Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

My Photo
Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Anneagram of all

Construction of Gurdjieff's Anneagram
as Metaphysical Template for analyzed representation

Step 1.

Law of Heptaparaparshinok: Every completing totality divides into 7 parts. Let the signs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 mark equal divisions of a continuous circular line.

This is posited as metaphysical background for tracing the course of any process through time, in any space. A "completed octave" will be the transition of process continuously from point to point, which are called Stopenders (intersection of successive segments).

Step 2.

Match the integers in the six digit decimal expansion of 7/1 = 0.142857.... to the signs marking the circle, thus: (1 - 1), (2- 4), (3-2), (4-8), (5-5), (6-7). 0-(7*). 7* matches the sign "7" from step 1; the 0 is introduced for the circle any closed line posits. This sets up the circle as unity divided into seven equal parts, 0 = 7 for all entities.

Step 3.

Place the number 9 over the number 7 at the top of the circle; then equalize the distances after "3" is inserted between 2 and 4, and "6" is inserted between 5 and 7. Connect 9 -3 -6 with straight lines, forming the equilateral.

Step 4.

Draw Inner Lines connecting 1 -4 - 2 and 8 -5 - 7 inside the circle, crossing over from 2 to 8, then 7 to 5 with a single motion. This correlates the six StopEnders of step 1 with the ratios of step 2 as a distinct order. This gives two ways of proceeding from 1 to 9/(7*): around the circle through the points 3 and 6 (Ex.: life trajectory); or by the line 1-4-2-8-5-7 (Inner Lines).
This constructs the formal appearance of Gurdjieff's Anneagram, correlating space, number and a duration (of "time"). It applies to the life of individual man, as well as to the universe (completing totalities).
The StopEnders are interpreted here as functional organs, or "sopping points" where transformation occurs. This is a separate order, laid out in advance of the successive progression from 1 to 2 to 3 etc. around the circle.

In the dynamic interpretation of these two lines of motion through any space, the numbers 3 -6 formthe base of the pyramid
6 3

correspond to "shock" points: places at which interaction with an independent process is required as a completing force. If the original (step 1) sequence is matched with the musical notes Re Mi Fa So La Ti "Do" corresponds to the conjunction of 7*-9 through 8. The shocks correlate with the semit-ones

In the development of human experience under sign-use, (3)
correlates with communication, (6) with criticism. Communication is required as external 'shock' of new knowledge; critique is required as internal shock to distinguish truth or falsehood, reality and illusion. The completion of the circle from DO to DO (7*- 9) is as Birth to Death, for the completed totality of the psyche, but it can, and must occur many tomes for lesser totalities within the duration. The proper completion accumulates an energy that passes on at 9, to an octave of higher scale.(which is already sounding in a conguent 'dimension' as the same notes and numbers are repeated) A less-than proper completion passes back through 7* to 1, again, as re-cycled conscious content.
My interpretation of the StopEnders and shocks, pending revision and re-application, is:

1 = Re bloodline vibration

2 = Mi Family Faith bond

3. Shock: communication

4. = Fa Knowledge (intellectual bond)

5 = So Culture (group interaction: music, arts, games)

6. Shock: Criticism

7 = La Enjoyment (incl. expressiveness, etiquette)

8 = Ti Responsibility (politics, group process, mastery)

9 Completion/transformation

Working with the interpretation of this system along Inner Lines
1 - 4 - 2 => Bloodline knowledge of family faith bond.---

passed on to

8 - 5 - 7 : Responsible/-ity for Cultural Enjoyment

is the most succinct explicit formula for maintaining conscious human life

Further work should make it possible to correlate "notes" in specific completing octave-processes with observations of qualities of experience given in the mainstream media of communication. (MSM com) For example, the daily reel of channel news network repeatedly juxtaposed News of WAR ON TERROR with News of ANNA NICOLE SMITH"S DEAD BODY AND BRITNEY SPEAR'S HAIR (both blond sex Goddesses). News of the military/political debacle in Iraq, generously interspersed on all channels (CNN, MSNBC, FOX) with images of wild, drugged, dead women of precisely the sort New Age cultural gurus are saying provide the blood required by reptilian creatures who rule the world to hold human form, and not shape-shift. (that is one formula linking the 'notes'; indefinite number of others).

Sunday, February 18, 2007

This weeks dairy

Another "you already know this, but..." blog
(Posted at The Phora)

How The Media Reported
the House of Representatives' vote
against Bush's Iraq policy.

It's as if everyone knows he has been merely a puppet, a tool, all along. Doing the best he could, damn fine job too, by God. Let 'em all say "amen", reluctantly or not. He said the right lines and said them right. Stuck it out.

Drove it into the ground.
Just kept on
keepin' on,
digging that hole
deeper every day.

Nobody to drop the curtain
No hook to yank him away

So now everybody -- including those previously backing him in committing human sacrifice -- get to gleefully watch his undoing. Except, bound down by what little consideration for self-consistency (read: shame) remains, he's getting let off. Again. (even while people mutter 'he's getting let off, again'.) The House vote against the troop surge policy, on top of Generals Pace and Casey's dissent, and the Democratic win in the '06 election, ought -- I say, OUGHT -- to put a definite HE'S TOAST edge, or tone, to the week's coverage. Fat chance.

During the prime time channel TV news cycles as the House debate was unfolding, two major themes dominated: Bush's impromptu press conference Tuesday (13th), then Wednesday (14th); also Pentagon press conference. Strong scathing pitches against the Democratic-led attack on support for our troops; warning of terrible consequences to the US and the globe if we pulled out; fingering the Iranian government for supplying weapons for Shiite Iraqi's to kill American troops.... The usual fog of conflicting, confusing, patently empty, futile SOS -- necessary front for extracting patriotic blood to throw in people's face.

Speaking of which, btw, this odd bit of fondly libidinized astrology turned up Friday (16th) on Eric Francis' popular Planet waves site:
FROM the alt-dot-love department, I'm here to tell you about Beautiful Agony, an Australian webspace that may appeal to your curiosity and aesthetics. It's basically a video catalog of the faces of about 1,000 people coming, with a few added every week. Now that is art.This friendly project is perhaps the most satisfying erotica ever created because you get one of those essential nutrients of sex: learning about people in an erotic way, discovering something about them, feeling them as they feel themselves, if just a little....Speaking of, the project is brilliant if only for its audio; you don't need to watch, listening is a lot of fun. The publishers of Agony have (or had) a related audio erotica webspace for the blind, though I can't locate it at the moment. But they are obviously into aural sex: "Make your ears blush by putting on your headphones and turning the sound to eleven," they suggest.Anyway, this is my Valentine's Day card for you, and also my idea of an ecologically aware and socially responsible company that knows where the party is. I would also propose that this is an excellent way for parents to introduce the young adults in their household to sexuality (as opposed to just sex), and for anyone who wants to get a discussion going in their relationship, in hopes of finding the words, going deeper, or being a bit more adventurous. Have fun!
If that ain't good 60's deconstruct, I don't know what is.
But back to the good stuff -- necromancy. Swear to God, it was/is unbelievable. That babe could -- and did -- fill a TV screen. Seque to chest after die Bush. House debate? What House debate? -- Oh. there's Nancy Pelosi smooching Emmanuel over there; talking tough! with tha tgavel. 5 sec. shot of old Murtha shuffling papers in his office while Giuliani pops up, and, of course, lots of shots of Hillary, Obama and the doo wacka doo-wacka doo do do ... as if the beat still went on, and Britny spears shaved her head in order to look kinkier. What's that on her shoulder?

As a bona fide Freudian, three times over, It bestirs me to remark, for any why aren't -- what we are looking at here, dear colleagues, is a sex-and-death complex, acted out at the political level of discourse.
It makes little difference that Bush was speaking from the White House and Anna Nicole's body was mouldering in a Florida bag, its the week's news, you see. One belongs to our culture, and that's important. The other to our history, destiny, possible future. She was also a mommie. Killer Mommy. That is what Cindy Sheehan was to them, too. And Nancy Grace X Glen Beck (X= gender swap), and many other cases. "Killer Mommy" has been used by psychohistorian Lloyd deMause for the last five years or so for America's prevailing unconscious group-fantasy dynamic. As a shared collective content, it is subtle but profound; inviting Jungian intuition of personal relations Writ Large, as it were, in all forms. It supplies the mythic texture of this psychohistorical duration. (cf. also: Andrea Yates) A lot of black female things are acted out in this picture (among other). Killer Mommy Dead. Good. Maybe we can breathe again. She kept us in that birth canal (spiral inward, tunnel through, ad inf.) (like Ridley trying to escape the THERE was a prophetic movie) so long I thought I would die, didn't you? Did we?

I am saying that America is being grotesqued, its imagination sadistically assaulted, again, by this spectacle, the way it was with Terry Shiavo. how many times was that contraption's near-cadaver occupant pulled up toward the TV camera?, "maybe she 'in there'"! .an admitted political projection. And the same ones profitted in both cases -- Repubes, neocons, AIPAC-ers, etc.-- those behind Cheney and Bush.

1 MyWay
House OKs Measure Opposing Troop Surge
ho hum just another House measure OK'ed

Friday, February 16, 2007

Picturing Sign-use

Pictures of the Uroboric Snake, the circled equilateral triangle

Originally Posted by Ahknabashi I AM. I KNOW because I SEE. I AM because I KNOW.I KNOW because I AM. I SEE because I KNOW. I AM because I SEE.I AM. I SEE. I KNOW. I AM.I AM. I KNOW. I SEE. I AM.I AM.I AM NOT-I. I AM. CREATION - MANIFESTATION - OBSERVATION - CREATION. I AM.

What is communicated by the two forms, the uroboros and triangulated circle, are The Two, the primary metaphysical 1 - 1 correspondence. The uroboros is the living Totality; plus the Anneagram attained by adding the 9 (G.-number digits) around the rim, with the points of the triangle interspersed between 1=Re, 2 =Mi --(3) -- 4=Fa, 5=So -- (6) -- 7=La, 8=ti -- (9=Do): last of one cycle, first of the next. As you noted elsewhere, if the half-tone gap appearing in the Anneagram between "Fa-So" is "displaced upward" to the gap Ti-Do in order to 'complete the octave". As form of universal process, these two half-tones fill an octave progressing through the 8 "stopenders" (Gurdjieff's term for the 'stations' around the perimenter representing successive cumulative-effect operations in developmental sequence). The transitions Mi-Fa, Ti-do are filled with "first conscious shock" and "second conscious shock", respectively, in development of conscious octaves. The uroboric circle would represent the transcendental background, 'over against', or 'within' which the process of circulating Sign-Uses in communication is constantly going on. It stands for gateway, portal, unity, consciousness, spiral of powers, entering into interaction with extra-TokenSpace. I am trying to think through whether these are identical -- actual space and TokenSpace -- how it might be possible that in limiting cases (which can work down, back in), they do not. It could be that extended application of ideas, lines and measurements in Tokenspace, from 1. bio-chemical, to 2. organic (man), to 3. planetary, to 5. solar -- via 4. intra-planetary -- to 6. galactic -to 7. supra-galactic, (to 8. =?) passes through the same sequences of 'notes', organized as concentric spirals expanding along a line of radiusfrom consciousness to space-time totality. As in the universal Ray of Creation (Ouspensky), each level repeats and ramifies the preceding, in order of ratio of space-to-time. In this, perhaps, can be seen Kepler's geometrical construction of the planet's orbits inside the regular solids known to Plato. If '7", used as/for the One (1) on a plane, is squared by number (7 x 7), the result is 49. If the two-dimensional figure formed by making 7 columns over 7 rows = 49 visibly denumerable squares (+1 for the whole = 50) is extended into a visible space obtained by tilting the plane, shows a cube of 2001 subcubes. Each can be regarded as a differentiation of the Whole. Let Time =7; the power of all powers to act instantly throughout the extended universe. For the super-celestial sphere it does not exist (=God* as text for form of completing totality).

Let Space = 1 (biochemical; to phenomenal =>1 to) 2: field of comparative long-short predicates of common three-D objects. For the sub-microscopical, space, as humans experience it through sense-perception does not exist. Highly complex "balled up" concentrations of it exist IN human torsos and brains (50% increase in the size of brain from homo erectus to sapiens, w/in the last 300,000 or so) allowing it to work with numbers, words, as well as geometry, a composit with pictures to connect with what there is (from an interpreted logical point of view). Errors necessarily creep in when measerment from one scale, i.e., feet and inches, minites and hours, is applied to others above or below it. ((long footnote: The System* used here (*If you can dig it. Minimalizing, I call it simply "the S* system", or S*) is an Entity projecting ('the', if metaphysical) forms of analyzed discourse, using tools provided by the common meta-language to construct its formal apparatus. In the way that the syntactical metalanguage is used to set up sytems of valid deductive reasoning in science, as from theories to laws to observations. The undefined descriptive constants (UDC) replacing variables in predicate schema ranging over ordinary physical objects interprets both types of formalism into decidable statements communicating content of consciousness.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Space: Kant vs. Reimann

and TokenSpace
(very much a work in progress. I think maybe these two ways of taking space* way be the key to unlocking the secret of human's dual relation to reality through sogn-use: by text (Kantian space) and by token (Reimannian space. It might be the case that both are "true" to the whole, self-consistent, while being inconsistent with each other at the level appl;ied S*. What is the case cannot be affirmed without self-contradiction. - Tertullian)



Space is the form of outward sensory intuition ("over there...")
(as form....)

-the synthetic apriori sensory manifold (reality given as a totality simultaneously extended in all directions from a given point* -- add.)

The outward manifold of sensory intuition is (the conception of) that which remains in experience as a 'possible field', or 'tabula rosa', after imagining or 'thinking away' awareness of all content -- representations (words, numbers, geometry), qualities, feeling-impulses, etc.. However, as someone interested only in the possibility of knowledge contemporary science embodied, which was the theory of sense perception -- paradigmatically visual, as in Plato's Timaeus. The starry heavens above and the moral law within: these, woven together by sign-use and reason, are the twin pillars of Kantian consciousness.


Space is the receptacle of extended magnitudes: singly, doubly, triply,..ordered. In geometry, these would correspond, respectively, to a point, line/surface, square/solid. All lines experienced in actual space are powers actualized along 'edges': n+1 dimensional geometrical forms penetrating an n-dimensional surface, like the rings a spherical bubble passing though a penetrable membrane would inscribe on its surface. Thus, in the knowing situation, as Kepler discerned, the same powers that move the knower must proceed from the known. "Geometry" in this sense does not need an apriori form of sensible intuition: it IS such a form as active agency expressing itself and bringing into unity knower and known.

These versions of the competing philosophical positions of the two camps, crude and naive as they may be, support a reconciliation attempt that (A) invokes the distinction between consciousness and thought in the psychological metalanguage; and (B) introduces the term TokenSpace for the field-within-the-field of space proper* constituted by humans in the process of using signs to communicate.
wers connecting

Bush Chewing his Qud


Item 1: -The language of the Iraq situation is not square with reality
- The new "Baghdad security plan"-- "give it a chance to work"
Item 2. The Iran shenanigans - different Generals disagree over whether the recovered evidence of advanced weaponry found in Iraq directly implicates high level (read: Ahmanedijad) Iranian officials. Joint Chief of staff Pace, and Gen Casey, who have not been friendly to Bush's troop surge idea, balked. This could well be in consideration of the fact that if military action is undertaken, they will be the excutioners of his policy. Petreus, whom reporters fairly emphasize has inherited, not helped create, the new Baghdad security Plan policy, goes with the generals on the ground who made the link that got picked up and confabulated (down to calculations of numbers of actual horrendous American casualties caused by weapons supplied by Iran.

At his news conference, President Bush re-iterated: "We know two things: 1. The QUD force is in Iraq; 2. The QUD force gets its orders from Iran. We don't know whether the orders came from the top levels of government (Ahmadinejad), but it doesn't matter; what matters is it not happen." (words to this effect) When pressed, he denies wishing to provoke Iran, citing a "comprehensive strategy" focused on blocking its nuclear weapons ambitions. The diplomatic game is to forever posture as the reasonable, accessible, transparently benign presence in the room (TokenSpace)

Taken this far, one may perhaps skim past the General's disagreement to the use Bush made of it -- to put the matter in perspective as Commander in Chief -- makes sense, as part of the story of him being "The Decider", forced to choose after hearing different sides of the issue, as he did in ordering the troop surge. Here is where consistency in policy wrong to begin with takes over to defeat its defense. But that is (just) below the surface. On Page 1 of the America Show being acted out on/through group consciousness, it fits together decently. One might even be able to discern a certain coy political necessity scripted into this. Sneaky devils. Those who disagree with Bush can be referred to the military command, which it is seditious to incite.

There is a problem with that dog running, however.
It goes back to the question of the evidence. There is little question that it could have been faked. Just as many have argued that "Al Queda in Iraq" has been fake -- Al Zarqawi notwithstanding (or: confirming).
If it was, the question of the General's public disagreement becomes freshly challenging. Is it a repeat of the disagreement between regular Pentagon staff and the Rumsfeld-Cheney Office of Special Plans organ, under Douglas Fieth, who manufactured the case for invading Iraq? Are Pace and Casey the Wise Ones Out, again, among the multiple discards of this hard-line driven policy, now come 'round to ultimate disposal? Are we present at a second betrayal of America from within, under, and behind?


Problem: what about the evidence? What is behind the split between the General's accessment? Could there be suspicion that
it was rigged? -- by pretenders masked as QUD, planting a trail to incriminate Ahmadinejad and provoke retaliation?
If so, that would make G. W. Bush's claim that THEY are PROVOKING US an exact Reversal*: blaming the victim for what the blamer is doing.
Fox just announced he's going to go again today at 10.
Just caught a smattering. He was repeating the same lines as yesterday, pitching the "catastrophic consequences/must not fail/ /patience,needed to allow new Baghdad security plan to work, and the House debate is killing our troops...."

Chief Lizard Lounge, where the Roots of the Libby Lobby Aspens suck soil, blood and treasure..

This positions the situation to where you cannot support Bush without supporting the Zionist Jews. He -- with his stage managers, have thrown the weight of The Jews*, in people's mind, against the Democrats and cross-over Republicans about to deliver a no-confidence vote to his policy.
This the worst catastrophe America could endure. When it was founded, Jews and Catholics couldn't even vote or own property in most places. Signers of the Constitution were Protestants by tradition, (the honorable, and honored, kind; not: like today's evalgellicuns) - 97%, you can look it up. I wonder what happened. (not really: Vietnam - Reagan - neo-cons, government-by-proxy for Mossad .. .a sickness pervading the face of earth ....)

Everything is two. What this two-thing is is tornado.

Saturday, February 10, 2007




Part I. Defining the Sign


There is a philosophical tale to be told, about what "ethics" has come to communicate, by analyzing the constituent elements of the spelled word. After all, this is reproduced as a token each time ethics is discussed, using that token as text. Therefore, what it communicates is silently present in the background of consciousness following the meaning of its textual use by thought.

(This illustrates the distinction between token and text in systematic psychosemiotics: tokens are signs as particulars, belonging to the phenomenal level of conscious content; use of their synthesis (of the letters or sounds as a single word) as text, to mean something other than themselves, is a process occurring at a higher level of process, including act-of-speaking.)



SHAPE OF THE LETTER "E" appears to have been first used in communication for the "E" houses of ancient Sumeria.
These were temples, "abodes" of the gods, perpetuated by votary priests, sustained by a surrounding cultus.

It marks "the bond heaven-earth", EN.DUR.AN.KI (Z. Sitchen)
Also: the "EL" -- translated "GOD", singular; ELOHIM, pl., "GODS". (YHWH ELOHIM in Genesis 14,19 translates "God most High" for unique conjunction of Sumerian-Semitic Names, as in ABRAM/ABRAHAM)

TH -


Choice of the shapes of the letters "T" and "H" to express this sound requires separate treatment. ( tbc.)

Blending of associations: (to) E-shape (the bond heaven-earth), plus
(to) TH-sound: smooth exhalation of air

= > (by I S IS ISIS conjunction): THE BLENDING OF GOD- IN-BREATH (the DIVINE SPIRIT, breath of life) "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being." (Gen 2.7)

Psychosemiotic interpretation: "God creating man" by "breathing into him the breath of life" is a textual reversal of what is compressed in this ritualized act of breath-expulsion, with consciousness, 'looping' associations of First Breath, after BIRTH TRAUMA (following pre-established paths of neural discharge ("Y"-ing into content as text and token) from fetal origins). "God", at the textual level, becomes the completing totality of the "silver thread" connecting womb to tomb. At the token level, this revives the Placenta, most Almighty Other Mysterious Being that once supplied nurturant oxygen to the blood. As a token "God" is the phantom Nurturant Placenta, breathing into man's nostrils the breath of life. One Life, One Breath, One Man -- that is what "THE" is; therefore, there is only One God, From Whom All Blessings Flow. (this is a token tautology). The image of man "returning to his home beyond the stars" after death is the projection of the reverse, return journey completion of the cycle on earth.

The study of "ETHICS" is a revivification of the common Universal ETHOS of mankind, for which reason Plato... .

Also: with "O", double TH = > THOTH, God-token of ancient (transcendental) EGYPT ( < = E.KI.PTHA), translating to "TRUTH".

ETH - ) (THE -


classic uses: "The Luminiferous Ether" - Kepler, Newton
transliterations: AIR/AYR/IRE-LAND/
(Reich: orgone energy ocean; Tesla: Free energy )

- NIC (Innate way of being of groups bound by common bloodline vibrations)

- OS (spiritual quality of the ETHNIC)

E T H - I C S

As a token, this word communicates the transform of content from the luminiferous ETHER (see Plato's Timaeus on perception of stars feeding the brain) to ETHNIC bloodlines resonating to breath-oxygen exchange potential; creating a, ETHOS, a field of interaction related to through blood-line vibrations 'testing' the 'atmosphere'; leading to an ETHIC: a band of S* (sign-uses) binding "we" communicants* to a range of attitudes, expectations (projections), action-reaction, sanctions (internal or external) tacitly accepted as agreed to in conversation as compelled by the value of the solidarity, itself. If this "we"-solidarity is called "SPIRIT" (as in national, religious or tribal spirit),
The ETHIC of a group is the ETHOS sensed by a vibrating human form interacting in communication through processes of light/oxygen exchange in the blood.

ETHICS is the name given the philosophical study* of the ETHIC of groups in general, as it gets expressed in language. It is an innate capacity of the organism to interact in a field of energies through these simultaneous levels of neural-psychic processing.

Expression in language typically occurs through use of particular predicates, "good" and "right" (applied to actions). The division is important, philosophically. "Good" is the broader predicate, prima facie applicable to any contents (even God, as a token tautology predicate). "Right (action)" applies to what is performed, "done" as result of conscious intention (in the ideal prototype). The former belongs to the upper levels (upper triad) of Sign-use, even as The Idea of The Good is held above Being in Plato's Republic. The latter addresses reality from the much narrower, physically spread-out domain of bodily interactions, from/with a sense of karma RELATED TO, BUT INDEPENDENT OF the Idea of The Good ... and including knowledge of consequences, by causes, in choice of maxims guiding behavior.

It is said, with some justification, that the classic Greek philosophers did not have a Theory of Morals, as described above, in their philosophical grammar. The categorical distinction between "right" and "wrong" as logical opposites not both predicable of the same act, comes in with the notion of "sin", from the Bible ETHOS, predicating the judgment of God's Wrath on rebellious wrong-doers.

(S*6.3 content in the hierarchy of Logical Types of Sign-uses)

The anti-ethical is the de-oxygenating blood-breath transforms, blocking light from circulating through the system.


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

America, My Home


Exposition of the Meaning of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion For Today

Bookending the 20th Century
From The Protocols of The Elders of Zion

#10. Liberalism is Poison
(cf. Ronald Reagan: .. out-of-control sexuality: the "L" word introduced into American politics. Previously, since the Reformation, a term of political pride.)

9. When we introduced into the State organism the poison of Liberalism its whole political complexion underwent a change. States have been seized with a mortal illness - blood poisoning. All that remains is to await the end of their death agony.

Adding* together Reagan (coming out against Liberalism, turning it into a dirty word smacking of licentiousness) .... and the Protocols, claiming Liberalism was an invention of the Jews/Snake people anyway ... gives the equation: "Liberalism", as sin was thought to do, introduces poison into the blood stream by its will-to-sex. The all-pervasive group-fantasy template connects sexuality itself, the libidinal arousal of the blood as anatomical process, with idea of the blood being poisoned. The sinner Achan who took spoils of "a beautiful Babylonian garment, two hundred sheckels of silver and a wedge of gold weighing fifty sheckels..." (Joshua7.19f) disgraced the solidarity nof all who fought with Joshua against Jericho. "And Joshua said, "Why have you troubled us? The Lord will trouble you this day." So all Israel stoned him with stones; and they burned them with fire after they had stoned them with stones."
Along these same lines, with different value-distributions, Jesus would have been an arch "Sinner" to the Jews of his day, also poisoning their solidarity by calling himself "Son" of the one they called "God". "And Jesus said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM". Then they took up stones to throw at him." (Jn.8.58).
sexuality poisoned through blood) Notice should also be taken here of the Ophites, snake worshipers of Jesus as a serpent on a pole. They held the Jewish YHWH-God to be an evil demiurge, responsible for creating material things. (The serpent in the Garden of Eden is actually the good guy in the Genesis story, on the side of humanity.)

In today's unconscious Group-Fantasy, the Iraq war is bringing about the deepest and broadest alignments in TokenSpace.

"Liberalism", now, after Reagan, the neocons and Protocol- Jews, justifies picking up stones. Or, scrolling through the 20th, it justifies treating Liberals the way Hitler treated Jews: sinners, defilers of the blood, calling for purging sacrifice by spilling blood of youth on desert sand...Other sinners are "Extremists", "Leftists", "ant-Semites",
whoever resists joining the Coalition of the Willing (And Already Have). These are "the enemy", excluded from the nurturant placental womb-surround, incompatible with the pure blood flow (if fake -- which it wasn't, in Germany). THE PROTOCOLS SET UP LIBERALS AS "JEW SCAPEGOATS", also equating them with everything Muslim/Islamic/Fascist. It has no "point of view" except this -- anti-liberalism, as anti-sin. WHICH IT PROMOTES, IN ORDER TO CONTROL THROUGH MANIPULATED PARTISANS WRANGLES, ETC. (See esp. #5, 9,10;, and below applied to Republicans.)


The Dream-Thought "Sex is Poisonous" is a token of the condition of harshest repression: where signals of sexual arousal in the body get translated, due to switched text-token wiring, into Attacks-from-within: attraction of volutuosity must be defended against as Death (blood-sucking vampires)- Thus Sex becomes indistinguishable from Death.
Freud remarked somewhere (lost referencer) that sex-secretions (hormones, one would say today) can become toxic (or release toxins
in deviated modes of instinctual release).

The Fantasy* of Poisoned Blood can hardly be imagined by most persons, I think. As a debilitating condition, allergy to sunshine would be analogous. It is the fantasy projected into "communists" by Dr. Strangelove's War room. "Commies have poisoned our sexual fluids." Bodily fluids are very big in Unconscious fantasy, making the actual objects mirrors of deep projection, and "looping". Some people pass away at the sight of blood. Sexual secretions are felt externally as acidic in certain conditions. The fantasy itself is a disease, a curse. It is the catastrophic enantiodromia of Jung's Mysterium Conjunctionis.
It is the craze that overtook Germany, leading to Kristalniach and the holocaust to purge the Jewish poison from Aryan blood. That was what was afoot then; that is what is afoot today. The New World Order is The Fourth Reich -- Ruled By the Elders of Zion (whoever they are).

The ontogenic roots of the poisonous blood fantasy can be traced to fetal origins. The blood of the mother, when less than pure, can be passed through the placenta/umbilicus connection to de-oxygenate the blood of the fetus, dependant as it is on the flow not only to oxygenate the rapid growth in the womb, but remove excretions. The fantasy of "getting poisoned" mingles what is associated with the idea later with what was lived through originally -- the more so, the more regressed the level of psychic function. Thus the Group, sensing itself as a whole under the same fantasy (siblings inside the same womb-surround: Our Land, Our Nation, Our Blood), is felt as deprived of invigorating oxygen, in the higher, spiritual sense, gained only solidarity of instinct. The blood of the Group, in this higher sense, is communication, specifically, through those uses of signs (S*) defining "we" -- usually by a leader authorized to use symbols according to protocols.




THIS IS THE POISON. This is the exact, systematic polar opposite of LIBERALISM -- the totality of the Monarchistic/Tzarist Mind-Set over against the forces of Modernity (industry, trade, international finance), which was the wave of the future, and Communists knew it. The Protocols could be seen to have emerged in order to staunch this wave. The psychosemiotic mode is based on hate-reversal: "GOYIM", the Hebrew word for 'cattle', are the Stupids, destined for elimination; "We" -- sometimes "I" -- are the Learned Elders labelling Liberalism "poison", and plotting to turn its politics into a Tower of Babel.

An example of how this can occur is Israel's recent behavior in Lebanon and Gaza.

Peretz finally admits war against Lebanon not to "free" two captured soldiers

After the enemy's interior minister admitted that the July war did not aim to "free" the two Israeli captured soldiers, and after what the newspapers and the occupation soldiers said about trainings aimed to start the war in addition to reports inside the general staff that revealed ready plans to launch a war against Hezbollah, the Israeli war minister Amir Peretz finally admitted that the war was not to "free" the two captured soldiers but it aimed to confront the mounting threat of Hezbollah. He said that Israel would have found itself facing more difficult and more dangerous threats if it did not confront Hezbollah in that war. Peretz affirmed, with or without his knowledge, what Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has said before when he said that it is impossible for any state to launch a war like the July-war just to "free" two captured soldiers.

It is impossible to calculate the malignity this represents, consonant with everything the Protocols is about. 1. Peretz's statement admits dissimulation, if not staging a provocation. Attitude next: "You didn't think rescuing two soldiers was what it was about, did you? -- Jeez. Talk about your stupid Goyim."

2. The fine, youthful poster-boy soldier reported captured by Hamas -- Shalit (?) -- is seen as a piece of PR work. ("Goyim like boys who look like that -- emphasize the gun and uniform in the pics there, please.")

3. The wanton cruelty shown in destroying the infrastructure in Beirut, Lebanon, obliterating buildings; in use of phospherous against Hezbollah; in violating US regulating cluster bombs it supplied Israel. (""How dare they?" some intellectual GOYIM might ask, hardy har har...WE answer to nobody.")

4. Blatantly (though 'mistakenly' in Protocol terms, unless America can be finagled into bailing them out) bringing IRAN prominently into the mix, waving the NUCLEAR THREAT! flag over here, while pushing all the buttons it can all over Europe and in the UN (more difficult without Bolton) to force sudden, irreversible international allignments. (meanwhile ...."Not to Worry ... we got 'em.")

All of this is consonant with servants of reptiles. As it is said in the Third Protocol. 1. To-day* I may tell you that our goal is now only a few steps off. There remains a small space to cross and the whole long path we have trodden is ready now to close its cycle of the Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolize our people. When this ring closes, all the States of Europe will be locked in its coil as in a powerful vice. (1905)


4. Meantime, however, until we come into our kingdom, we shall act in the contrary way: we shall create and multiply free masonic lodges in all the countries of the world, absorb into them all who may become or who are prominent in public activity, for these lodges we shall find our principal intelligence office and means of influence. All these lodges we shall bring under one central administration, known to us alone and to all others absolutely unknown, which will be composed of our learned elders. The lodges will have their representatives who will serve to screen the above-mentioned administration of MASONRY and from whom will issue the watchword and program. In these lodges we shall tie together the knot which binds together all revolutionary and liberal elements. Their composition will be made up of all strata of society. The most secret political plots will be known to us and fall under our guiding hands on the very day of their conception. AMONG THE MEMBERS OF THESE LODGES WILL BE ALMOST ALL THE AGENTS OF INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL POLICE since their service is for us irreplaceable in the respect that the police is in a position not only to use its own particular measures with the insubordinate, but also to screen our activities and provide pretexts for discontents, ET CETERA.

This weaving together of Masonry and Jewry in the Protocols is perhaps its most outlandish, self-confuting malignity. The super-enemy which the Protocols represent the Jews as over against are the Goyim. But no one is more Goy than Freemasons ("Free" is not used by Nilus, showing lack of familiarity with their actual use -- which he would was manipulated without their knowledge ). The Scottish Rite is for Christians only -- through using its inner meaning to go beyond exoteric understanding. Thus, the Protocol's claim that Masonry itself is a tool historically useful for attaining world domination -- irrefutable by the good Freemasons themselves; self-confirming by creating false Orders -- co-oopts by simply CLAIMING IDENTITY OF DIFFERENCES; then predicating politics, economics, lives and government on that.

However, the case for FreeMasonry's innocence of reptilianism gets thinner and thinner the closer up the picture of Bush, Blair, Bilderbergers (post- CFR and Trilateral commission), Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, the WHIGS ... and the molten steel footprints where once stood proud Twin Towers Symbol of Liberalism in New York City. ...

PART TWO. Following the token trail

1. Serpens .. the constellation

The Constellation

Mythology and History

Aesculapius, we are told, was the first doctor of medicine, and his expertise led to his downfall in a very strange way. His career seems to have begun when one day while visiting a friend and saw a snake in the room and killed it. Then, to the great surprise of both, a second snake carrying an herb in its mouth crawled into the r
Aesculapius, we are told, was the first doctor of medicine, and his expertise led to his downfall in a very strange way. His career seems to have begun when one day while visiting a friend and saw a snake in the room and killed it. Then, to the great surprise of both, a second snake carrying an herb in its mouth crawled into the room. It gave the herb to the first snake, which immediately recovered. It was this herb, which Aesculapius took from the revived snake, that taught him the great powers certain herbs have over life and death. He traveled far and wide over the land, always learning more about the medicinal use of herbs, and before long his reputation as a saver of lives had become widely known. So expert had he become that Hades, God of the Underworld, complained to his brother Zeus that fewer and fewer souls were being sent down to the Underworld. Hades, of course, was worried about losing his important position.
Aesculapius once is said to have brought Hippolytus back to life by "gluing" him back together. Hippolytus had been dragged to death and dismembered when his horses were frightened by a bull. Just as Aesculapius was about to bring the famous hunter, Orion, back to life after he had been accidentally shot with an arrow by his lover, Hades' patience ran out. He demanded that Zeus stop this wholesale restoring of life. After all, only the gods were immortal. If Aesculapius were permitted to increase his skill in bringing the dead back to life, mankind, too, would have attained immortality. Thus went Hades' argument to Zeus.
Zeus agreed with his brother and hurled a thunderbolt at Aesculapius, killing him on the spot. But Zeus could not help but admire the skills of Aesculapius and so raised him among the stars as Ophiuchus, along with the serpent from which he had learned his skills.
Aesculapius, as the God of Medicine, is always shown with a staff with a serpent wound around it. You have seen the symbol in hospitals and doctors' offices. Our words hygiene (meaning "the science of health") and panacea (meaning "a cure-all medicine") come from the names of two of Aesculapius' daughters, Hygeia and Panacea. The Romans called Ophiuchus the Serpent-Charmer and the Arabs called him the Serpent-Collector

2. Satan in Genesis

-as the seducer of Eve

-as the Wise One (Ophites)

3. Myths, Legends, Worship

A. Ireland (? Ancient Reverence; later, not there)

4. The Symbolic Serpent (Protocols III - bookending the 20th Century)
With the REVERSAL: Liberalism is Poison

REVERSALS CHARACTERIZE THE SNAKE PEOPLE'S WORK wherever it is being done. (cf. Sen. Roberts, below )

see: The Serpent's Trail (squaring the token) From the Introduction:

Nilus gives the following interesting account of this symbol:

"According to the records of secret Jewish Zionism, Solomon and other Jewish learned men already, in 929 B.C., thought out a scheme in theory for a peaceful conquest of the whole universe by Zion. As history developed, this scheme was worked out in detail and completed by men who were subsequently initiated in this question. These learned men decided by peaceful means to conquer the world for Zion with the slyness of the Symbolic Snake, whose head was to represent those who have been initiated into the plans of the Jewish administration, and the body of the Snake to represent the Jewish people - the administration was always kept secret, EVEN FROM THE JEWISH NATION ITSELF. As this Snake penetrated into the hearts of the nations which it encountered it undermined and devoured all the non-Jewish power of these States. It is foretold that the Snake has still to finish its work, strictly adhering to the designed plan, until the course which it has to run is closed by the return of its head to Zion and until, by this means, the Snake has completed its round of Europe and has encircled it - and until, by dint of enchaining Europe, it has encompassed the whole world. This it is to accomplish by using every endeavor to subdue the other countries by an ECONOMICAL CONQUEST. The return of the head of the Snake to Zion can only be accomplished after the power of all the Sovereign of Europe has been laid low, that is to say, when by means of economic crises and wholesale destruction effected everywhere, there shall have been brought about a spiritual demoralization and a moral corruption, chiefly with the assistance of Jewish women masquerading as French, Italians, etc.. These are the surest spreaders of licentiousness into the lives of the leading men at the heads of nations. A map of the course of the Symbolic Snake is shown as follows: - Its first stage in Europe was in 429 B.C. in Greece, where, about the time of Pericles, the Snake first started eating into the power of that country. The second stage was in Rome in the time of Augustus, about 69 B.C.. The third in Madrid in the time of Charles V, in A.D. 1552. The fourth in Paris about 1790, in the time of Louis XVI. The fifth in London from 1814 onwards (after the downfall of Napoleon). The sixth in Berlin in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian war. The seventh in St. Petersburg, over which is drawn the head of the Snake under the date of 1881. [This "Snake" is now being drawn through the Americas and in the United States of America, it has been partially identified as the "Council on Foreign Relations" (C.F.R.) and the "Trilateral Commission"]. All these States which the Snake traversed have had the foundations of their constitutions shaken, Germany, with its apparent power, forming no exception to the rule. In economic conditions, England and Germany are spared, but only till the conquest of Russia is accomplished by the Snake, on which at present [i.e., 1905] all its efforts are concentrated. The further course of the Snake is not shown on this map, but arrows indicate its next movement towards Moscow, Kieft and Odessa. It is now well known to us to what extent the latter cities form the centres of the militant Jewish race. Constantinople is shown as the last stage of the Snake's course before it reaches Jerusalem. (This map was drawn years before the occurrence of the "Young Turk" - i.e., Jewish - Revolution in Turkey).

5. More Behavioral Examples.


"We're not cutting off debate (on troop surge for the Iraq war ).. They are." (Sen J. Roberts, R-Nebraska) Technically, maybe; Senate majority leader Reid cut off dickering with Repubes over their amendments, discussion of which will take up the time needed to head off Bush's policy, before a no vote could be interpreted as not funding the troops. So, once again, the shape-shifting reptoids suck soldiers blood to manipulate the public. AND THE MEDIA HELPS THEM. Thus, the NY Times blames "The Senate" for frustrating the expressed will of the electorate to get it discussed -- when it is the result of Reptilian Repube poisonous machinations.

Many Voices, No Debate, as Senate Is Stifled on War

Washington, Feb. 6 — At a time when even President Bush acknowledges that the war in Iraq is sapping the nation’s spirit, the Senate has tied itself up in procedural knots rather than engage in a debate on Iraq policy.

Roberts can accuse the Dems of cutting off debate, when his party's machinations have forced them to either do that, or stand accused of undermining the troops ("grandstanding on the blood sacrifice of American families", they will thunder from the Senate floor).