Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Friday, July 23, 2010

Poison in Sign Use


Short definition: whatever piggybacks on necessity to defeat The Purpose (-> completing stages of the self-individualizing process). (also: "unnecessary but impossible-to-shed burden"; "The Cross")

Thinking of how they get over on us by control of communication.

To Lie

The verb "to lie" has a broader and narrower range of applications. Narrowly, it stands for a person deliberately stating what they know to be false as true. But everybody allows it may not be that, so much as getting over with half-truths, exaggerations, etc., -- lying as deliberate misrepresentation. What with the incessant inundation of every pore and sense organ with information from TV, print, menues, iPhones and all the rest, charge of lying in the strict sense is almost irrelevant; it is generally assumed, I take it, that lying in the broader sense is going on all the time.

TALK <= metaphysics of through psychosemiotics =>

The intent to deceive by/in/through TALK* -- or its situational substitute -- is common to both uses. This is metaphysically crucial to understand understanding.

Exchanging mental content with another in conversation by means of face-to-face verbal* communication is the apex of expressive free bodily movement. New-found, at birth, in mother-child exchange (with EYES), exploration and discovery of what can be accomplished by moving mouth, vocal chords, tongue, face, together, in response to perceptual, emotive and cognitive content The Other the primary "I-We" situation from which all communication originates. The psychosemiotic "bond" of infant and mother is one that could be described as "pouring themselves into each other". Pre-birth memory of fetal origins, imprinted under trauma, is template of the life-containing placenta which the BODY of the (M)Other represents. This is why the lower triad of sign use is completed, as Freud found, in "incest" -- return to the Mother's Womb; for the male, through penile penetration. A Catch-22, or 'paradox', herein ensues, however: (M)Other's Womb is where the Poisonous Placenta exists! -- return-to-unbirth is filled with terror of trauma of re-birth. The female crotch, therefore -- 'the vag', now endearingly denoted -- becomes both a place of pleasure and terror; culminating Life at the moment closest Death; so that from the other side courting Death may become a way of maximizing Life.

Such was the psychic antinomy Otto Rank elaborated existentially. It was he who focused psychoanalytic attention to birth trauma as continuing source of greatest anxiety in life, associated with the sex drive. Freud had recognized birth as most severe trauma, but did not connect it, and anxiety in general, with masochism until later (1923).

If Rank's existential psychanalysis is called 'left', the 'right' would be Wm. Reich. He supplied an economic resolution of the Life-Death antithesis, overlooking subjective fluxuations as by-products of flow of primal. cosmic orgone energy through the body. This was also a development from Freud's 'libido', hypothesized as a fundamental psychic 'instinctual energy'. Reich showed that currents of energy ('stimuli') which can be felt as sexual, do, in fact, stream across nodes of arousal in the body, resulting, in proper circumstances, in involuntary orgiastic contractions, releasing quantities of orgone, followed by relaxation and limpness. Reich's hypothesis fits squarely with some physicist's recent questioning of whether gravity exists; or whether the luminiferous aether Newton and others posited did not carry an even more subtle, profoundly constraining force binding things throughout the universe in shapes.
Carl Jung's theory of Archetypes of the Collectiove Unconscious, to complete the short rounds of early 2oth century depth psychological thought, is not sexual-energy based. All opposites trace to polarities in the psyche under Archetypes. He posits "interest" as psychic energy neutral between pleasure-pain.

A model of the effect of poisoning logical communication by infecting the 1-1 name-thing relation on which relation to reality depends can be given in the progression 1 -1 -2 -3 -5 -8-13 - (fibonacci series), if one of the original "1"'s is replaced by its opposite, yielding: (~1-1) as preceding "2" -- which may be hypothesized as having an opposite, "~2";... and on like that, reproducing an accumulations of negative values alongside positive ones. Applying this, when a sequence of connected predications begins with a self-contradiction, conjoining a proposition with its negation, or a name with its reversal, every 4th member of the derived S* will be opposed (blackened, if the other three are white).
This model depends on connections that cannot be explained here.

"LIE" is used broadly whenever communication is deliberately used to get people to relate to something untrue. In this sense, lying includes:

WITHHOLDING FACTS No verdict in any trial, or informed democratic vote, can be arrived at based on partial disclosures, half-truth, biased data selection, or other fore closures of discussion of information. That is why laws making it illegal to question 'the holocaust' are suspicious and anathema to an open society. It blocks discovery of any facts that might contradict the official story; thereby converting that story to a dogma.

America's historical narrative has been distorted by the media withholding facts about what happened in America's name under Ronald Reagan, and has been going on ever since.: facts about what the CIA did in Chenya, Africa, Central America; and what Israel got over with.during the '80's.

-TAKING QUOTES & ACTS OUT OF CONTEXT - Slicing, splicing pictures and words to create a false-front reality. Best current example, clips of Shirley Sharrod showing apparent racial bias. (cf. "CONTRAS" as the 'good guys' because Reagan backed them. )


A. by doctoring the tokens (Ex. flame letter of the Hebrew alphabet inscribing the Pentateuch - has the psychosemiotic carry-over effect of enflaming copiers and readers with the conscious car and pains taken to reproduce them exactly.)
B. by false squaring (of) the situation to which the message applies.

-STAGING: "LOOKS LIKE"'s for PR purposes (Ex. Pat Tillman's heroism;)

federal agency assets luring, if not actually bringing about, "terror threats" that otherwise would be unlikely to occur.
This category could include a large % of "terror threats", domestic and foreign.

black woman Shirley Sharrod.
She was 'framed' to come off as black-on-white racist, although her father has actually been killed by a white racist.

Editing videotape; ignoring that it originated as a STING operation by the same ones who set up ACORN, a prima facie incriminating.clip was played by Fox news, followed by, first, a firestorm of condemnation, then an enormous backlash against the whole thing.

Essentially the same thing happened to Helen Thomas, caged into making frank remarks taken to sound anti-Semitic; sans backlash, in her case, except murmurs.

As for Jews, Harpur College at SUNY-Binghamton witnessed swastikas spray-painted on the Jewish Student Union wall, with other graffiti )1988), evidently perpetrated by its President in order to motivate attendance at a Holocaust memorial service, which it did.. James Oppenheim was the only one arrested, but good NYC lawyers got him off on a technicality, and no outcry against the event as a false flag, fake hate incident was possible because, although suspicion was warranted, what happened couldn't be talked about.

This is the most insidious part of acted out reversals. 1. They work -- the public is aroused and angry; 2. Minimum risk of getting caught; the Media never investigates causes, only maximally deviated effects; 3. little punishment to be expected if you are - 'carried away by a good cause' defense; no one actually hurt (!); 4. Expectation of another hate break-out is increased, so the 'good guys' are empowered, overall.

For pragmatists, few shady adventures have better credentials than these. A real shot of glory might await only a bit of pluck.

These credentials could hardly
With these kinds of credentials, pragmatists would reach for the black flag bottle as the cheapest way out every time.

-- *Rich, self-financed political candidates aligning with populist anger AGAINST what they represent, ("..a crowd of uber-rich candidates, comfortable in boardrooms and country clubs, spending a fortune to remake themselves into populist insurgents" -NYTimes 7.23 Damien Cave and Michael Luo).

-compares with: (private) homosexuals, campaigning by arousing anger at homosexuals (Sen. Craig, R. Wyoming). This heightens potential for hatred

Thursday, July 08, 2010


(Read while listening to Mr. Bo Jangles.)


Big Bad Bibi rollin’ Mr. BO jangles

Read while listening to:

Where Monica went, let all who come afterward also go 4th thereunto (…give or take).

A conspiracy so vast, so historically consequential, so prospectively cruel and murderous, it discourse so poisonous, it dwarfs everything but the oil geyser as a catastrophe.

How dare they. Takes more than gall.

It takes a MSM cooperating to cover all their backs, firing katusha rockets at “right wing extremist hate groups”, meanwhile unwaveringly advancing the Israeli agenda, as if IT were the good news the good guys were bringing ya today.

7.8 Thursday

Sen. Lieberman says force may be needed

The Connecticut senator argues the military option is supported by congressional consensus

U.S. Senator Joseph Lieberman says there is a broad consensus in Congress that military force can be used if necessary to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. *
Lieberman cites a recent set of sanctions passed by Congress against Iran as a potential deterrent. But he insists that the goal of keeping Iran from becoming a nuclear power will be accomplished "through diplomatic and economic sanctions if we possibly can, through military actions if we must."*

The Connecticut senator spoke Wednesday in Jerusalem, where he was visiting with fellow senators John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.
Israel, the U.S. and other Western countries accuse Iran of trying to develop an atomic weapon. Iran says its nuclear program is for civilian use.

The asterisked items are pre-emptive declarations, made without broad consultation with their constitutency, as political correctness in local and state discourse prevents the opposite side from fair presentation and argument. To wit: that Israel will commit suicide if it bombs Iran, and will take all who join them on a death trip. It will be in the wrong stratigically, militarily, morally – and psychodynamically, defeating itself before it begins, because it is fighting against (the split off, exteriorized (‘dumped’) part of) itself. “Israel” now defends the logical malapropism “right to exist” by identifying with (battle against) its Negation. This is pure reaction-formation, converting an instinctive impulse NO! NO! ( aborting little Israel by denying its “right to exist”, aligning with ‘holocaust deniers’ ) to YES! YES!  we will help you bomb Iran. An entity whose raison de etre consists in defending itself against itself cancels the presumption.

By stretching “terrorism” as “the enemy at war with”, to cover Hamas and Hezbolla; then, linking “Al Queda” and “9/11”, the bare threads of the threadbare grammar of opposites are played and plucked like strings on a banjo, to weave one more day of the sadistic suicide journey.

In fact, Lieberman’s claim to speak for broad Congressional support has a dark – literally kept hidden – prequel. Two letters sent to President Obama: (1) 87 Senators urge Obama not to hold Israel responsible for the death of a U.S. citizen aboard the Gaza humanitarian aid ship Mavi Marmara, though facts show otherwise. (2) Earlier, a large majority rebuked him on Jerusalem settlements:
The Report concludes that the actions of the Israeli Government could lead to a “competent court finding that crimes against humanity have been committed.” The Report was approved by a vast majority in the United Nations General Assembly …
The terrible power of the Zionist Power Configuration has run amok: the Jewish Congressional lobby, the liberals, progressives and neo-cons all together signed and promoted an act of Congress signed by over 330 Congress people rebuking Obama for publicly disagreeing with Netanyahu over the land grab in Arab Jerusalem.

rolling the American people at the same time Bibi is doing it to BO.

Lieberman’s ‘use of force’ greenlight – behind Obama’s back? – preempts any challenge or qualification to these token-implants in group discourse:: “unbreakable bond” (Israel-U.S.), “’us’*” slip, tacit green light to pre-emptively strike Iran; “no change in policy” in UN/NATO language continuing the systematic double-talk regarding Israel’s huge arsenal.

Note on The “Royal (mini-Oedipal) ‘US’ slip”

A real, almost unbelievable Freudian slip (give or take), substituting dual nation identity under his delegate ‘I’. Proceeding spontaneously, without pre-meditation, it tokened (was a symptom of) ‘where his head was at’ as he was in the midst of considering military defense.

But symbolically, also, it’s use evokes His role as Father of the country; Sire (“Sir”) of the White House, forging a legacy by his every act and demeanor, for followers of the patriarchal patriot side of the (~S/S*). But that is only for those who follow the texts threaded as intended official narrative – the ‘mainstream’, as it calls itself, through the media of communication. If the tokens are retrieved by memory1 loops, then rethreaded according to Archetypal sequences, the alternative psychohistorical narrative threaded through unconscious group-fantasy emerges. This is thus a read-out of the New Psychohistory, through Psychosemiotics.

What this amounts to, then, an act of psychosemiotic usurpation; of Obama’s personal I-We merger with Israel: its ideology, lobby, money, political power.

*** cf. also: CNN fires senior Mid-East editor for pro-Hezbolla remark
***** Other indicators: Palin  Kristol’s upskirt fantasy to the Tea Bagged Limbaugh crowd et al

Monday, July 05, 2010

From Thence4th Forth

BIRTH OF A NATION !! ?? ? yippur … w/ subtexts

--Psychosemiotic Reflections on Patriotism and Identification following Father’s day 6.20



..(HIS) ..(ITS’).. FORESKIN - KAGAN (Elena) (Papish “Roberts Court”)

(subtext1: “You can take it easy on the fireworks this year, Sam.”)

(subtext2 Is The U.S. Senate Honoring Terrorists? …If Rich says so… )

….Frank Rich’s remarks on the Nation’s birthday today (NYTimes week, 7.4) begin by recalling West Virginia’s Senator Robert Byrd’s demise. His corpus was honored to lie in state on the Senate floor, where he poured out his life. However, his KKK background from younger days, plus his opposition to Lyndon Johnson’s civil rights legislation, are are brought up to debunk. Rich calls incidents of racial violence in l964 “terrorism.”. That makes either him or the U.S. Senate utter fools, take your pick. Is it honoring a terrorist? --or is he ‘terrorist mongering’ American history . The KKK wasn’t “terrorist” in the sense of violence instigated by foreigners against the nation. That is a stretch to link the predicate used by America for its enemy, Al Queda; and Israel’s Palestinian/Lebanese enemies, Hezbollah, Hamas. Now the latent domestic political agenda becomes manifest: it goes back to white southern slaveholder state mentality; morphs via group-fantasy into Nazi’s terrorizing Jews in the Holocaust; comes out today in “The Tea Party Era” (sic) -- loosely organized (lol) ‘dangerous right wing’ nativists – in a political discourse hijacked by “Leftist/’liberals’”, and the “Kagan Right”  a Union of Opposites if there ever was one. That’s Rich.

Footnote to The Declaration

“Usurpation”, charged against Britain by the colonists was late 18th century terminology covering roughly what early 21st discourse calls “hijacking” (compare ‘stings’, substitutions, bait-switch). Then, the issue was England’s right to tax colonial produce and trade. Today, the issue is who “we” are, after illegitimately elected representatives, with their controlled mass media of communication, have hijacked our government, political discourse and on its way to usurping our very identity.

The Nation magazine called for a 200 word reply to “What is Patriotism? You tell us.” Here is what must be said, to them, to all.

The word “Patriot” is a grammatical derivative, with “patriarch”, “patrimony”, of the Latin root, “pater-”, commonly translated into English as “father”. Thus, by etymology, patriotism is the state, feeling, expression of honor toward Archetypal Male Progenitor. This Archetype, though strictly speaking a hypothetical construct, is a psychosemiotic unity* traceable by overlapping, fusing, emerging in collective memory, from common human childhood stage of awakenings: to parental gender difference. In unconscious fantasy layering, this succeeds the placental good-bad//nurturing-poisonous ur-dynamic split. The Freudian dream-thought, looped by the Archetype into distribution of Father from Head to Toe via prepuce, traverses these opposites: Athena, born of no woman, wisdom streaming from the brow of Zeus in full body armor; Kagan, personifying Zeus’s prepuce, looped through the Romish Papacy (“the Roberts Court”).

The two (Be-) Fore- 4 – Fathers: Oedipal God Almighty (command power of Wisdom), and Mothers: Placental Goddess (“She Who Must Be Obeyed”) --layering of shared group-fantasies that define delegate positions of consciousness.

Almost without exception, our America forefathers were, in religio-ethnic terms, white, Protestant, European, predominantly Anglo-Saxon. Not just blacks and women were excluded from participation in affairs of state; in most regions, this was true of Catholics and Jews, as well.

Compare this with today’s religio-ethnic distribution of Supreme Court Justices, 9-0 Catholic-Jewish over Protestants. Our forefathers legal legacy has been hijacked and had its spiritual cannon overturned by ‘adopted Americans’, responsive to off-shore powers and influences, namely, the Vatican and Israel. The “Kagan Right” is the other side of Group-Fanatasy consciousness of the “Maddow Left”. As “feminists” they are joined at the hip by “yes//( homosexual identity. Females of the Right, e.g. Sarah Palin, backed by neoconservative Jew Wm. Kristol, vrs. Females of the Left; this intra-gender (Sister-sibling) conflict is where current Archetypal differences are presently most energized. This is how Betty Friedan and The Feminine Mystique wound up on SCOTUS. It is represents the Jewish side of the psychosexual opposites of America’s forefathers.

The Catholic side…tbc

Patriotism in America today begins with revolt against this usurpation. In Frederick Nietzshe’s phrase it is a transvaluation of all values. The Golden Rule, for instance, to which Christians adhere privately as a Holy teaching, is reversed by Israel’s preemptive strike policy, now threatening atrocity toward Iran. Patriotic Christians therefore oppose all political factions, frames and issues predicating on Catholic-Jewish understanding of terms relating to America’s soul legacy through the Fathers. These have been psychodynamically replaced by Mother, female gendered side of the pre-Odipal parental duplex,

They’ve pulled off the Great Bait- Switch: the Super-Ego functions (to define the “good” child’s I-ideal) are shifted from Father to Mother. It is mass historical psychic regression, with incipient psychosis as unconscious group-fantasies emerge driven by powerful accumulative forces. Patriotism today also calls for confronting them. .

Mother-substituted-for- Father to frame America’s collective Ego ideal.

KAGAN (reaction-formation)

**** supplement

I S is, again. Returned as “identification”, this time.

Contexts (grammars) of use: logical, psychological, esoteric (awakening of the 6th sense through self-remembering)

Identity (logic) is what is expressed in sentences by signs ‘is’ and ‘=’.

The syntax of these posits the possibility of name-thing (1-1) relatedness throughout the domain of consistent discourse.

Formally: “x is F” for Socrates is mortal”, “x = y” for “x is identical to y”. “is” and “=” define the two kinds of sentences of formal logic, predicative (Russell) and set-theoretical (Cantor, Quine).

--Identifying (with …’X’…) is used in general psychology following Freud, others, for a state/process of the psychic apparatus in which the distinction between self-and-objects perceived is dropped from consciousness.

-----Identification -- the state of sleeping man, thinking himself to be aware of who he is through his “Ouspensky’ ( own name used in the third person for oneself, as for an “I” unit only in relation to that.) Merger of consciousness with content lashes the individual to perceptual treadmills, within which identification perpetuates mechanical unity of sleeping man.

This state can be observed in other, secondary states, as perpetually sleeping man, dreaming he is living his own life understood in identified terms. (cf. the “Trueman” movie ).

Note: ‘Identification’ identified and discussed in the context of esoteric psychology is not the same as adopted political self- identification, though American ‘identity politics’, grounded in appeal to “democracy” as honored by the paternal bond inherited from our forefathers – offers itself, or is offered, as substitute for work on oneself. By predicating on factors in the blood-birth-rebirth-reproduce sequence (including trauma).

Thus: collective ‘awakening’  EVERYONE TRANCED OUT  NO chance to wake up ‘within this system’.

Esoteric confidential: identification -- as G. sets it out, well stated by Ouspensky, ch. 8 – is with a specific self-image, literally with an image of self-as-acting in visual space: real, dreamed, or virtual. Thus no actual image of self-in-space, however great a shock it carries, can accomplish the goal of waking a person up (by connected self-remembering constituting the third state of consciousness). In fact, if the shock is too great, any momentary flash of an alternate objective totality will, as the experience of a sleeping man, merely reinforce the conditions it crystallizes.

Saturday, July 03, 2010



Read this Mythic Metaphysical Diary to find out.

1 July DID WE MAKE IT? (T.)
2 already…(F.)
3 Saturday. The most beautiful sunset over the Susquahanna valley I’ve ever seen. Perfect blue sky.
4 tomorrow
5 reverse 2
6 (my 6th Sense …Netanyahu’s visit)

Mythic takeaways from June:

--How the Moments* are Tokened.

May 31 – Israel’s raid on the Gaza flotilla (biding time) – Netanyahu scheduled to visit the White House the 6th. The stage setting for this began 6.20 – Father’s Day Sunday; MSM proclaims relaxation of tensions between U.S. and Israel over the affair. Father-and-son Judts, critics of Israel, exchange generational probes over environmental issues and the oil geyser on NYT’s op-ed page; ex-NYCmayor Koch plays the “Obama’s weak on Israel” card; this is only a sample of a veritable barrage of pro-Israeli propaganda appearing.
6.22 McCrystal, Old Vietnam War Undercover Bad Guy WASP is crucified for Their Sins, apologizing for putting them to the trouble, monster that he was, and is. It was generally understood that the political effect of all this was to empower, pressure, provide cover for Obama to take a hard line against Iran. Enactment of harsh sanctions was made to appear part of the flow of things.

The 6th Sense is 666 this time

Completion of Psychic Totality through Predicates of the 6th Sense (<= Completion of the Totality of the external world given through the 5 senses) THOMAS777 was the authoritative avatar-name on The Phora, where I posted under THOTH several years, trying to figure out WTF was going on with all those FIGURES they were bringing to life online. Beat anything I had ever seen.. Still does. Very nicest, I would say great, female presences, esp. HELIOPENOPTES, NYU grad student in philosophy who knew more logic that I did.
Elaboration: (details transferred to Psychosemiotics blog)

So construed, as a developmental trajectory, the process of individuation, becoming “Who One is”, is inherently a “Spiritual Journey”.

This hypothesis is further amplified by taking “The Holy” as an inner, soul-related content traced to fetal origins. The Mysterium Tremendum, beautifully transcribed in Rudolf Otto’s book “The Idea of The Holy”. “Wholly Other”, “Overpowering Urgency”, “Urge to Merge” are “Qualia” – not as distinct as external sense qualities, but nevertheless undeniable, ‘given’ components of conscious experience. The feels, tastes, sounds of that period of life-before-birth retain this Imprinted unity after birth; thus was called an “innate idea” by Descartes. The present hypothesis provides a psycho-neurological basis of this notion (shared by many in the 17th century and later) as something they accurately texted without such knowledge.

CROWLEY666 - The Beast. Teacher of sex-magick (anal intercourse). By Mythic Rumor + photographic evidence: fathered G.W. Bush on Barbara Pierce/Percy.

By the Dream Thought of American historical group-fantasy, G.W. Bush was to have fathered a New Nation in Iraq by anal male rape of Saddam Hussein and brown-skinned Arab-Oriental population. The prototype of this group-fantasy was Freud’s analysis of Judge Shreiber, hallucinating rape by his Father ‘with voluptuaries’ in a well-publicized mental breakdown. The waves of psychic energy around this Yesod trace the coating of Israel’s Mid East war agenda.

Marduk555 God of All Gods (God Himself –Late Sumerian Synthesis; Babylon circa 2000 b.c.)

Collective Religious/soul synthesis  origin of Platonic Ideas (Forms .. of forms .. of ..)

KANT444 Pure Reason Critique (1750+)


THOTH222 phenomenal polymorphous perversity (Dream life, dream thoughts, altered states) deconstruction of sense qualities


 6.20 GO BACK TO GO – THAT’S “DO” of the July Octave
Father’s Day (NYTimes: the Judts; Fox, Mayor Koch kicks krotch) Obama in the Hot Seat – is he a man, or not?

-Male gender distinction anxiety ; after Bush's Great Anal Rape of Saddam (& Arabs)

6.22 The Dark (Mc)Crystal (or: Sisyphus’ revenge)
Purging the Dark: Gen. Stanley McChrystal personifying America’s Sin of Vietnam (cf. ‘scapegoat’



Elena Kagan (EK) beats all

The issue here, folks, is beyond words. Even these ones. But they are all we’ve got to communicate with, except pictures, and one good word is worth a thousand of them.

Today’s burning question is: Has she got one? What would it be?

Repression. That’s what nobody wants to see or think about, but can’t avoid.

(Gulf of Mexico Oil slick; EK’s crotch; Tiger Wood’s sex life; everything Sarkozy; U.S. –Israel relations)

6.22/3 – Crucifying McCrystal/ /burying The Vietnam War syndrome (Sisyphus’ revenge)

The Dark Crystal, the movie, can be seen as a Vietnam war parable. Skepses and mystics are those remaining after Atlantis was destroyed by forced entry into its subterranean depths (“the halls of Amanti”). This somehow interrupted the bond Heaven-earth (Enduranki, in Sumerian), and the land mass, with its ancient knowledge and civilization, sank into the earth under the Atlantic ocean.

One intriguing, rarely appreciated mythic connection between The Dark McCrystal of Vietnam, and the Iraq war aftermath, is through the 43rd President, G.W. Bush. The rumor, supported by photo image comparisons, was that he was sired by Aleister Crowley on Barbara Pierce Bush, reported to have been in Ireland at the time. Crowley was otherwise renouneed as father of sex-magick, aka anal intercourse (also: “buggering”)