Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Sunday, July 30, 2006




-The crucifier's way of paying back the Sanhedrin ...

I have to think Mel Gibson's DUI antics were staged as a PR stunt to help the Jews.

-He ‘apologizes’ for saying “****ing Jew”; demanding of Officer Mee “Are you a Jew?” (we don;t know; rumor that Jews are in fact out to get him); and declares “all wars are started by Jews” -- which is one of the major dream-thoughts rippling through the collective unconscious AND conscious currents these days.

So what are we left looking at? -- a drunken out-of-control megamovie star tantrum? (? – he wasn’t that drunk); …putting pretty boy Hollywood mouth to Hezbollah dogma; immediately retracted with “Oh I’m sorry! How could I..?)_ … leaves us with:

-a verbal bombshell attack on themselves – getting the “J-“ word out there in the fantasy headlines in a way that can be renounced (“just my old alcoholic self”), to control eruption of the dream-thought. The dream-thought, again, is “death to Jews” (and to Americans, they chant in Beirut).

It would be a good way to wake people up to the situation; anyone bringing up that kind of talk is put on the defensive -- “doing a Gibson? haw haw”. His antics trivializes the content of his rhetoric to the point of passable chic absurdity. “Hate the ****in’ Jews, do ya?” Hey! You got company: yellow Hezbollahs and Mad Max freaks who cannot distinguish fantasy from reality.

This is the only thing I can come up with to explain why Mel Gibson, whose Crucifixion I loathed, while respecting him to some extent, would destroy himself this way. I think in his own mind he may be willingly prostrating himself, all misguided and Christ-like, to help sound the alarm: by “reversal” (what looks one way at first – anti-Semitic -- is just the reverse – good for the Jews --when looked at the second time). Thus, Foxman’s ADLhunts are saying his apology doesn’t go far enough. It doesn’t get to the root of the problem. No Party-of-God holdouts can be left behind in pockets of extremists. Its ethnic cleansing time for the preferred descendents of Abraham, and Mel will through his reputation to the winds to help out, it can stand it. Adored by the Atzlaneers.

So, I view the incident as a group mind-control PR stunt, to keep the “Hate Jew” (reverse) agenda cooking from coast to coast. Riding that wave might be the only shot they’ve got to counter the mighty wedge between US and Israeli interests has been thrown into history by the destruction of Qana. Now that the whole world is anti-Semitic, it must take the offense against the disease breaking out in America.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Abusing the right to self defense

Abusing the Right to Self-Defense

-feigning or creating an ‘enemy’ IN ORDER TO violently act out “defenses”. Thus converting paranoia -- irrational fear; fear of the irrational
(terror) – into convulsive violent hate/love spasms (orgasmic death reflex/impulse). The result in individuals is sadistic brutality. In groups, the result is one-sided wanton disregard for human life, dignity and property in the planning and execution of military action.

There is no “right” to be so jumpy and hyper-reactive that the slightest real or imagined insult immediately launches all-out, unconstrained use of force of arms. Psychoanalytically, such behavior is “overdetermined”. Perhaps an abstract ‘right’ might be claimed to be that way – ‘prickly’; or ‘venomous’; but not as part of a civilized milieu. Individuals are required to either get over their paranoid delusions of persecution or be put away (to prevent it passing over into pre-emptive attacks acting out defenses against ‘threat of immediate attack’). Groups are required by moral law and international understandings not to react as Israel has done in response to the capture of a few soldiers, claiming “the right of self defence” to justify collective punishment. The altogether disproportionate response, when the individuals themselves are reported well treated, is an over-determined spasm of violence and hate of a scale not witnessed in the civilized world since Kristallnacht. As the Germans turned out overnight Nov. 8/9, 1938 to slaughter Jews and destroy their property, acting out defense of their group ‘right’, insulted by Theodor Grnzspan’s murder of German Embassy secretary Von Rand, so these same-by-name Jews turn out to do unto Hizbollah (Party of God, in Arabic).

“While we analyze the individual battles and the stages of this campaign we must not forget the most important aspect of this war: Hezbollah and what this organization symbolizes* must be destroyed at any price.” (- P. Schiff in Haaratez (off The New Republic online, 7.28.’06) … “If Hezbollah does not experience defeat in this war, this will spell the end of Israeli deterrence against its enemies.” Schiff goes on to explain that it is the massive-response ‘deterrence policy’ that has kept the peace since l970. Now, “a situation of strategic parity between Israel and Hezbollah” demolishes the ‘deterrence policy’’s deterrent clout, so The Enemy will be pouring in for the kill like Mexicans across the Texas border. Can’t have that. “For Israel, the conflict in Lebanon is a must-win situation.”

The pin-prick of a few soldier kidnappings, by their huge overreaction, has been propelled into a situation that threatens Israel’s very existence. Now the question must be raised whether the kidnappings were not ‘arranged’ IN ORDER TO bring about this spasmodic result.

The announced intent to destroy “Hezbollah and what this organization symbolizes” is a declaration of war on a people as a group, which is genocide. The semantics of “Party of God” juxtaposes the theological contradiction between Muslims and Zionists. Whose “God” is God? If the term is used at all for these two religions, each claiming theirs is the one and only, this question cannot be avoided without throwing logic entirely out the window. Only one can be right, the other must be wrong. That is how religious wars go, and “gods” have been fighting through people in that part of the world, or vice versa, since the dawn of civilized history. Israel “right to exist” contradicts Hezbollah’s; they mean something
Different by “God”.

And Questioning Whether Israel has a Right to Exist

Does Israel have “the right to exist”? A peculiar defense against the threat of non-being is built into the conception of “Israel” which this unique phrase tries to reverse.

In logical terms, “existence” is not a predicate, as Kant pointed out; therefore not ‘something’ granted to some, but denied to other, things. In general, whatever can be assumed under “rights”, such as “safety”, “privacy”, “self-defense” belongs or not to something already existing. “Right to exist” is thus a malapropism from this point of view. Further: when the concept of “right” is associated with “inalienable”, it invokes the Aristotelian/Thomistic distinction between essential and accidental attributes; ‘inalienable’ rights being those essential to the concept of what-it-is-to-be a thing of the type in question, hence formally inseparable. The notion of “right to exist” suggests a tautological, undeniable linkage again of peculiar import. What would deny it?

It is not generally noticed by those eager not to deny Israel’s “right to exist”, that two distinct claims are being made: the right to exist of the descendents of Abraham and Sarah – a blood line, or tribe, with a very rich heritage; and the right to exist of a particular entity, as in the Zionist state set up by the Balfour declaration. These are different lines of legitimacy claimed convergence under the mantra “Israel’s right to exist.” What holds the former, tribal lineage use in mind is the “God”, translated YHWH (or Elohim or YHWH El Elyon, etc.) of the Old Testament. Although the very metaphysics of what this word stands for is changed in the New Testament by the Incarnation, replacing the undifferentiated “monotheism” by the Trinity, many Christians allow themselves to be abused by identification with the Jewish version. Even though Jesus’ central message, emphatically repeated, was difference in scale of being between His Father and the Jews. (“Before Abraham was, I AM. –John 8.58)

So this first line of defense of Israel’s “right to exist”, pursued backward, terminates in a question mark. Does a cargo cult have the right to exist? say, by silencing beneficent anthropologists who would fain enlighten them about the origin of their ritual?

As to the second line, this goes over to the actual historical thread of decisions, legalities and actions leading up to the situation the entity called “The State of Israel” faces today. There are markers in this thread: the Balfour Declaration, Kristallnacht and the holocaust, Truman’s decision, the Irgun, Ben Gurion, the War of 1967, invasion of Lebanon 1982, the first intafada, ’88; Sharon’s Temple Mount provocation 2000; war on Lebasnon, 2006.

Through this succession, ‘looping’ through the trauma of historical abuse each time the name “Israel” recalls it, the abused become the abusers. That which was done unto them by Germans, claiming their civilization’s “God” was superior, they have done to Palestinians and Lebanese.

And by the incompatible linkage of Old and New Testament “God”, America has been manipulated into complicity with genocide.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Kristallnacht in Lebanon

Kristallnacht in Lebanon

Points in common

-Jewish poster boy

#1: - Hershel Grnzspan … A 17 year old kid killed Secretary Von Rath of the German Embassy in Paris Nov. 7, 1938, motivated by mistreatment of his Polish parents. Kristallnacht, November 8/9, the ‘night of broken glass” was the unprecedented barbaric spasm of killing rage against Jew’s life and property that broke out all across Germany. The fact that the attacks were so extensive and coordinated showed, among other things, that Europe’s worst pogrom had been planned in advance, with Grnzspan’s murder used as a prop to focus the hatred. His name became the street-talk touchstone everyone could lament about and feel threatened by to justify what they did.

*2 -Gilad Shalit …. 19 year old corporal in the Israeli Defense Force captured and held hostage by the political group Hamas just outside Gaza June 25, 2006. This, followed by two further abductions of IDF soldiers by border-crossing Hezbollah fighters a week later, was declared an “act of war” by Israel, unleashing “a spasm of destruction” across Lebanon, in Bob Herbert’s phrase, turning Beirut into rubble and many of its citizens into chum. The Jews had to cower in their homes praying the Nazi’s wouldn’t bust through it and drag them out to be slaughtered. The Lebanese Hezbollah could only cower in city buildings and wait for the killer bombs to hit. It is Kristallnacht in Lebanon. Throw in “holocaust”, “ethnic cleansing”, and “final solution” too. It’s all about “self-defence” and little Gilad Shalit. But once again, according to Juan Cole, the atrocities perpetrated had been planned in advance.

There are indeed twists and turns in the comparison of these two outpourings of collective violence. First, the roles of the Jewish boy in the collective psychodrama have reversed from killer to victim. He isn’t a killer kid who set off racial German violence; he’s a kid kidnapped by Jew-haters sparking an entire world’s racial/religious violence against Muslim-Arab people. “We will amputate these little arms of Iran,” said Israeli Ambassador Daniel Ayalon. (castration anxiety: Freud)

Second, the ones persecuted in Germany have become the one’s doing the persecution in Lebanon. Like evening the score with reality. As if passing the abuse they suffered at Kristallnacht, where it appears their alleged Almighty God mightily failed them, on to the sons of Sheiks and Mohammed. “If our God didn’t work for us, your God sure as hell won’t work for you. We’ve got the nukes to prove it.”

A genuine religious war has been ignited, intentionally or unintentionally, by the State of Israel. It is not accepted as a regular principle under international law that hostage taking is an act of war. It is reported on youtube by Naom Chomsky that, in fact, it was Israel who had crossed over into Gaza the day before, June 24, and seized two civilians, a Doctor and his brother, taken away and not heard from since. Leaving open the possibility that the kidnapping of Shalit was either deliberately provoked or made to appear so. If it was deliberate, part of the plan, the rhetorical use of this poster boy ploy (such a beautiful kid) would effectively silence and reverse the outcry their own identical behavior would arouse. Since users of this rhetoric wrap themselves in the flag of Israel, and ostensibly worship (in so far as they are Jewish) the God YHWH, making him a kind of shield of their way of being, it must be recognized that THIS is the source of the racial hatred and aggression. It exports the “terrorist enemy” it carries around as the very theme of reality in their own head to whomever will go along. But these are the Jews, “the lost sheep of the house of Israel” Jesus sent the disciples out among (Matt. 10), who rejected them, and him. (cf. Hebrews 8) Kristallnacht in Lebanon is reversal of the name of God (Christian: a Father, Son, and Holy Ghost) into YHWH (“monotheistic” rival of Allah”). The war above is between God, as a trinity, three in One, vrs. “The One”. “God” as “One” is less differentiated, stasis at a lower level of psychological development. As above, so below. That is why it is a religious war.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Israel Blackmailing the US?

7.21.o6 post in ODF board, off Nation blog

Posts: 916

News? -- Israel Blackmailing US


This was posted under John Nichols blog in the Nation. FWIW; see comment
Sadly, America's military was sent (by agents of Israel in the employ of the Pentagon) into the kill zone to create a virtual quagmire - with no way home.

Israel has intentionally caused the US to entrap its military AND its National Guard in a NO WIN Quagmire.


The reason will become frightfully apparent within the next ten days.

Israel is BLACKMAILING THE SHIT out of the US - by virtue of the fact that they have stone cold evidence that CHENEY DID 9/11.
Call me crazy at your own peril.

The US is incapable of responding to the crisis at the present time PRECISELY for this reason.

Israel has ALL THE GOODS on the entire Poppy Bush clan - and they are absoultely blackmailing the United States to allow for the nuclear destruction of both Syria and Iran within the next several days.

The ONLY RECOURSE for the US is to nuke Israel.
This is what it has come to, and it's all coming to a head RIGHT NOW.

I know of it for the same reasons you know of it. The evidence points to it, as does the result.

The evidence is all around you.

Open your eyes.

Why is the US powerless to pressure a cease fire?

My contention from the outset, supported by the EVIDENCE - is that Cheney outsourced the implementation of 9/11 to Mossad.
Mossad's involvement - and Cheney's involvement - in 9/11 are irrefutable.

Your own FBI has concluded the Bin Laden WAS NOT INVOLVED in 9/11.
You President insists every day that he was.
The FBI insists that he wasn't.
Israel is blackmailing the leadership of the US RIGHT NOW.
Bush Sr.
Israel has ALL THE EVIDENCE that your leaders were directly responsible for 9/11.
Israel has all the evidence.
Your country is being blackmailed into nuclear war right this very moment.
Bush Sr. and all his cronies are completely FREAKING OUT.
They think their only option is to nuke Israel.
One problem...
They allowed Israel to install all of the software and all of the systems necessary to launch our nuclear arsenal.
We are NOT in charge.
Israel is in charge.
Welcome to World War III.
It's nuclear.
Our Criminal Administration has made Blackmail EASY.

To another poster replying to the "J"? question:

"Nope not a Jew just a Welsh Calvinistic Methodist.(When I was a boy)."

Sorta cleaves though, doesn't it. Right wing BN? -- good folks -- Galloway guy? as long as you are anti-yuppie and anti-Blair, guess you can pass through the first portal.
Welch Baptist here, but recent inner convert to Calvinism. He was the man, though of course John Wesley counts too. Its up to you; but forget it if you Jew.

The situation today vis a vis Israel has caught up to the analysis we have been following over at Original Dissent Forum since '02 (paleo-land; the Original Neocon Watch; I am cro-magnon liberal): "NO WAR FOR ISRAEL".

A certain criminality of being has been present all along in, through, by means of the "Clean Break" crowd and what we are seeing unfold on Syria and Iran is Phase Two, after butchering Iraq for Phase One. The abiding streak has blatently deconstructed itself as -- only one way to say it -- Jewishness (thank god not all of them succomb; but the lower order xian cohorts take up the slack for the hate state). The UN agency has drawn up indictments for war crimes against those the US Congress has just resolved to support. The Congress of Criminals.

PLUNGER IT FITS!-- don't know who you are or what proof is held, but it has to be true: AIPAC, Franklin, Rosen, Libby, Bush1 CIA faction, others inside have got to be SWEATING BULLETS. I'm passing it on.

Some statesman must stand up for America here, now, on this one. We cannot, cannot commit atrocity in Iran.
I hold this truth to be self evident: whoever will settle for lies does not deserve the truth.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The New Situation (post 7/4)

The New Situation:

-Domestic politics: B-a-a-d sinner boys; hiding in the bosom of the family (settling for what they can get after getting stopped)

-In Foreign policy: Continuing to make war


Reversal 1:

First Review of Frank Rich Book: "A Savaging Sermon" on Bush Years

By Kirkus Reviews

Published: July 12, 2006 5:55 PM ET
NEW YORK A new book by New York Times columnist Frank Rich, "The Greatest Story Ever Sold: The Decline and Fall of Truth from 9/11 to Katrina" will be published by Penguin on Sept. 26. In the book, Rich delivers a savaging sermon on the US government's "rampant cronyism, the empty sloganeering of 'compassionate conservativism,' the reckless lack of planning for all government operations except tax cuts"—and so much more.

Anyone who knows his work will know that Rich is no fan of either George Bush, a man "not conversant with reality as most Americans had experienced it," or the Bush administration. In this blend of journalism and mentalits-style history—that is, the study of the mindsets that underlie and produce events—Rich looks closely and critically at the White House's greatest hits, from the 2001 defense of gas-guzzling as essential to the American way of life to "Heckuva job, Brownie" to the ongoing morass of Iraq.

By Rich's account, of course, that parade of missteps is organic; Bush and company cannot help but err. In an effort to disguise that track record, the Republicans have exercised single-minded control of the grand narrative of the last five years, at least in part because they have exercised quasi-totalitarian control over the news media. (They are nearly forgotten already, but one needs to remember Judith Miller, Jeff Gannon, Karen Ryan and various columnists and commentators paid off to repeat the party line.)

Not for nothing did a White House adviser reveal to one journalist that his bosses were set on creating their "own reality," one that all Americans were expected to share; not for nothing did that reality include spinning amazing lies about everything from the death of football- and war hero Pat Tillman to the kidnapping of Jessica Lynch to the government's preparedness for Katrina. And yet, and yet . . .

Though the administration may be remembered as the worst in American history, the people seem mostly silent. One wishes that Rich had explored that particular mentalit along with the others he so fluently discusses.

(Courtesy of Kirkus Reviews, one of E&P's sister publications at VNU.)

--Tony Snow says "I enjoy reading Rich".

Reversal 2 Ken Lay as Jesus

Ken Lay's memorial attracts power elite
George H.W. Bush, James Baker among attendees at packed church for the Enron founder; reverend compares fallen energy titan to Jesus.
July 12 2006: 6:10 PM EDT

HOUSTON (Reuters) -- Houston's political and business leaders, including former President George H.W. Bush, turned out for Kenneth Lay's memorial service Wednesday, less than a week after the Enron founder's sudden death.
Friends and family lauded as a devout Christian and family leader the man who built Enron into an international energy powerhouse before its collapse in the biggest corporate scandal of its time.

Ken Lay

Lay's stepson David Herrold told the nearly full First United Methodist Church that Lay was wrongly convicted, and he was angry about the portrayals of his stepfather in the media.

"He did have a strong faith in God and I know he's in heaven, and I'm glad he's not in a position anymore to be whipped by his enemy," Herrold said.

Lay, who was 64, died while vacationing in Colorado on July 5, just six weeks after a jury convicted him and former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling of conspiracy and fraud in the 2001 collapse of the energy company.

Lay was found guilty of 10 counts of conspiracy, fraud and misusing personal bank loans on May 25 and was facing decades in prison at his sentencing, which was scheduled for Oct. 23.
Lay was a longtime friend of the Bushes, contributing to their political campaigns and was nicknamed "Kenny Boy" by President George W. Bush.

The former president and his wife Barbara entered and exited the church by a rear exit and did not speak to the media.

Among the other luminaries at the service were former Secretary of State James Baker, former Secretary of Commerce Robert Mosbacher Sr., several corporate heads such as Reliant Energy Inc.'s Joel Staff, and baseball team owner Drayton McLane.

The ceremony started slightly late after former Houston Mayor Bob Lanier collapsed in the aisle as he entered the church. He was taken by ambulance to the hospital, and an announcement made later in the ceremony said he was in stable condition.

Lay was cremated in Colorado, where a memorial service was held for him on Sunday. Skilling attended that service but was not seen at the Houston memorial.

One former Enron employee wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with Enron's crooked "E" logo came by the First Methodist Church of Houston but did not attend the service. She said she came out of respect for Lay.

"He was a good person who did a bad thing. Justice was served by finding him guilty," said Marie Watkins, a former tax analyst who worked with Lay at Enron and Florida Gas for 27 years. She said she lost 90 percent of her retirement portfolio when the company imploded.

The Reverend Dr. Bill Lawson compared Lay with civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. and Jesus Christ, and said his name would eventually be cleared.
"He was taken out of the world right at the right time," he said.

Reversal 3 (by political projection: Lieberman is the one who assaulted Dems)

Liberal Assult on Joe Could Hurt Democrats in Other Senate Races

Eve Kessler
Page 1

Some Democrats are nervous that if Senator Joseph Lieberman loses his primary to an antiwar challenger, thousands of hawkish Jewish Democrats who see the Connecticut lawmaker as their standard-bearer will either abandon the party or sit out the November election. That, say several political observers, could make the difference in some hard-fought Senate races - including contests in Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania - that Democrats must win to take back the Senate this year.


Strategy: To reverse extremes they have created in their favor, coopting everyone in the middle, and labelling all those opposed in principle "extremist"

-Tony Snow embracing Frank Rich, criticizing the Bush* Adm mentality (*and group American)
-Declare the most demonic instance of that gung-ho mentality “the Best” (using well-meaning black rev. to compare Ken Lay with MLK – Jesus
-queer yucks on Imus

The New Group-process situation: They have done their damndest, created atrocity, taken the most extreme actions and positions on their own authority, rejecting whoever did not go along as “extremist”

Lesson: unless categorically denounced and rejected, any point of “‘agreement” will be used against whoever ‘consents’ to their authority.


BIG REVERSAL #4 -blame for the July War ‘06

Nation Magazine:

The Israeli government of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has exploited the capture
of Army Corporal Gilad Shalit to restore the country's diminished deterrence against militant Palestinian factions, to break the elected Hamas government and to impose its unilateral territorial solution on the West Bank …

--“Exploited the capture” is another way of saying “used as an excuse”; both imply Israel’s vicious military reaction was motivated by its broad agenda, not a response to this situation.

Then, this having cut the wave, a repetition occurs a few days later with TWO soldiers kidnapped (One to Two; which IS “two”: tracking the doubles the unconscious likes), tagged “an act of war”, with bigger military response. Provoking missiles fired into Israel from Lebanon – several little ones claimed by Hezbollah; then a big one hitting Haifa, for which Hezbollah denied responsibility. (?)

Then the MSM put up ex-perts claiming that Hamas and Hezbollah have linked up (just as, back stateside, serial rapist-killers in Phoenix & DC are showing several hitherto separate criminal cases are linked up – the prevailing tide is merger fantasies, everything merging into one big stew managed by the Big Scripster).

Bush hits the ground in Germany fingering Syria and Iran’s support of “terrorists”, declaring Israel’s right to defend its citizens, like he and the valiant soldiers are doing in Iraq. Bolton vetoes the UN resolution condemning Israel’s over-reaction, and today

Israel Blames Attacks on Syria-Iran Axis

By Marc Perelman
Page 1

Israel is pointing to this week's Hezbollah raid as proof that Syria and Iran are leading a coordinated terror front, which includes Hamas and Hezbollah. After two Israeli soldiers were abducted Wednesday by Hezbollah militants operating out of Lebanon, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert issued a warning to Beirut and to Damascus. "Syria has proven that it is a terrorist government in nature," Olmert said. "It is a government that supports terrorism and encourages murderous actions of terror organizations in and out of Syria."

The reversal here: However the kidnappings came about, and both of them are suspicious, compatible with dark-op agent provocateurs, it is Israel that is the aggressor, with Palestinians using slingshot weaponry against Apache helicopters. So its propaganda line, naturally, shifts the blame to those who will come to their defense.

And where did the missile that hit Haifa originate?

Now: everyone (speaking loosely) sees this (it’s no more than street talk added up). Israel is acting like it always does, and blaming the victims. Big time this time. It is the reversal mentality in action; perhaps in incarnation.

But who is calling attention to the pattern? -.000001% - as in zero – American statesmen.

Why is this?

After all, Israel’s broad agenda is nothing more than a continuation of the “Clean Break” (with Oslo accords) the neocons announced in ’96, re-iterated in ’98, ’00, ’01, always the same ones, exposed by Mearsheimer and Wald for all time as “the Lobby”.

And, the sequence of events is exactly as anticipated several places. a provocation would originate in Lebanon, Israel would respond, Syria would have to come in, and the U.S. would be required to prevent extermination of the Jews, like they did in WWII.

--The reason this behavior pattern is not put together for the American public to survey, as a whle, though clearly seen, is because the central piece, the role of the Zionist State of Israel, is systematically repressed from consciousness, replaced by reaction-formation (“No! No! I don’t hate them, I LOVE them!”). There are always two sides in the unconscious, its content can appear in one of two ways, accepted or rejected in awareness, and so it is with Israel, suicide bombers, Jerusalem, and Judas priest Christians. Boy, do they know how to spin.
I correlate events philosophically through the MSM (mainstream media) signs used in communication.

Could also sign: Teedius.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Artificial Life

Artificial Life

Paralyzed man moves computer cursor through thought

By Patricia Reaney

LONDON (Reuters) - A paralyzed man using a new brain sensor has been able to move a computer cursor, open e-mail and control a robotic device simply by thinking about doing it, a team of scientists said on Wednesday.

They believe the BrainGate sensor, which involves implanting electrodes in the brain, could offer new hope to people paralyzed by injuries or illnesses.

"This is the first step in an ongoing clinical trial of a device that is encouraging for its potential to help people with paralysis," Dr Leigh Hochberg, of Massachusetts General Hospital, said in an interview.

The 25-year-old man who suffered paralysis of all four limbs three years earlier completed tasks such moving a cursor on a screen and controlling a robotic arm.

He is the first of four patients with spinal cord injuries, muscular dystrophy, stroke or motor neurone disease testing the brain-to-movement system developed by Cyberkinetics Neurotechnology Systems Inc (CYKN.OB: Quote, Profile, Research) in Massachusetts.

Comment: This follows the pioneering work in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) by theoreticians Dave Grunder and () Dilts late '70's. I participated in one of the early experiemetns: finger on cursor connected to big screen; ‘concentration’ (you have to figure out how) on the screen te see lines move; watching the ‘message’ pass from my brain-to-device; -- Wallah! – electronic Ouiji-man! (I didn’t get very good; ‘learning curve’ required, they warned; (‘convenient’ I muttered, feeling stupider than ever)

This is cutting edge techno-hookup, recalling Barney Clark’s artificial heart implant in the early ‘80’s – Reagan recession years, after he was shot, when America needed an artificial heart, and got one from his "trickle down" economic ex-perts. His 'sacrificial" killing spree killed legitimate US economy, leading to war, massive deficits, repeated by the Bushes. No one thinks about paying them off, anymore, just extracting the difference from trade with sweatshop countries. Ross Perot was the last one with common sense on these matters -- anti-NAFTA/scc gov. The Clinton years were boomers, alright --but, again, artificially driven by the hugely expanding electronic computer gagedtry.

Note on psychodynamics: The fantasy of controlling material objects by the mind occurs around age three ("I can do that!"), during/after the anal phase of psychic/libidal development. Learned: control of bm's; pleasing/unpleasing to self(squishy --ugh!) and Parents ("good boy"). This imprints the idea (unconscious fantasy) of “omnipotence of thought”, and "Command-control power", which reappeaers in the classical sourses in

"God" Creating "heaven and earth" by speaking ("Commanding The Big Bang", I guess, for the religio-scifi sycretists);

Moses (NOT!) Commanding the stone to produce water for the Hebrews in the desert (he whacked it, instead; got reamed out for that)

Jesus Commanding the waves of the sea of Galilee to subside ..

Baby Boomers getting another shot at life from their little electronic gizmos.

Rambling on ...They are hooking up the wrong things without knowing what they are doing
(brain-to-movement loop sans e-motional memory – off the brainwaves from the hippocampus + impulse; what is getting communicated?)

These instances of mechanical control are not part of the story of full-fledged human beings (creating or evolved, take your pick) adapting as members of their species to the enviornment. It is essentially brainless (amygdalan unconscious, cut off from the cortical loop but acting out crazy ideas)predication on Terry Shiavo-esques. Had the worshippers of the dead hooked on CNN TV for months in ’05, as I recall : as if a human body manipulated by a pull-me-up contraption showed someone having ‘experiences’, after the body had been certified non-sentient. And look what they did/do to Jesus, projecting subjective guilt onto another pre-arranged grotesquerie.

If cell- life is all you’ve got, there will be an irrational compulsion to extend it indefinitely (displacement of ego’s will-to-survive onto the neurological substrate). Unless thay way is given up. (But then you don't just have cell-life anymore.)


Monday, July 03, 2006

democracy v. republic


POSTED BY 'FRANCO'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Fun With the Word "Democracy"

As we approach July 4th, we have just seen/heard two comments referring to America as a "democracy." This saddens us.

America is a republic, not a democracy. Yes, we know that many people say that a "democracy" and a "republic" are the same thing. No way.

Why does it matter whether you call America a "democracy" or a "republic?" This is why:

When you say that America is a "democracy," you are actually saying, by default, that America was designed by our founders to be a place where low-IQ Blacks and Mexicans should be able to vote, and a place where 'what the majority of the public wants' triumphs over 'what the constitution says.' Of course, our founders gave us no such place. In fact, only White males could vote in America until the "Reconstruction"-produced 15th Amendment was passed in 1869.

Here is a good example of a republic: even if 98% of the public wanted strict gun-control laws, the laws could not become reality unless the constitution allowed those laws to be made. But in a democracy, those laws could become reality if a majority of the public wanted them and if the Congress went along with that idea, regardless of what the constitution might actually say about the matter. Indeed, our founders and their followers warned against "democracy" in favor of a republic. The latter is based upon a fixed framework, while the other one is based upon what might be called "mob rule" or, perhaps, "the loudest voice wins."

[But nonetheless, in many ways, America has already become a democracy, e.g., various gun-control laws, various civil-rights laws and the Roe v. Wade court ruling of 1973].

If the truth is "hate," then "hate" is the truth.

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#2 07-03-06, 12:29
Senior Dissident
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 889

Voting in general elections is built into the definition of a “republic”: “a state or nation in which the supreme power rests in all the citizens entitled to vote (the electorate) and is exercised by representatives elected, directly or indirectly, by them and responsible to them.” (Webster’s New World Dictionary, Second College Edition)

Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution, sec.s ii –iv. specifically concerns election of representatives to the House and Senate, incorporating democracy into this nation’s government.

It is the Republican party that has ruined this republic. Republicans in name contradict republicanism in practice. Republicans = ~republicans. They are twisted, self-contradictory individuals who have hijacked the language this nation was founded on, tagged it to the common denominator of: off-shore, old-world religions (Rome-Tel Aviv axis) and mass appeal (TV whore) protestants who can’t live with each other without gritting teeth and clenching fists, but expect to be accepted by the rest of the world.

The Baptists, my church people, have been suckered into their power politics thus terminating claim to anything except justified hatred for their poisonous unction.

As to ‘democracy,’ there are two fundamental kinds, based on the inner preparation for voting. In the church I was raised, the “business meeting” was conducted by responsible members in the spirit of the unity of the congregation. And that was spoken of as The Spirit, itself. Each one would have their own honest version of what was needed, but big votes, such as for the pastor, had to be near-unanimous, or the Spirit was not in it. That is what “democracy” meant to me. It extends to the motive for voting in secular elections by those for whom there is a unifying spirit represented by “America”, and I have been unable to vote for anyone since FDR, except Barry Commoner and Ross Perot who shared something of this folkish thing.

The other kind of “democracy” is voting to see which group can get a majority together by hook or crook – lying, killing, stealing, speaking for the “silent majority”, “the unborn,” ignorant aliens imported to for the purpose -- “whatever it takes”; anything goes. The moral stand of abolitionists, anti-abortionists, reverse gays and Abu Ghraib prison priests. (Referring to C. Colsen and crew.) I will never participate in anything they are ever a part of, nor will anyone who honors America. They are flesh and blood vampires living off the blood of victims they have sacrificed.
I -- standing for all who oppose this war, from its beginning, back through Reagan to Nixon and Vietnam -- I did not rule "With me or against me". That was G.W.Bush, speaking for all who did, and do, support him and the policies in the interest of Israel he and they represent. These are proven to be inseparable -- and, for America, suicidal.

Pro-life, pro-abortion, anti-'gay' marriage
National American Socialist