the little child inside each one cries out, again, in reaction to the ABUSIVE FATHER/to /KILLER-MOMMY REVENGE CYCLE) <= Kagan <= homosexual <= Jewish <= female <= homosexual (claiming inheritance of liberalism
=>Gay Liberation (faux ‘60’s ‘coming out’ movement)
=>gender issues (equal pay for equal work; discriminatory practices, ‘glass ceiling’ policies: fighting the “Old Boy’s Republican Network”
<=Feminine Liberation (Betty Friedan: The Feminine Mystique)
=>Ethnic liberation (latent: Jewish civil rights activists in the South merge racial-ethnic-religious threads as part of the anti-war generation
‘60’s movement. Returned in ’09,’10 on MSNBC as SPLC rep Marc Potak, scourging ‘hate groups’: on the web: David Duke, AN (Aryan Nation), NA (National Alliance), OD (Original Dissent), CCC (Christian Community-), neo-Nazi, KKK remnants. Among mainstream religionists, Pat Robertson/Jerry Falwell/Bob Jones/Oral Roberts/Jimmy Swaggart “New World Order” Evangelicals; of more mainstream groups: Southern Baptist, Presbyterian,
<= Black Liberation/ Malcolm X, MLK, SLA


<= VIETNAM WAR REACTION: Advanced psychoclass youth uprising against old rapist-killer (dark) Father archetype. (‘Baby Boomer’ generation; the best and brightest <= co-opted by WWII killer fathers)

 ….Cindy Sheehan was the legitimate voice of Vietnam war protest, lamenting loss of her son in Iraq war. No uprising against G.W. Bush’s aggressions occurred, even after the deceptions and lies were exposed.

III. “She Just Doesn’t Fit”

According to Scottish common sense philosopher Thomas Reid
fittingness is the existential basis of moral (“ought to be”) judgment.

Mysterium Conjunctionis : the Karma of Sinful Fathers is matched with that of Vengeful Mothers in The Unconscious => manifesting in the ethnic-religious ratios of the Supreme Court of The United States of America, exercisng the powers of government most associated with the SuperEgo. Collectively: interpretation of law. In male form: Catholic Fathers. In female form: Jewish Mothers (reversal of female as “weak”. (What could be stronger and, in its way (ugh) sexier than a lesbian law professor, ex-Dean of Harvard Law School, from New York City via Chicago?)

This outcome is the result of political networking through religio-ethnic variables. Father-Son guilt complex, originating in Vietnam, is further augmented through unconscious associations by lying wars, shame, fantasies of rebirth by male anal rape (of ‘effeminate’ Arabs), and the Catholic pedophile priest scandal; the reputation of blacks as itinerant fathers.

Kenneth Starr, now President of Baylor University, is a fan:

STARR: Well it may be good politics but I don’t think it’s good for the Court. We have been through a generation of very divisive politics which I think is not serving the Court well and therefore I don’t think it serves the country well. But far be it from me to question the tactics of folks who are elected by their constituents to carry a particular voice. I just wish for the sake of the country that there are less rancor and acrimony. Elections have consequences. President Obama has chosen someone who is very qualified.
Starr, who famously led the impeachment campaign against President Bill Clinton, has previously said he “very much regrets” his “unhappy decision” to drag the country through that right-wing crusade.


Thesis: It is possible to construct a narrative of what a group of people
who use signs in communication according to particular rules, or grammar, from a relatively small sample of tokens* each processes separately, combining them into whole (totality*) by self-reference. When each “I” uses the same sign, or symbol, each One as for All, a historical group process is initiated, sustained by the energy of shared ‘delegate positions’ (“We” for “I”) of consciousness. “I, as an American” is the delegate position of patriotic consciousness. “We vote”, this position has learned to say of itself by linking “I’s”, “We’s” and “the Constitution”

Theory. The trajectory of individual lives flowing together as SCOTUS judges is the result of religio-ethnic networking. The psychic processing links are partly conscious, but largely unconscious.

Shared “We”-delegate positions bring the ambient group-historical process into a whole, or Totality* (*terms with asterisk are psychosemiotic primitives, defined through actual instances inTokenSpace). This Totality* becomes a subject of sentences, such as “we Americans ought to wake up”, published in such places as blogs and letters to the editor.

Catholic tokens are
;y as such, of legalistic authoritative religion; and ethnic Jewry

We are about to get PC’ed (by reaction-formation) out of our heritage.
(female, black, homosexual, Jew, Catholic)

Ongoing issues impacted by Kagan’s identity

War Crimes during the Bush years
Impending financial/economic collapse
Gulf oil spew <= corporate monetary interests
New York City terrorist bomb plot <=

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Kaganonomics: JA P (Jawbone Ass Power) – reaction-formation (hate regime) SCOTUS
(Killer Mommy Squared – Ontological skin crawl – you ain’t solid against this, you ain’t square with the world)

JEWISH <= criticism as such muted by charges of ‘anti-Semitism’ even though this ethnic minority is vastly over-represented on the national stage in proportion to its numbers, and Kagan could be presumed to favor legislative language ‘good for the Jews’ over any remotely accusatory, even if fairly argued. Since relations to Israel impact many substantive current issues, from separation of Church and State (they say “synagogue”), response to its insults, foreign policy, to prosecutions against Israel for spying and other illegal activities inside the U.S.. These cannot be overseen by the eye of a Jewess without assumption of gross prejudice. And, on such momentous upcoming decisions, no SCOUS justice has the right to recuse themselves. Therefore her nomination carries with it the tacit assumption of gross prejudice in favor of Israel in judicial perspective. It must be rejected on this ground. But not this alone.

PRINCESS (<=reversed: homosexual) She is also an outspoken defender of homosexual rights, widely rumored lesbian (strategic ambiguity, perhaps, like the nukes in Netanyahu’s pouch). The same objection raised against her Jewisness as disqualifying existential bias, applies here. There is no mystique, no secret Latina Woman wisdom, about what is at issue: the definition of the term “marriage”, and whether what the U.S. Constitution means by “equality” is illegitimately stretched to covert “same sex unions”. She ought to be able to give a simple “Yes” or “No” to that, if asked.

But neither of these critical desiderata will be brought up to challenge Kagan’s nomination. The first would be labeled anti-Semitic; the second, homophobic. Together, they represent “Gay Jewishness”, inverted from male to female; this pairing presented as a “compromise formation”, through her female identity. Coming on the heels of Mother’s Day, pun intended, this one is truly, truly one piece of work.

What was that NYC-obliterating bomb plot linked to “Al Queda Pakistan” in the news yesterday? Capping the old oil spew? well not yet. Stock market crash? What stock market crash. Wonder where all the pain went.

In addition to blocking collective short term memory, this lesbian Jewish non-mom becomes a revenge tool to reverse male oppression. Since the female form of Kagan’s body is the compromise formation combining the other two aggressive tokens, challenging her in person, as the Senate hearing will, places the ones doing it in the position of “oppressing women”. This completes the circle of reaction-formation brought over from the female (reversal of sex role) to male (reversal of male authority point of view). It’s white male women haters (the ‘Right’), vrs. Multicult Killer Mommy (the ‘Left’). In a nutshell. That is the confluence of opposites to which the political psychodynamics has led.