(Or: Rescuing “God” )
In two parts.
Part I. Analysis of “Jewish”: its effect on Sign-use in communication.
Part II. A Philosophical Sermon on the difference between God and G-d. Part I.
“A very old psychology” --comment on Jews by Carl Jung
That remark of Jung’s stuck in a corner of my mind like one of those things to be understood only later in life’s way, after acquiring a modicum of understanding of what “a psychology” is, in half-way objective terms.
It has come back as a summary perspective to head up this outline of determinants I have drawn up for “Jewish grammar” (the way Jewishness expresses itself in sign-use):
1. Always assumes superior recognition of situations (legacy of having survived so long under what is rendered by tokens of “Jewish”.)
2. Uses a style or type of discourse (“S*”- type) that combines opposites into a unity (e.g., “Judeo-Christian”, “Judas-Jesus”, “Jew – Arab”), no matter how different, mutually repellent, and/or violent those who manifest these opposites feel about each other. (Legacy of having lived through the lot of it, and goes with 1. Gives means of control at 6. by using one side to provoke the other.)
3. The type of S* that gains credit as “superior intelligence” is a legacy of the verbal facility acquired by the need to survive (Darwinian adaptive mechanism) Their contributions to human knowledge are based mainly on what can be extracted from text as formal truth, as in mathematics and paper-and-pencil physics. Their metaphysical bent is toward textualism (=“reality is what makes text true” – approach to reality through representation, vs. knowledge by acquaintance (B. Russell) of what is represented.
4. Sub-groups form around interests and activities connected with trade, business, and money-handling. The links between these are trans-national, or global in scope, legacy of the internal bond.
5. The chief cultural service is providing Fantasy-Products: whatever you want or need to construct sign uses for: news, movies, TV, porno; from Hollywood to Disney to you. Cabins on Caribbean cruises can be booked cheap in advance. Legacy of survival by creating the desire (maybe while preaching its sinfulness all the while), then selling Ointment of Satisfaction guaranteed.
6. Survival by supplying Fantasy-Products to service society’s needs engenders a Need To Sell, as in carpetbagging religio-moral entrepreneurs, hucksters, advertising and PR geniuses, everything individuals are required to relate to in the renderings of its communications. Thus, control of market-sensitive tabs, situation labels etc., in fantasy requires control of the mass media (“the means of production”, in Marx’s terminology.)
7. The overall social/political organization required for this to function is international corporate capitalism: The flow of money across all national boundaries at the flick of electronic gadgetry.
8. The ideology of free markets and free trade.
9. On the inner (token) side: attachment of enduring historical group-fantasy to “Jerusalem”. On the outer (textual) side, attachment to Zionism, and Israel, as extensions of this site of Solomon’s Temple ages ago.
This is the rendition of nationhood America has been forces to absorbed. Jewishness. Crammed down our throats like we were Monica Lewinsky.
The ability to recognize situations (1.), linked to development of precocious verbal facility by the need to survive (3.), produces a type of discourse incorporating the union opposites under a single unit of predication (2.). The need to survive leads to the need to sell, and control of the media of advertising (6.), which links business and trade (4.) with producing fantasy satisfaction (5.). Finally, the idea of “One God”, known from the site “Jeru.salem” (9.), links Abraham by faith,
free markets and untaxed trade (9.) links international corporate capitalistism (free world, ‘democracy’ (7.) with the ideology of untaxed trade and free market economies.
A more formal exposition of these interlinked ‘links’ could be given, but is unnecessary for present purposes.
These are, to show how the “Jewish juggernaut”, as one commentator termed the mass media distribution of neocon controlled U.S. rhetoric. The hard core content is cooked up according to White House, Pentagon, NSC, CIA, FBI, BATF propaganda needs and operations; washed down with Rove Republican party swill (‘defending the sanctity of marriage, we are”) and so-called “conservative” pundits (G. Will, Krathammer, O’Reilly). Jews control the media; connection with Jerusalem as common unconscious umbilical link controls the Jewish in Jews (Zionist or Diaspora); this places U.S. policy toward Israel/Jerusalem at the cross-roads of international economic policy and national American socialism. That policy should be to cut the umbilical link by withdrawing support for Israel, swapping Diaspora wampum for Zionist scalps. In other words, extract the horrific cost of this war from the tallow of Likud hide, taxes collected by Liebermann.
Part II
GOD and G-D -Cutting the link between “God” (Christian Trinity) and “monotheism”: the Jewish YHWH “G-d” and Muslim “Allah”. The Same “God” Is Not Worshipped; the assumption that it is leads to predication on incompatibles, self-contradiction, and psychic splitting.
The Christian “God” is One manifest in Three Persons: First it is The One Father of Jesus Christ. Second, it is the One Son manifest as the conscious inner side of the material body born of Mary. Third, it is the One Spiritual energy impregnating her with Jesus, who came to understand himself as Christ, of heavenly, not earthly origin; and was left behind on earth after his resurrection and ascent as the bond of unity of members of His church. This, as the spirit of each one’s second birth in Christ, is the metaphysical ground of unity posited by the true believer.
There is an explicit link between the Old and New Testaments of the Bible between Genesis 14. and Hebrews 8, equating Jesus to a “priest of the order of Melchizedek”, the ones who were at (Jeru.)Salem when Abraham passed there returning from successful battle. They worshipped “God Most High”, YHWH El Elyon, a compound of semitic-Sumerian tokens. Abraham pays tithe homage, acknowledging their “God” as HIS, at the tine when his name was still “Abram”. Hebrews 7.1-3 mentions this specific incident:
“1. For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, who me Abraham returning from the slaughter of kinds and blessed him, 2. to whom Abraham gave a tenth part of all, first being translated “kind of righteousness”, then also kind of Salem, meaning “king of peace”, 3. without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like the Son of God, remains a priest continually.”
This shows specific sensitivity to what the words translated “God” in the KJV were intended to communicate. It conveys something above and beyond Abraham, though anchored at Salem. It is entirely unconnected to his progeny, except in so far as they looked up to what HE had “faith” in, which spared/almost sacrificed Isaac. This act, I hold, is where Semitism was severed from Sumerianism. The Father of Christ in Jesus never had anything special to do with humans through Jacob’s sons or Ishmaelites, except through the record of “Moses” come to be known as The Bible, and hallowed as the material, maternal receptacle. This was the utter scandal of Jesus’ claim to be “Son of God”: he came from where they, descendants of Abraham, knew nothing, though regarded themselves as in contact with keeping the law. But none of that was directly concerned with what was shaping up, as the time approached, for the next energy-incarnation on earth, except the sacred process of preparing a worthy vessel (The Holy Mother). The inner side of Jesus manifest to the Jews in this manner:
John 8.56 Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day, he saw it and was glad. 57 And the Jews said to Him, “you are not yet fifty years old, and have you seen Abraham?” 58. Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.” 59. Then they took up stones to throw at him…”
The point is that he did not count their father, Abraham, as his father. He is operating in a different universe of discourse than they. It is even compatible with a Gnostic teaching that YHWY was not a good, but evil creator-God, and Jews were children of evil. This shows up again in the recently published Gospel of Judas. Jesus is seen laughing at them at prayer to “your god”, which they resent, but he calls them instrument of its pernicious force, at which point they acknowledge HIM as “son of God’. The question of where that left “The Jews” has always remained open, a bit, but what there is no question about an absolute distinction, built into the conception of what “Christ” is, in Jesus, as “son of God”, from the “G-d” the Jews or anyone else recognizes through earth lineage, that is to say, sons of fathers of men. The media of communication can supply a fantasy-surrogate for this, even as German Third Reich propaganda gave them Hitler. It is fitting, or so they must regard the turn of fate, that Jews should wind up in control of how our wishes get satisfied.
This is enough to indicate the lines along which the umbilicus gets cut. There is not “One God” of Old Testament; that is a philosophical construct filtered through Greek lenses superimposed over several layers of ancient historical names and events; some no doubt with a factual base, others legends and myths. The word “monotheism” is a second-level construct, designed to link with other tokens, such as “Allah” to create a verbal unity between two rival world views, with the Arab-Muslims having by far the most philosophically artriculate theology. This linkage-through-false-abstraction is one of the mechanisms in sign-use that keeps the illusion web spinning. Over against these “monotheisms”, incompatible as they are with each other, stand Christianity, having nothing whatever to do with the God worshipped by the Sons of Abraham, be they Arab or Jew. They are, at best, distant spiritual cousins; only that in cases of rare spiritual discernment.