Poison in Sign Use
Short definition: whatever piggybacks on necessity to defeat The Purpose (-> completing stages of the self-individualizing process). (also: "unnecessary but impossible-to-shed burden"; "The Cross")
Thinking of how they get over on us by control of communication.
To Lie
The verb "to lie" has a broader and narrower range of applications. Narrowly, it stands for a person deliberately stating what they know to be false as true. But everybody allows it may not be that, so much as getting over with half-truths, exaggerations, etc., -- lying as deliberate misrepresentation. What with the incessant inundation of every pore and sense organ with information from TV, print, menues, iPhones and all the rest, charge of lying in the strict sense is almost irrelevant; it is generally assumed, I take it, that lying in the broader sense is going on all the time.
TALK <= metaphysics of through psychosemiotics =>
The intent to deceive by/in/through TALK* -- or its situational substitute -- is common to both uses. This is metaphysically crucial to understand understanding.
Exchanging mental content with another in conversation by means of face-to-face verbal* communication is the apex of expressive free bodily movement. New-found, at birth, in mother-child exchange (with EYES), exploration and discovery of what can be accomplished by moving mouth, vocal chords, tongue, face, together, in response to perceptual, emotive and cognitive content The Other expresses....is the primary "I-We" situation from which all communication originates. The psychosemiotic "bond" of infant and mother is one that could be described as "pouring themselves into each other". Pre-birth memory of fetal origins, imprinted under trauma, is template of the life-containing placenta which the BODY of the (M)Other represents. This is why the lower triad of sign use is completed, as Freud found, in "incest" -- return to the Mother's Womb; for the male, through penile penetration. A Catch-22, or 'paradox', herein ensues, however: (M)Other's Womb is where the Poisonous Placenta exists! -- return-to-unbirth is filled with terror of trauma of re-birth. The female crotch, therefore -- 'the vag', now endearingly denoted -- becomes both a place of pleasure and terror; culminating Life at the moment closest Death; so that from the other side courting Death may become a way of maximizing Life.
Such was the psychic antinomy Otto Rank elaborated existentially. It was he who focused psychoanalytic attention to birth trauma as continuing source of greatest anxiety in life, associated with the sex drive. Freud had recognized birth as most severe trauma, but did not connect it, and anxiety in general, with masochism until later (1923).
If Rank's existential psychanalysis is called 'left', the 'right' would be Wm. Reich. He supplied an economic resolution of the Life-Death antithesis, overlooking subjective fluxuations as by-products of flow of primal. cosmic orgone energy through the body. This was also a development from Freud's 'libido', hypothesized as a fundamental psychic 'instinctual energy'. Reich showed that currents of energy ('stimuli') which can be felt as sexual, do, in fact, stream across nodes of arousal in the body, resulting, in proper circumstances, in involuntary orgiastic contractions, releasing quantities of orgone, followed by relaxation and limpness. Reich's hypothesis fits squarely with some physicist's recent questioning of whether gravity exists; or whether the luminiferous aether Newton and others posited did not carry an even more subtle, profoundly constraining force binding things throughout the universe in shapes.
Carl Jung's theory of Archetypes of the Collectiove Unconscious, to complete the short rounds of early 2oth century depth psychological thought, is not sexual-energy based. All opposites trace to polarities in the psyche under Archetypes. He posits "interest" as psychic energy neutral between pleasure-pain.
A model of the effect of poisoning logical communication by infecting the 1-1 name-thing relation on which relation to reality depends can be given in the progression 1 -1 -2 -3 -5 -8-13 - (fibonacci series), if one of the original "1"'s is replaced by its opposite, yielding: (~1-1) as preceding "2" -- which may be hypothesized as having an opposite, "~2";... and on like that, reproducing an accumulations of negative values alongside positive ones. Applying this, when a sequence of connected predications begins with a self-contradiction, conjoining a proposition with its negation, or a name with its reversal, every 4th member of the derived S* will be opposed (blackened, if the other three are white).
This model depends on connections that cannot be explained here.
"LIE" is used broadly whenever communication is deliberately used to get people to relate to something untrue. In this sense, lying includes:
WITHHOLDING FACTS No verdict in any trial, or informed democratic vote, can be arrived at based on partial disclosures, half-truth, biased data selection, or other fore closures of discussion of information. That is why laws making it illegal to question 'the holocaust' are suspicious and anathema to an open society. It blocks discovery of any facts that might contradict the official story; thereby converting that story to a dogma.
America's historical narrative has been distorted by the media withholding facts about what happened in America's name under Ronald Reagan, and has been going on ever since.: facts about what the CIA did in Chenya, Africa, Central America; and what Israel got over with.during the '80's.
-TAKING QUOTES & ACTS OUT OF CONTEXT - Slicing, splicing pictures and words to create a false-front reality. Best current example, clips of Shirley Sharrod showing apparent racial bias. (cf. "CONTRAS" as the 'good guys' because Reagan backed them. )
A. by doctoring the tokens (Ex. flame letter of the Hebrew alphabet inscribing the Pentateuch - has the psychosemiotic carry-over effect of enflaming copiers and readers with the conscious car and pains taken to reproduce them exactly.)
B. by false squaring (of) the situation to which the message applies.
-STAGING: "LOOKS LIKE"'s for PR purposes (Ex. Pat Tillman's heroism;)
federal agency assets luring, if not actually bringing about, "terror threats" that otherwise would be unlikely to occur.
This category could include a large % of "terror threats", domestic and foreign.
black woman Shirley Sharrod.
She was 'framed' to come off as black-on-white racist, although her father has actually been killed by a white racist.
Editing videotape; ignoring that it originated as a STING operation by the same ones who set up ACORN, a prima facie incriminating.clip was played by Fox news, followed by, first, a firestorm of condemnation, then an enormous backlash against the whole thing.
Essentially the same thing happened to Helen Thomas, caged into making frank remarks taken to sound anti-Semitic; sans backlash, in her case, except murmurs.
As for Jews, Harpur College at SUNY-Binghamton witnessed swastikas spray-painted on the Jewish Student Union wall, with other graffiti )1988), evidently perpetrated by its President in order to motivate attendance at a Holocaust memorial service, which it did.. James Oppenheim was the only one arrested, but good NYC lawyers got him off on a technicality, and no outcry against the event as a false flag, fake hate incident was possible because, although suspicion was warranted, what happened couldn't be talked about.
This is the most insidious part of acted out reversals. 1. They work -- the public is aroused and angry; 2. Minimum risk of getting caught; the Media never investigates causes, only maximally deviated effects; 3. little punishment to be expected if you are - 'carried away by a good cause' defense; no one actually hurt (!); 4. Expectation of another hate break-out is increased, so the 'good guys' are empowered, overall.
For pragmatists, few shady adventures have better credentials than these. A real shot of glory might await only a bit of pluck.
These credentials could hardly
With these kinds of credentials, pragmatists would reach for the black flag bottle as the cheapest way out every time.
-- *Rich, self-financed political candidates aligning with populist anger AGAINST what they represent, ("..a crowd of uber-rich candidates, comfortable in boardrooms and country clubs, spending a fortune to remake themselves into populist insurgents" -NYTimes 7.23 Damien Cave and Michael Luo).
-compares with: (private) homosexuals, campaigning by arousing anger at homosexuals (Sen. Craig, R. Wyoming). This heightens potential for hatred