Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Book of Hebrews

The Book of Hebrews

In Christian systematics, this is the document that decisively addresses the distinction between Mosaic sacrifice as the way of reconciliation with God, versus crucifixion of His Son opening a new way, through faith.

Where the blood of animals is used in observing Moses' law, "He has obtained a more excellent ministry' ((8.6): "Who does not need daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifices , fgirst for his own sins and then for the people's, for this He did once for all when He offered up Himself." (((7.27) "Now this is the main point of the things we are saying: "We have such a High Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens." (8.1)

The essential elements of the doctrine of the Trinity are also here. It is the eternal Holy Spirit (9.14) leading Him, the Son, the Father incarnate, who is both High Priest, and blood sacrifice. The Father sacrificing Himself through the Son's sacrifice, by the Spirit binding both. This completes the approach to God through sacrifice. "A new covenant" (8.13) to wipe out prior sinfulness is sealed by His blood. "He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and old is ready to vanish away." (8.13).

Other doctrines.

I. Hebrews equates the Incarnation with the Logos, Greek term used in John 1 for what "God, who in various times and in various ways spoke to the fathers by the prophets has in these last days spoken to us by his son." (1.1,2)

II. The creative Logos is both: Perfect Man, from the stock of Jesse; and Son of God, of cosmic origin. "Above the angels, seated at the right hand of the Father." (1.5f.; 8.1)

III. These thing are made known through faith. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good testimony. By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.) (11.1-3) The lineage of those who "knew through faith" is given in Chapter 11, a "great cloud of witnesses" looking unto Jesus.
IV. God's covenant with Abraham is replaced by the new covenant sealed in Christ's blood. (8.13) Mosaic law, designating Levites as the priests among Israel's twelve tribes, is replaced by Jesus' self-sacrifice once for all, a "priest on the Order of Melchizedek". Levi was "still in the loins of his father" when Melchizedek met him. (7.10)

V. The lengthy and detailed account of Jesus Christ as a Priest on the order of Melchizedek,

The most profound historical controversy over how the Old and New Testament relate to each other concerns the interpretation of this figure. Such widely separated figures of Clement of Alexandria, Madam Blavatsky and Gurdjieff take Melchizedek to be non-semitic.

At the symbolic level, Christ's resurrection and eternal existence is seen, through faith, in the same terms as this very ancient order at "Salem" (assumed to be Jerusalem) in Genesis 14; immortal beings "without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like the Son of God" (7.3). This link is exoteric, explicable as desire to show continuity with traditional teaching, lessening resistance to the radical departure accepting the Incarnation required.

Beneath, or threaded through, this, however is a deeper, esoteric level of meaning.

Etymological evidence points back to pre-(if not anti-)semitic links to ancient Sumer and Babylon. "Hebrew", itself, is a transliteration of "Nibiru", used in Sumerian texts for a planet of spacecraft. "Melchizedek", similarly, is non-semitic, harking back to the region of Babylon, Kish, Ur, from whence Abram's father Terah came. The name of the god votaried by the Salem priests is given as "YHWH EL ELYON," translated "God most High" and used nowhere else in the Bible. As a composit of the relatively late "YHWH" of Jewish tradition and the older, broader "EL" cults in the surrounding crescent, spreading north east. Further, "Abram" who pays a title to Melchizedek's God most High, in effect acknowledging equality if not identity, has not yet undergone name change to "Abraham" (Genesis 17), These signs, taken altogether, testify that a non-Judaic tradition is evoked by the author of Hebrews. It belong in the same context as John 8.58 "Before Abraham was, I AM".

VI. The role of the Holy Spirit -- completes the metaphysical element of the Trinity. It is the ontological unity of the Word in the voice of the fathers, priests, prophets, Son; bestowed as a grace for nurture of the human soul, instill faith.

VII. The dialectic of Law and Grace. The Grace of the Holy Spirit filled the Man, His Son, to sacrifice Himself to The Father. From the other side, it is the sacrifice of the Father to Himself through the Son. The Spirit of the Law is Grace; the obedience-to-sacrifice is sacrificed. The Father,The Son, and the Holy Ghost -- brought to earth through the womb of


Outside the Bible context, some 4 or 5 centuries before Hebrews, the basic template of its story can be discerned in Plato's Timaeus, sans the notion of salvation by sacrifice. It goes much further than Genesis in elaborating how "God" (Theos) created man and soul. "First, then, the gods, imitating the spherical shape of the universe, enclosed the two divine courses* in a spherical body, that, namely, which we now term the head, being the most divine part of us and lord of all that is in us; to this the gods, wen they put together the body, gave all the other members to be servants, considering that it must partake of every sort of motion." (44d). The four limbs are added as stabilizers. "In order then that it might not tumble about among the high and deep places of earth, but might be able to get over the one and out of the other, they provided the body to be its vehicle and means of locomotion, which consequently had length, and was furnished with four limbs extended and flexible." They installed "so much of fire as would not burn" in the head, which "gave a gentle light", so that when daylight surrounds the stream of vision, then "like falls on like"; light "that falls from within meets with an external object" and that explains vision. The "two courses" are sensation and intellect.

This could be taken as rationalized God-created-man detail, elaborating on the same theme. Although this may seem a stretch, there is common background. Pythagoras, prior to Plato, believer in reincarnation, credited the Logos in number and geometry to Gods known in ancient times.

This is the rational tradition that merges with the Christian. As noted above, it omits The Holy Spirit as cosmic ontological category, though Pythagorean 're-births' must have occurred.

More decisively: it totally ignores another side of the psyche, the biology-first, body-stem reptilian brain mythology. This connects with the esoteric dimension of Melchizedeks.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Know Thyself


The Metaphysical War For Humanity

(Included: Why You Need Jesus)

This has to do with Hegelian dialectic, as form; and de-construction of Reptilian // anti-Reptilian Wars over/in/through humanity, as content.

According to the Reptilians, here is what you are:

The brain stem is the oldest and smallest region in the evolving human brain. It evolved hundreds of millions of years ago and is more like the entire brain of present-day reptiles. For this reason, it is often called the 'reptilian brain'. Various clumps of cells in the brain stem determine the brain's general level of alertness and regulate the vegetative processes of the body such as breathing and heartbeat.

It's similar to the brain possessed by the hardy reptiles that preceded mammals, roughly 200 million years ago. It's 'preverbal', but controls life functions such as autonomic brain, breathing, heart rate and the fight or flight mechanism. Lacking language, its impulses are instinctual and ritualistic. It's concerned with fundamental needs such as survival, physical maintenance, hoarding, dominance, preening and mating. It is also found in lower life forms such as lizards, crocodiles and birds. It is at the base of your skull emerging from your spinal column.

The basic ruling emotions of love, hate, fear, lust, and contentment emanate from this first stage of the brain. Over millions of years of evolution, layers of more sophisticated reasoning have been added upon this foundation.

Our intellectual capacity for complex rational thought which has made us theoretically smarter than the rest of the animal kingdom.

When we are out of control with rage, it is our reptilian brain overriding our rational brain components. If someone says that they reacted with their heart instead of their head. What they really mean is that they conceded to their primative emotions (the reptilian brain based) as opposed to the calculations of the rational part of the brain."


This what the Reptilian Brigade confidently predicates on, when reading (y)our mind. They know its "in there". It's in them. Science says it's in the brain stem, common to serpentine scaly beings with scabrous, hideous Snake-Like scabrous beak-nose humanoid headshapes.

Comment: the last paragraph-but-one is an interesting incomplete sentence. It shows this to be a Reptilian Production. Here's how the tale might go, if completed:

When the higher cosmic beings on Atlantis experimented on planet-earth beings to boost their genetic make-up, they were obliged to use the available life-forms. But these had ALREADY evolved in Neandethals and Cromagnons, far beyond the minimal movements, motives, and manners of reptiles (even the nicest). What they were challenged to create in the human form was a brain functioning to bring what is perceived through the sense-organs already 'awakened', and attuned by symbolic (sign-use/ communication) attached to upper-air sentient head-organs (processing orders of wave-lengths of higher level frequency in sight, hearing, and inner-loop processing, with self-consciousness, necessarily distinct from and at odds with, from an economic/dialectical point of view), the untinctured products of the reptilian brain. Thus, the above account, which can, and no doubt will, be predicated on by those who believe 12 foot Lizard's rule the world, is a case of regressive* re-looping tokens of self-reference ("brain", "your brain", "what you experience in autonomic sphincter contraction", etc.) with the result of indelibly associating LATER references to "what we both know you know about yourself", which hucksters blasting "commerciaqls" over TV News and Educational channels plug at, night and day, 24/7/52. Reaching out to touch All through Reptilian Group-fantasies purveyed in TokenSpace.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007, was count-down day to the State of the Union speech by President G.W. Bush. The channels were filled with little else. Leading in, on associated channels were:

-Atlantis -- National Geographic; good stuff, as far as it went (not: Hyperborea, where the Ayrans are said originate); followed by
-UFO lore -- up-to-date phenomena from Mexico
-animal planet -- all snakes, snakes, snakes
-Mayan calender -- History channel

Given the sudden influx of two new sources bringing together ancient architectural, symbolic, mythological and other artefacts to testify to extra-terrestrial ancestors and evolutionary 'boots' by gene-splicing.

Startlingly, two odd reptile stories appeared:
A case of reptile erectile dysfunction

Amputation may be solution for nights and days of the iguana erection

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Mozart, an iguana stuck with a permanent erection six days after a mating session at a Belgian zoo, may have to have his penis amputated if the condition does not improve. "He will see the vet on Thursday," said Enid Balemans, spokeswoman for the Aquatopia Zoo in Antwerp, stressing that veterinarians were still considering alternative treatments.

2. Dragon's Virgin Birthing
Zoo celebrates virgin birth of Komodo dragons

MANCHESTER, England - A British zoo announced Wednesday the virgin birth of five Komodo dragons, giving scientists new hope for the captive breeding of the endangered species.

In an evolutionary twist, the newborns’ eight-year-old mother Flora shocked staff at Chester Zoo in northern England when she became pregnant without ever having a male partner or even being exposed to the opposite sex.

Dakota Fanning: 'It's called acting'

12 year old girl in the Sundance festival "Rape Movie" Houndog ("Is", say Christian protesters -- who won't watch it; "Is Not", say the filmmakers: only the antecedently prurient could see it so.) slaps back at critics of her being used as soft kiddie-porn barbie.

Whether it is called a "rape movie" or not (that's obviously not the real issue, but a displacement therefrom), the cute, doll-like 12 year old girl will be seen all over TV -- and the suggestion "she's been raped" planted in the public mind -- she becomes a "wish fulfillment" token by this suggestion. The Lizards project their sexuality through her. She is Them -- in the unconscious. No matter how sweet, innocent, beautiful she may appear WATCH OUT! IT'S A MASK! The more charming, the more deadly.

-Shawn / Devlin -- DEVLIN' SHAWN

Yesterday's "Miracle in Missouri" is today's message of (unspoken, as yet, but virtually projected already on YouTube) is the story of "consensual sex", the ramblin' NAMBLA men would call it, subjected to harsh (justified? - you decide) hate-filled social judgments. That's what's going through, there.

Girl, 6, embodies Cambodia's sex industry.

OK if its Cambodian, I guess. Careful of disease, though.

-Most Watched Video: Rare prehistoric Deep Frill shark appears off the coast of Japan (6:00 pm, 1.24.'070),


This is a regular bombardment of the reptilian brain with self-images.

Returning, in closing, to the story of human evolution, the hypothesis that fits the facts is this: the specific mental improvement brought about by the Atlanteans involved fixing the Fornix -- shaped like a bent over chicken-breast 'bulb', encircling amygdala/hippocampus arms that mediating pre-verbal (lower brain-vibrations in the 'pool' at the brainstem/spine intersection). Here is the site at which use of signs, (language) is applied to non-conceptual ('inner space', qualitative amd qualitative) content. It is the place* where two memory-systems are required to link: one for the lower-level processes -- memory directly connected with 'motility', ie., reward/punishment for movements; -- another for learned language representation (signs: words, pictures, objects, situations,worlds-- whatever belongs to TokenSpace where logical relations hold). The result, according to this story, is a DOUBLE MODE of relating to reality through communication: through the body, by the lower reptilian spinal "brain" controlling the primary mode of survival-adaptation movement, more predominant in some people than in others. And through the Mind, as the higher parts of body consciousness taken up, out of, body-consciousness; to consciousness of what is Necessary in all.

Jesus as the Christ

In this story, the composit representation of Completed Man, of the Jewish line of Jesse; .... and Son of God, as God Most High (YHWH ELOHIM), later called "a priest on the order of Melchizedek" (Hebrews 7) ... is a higher-level 4th dimensional being actualized ("incarnated") as a psychic antidote to reptilianism. He was "sent" as a "reminder" to humanity of their more advanced nature, which will otherwise be used against them by lower manifestations.

This is the "Christian dualism", metaphysically. It is a 4th-3rd dimension dualism, basically, we are saying; the brain, with its two memories, and its two ways of relating to reality, spans these, and in two ways: through its sign-use; and through its conscious essence -- ontologically.

Is this not also what Descartes arrives at by his method of doubt in the Third Meditation?
1. I WILL now close my eyes, I will stop my ears, I will turn away my senses from their objects, I will even efface from my consciousness all the images of corporeal things; or at least, because this can hardly be accomplished, I will consider them as empty and false; and thus, holding converse only with myself, and closely examining my nature, I will endeavor to obtain by degrees a more intimate and familiar knowledge of myself. I am a thinking ( conscious ) thing, that is, a being who doubts, affirms, denies, knows a few objects, and is ignorant of many,-- [who loves, hates], wills, refuses, who imagines likewise, and perceives; for, as I before remarked, although the things which I perceive or imagine are perhaps nothing at all apart from me [and in themselves], I am nevertheless assured that those modes of consciousness which I call perceptions and imaginations, in as far only as they are modes of consciousness, exist in me. [ L] [ F]

2. And in the little I have said I think I have summed up all that I really know, or at least all that up to this time I was aware I knew. Now, as I am endeavoring to extend my knowledge more widely, I will use circumspection, and consider with care whether I can still discover in myself anything further which I have not yet hitherto observed. I am certain that I am a thinking thing; but do I not therefore likewise know what is required to render me certain of a truth ? In this first knowledge, doubtless, there is nothing that gives me assurance of its truth except the clear and distinct perception of what I affirm, which would not indeed be sufficient to give me the assurance that what I say is true, if it could ever happen that anything I thus clearly and distinctly perceived should prove false; and accordingly it seems to me that I may now take as a general rule, that all that is very clearly and distinctly apprehended (conceived) is true.[ L][ F]



Agreement in thought without agreement in consciousness can only profit for a while. (chung hu)

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Texting Today's Tokens


Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Psychotrip:


-The Hanged Man
Opening of Symbolic Portal in TokenSpace

- Sulphuric City -- Whiff of Hell
Heroes only survived
(For how long, Time will tell)



-Katrina Embryo -- Birth of a child conceived during great hurricane announced on CNN Headline news under this title, with great fanfare.

(Diagnosis of unconscious situation.: flashback to dead bodies floating on the streets of New Orlean's 9th ward, under the 17th street canal on Lake Ponchetrain. Motive to reverse the image of death, which is all-pervasive on every cable news channel 24/7, to one of Rebirth -- to bring a message of Hope; a ray of light to penetrate the darkness. This is an example of reversing reality by overlaying tokens with split-off, idealized text ("Washed in the Jordan (MSM) River"). They have to talk America in some manner or another, just like children have to grow up in some conditions or other.

The psychosemiotic mechanism at work is Reaction-Formation (Freud). Classically, "No! No! I don't hate (Him -- an abusive old man with a whip, say)... I LOVE HIM" -- uttered on occasion when the urge-to-kill wells up from inside. This (mental analogue of catching a fart before releasing) reverses what would be an unpleasant token- manifestation, raining down condemnation and punishment, by couching the Unmentionable (unconscious thought) in the Unimpeachably Group-positive Mentionable. This satisfies the pleasure-principle ruling acceptable* group communication. The text for what everybody has to live with, "at the end of day" has got to be PC. (And the end of THIS day* may be the "end of days"; Wolf Blitzer said it only recently.)

The effect of this mechanism is to reverse cathexis of instinctual defiance, rebellion, and desire to kill the Punishing Authority ("Father", as in "Almighty God", aka the Phantom Poisonous Placenta), at the conscious "responsible" level; so that expression of what would have been Hate, if it hadn't been abused, is turned back at the PC level of "language-for-others" into feigned expression of Love. Libido has been converted into Thanatos -- then back again, by this spinning and splitting of the tokens of ego/group communication bond. How we think of ourselves is partly determined by the feed-back from others, who have only our external manifestations to use as data (at first). Therefore, the manifestations of One fall ineluctably under judgments applicable to all, as use of group-language by any is subject to judgments of "ought to be" which apply to all (including the user). This is based on the hypothesis of a common TokenSpace of communicating consciousnesses.

This is domain is what Kant called The Moral. Following the theory of the Oedipus Complex, we have merged Freud and the Great German in common territory. The Philosopher advances the Categorical Imperative: Thou shalt obey The Law, as such (over inclinations, congruent or non-congruent with what can be generalized for all). Will to do so is the Good Will, a condition of an act of moral credit. Inner respect toward it is used by Kant as a datum" from which "the existence of God" can be inferred. The Psychoanalyst observes: Kant converts the (his) prototypal) Germanic inner discipline of consciousness-under-thought (REASON*) into a "square" of this as "ego-ideal",or "super-ego." Kant's Categorical Imperative is the "dass Ich", the next step, in conscious Praexis after Descartes' "I think...". This is fine. the two thinkers fit together like hand-in-glove. Or, in alternate glyphology: when the right hand one of two " 4 "-shapes ( 4 4 ) is turned upside down, over, then rejoined with the other to make an enclosed square with two half-square ends.

Through this "SQUARE" (model ) of framing sign-use, Kant can be seen as defining the Moral Plane of the Conscious Totality Under Sign-Use (CTUS*), Freud as defining -- uncovering what the historical process of ego-formation has brought about in Europe. As a local psychohistorical group, it has been a Father God-Almighty dominated culture, in fact*, whatever one's reaction.

The common link is "LAW". Moral, and Psychological. That which is authoritative, itself. Kant, seeing it as Reason (apodeictic truth) sees each reason as the completion of moral consciousness -- what others are owed, defined in the same terms as what others owe oneself. This is the only rational imperative that can overlay conditional imperative (predicting ''ought" on an "if"). At the moral level, in fact, Freud must give way to Kant as providing the rational over-ride of the Id by the ultimate fair Super-ago agency. (However, the human Id has a lot left to say about how it all works out.)

With LAW* as the axis, immediately a portal is opened to Rome, from which the concept of Empire Law as we know it, backed up by Zeus began. And perhaps it is time to broach some issues of bitter dispute in antiquity, such as the dialectic of law and grace introduced by Christianity. The trail today, however, leads from ROME to the VATICAN to CHRIST - (....skip forward ...=> analysis of the 0 a.d. Jerusalem "2nd Adam" influence entering planetary TokenSpace in the Zodiacal Age Pisces, on the Big Calendar Wheel ( MARDUK's circle) moving now into AQUARIUS.

II. UNFLAVORED Kool Aid Drinking

-Death by Water Intoxication -- Woman dies from over-intake of water on Radio talk show context stunt; Nintnedo Wii prize for winner. (diag.: fanasy level: acting out defense against fear of water; drowning. Economic level: see "They Shoot Horses, Don't They")


CNN Headline news - "So far, there has bee no mention of sexual abuse in the Devlin case." (so help me -- not making this up)

Hypothesis: there has been sexual child molestation. The reason he did not escape was basically the shame of having to tell. This is doubled by the shame of his case being featured in the MSM as "The Miracle in Missouri". He has bee shamed as a little boy by his (assumed) molester; then, without acknowledging the abomination of that, he will be shamed by peer-group goading, etc..

Here is another case of coincidentally matching "4"'s.
One boy had been captive for 4 years; the second for 4 days.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Texting Today's Tokens 1.18.07 Thursday


Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Psychotrip:


-The Hanged Man
Opening of Symbolic Portal in TokenSpace

- Sulphuric City -- Whiff of Hell
Heroes only survived
(For how long, Time will tell)



-Katrina Embryo -- Birth of a child conceived during great hurricane announced on CNN Headline news under this title, with great fanfare.

(Diagnosis of unconscious situation.: flashback to dead bodies floating on the streets of New Orlean's 9th ward, under the 17th street canal on Lake Ponchetrain. Motive to reverse the image of death, which is all-pervasive on every cable news channel 24/7, to one of Rebirth -- to bring a message of Hope; a ray of light to penetrate the darkness. This is an example of reversing reality by overlaying tokens with split-off, idealized text ("Washed in the Jordan (MSM) River"). They have to talk America in some manner or another, just like children have to grow up in some conditions or other.

The psychosemiotic mechanism at work is Reaction-Formation (Freud). Classically, "No! No! I don't hate (Him -- an abusive old man with a whip, say)... I LOVE HIM" -- uttered on occasion when the urge-to-kill wells up from inside. This (mental analogue of catching a fart before releasin) reverses what would be an unpleasant token- manifestation, raining down condemnation and punishment, by couching the Unmentionable (unconscious thought) in the Unimpeachably Group-positive Mentionable. This satisfies the pleasure-principle ruling acceptable* group communication. The text for what everybody has to live with, "at the end of day" has got to be PC. (And the end of THIS day* may be the "end of days"; Wolf Blitzer said it only recently.)

The effect of this mechanism is to reverse cathexis of instinctual defiance, rebellion, and desire to kill the Punishing Authority ("Father", as in "Almighty God", aka the Phantom Poisonous Placenta), at the conscious "responsible" level; so that expression of what would have been Hate, if it hadn't been abused, is turned back at the PC level of "language-for-others" into feigned expression of Love. Libido has been converted into Thanatos -- then back again, by this spinning and splitting of the tokens of ego/group communication bond. How we think of ourselves is partly determined by the feed-back from others, who have only our external manifestations to use as data (at first). Therefore, the manifestations of One fall ineluctably under judgments applicable to all, as use of group-language by any is subject to judgments of "ought to be" which apply to all (including the user). This is based on the hypothesis of a common TokenSpace of communicating consciousnesses.

This is domain is what Kant called The Moral. Following the theory of the Oedipus Complex, we have merged Freud and the Great German in common territory. The Philosopher advances the Categorical Imperative: Thou shalt obey The Law, as such (over inclinations, congruent or non-congruent with what can be generalized for all). Will to do so is the Good Will, a condition of an act of moral credit. Inner respect toward it is used by Kant as a datum" from which "the existence of God" can be inferred. The Psychoanalyst observes: Kant converts the (his) prototypal) Germanic inner discipline of consciousness-under-thought (REASON*) into a "square" of this as "ego-ideal",or "super-ego." Kant's Categorical Imperative is the "dass Ich", the next step, in conscious Praexis after Descartes' "I think...". This is fine. the two thinkers fit together like hand-in-glove. Or, in alternate glyphology: when the right hand one of two " 4 " shapes ( 4 4 ) is turned upside down, over, then rejoined with the other to make an enclosed square with two half-square ends.

Through this "SQUARE" (model ) of framing sign-use, Kant can be seen as defining the Moral Plane of the Conscious Totality Under Sign-Use (CTUS*), Freud as defining -- uncovering what the historical process of ego-formation has brought about in Europe. As a local psychohistorical group, it has been a Father God-Almighty dominated culture, in fact*, whatever one's reaction.

The common link is "LAW". Moral, and Psychological. That which is authoritative, itself. Kant, seeing it as Reason (apodeictic truth) sees each reason as the completion of moral consciousness -- what others are owed, defined in the same terms as what others owe oneself. This is the only rational imperative that can overlay conditional imperative (predicting ''ought" on an "if"). At the moral level, in fact, Freud must give way to Kant as providing the rational over-ride of the Id by the ultimate fair Super-ago agency. (However, the human Id has a lot left to say about how it all works out.)

With LAW* as the axis, immediately a portal is opened to Rome, from which the concept of Empire Law as we know it, backed up by Zeus began. And perhaps it is time to broach some issues of bitter dispute in antiquity, such as the dialectic of law and grace introduced by Christianity. The trail today, however, leads from ROME to the VATICAN to CHRIST - (....skip forward ...=> analysis of the 0 a.d. Jerusalem "2nd Adam" influence entering planetary TokenSpace in the Zodiacal Age Pisces, on the Big Calendar Wheel ( MARDUK's circle) moving now into AQUARIUS.

II. UNFLAVORED Kool Aid Drinking

-Death by Water Intoxication -- Woman dies from over-intake of water on Radio talk show context stunt; Nintnedo Wii prize for winner. (diag.: fanasy level: acting out defense against fear of water; drowning. Economic level: see "They Shoot Horses, Don't They")


Wednesday, January 17, 2007



("getting your mind around it" "seeing into your own seeing"_)

-Perception of communalities in distinct segments (S* strings) of communication. Ex.: 2 + 2 = 4; "Two plus two equal four" is a logically true proposition.

Agreement and difference between visible objects is discerned by physical organs, the eyes; analogously, and by common usage, agreement and difference between what signs communicate* may be said discerned by a mental organ, the mind's eye. The precise overlapping of these two kinds of perception occurs when the physical eyes are seeing print and the (person's) mind's eye is processing communicated content. The comparison persons are draw between words, sentences, maps, and other inscriptions on paper, in terms of what the signs represent, their meaning, are not given by any measurable external magnitude, but only as content of consciousness.

Examples of non-formal comparisons of S* (through the tokens, not the text; by templates, not grammar)

The number proposition above is an example of formal comparison. The relation predicated is identity; the terms predicated of are token-variants (two ways of writing the same text, named "4"). When it is said that "thought brings consciousness to itself by perception of necessary truth", "perception" here referes to what is seen by the mind's eye. This is not a metaphor imported by grammar into the language (pace Ryle and the Ryleans, with their "ghost in the machine" materialism). It is an actual ('empirical', in the broader sense) experience, containing the duality of "mind-body" as given in content of consciousness through external v. internal sign-use. The notion of "seeing", taken psychologically (in relation to consciousness), applies here to a process taking place partly due to occurrences in our brain (known by laws of causation; no oxygen, no carbon ignition), supplying words learned, from actual seeing, to content of a second order actually perceived through what is perceptible by physical eyes. The text for this experience would be "seeing into your own seeing". `

As we communicate, we change not only the subject matter (what it is about) but the type of subject matter. And to the ways "subject matter"'s in general are approached, which is to say mode of conscious orientation. Further analysis shows this includes "position", "state", "clarity", as well as and pervasive feeling-toned alignments. These are commonly called "mood-shifts". The most dramatic cases are "I-" (ego-) splitting, in which entire new personalities emerge, with different memory-access (and 'knowledge'). Signs used apart from grammar (as in the Zodiac, Tunes, Glyphs, Tarot, I Ching, any untranslated script) become tokens of the objects referred to in text. They operate with understandings that come through consciousness, then into thought, rather than vice versa. Their use, like that of religious symbols, calls for the user to orient themselves as conscious beings to what is "channeled" (presented by the unconscious when unconstrained by sanctions to 'get it right'). This silent, inner, "opening" is required to "fix" perceptions of the mind's eye, which otherwise pass through the flux* unretained, or mixed up with other things, as the forms of logical necessity implicit in scientific language once were (before the Greeks began uncovering them). It is pre-verbal consciousness present to itself without thought. Whatever is thought is represented by some particular type of sign-use (having synonyms of association). The systematic array of 7 of these individually specified types of sign-use, ordered by levels of logical types, so that no higher order predicate is predicate of itself, and all, by theoretical reduction, are predicable of the lowest level magnitudes of cell-psyche (neural cathexis to S*, text and token),
constitutes the totality of content of consciousness under sign-use (S*7-1)


This* schema spreads the band-with of consciousness, common to all thought, across seven universes of discourse, specified by type of tokens added one to the next:

First: the lowest phi level: the hypothetical quantity of energy expenditure in the physical anatomical system for a unit of S* -processing (Ex.: the 'jolt' of The Hanged Man, Saddam Hussein's lynching).

Second, the phenomenal, sleep-waking state transition bringing dream content level; bearing the first forms of communication formed within, by nature. The templates in these are generic to higher-level token associations (For instance: "Philosophy", at token type level S*6 (about all predicates), passes over, after apodeictic discernment, to 'myth' = likely symbolic stories, and the forms of Group-fantasy in S*2) (cf. Plato's Timaeus). Early 20th century British Realists (Moore, Russell, Broad, Ayer) called this "the sense-datum language"; the Ideal Language syntax could be theoretically interpreted into a universe of discourse that referred to brain-events as ultimate particulars. This could not be accepted (what explains the brain events that make reason possible?), but it could not be refuted. It constitutes a "level", or "plane" onto which contents of consciousness of successive higher orders, next being the language of physical objects in Newtonian (3-dimensional, Euclidean) space.

Third: the physical object language. This contains all predicates of objects commensurate with the human body, aware of itself as mobile in the three directions: vertical, horizontal, before/behind ("through"). These predicates, shown by Hume, then Russell, to be reducible in application to congeries of qualities,
with concepts including the relations of space and time constructable from formal characteristics of empirical instances, determine the universe of discourse for all objects given in Cartesian x-y coordinate schema.

Fourth Moral Discourse: the language obtained by adding moral predicates -- right vs. wrong -- to language of the Third order. This type of discourse brings "is" under "ought to be" -- or its reversal, "ought not (to be)". The Fourth level spreads consciousness becoming aware of itself as an ego, under a categorical constraint of ALLOWING or PROHIBITING the universe as alternatives affected by body movement. This level of consciousness is self-consciousness of the person as agent. It is the intersection of cause (ruling One-Two-Three) and will (choice of alternatives perceived at the ego-level.

Fifth Existential Ego discourse: Adding the token "I", for individual personal self-reference, (following Kant's "I think" propadeutic of every proposition; "mine" = every content of my consiousness.) The so-called "existentiast" movement in French philosophy, following John Paul Sartre was an anti-philosophical (level S*6) recovery of ego-consciousness, without getting what consciousness was right (no formal analysis of sign-use -- pitch in your oar -- anywhere).

Sixth: Philosophic consciousness: add consciousness of Sign-use, with the Logos each type type, rightly discerned, brings. This is the level of sign-use of all sign-uses, including itself, and "God" -- as hypothetical completing totality of all intellectual perception.

Seventh: Theological Consciousness: the text of the completingn totality, represented by many under a personified form, as if conscious of the universe perceived by humans as individual humans are of their body. Since at no moment could it be dared to say "this is the end; history is complete", whatever sign used by persons from their consciousness to signify can only be a "completing", not "completed" totality. The text of whatever is meant by "God", in this schema of consciousness, is "the completing totality" -- predicating on the experience of the user, by themselves, as a conscious totality completing itself in it.


FROM the apodeictic, self-evident, undeniable truths of formal analysis; TO the "obvious", "transparent", "evident on the face of it (on first blush)" in ordinary discourse: seeing the process that produced S* (motive, agenda, positionality) clinging to the function of its token (whenever something else would have done the textual job jus as well).

(Informal analysis of Sign-use complexes, using what is known about the S* process in general)


I. "The Miracle in Missouri" was the CNN headline Jan. 14 for the recovery of two early teen boys from an abductor's -- a Michael Devlin --

perception* of agreement between this, as a type of event,

"The servitude of U.S. public to G.W.Bush -- for four years since "the axis of evil" speech. This befouled public discourse at the upper levels probably beyond anything he did. "So that's the way it is." How odd no philosophers or theologians said peep. This showed that the religion-ized ego had taken over the Sixth and Seventh token slots.

Just as "Shawn" bonded to his captor for 4 years, hiding in plain sight, but the gig got blown when Ben Ownby was captured, found and released in 4 days.... so "we," the American public, the thought goes, have bonded to our abuser, Bush for 4 years, hiding the truth in the open.

The triple 4's flash across the moral sphere: "ought not to be".

II. A soldier in Iraq
shown on CNN ( or MSNBC) saying "We can't fail here. If we fail here, we will have to fight them on the streets of America."

The Motive ("spelling it out"): to identify his (the soldier's) "enemy" with the enemy of the American TV audience.

"Support the troops", calling for identification with the soldier sighting down the barrel of a rifle pointed at Arab/Muslim Islamo-Fascists, as opposed to the eye of one sighting down the reverse direction (content: a S*5-S*2 composit -- imaginationof existential situation of mortal danger). If he's on "(Y)our" side over there, he will be the one on "(Y)our" side over here -- standing between "Us" and "the enemy" when he is brought back home.

And the flip side is (rule: "flip the token over on its other side to find the other texts): if you don't support him "over there", he will hare the right to kill you for this mental attitude when he is brought home. It is being put in his mouth, and run through his mind, to kill his own people. For the sake of those who sent him.

This would be the Repube Reptilian caucus.

Further inferences: drawing on Michale Tsarion for background:

The Repubes (incl. neocons, Zionists (right Wing Xian & Ashkanazic) are controlled by the Reptiles, themselves, through inputs directly to the blood chemistry (they think blood: will be found referring reverently to their DNA. like Tim Leary and Abe Foxman). Monstrous escapees from Atlantis surviving by care of humanoid servants (followers of The Flaming Bush), they are at perpetual, unrelenting, cruel war with other, Thoth-led escapees from the ancient (50,000 yr approx.) catastrophic planetary event.

The single driving motive of these -- less malevolent, but not intrinsically benign in re Lemurian humans -- shaping the Form of impulses through the serpentine skeletal trunk we call "spinal cord" (S*1 level) -- vibrations which reach the pool beneath the arches of the Fornix, is TO GET AWAY FROM THIS PLANET AND RETUN TO HOME IN OUTER SPACE. That is where "GOD" must be located, the 8th Ring (globe) of the fixed stars which encircle the 7 orbits of the visible heavenly bodies (5 + Sun and Moon) -- conscious of the Universe as a totality as the person is of their body. But a Stargate installed around the Moon's orbit suck the soul out of any who try, which they are constructing shields and propulsion devices to penetrate. They plan to get away leaving this planet of our Irish Celt Arthurian Grail ancestors destroyed, and us along with it. (Dems cluster under Serpent Sons icons, which include women in Esther roles, if allowed even that that -- mostly anorexic or pulticrudinous.) Wake up, America! They're emerging from the pit!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

v Macrobe on Axiomatics

Originally Posted by Macrobius
Returning to the discussion of Ayer (though the side trip was not irrelevant) -- axiomatic systems have several different purposes. There is one purpose in Greek philosophy, where reasoning is seen itself as a sort of triad of origin, process, and reversion. 'Axiom' is supposed to denote a propositional truth so obvious that no one (who is not being perverse) contests it, as, 2+2=4. It has come to mean something different today, with axiomatic set theory, in which the 'axioms' are really speculative hypotheses, and the deductive results are in fact more certain than they, and amount to what evidence there is for them. This is practically a reversal of what an axiom is.

OK. I'll read Albanius in a minute.

But about the formal status of "axiomatics": Russell began from Peano's 5 axioms for the reconstruction of arithmetic. These included as primitive (undefined) terms:
"0 is a number" ("assertion*: of an "S is P*" type proposition) ..."successor of" ... properties of P* --inductive properties of P* (to get an axiom of infinity, which other systems that take number signs as primitive must assume) I credit this as a contribution to metaphysics gained by the axiomatic method.

This reconstruction, whatever one says about the 5 primitive propositions with the undefined primitive terms, demonstrates that signs for numbers are dispensible, in principle, i.e., can be introduced on a definitional basis into any statements of fact (Ex. "The Temple of the Ark was 300 meters long, 50 wide", etc.) in a syntactical system correlating truths in it (logical) with truths of arithmetic. Now, this is what Russell and Whitehead did in the Principia Mathematica, much of which I actually read, in the olden days, trying to figure how the Symboli/Glyph story played out to get Quine ... This is the only sense in which I need acknowledge use of the term for what I do: 1. a small set of proposition taken as necessary (for mathematics: the denial of which is self-contradiction: from Aristotle, nevermind 0 is not a number!); 2. a formal (token-checkable; digitalized) apparatus for formal deduction: transfering predicate "LT" of P* to Q* when every instance of P* is necessarily an instance of Q*. 3. An array of tokens available for use as undefined descriptive constants for interpreting* the formal syntacticic apparatus -- with application arranged in orders of logical type, barring predication over illegitimate totalities* (at the theological level: the sin of idolotry) in the formation rules of basic sentences. (stratifying the 'x's' that there are -- a real constructivist theory of individuals).

There is a "Y" -- fork in the road -- here. To the left goes set theory, Cantor -- and metaphysical deficit (judg.). To the right goes --new territory here: it is a proposal, a posited 'model', like the Mercator projection of earth's globe onto a plane of two dimensions. This path seeks to predicate on an original order: The Quadrivium ?

I have used the lines of a four-space formed by folding a square sheet of paper once over, left-to-right; once up, bottom-to-top ... then straightened out again, corner squares labelled NW NE


for reference. Let these correlate with four Quadrants


This QI -QII - QIII - QIV sequence deffines a line running incounter-clockwise direction from lower-left, looping up through the four planes, and exiting lower right.
Along this loop is posited four disrtinct in-out domains in a single in-out processing unit from perception (QI = input) to act-ing (QIV = output). QII is the domain of "historical echo" attaching to an inner inervation originating in QI, on the way to brain-consciousness, QIII. This, the upper left square, matched point-for point on/by the other three, is where content of consciousness under the 7 tokens of Sign-use are displayed -- in TokenSpace*, which, through the textual content of signs, maps any alternate communication system on the same page. QIV is the "-I -N - G" Quadrant: the reality-box of what is presently passing into history, frozen in time foreverafter, amen.

It is onto this as a formal schema I propose to project the individual consciousness; BUT (and this is big, metaphysically) also in a way that spans the collective psyche which Mousavieff brilliantly predictes on (reading his remarks on the global/international judicial situation of anarchy, heeding his call for a New Assembly, to do what Richileu did, and try to stave off catasrophe.
Everything is two

Friday, January 12, 2007

Dragon slaying (Heideggar, Parmenodes)

From The Phora. Posting under Philosophy -Parmenides fragments 1.15.'07
Fragment 3
For thinking and being are the same.

Fragment 6 should both say and think that being is...

Interpretations by Heidegger:

...needful is the gathering setting-forth as well the apprehension: the essent in its being...

...needful is the gathered setting-forth as well as the apprehension of this: the essent (is) being...

Fragment 8
for not separately from the presence of what is present can you find out the taking-to-hear

Re 3. Once "Being" is replaced by "consciousness" (what else could it mean?) this becomes self-contradictory.

(As it is, the duality of "thinking" and "being", coupled by some mark of identification ("is the same as"), is spared judgtment of self-contradiction only a. by its blatant presence denied, when; b. though, as opposed to perception, is, in fact, identical with THE WAY reality is related to mentally through causes. So, ignoring the obffuscation of being-grammar (too subtle for Teutonic mentality -- nobody can tell wht Heiddegar is talkibing about because he runs together thought, consciousness, and the self-contained thoughts OF consciousness (as opposed to "out"-side (the womb-surround) ego-consciousness -- which is not self-contained within it (=consciousness)). He tries think like they did, without purging his language of formal esoteric monstrosities ("true if you 'get it'" -- formula of the anti-philosophical). It's all pure consciousness talk.)

Re 6. Yes. That is because "saying", i.e., articulating the thought in Sign-use* (also identified by Wittgenstein in Tractatus 4) requires, on the token side, a psychoneural process linking: perception, memory (non-verbal and verbal; meaning associations mediated by S* (and consciousness: presence, self-awareness). What is called "thought" takes the last of these items as the self containted content, repeatable at will, recognized by the familiarity and repetition of identical logical implication each dtime revived, as if were self-existent, and could throw off the anatomical apparatus. This splitting off of consciousness following thought, from consciousness embodied here-now, is, if I am not mistaken, the psychodynamic origin of metaphysical dualism in all its forms. It is the same place, functionally, as the splitting of text from token in sign-use, prompted always by the same textualist fallacy: that reality is related to EXCLUSIVELY through true/false propositions.
Everything is two

It Was Written In The Stars Part 1


1.12.13....'07 (Tuesday, Wednesday of the second week in January, in the year 2007 CE (common era))

Astrologically: A perfect alignment of the Galactic Center, Pluto, and earth occurred during the first week (source: Planet Waves, Eric Francis)

Esoteric conjunction: THE HANGED MAN, Tarot care XII
Saddam Hussein

The execution of Saddam Hussein indelibly imprinted in the collective psyche; an enormous, horrible shock to the human nervous system and the planet. Shown this a.m. on Imus in the Morning (MSNBC). This NBC affiliate, featuring Chris Matthews, Keith Olberman, Peter Jennings, Joe ("Redface") Scarborough (no Buchanan --later) devoted the entire day's programming to setting a context for Bush's speech. Everyone knew what to expect, and I, for one, thought he pulled it off superbly. For what it was. (And had to be?)



Once you decide to go down a crooked ("unsquare*") road, a "logic of truth compensation" takes control of the grammar of collective discourse, as the original degree of unsquareness* is predicated on further, burning bridges, acting boldly; with finality.
Soon, you will box yourself in; paint yourself in a corner; look back over you shoulder and say "where'd they go?"

This is George W. Bush's conscious situation, after setting fire to Iraq. What was said was not square with what was done, and the motive for doing it, from the outset. Gone, now, are Wolfowitz, Perle, Tenet, DeLay, Rumsfeld, many more. Remaining are: John Burns (for the hard-core right-wing faction in the New York Times), Bill ("wild Man") Kristol, the Weekly Standard et all; neocons (code for "Jews" for anti-Semites -- because there are so many in key positions, especially the US media of mass communication), merging with Zionists -- some Christian, some Judaic -- who equate America's interests with Israel's. Just below the radar of this filtered mainstream collective communication this deeper psychological link -- at once theological and (mostly) unconscious (preferring to so remain) -- is linked, itself, to the stars.

The point of no return always reached is narrowing of options to two: RETREAT, pull back, cut losses, in effect, admit defeat; or ADVANCE!

Talk time passed; Decider time arrives. And the program is:

1. -more troops
2 -door-to-door, street by street securing of Sadr City
3. -billion$ more investment capital required to prime the economic-social pump
4. -militarizing relations with Iran for aiding Iraq factions (Shiites); threatening to beseige Baghdad, and get the oil.

This follows the logic present from the beginning, unsquare that it was (for reasons yet to be explained). RETREAT means DEFEAT, and one Republican campaign smear used DEFEATOCRATS" for the opposing party. Once all issues are framed in terms of justified war, the grammar of "we" v "they" morphs into "good-guys" v. "implacable deadly enemy". This deeper alignment then rules.

Comment on Content: On 4. Chris Matthews on MSNBC immediately picked up on this new linkage of Iran in the "war on Terror", calling it Bush "opening a second front". It radically escalates diplomat discourse to the level of war talk. Israel, recently brandishing nuclear weapons as if on the verge of bombing Iranian nuclear plants, must be considered playing a key role, though behind the scenes, plying "Hate Hexbollah", "Hate Hamas" political waters -- and "anti-Semitism" -- to the hilt.

In re 2.: this is the worse case nightmare scenario.

From the beginning, objective authortative analyses warned that this kind of war would be an absolute disaster.

COLLAPSE -UPHEAVAL: group-fantasy phase of psychohistorical group-process. (Groups here are understood to apply to communication-populations: people who are sharing the same TokenSpacxe, processing the same signs in sky, sea and air

advance -- loose, however it is put. The part that disagreed with reality from the beginning, such as assuming the people of Iraq were waiting for "liberation" and would not fight invaders of their country whoever they were. Whether there really is such a thing as Al Queda or not, independent of ex-CIA Chechen Assets left over from the 80's, spawning a few copycats, until all-out persecution, vilification, hoax-terrorism, framed accusations, dignifying "ideology of hate" attributed where justified ... such behavior served to convert "Muslim Brotherhoods", and all sympathetic to the Prophet Mohammed, into hatred of America. Bib Laden, if not actually double-crossed, was framed*, at least in one false video showing his taking credit for 9/11 (source: The Betrayal of America, G. Favorito) For instance, "ALLAH" worshipers have been more than smeared by cartoons; the hoax perpetrated in the Anthrax poisoning letters was beyond despicable, a lot. Almost as if inviting them to act-out in kind, God forbid.



It was Written In The Stars pt. 2



"HIDDEN AGENDA" -- Eric Francis (astrologer)

"RUSE" -- Paul Craig Roberts (conservative columnist)


-Chris Matthews "A second war front opened up against IRAN"

This is the concensus: The "surge" troop increase announced to secure Baghdad is misdirection; a distraction. While the public is mulling "do I or don't I support this new initiative?", talk about the Iran situation seques from diplomatic to military threat, predicating on their "killing American soldiers" by helping the Shiites in Iraq. Meanwhile, the Maliki Government has been ordered to disarm the Mahdi militia,

The politics behind it is warped in Israel's favor and dictated by the neocon cabal et al. This is the group influence behind the war on Iraq and the entire Bush presidency. It is the revenant (ghost entity brigade) of Reaganism, the blight that entered Americas blood stream and poisined it in the 1980's. ("Born with a snake in both his fists while a hurricane is blowing....Jokerman" Dylan)

It is coordinated with a propaganda campaign opened up by these Zionist Jew/Christians to make a pre-emptive attack on Iran appear to the public as in American interests. From PJB's column:
Said Netanyahu, Israel "must immediately launch an intense, international public relations front first and foremost on the U.S. The goal being to encourage President Bush to live up to specific pledges he would not allow Iran to arm itself with nuclear weapons. We must make clear to the (U.S.) government, the Congress and the American public that a nuclear Iran is a threat to the U.S. and the entire world, not only Israel."

Israel's war, says Bibi, must be sold as America's war.



Group-Fantasy is the technical term introduced by Lloyd deMause for conscious identification with a group, representing the "original*" womb-surround container common to us placental mammals' fetal origins of experience. Pre-verbal memories of push-pull, rythmic feel-good/feel-bad cycles of pure (oxygen rich) vs impure (de-oxygenated) blood, later projectively experienced as 'surges' of 'blessing' or 'discomfort', are imprinted on the psychic nervous apparatus, 'sealed' under the trauma of birth, when the brain is most oxygen deprived. When we say "we", we are projecting a bond in TokenSpace between those included and those excluded from our unconsciously fantasized womb-surround. It is a grammatical category, a "person" ("first person plural"), the phantom placental container all once had personified. "They", those on the "out"-side," are those excluded apriori from the fantasized inner womb-surround "we" share.

Use of "we" shows (signifies) emotional identification with the included group. That is what the token communicates. Who or what "we" stands for or refers to in a given case is determined through the text: "Americans for America". One who "speaks for America" is one who is consciously identifying with "America" and speaking as a delegate- fetus for all siblings -- using the common group token as personal text. "We" is used to create merger into the unconscious, invoking the phantom placenta (use of "God" goes with, personifies completion of, the psychosemiotic process of "we"-hood, for many.). As linguistically undifferentiated content of the primary process, limbic memory system, the earliest and latest acquired trauma-imprints will merge, Ex. "needing birth" (writhing, squeezed in the birth canal) will merge with "congested breathing" and "need to crap".


A New Metaphysical Interpretation of of Genesis

There is such a thing as historical group fantasy, and in two distinct but intersecting orders: archetypal, or ahistorical, reproduced through the common shared pre-natal birth drama. And actual shared fantasies of historical groups. A third use can be made out, for any content brought to consciousness by deliberate acting-out the delegate position ('channelling' the 'collective spirit'). That would be that possibility of vivifying resonance between inner and outer vibrations, so that in speaking, as Hitler was able to do, the same Power that flows through One flows through All: "IT" Commands; ALL (who identify with the Group fantasy) must obey.

The two major sources of trauma, leaving imprints brought back and ramified at two levels of memory (primary and secondary process), and: birth and sex. Tiamat, the Monster Water- Goddess/Planet who WAS "the beginning", and deluged earth afterward, is the deepest, oldest "tree of immortality" in group fantasy, containing "All life" in a uroboric whole. This is an image connecting post- to pre-birth consciousness, to make a unity, or whole, which is naturally represented by a circle. It caused great confusion when, later, this symbol came to be used for "the number zero".

THE ANNUNAKI are the "WATCHERS" in Enochian literature, and Sumerian legends of early alien (to earth) beings once literally watching, then descending to mix and marry with the daughters of men, introducing new genetic strains by re-twinning placental's DNA coils with their own. They had this how-to knowledge, Sitchen and Tsarion assert. Such knowledge was claimed for Thoth in pre-historical Egypt, and for "Hermes Tresmegistus" in Alexandrian iconoglyphics.

THIS CONNECTION BETWEEN THE ANNUNAKI (BAD-ASS ANGELS) ...REPRODUCING THEMSELVES IN HUMAN WOMEN -- is enough, given birth trauma as a matrix, to imprint human sexuality -- requiring letting-go of consciousness -- TO DECODE THE SYMBOLIC CONNECTION IN GENESIS BETWEEN THE TWO TREES IN E.DIN, AS BIRTH AND SEXUALITY. The affinity of Eve (woman) and the Serpent, reproduces the most, most ancient link between the Annunaki who visited earth before the Flood, the ever-reproduced "innate" imprints under birth trauma, and the nervous system readiness required for participation in the involuntary orgasmic response.

The "tree of knowledge of good and evil" is the younger tree, the point where sexuality is brought under the darkness of historical group fantasy of castration and rape by alien Mastermench. The other, older tree remains in the province of God: "And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever," says Genesis 3.22, "the Lord God sent him out of the garden of Edin." Whatever events, myths, or material explanations are given of these "ideas" (iconoglyphs, psychic templates of the two "rings" of trauma around the later ego), this pieces together a Sheldrakian psychic morphogenesis of individual/group consciousness.

It also connects directly to the findings of Sigmund Freud. The "WATCHERS", all-powerful, judgmental beings who own the Females (mothers and lovers), are what he called the "super-ego", an "agency" that has just these functions, which the "son" must "kill" in order to possess the mother/lover. It is an "Eternal Mystery", Freud brought back from unconsciousness by analysis of dreams, but quickly realized by Jung to belonged to a larger matrix than the individual psyche. The discovery of Group-fantasy, via Jung's theory of Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious, becomes a portal to another metaphysic: a theory of the reality of TokenSpace as an autonomous medium of communication.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Philosophy of communication

Under "Philosophy", in The Phora, 1.14.'-7

Originally Posted by HELLSTAR_trek
If Ayer's followers respect axiomatic systems, then is there any reason that Ayer's followers would not attempt to construct some axiomatic system that expresses Ayer's premises and allows for the deduction of Ayer's conclusions?

What is accomplished by replacing the word "axiom" with the term "tacit definition"?


"Ayer's followers"? --HE was a 'follower' (as is anyone who reasons formally) of the great symbolic mathematical logicians of the early 20th century who clarified what deduction is; what necessary (analytic) truth is; how reality is held together in thought by language (the transcendental unity of apperception); what axiomatic syatems ARE: all necessary to clarify what is tacitly assumed by scientific theory of any kind. Add in the assumption of "one world, one truth", you reconstruct the tacit assumption of a unified field theory of science, which all the best thinkers have shared, I suppose, without making it explicit in these terms.

A. J. Ayer is applying the essential insights these our predecessors hammered out to commonsense analysis of ordinary discourse, which did not come into being to express truth and falsehood. Anyone who tries to think and communicate clearly about a topic or object, S, resulting in a judgment or sentence attributing some predicate P to S (thus asserting "S is P") with the expectation of it being taken as true or false is a "follower of Ayer"; and if they want to organize what they think they know into theories that stand in logical relation to the source of truth of other theories, they will revert, as he certainly would, to actual scientific explanations (for instance, opposing modern chemistry to alchemy, oxygen over phlogiston) and the stratification of tacit assumptions into: sense-data (correlated with expenditure of a magnitufe of neural excitation), Sign-use (hippocampal learned memory contribution) and verification (theory of probability, etc.). Can you think of anything else one might need? (say: consciousness).

I find it absurd to speak of those who take up truths others have elaborated as "followers." As if whoever uses alphabetic writing was a follower of Futhark, or the Phoenicians, and on the side of Reptilians in the The Orion Wars. Absurd. (or is it?) Of course they "follow" the truth. Any metatruth-value in calling them "followers" either follows tautologically (logically) from "comes after", or erroneously imputes discipleship to something besides truth itself. In other words is vacuous or false.

in honor of Alfred Julius Ayer.

Sunday, January 07, 2007




Response to announcement of a discussion of this topic on WSKG Public television, Binghamton, New York Jan. 8, l2007

Discussion of this topic today is integrally linked to issues of: US-Israeli policy, the influence of AIPAC, the "Libby Lobby"/neocon political operatives on the U.S. Government, the control of mainstream media of communication ...etc..

The effect, if not the motive, of such discussion is to mitigate the blow-back for this pervasive influence over American life against Jews as a group. It is a fuse that WSKG's programmers evidently felt had to be lit, maybe in order to install a firewall.

But while all Jews cannot be held responsible for what some do, using their name, anymore than all Christians can be held responsible for way the Evangelical/TV clowns crucify their name, for the ones who have conspired, cabaled, cohorted or otherwise contrived to link America's interests with the Zionist State of Israel, the corruption of the names must be highlighted, as such.

However, the rapidly shifting situation on the ground everywhere, from G.W. Bush's pending escalation of slaughter in Iraq to Israel's threat to nuke Iran, to Nancy Pelosi's weak kneed opposition of Democrats ... over against the hard-right David Brooks, Weekly Standard, John McCain war slut crew ... renders such discussion otiose, if not moot. It would tacitly allow this same crowd of Zionist operatives to keep driving the bus. But they are the ones who have ignited the terrible flames of this global historical hatred of America. Now, they would hide behind people's good will and call 'anti-semitism' when Israeli -first Jews are criticized for the way the are.

That is why "anti-Semitism" cannot be discussed. This term itself is biased in favor of anti-Aryan bigots. YHWH-ists are prejudiced against the Wotan-ese from before the discovery of America.

"Anti-Semitism*" as a sign-use, creates a false front in communication. It* carries little textual meaning except hatred of the Jews; but it*s token depicts the abominable. It* is not square with any reality except that which it* imposes by definition -- which you may fit, may not, they decide. It* is a psychosemiotic construct to legalize mind control and thought police.

Moreover, considering what hate, it creates more harm than good to oppose it as such. On Freud's view (summarized), it is actually love -- under conditions of abuse; the cathexis of libido toward objects causing pain. Therefore, to legally penalize its expression doubles the sadism and rewards the sadistic provocateur.

This is why I reject "anti-Semitism*" as a topic of discussion. It neither condones nor condemns what the term communicates.

Sources of resentment of Zionist Jews now in America

1. "Judaeo-Christianizing" use of "God". As if "YHWH" and "GOD" stood for the same thing, and as if bringing back the OT entity didn't kill Christ, who claimed to be Son of Abraham's God.

Illustrated by the widely publicized "Peace Over the Skies of Jerusalem" civic program in Binghamton, with Jews, Christians, Muslim children brought together to pray for peace in the Middle East.

2. Equating "anti-Semitism" with "anti-Zionism" and anti-Israelism. This was explicitly done in a European conference in 2004 by Rudolf Giuliani.

AJ Ayer's Contribution


1. A.J. Ayer's Language Truth nd Logic was probably the most influential widely read work in post 30's after Russell's Introduction to Problems of Philosophy to bring the substantive critique of the positivists -- the verificatin criterion of cognitive meaning -- to bear on the language of Germanic/Euro lemmings. Later, Carnaps Logical Syntax of Language covered much the same ground in a more formal, Teutonic (and more confused) way. The attempts to formulate sense-datum statements by these guys, including O. Neurath, H. Feigl -- up to Bergmann -- were naive-to-stupid.

2. Ayer's Foundations of Empirical Knowledge took the notion of "sense datum" which Russell had introduced, following G.E. Moore's celebrated Refutation of Idealism ("awareness of blue isn't blue") and placed it on a linguistic basis. The "sense datum language", contrasting with "the physical object language", are alternative ways of describing the totality of experience, not metaphysical alternatives. This was, and is, decisive. It was taken up by Roderick Chisholm in his "theory of appearing", which tried to accomodate the conclusion thrust on the mind by the causal theory of perception ("the contents of your experience are mediated by the anatomical preparation*" -- Freud's term) in ordinary language philosophy. That grounded out. All in all, NO SYSTEMATIC THINKER (least of all Chomsky, who isn't really systematic at all, it's only a transcendental illusion of 'grammar'; same disease as textualism; took out Strawson, Harre and all of Wittgenstein's Oxford entourage) has done squat with consciousness. So they turned it over to the occult, surviving Dead Heads (note oxymoron), various esoterics and the Y gen.

(The key lies in the stratification of discourse into token-types. The "sense datum language" is the description of experience under signs used for objects taken phenomenally (cf. Descartes' Meditation 3). This is sign-use level S*2 in my arrangement, S*1 being dreams (phenomenal content produced by inter-psychic processes). S*3 is the language of physical objects, required to complete what S*1 posits -- the manifold of neurological firings (hypothetica totality of material causes of conscious content) that pass over into communication.)

You know you are in the presence of Jew
when your words are repeated without comment,
as if (right minded)* monkeys know just what to do.
Everything is two

Saturday, January 06, 2007

post script posted at The Phora

Consciousness and Thought

This distinction, which has not been consistently elaborated, much less incorporated into a systematic philosophy (until now), is the key to the lock. I have just funished an initial exposition, if any are interested.

As to the worthy comments above:

1. "soul", "mind" are composit S* (sign-uses) -- not terms required or sustained by objective self observation.

Their use in textual communication depends on what the hoary tokens elicit from the audience, which is to say, on what they associate through mythic texture ("Does the soul leave the body at death, like it does in dreams?" -- this questin is the product of confusing consciousness and thought.) Wittgenstein saw they were not descriptive, referential terms, but, lacking the distinction between text and token, became philosophically anecdotal after the Tractatus. Super-sensitive homosexual that he was, I regret to have to say he turned Jew on us -- after crushing Father Russell's Theory of Logical Types, as Sons are wont to do. But this theory is exactly what needs reconstructing, or needs using in reconstruction of the hierarchy of actual S*, stratified into types of conscious content.

2. It is accurate to say no real advance in even conceiving "the mind body problem" has been made since Russell, Wittgenstein, Ayer, Carnap, and G. BERGMANN ("Metaphysics of Logical Positivism") decisively clarified cognitive (true-false) communication. Bergmann is important for providings an Ideal Language reconstruction of the act of awareness as a particular. But, while texted awareness IS occurrent ("now", for me), with content of the upper triad of sign-uses (S*7-6-5) (explaiuned elsewhere) wholly contained in a given present, it is thought, only, that is particulate (through the tokens used to express it), wheres consciousness is the containing continuity of throught at all levels. The Ideal Language philosophy of positivism, which aimed to set out the formal framework for a unified language of science in an intersubjective object-language, could never accomodate psychology because terms of self-reference under consciousness are not intersubjectively verifiable.

Bergmann's "acts of awareness" analysis reconstructs a form for predicating on something "mental" that refers to something outsode itself, as thought does in consciousness, but the entire project is unsquare --like applying logical analysis to "God"-use. (cf ludicrous attempts to formulate it as a name, which Descartes still does, along with talking about "substances"; both show stunted psychosemiotic awareness.)
Everything is two

Friday, January 05, 2007

Consciousness and Thought


Found in communication in the distinction between Sign-Use and Sentences

There are two types of formal analysis of communication:

Analysis of consciousness --what it expresses about the user.

This is known through analysis of the signs uses (S*); what they are, how they link, in what context.

Analysis of thought -- what it expresses about the world.

This is known through analysis of signs used specifically to express truths about objects other than themselves.

This distinction is tacit in C.S. Pierce's definition of a sign as "that which stands for something other than itself." This implies that what he means by a "sign" in inherently duplex: something in itself; and something that stands for something other than itself.

This duality can be formally recognized by the distinction between text and token: text is the sign taken as standing for something other than itself; token is the sign taken as something in itself.

Textualism: the assumption that reality is known through the text of communication. The assumption that reality is known only through text is the chief fallacy that results from not distinguishing consciousness and thought. Philosophy has not systematically taken account of the distinction, therefore, following the great logical thinkers Parmenides, Plato, Descartes, Wittgenstein and Logical Positivism (G. Bergmann), it tends toward the textualist position in metaphysics. As systematic account of what is, the name "metaphysics" itself, according to legend taken from the arrangement of Aristotle's works, commits the fallacy of textualism by subsuming reality under language. This leads to dismissal of metaphysics, since logical analysis of sentences either leads away from what they are themselves, or turns on them with the same tools their analysis has provided. Taken to its logical outcome, this leads to the mistaken view that grammar is the form of consciousness.

Necessary truths bring consciousness to itself through thought, They turn into token-tautologies, A=A. These are relegated to the highest rank of intellectual products by textualists. Man's completion lies in the logical syntax of language. To be is to be the value of a bound variable.

Mistakes in informal discourse due to the confusion.
-"you are what you think" (Are present to where you dream) Words meanthe same thing to others as they do for oneself. To criticise what someone thinks is the same as to critice the person.
