(*not my term - see below)
JEWICIDES AND THE LIPSTICK PITBULLDocumenting a very powerful vignette illustrating the Jewish-Catholic complex at work shaping American history.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Palin Will Speak At Anti-Ahmadinejad Rally At UN... Update: Hillary Bails!
Iranian Leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will be at New York next week.
...So will Sarah Palin and thousands of protesters.
Governor Sarah Palin will join Hillary Clinton at the United Nations on Monday for a massive anti-Ahmadinejad rally sponsored by the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.
Tonight JTA posted the announcement:
Sarah Palin will speak at next week’s Jewish-sponsored rally to protest Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the United Nations.
In addition to Palin, the Republican vice-presidential nominee and Alaska governor, confirmed speakers include U.S. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.), an Iranian dissident, a black minister and Jewish and Israeli leaders, according to a key group organizing the rally, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.
Sarah Palin Disinvited From Anti-Ahmadinejad Rally in New York.
Ira Foreman, one of the useful idiots at the National Jewish Democratic Council and other Leftist Jews sniffing around the Chosen One strike again.
As you might know, there’s a major rally planned to greet Holocaust denier and anti-Semite Mahmoud Ahmadinejad when he comes to the UN to speak. And both Senator Clinton and Governor Sarah Palin were supposed to attend.
Once it was reported that Governor Palin had accepted an invitation from the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations to speak at the rally, Hillary canceled. And then the pressure started ramping up from the Leftist Jews supporting the Chosen One to disinvite Sarah Palin.
On Thursday, the Conference of Presidents held a meeting and decided to do just that..to disinvite Governor Palin.
Malcolm Hoenlein, the executive vice chairman of the conference,said that “the decision was not to have any elected officials. The message of this rally, to oppose Ahmadinejad, that message was being obfuscated and it was a decision of the organizers that there would be no political personality invited.”
Horse manure. This was about Leftist Jewish Donkeys wanting to deny Sarah Palin a high profile forum.
To say the least, it’s well..embarrassing. Here we have a group of major Jewish organizations insulting a woman who is unabashedly pro-Israel, possibly the next Vice President and ultimately perhaps even the President of our Republic to please a bunch of empty secular Leftist Jews?
I already know a number of people who were planning to attend who aren’t going to bother. Way to hand Ahmadinejad a win on a silver platter.
Should any of you be so inclined, here’s some contact info to let these people know exactly how you feel about the matter. I already have..as well as mentioning that there’s going to be a few empty pledge envelopes for these people, especially once the word gets out. I hope it was worth it for them.
Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
633 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10017
Phone: 212-318-6111 Fax: 212-644-4135 Email:info@conferenceofpresidents.org
The Israel Project
Washington DC Office Phone: 202-857-6644
Fax: 202-857-6674
Email: info@theisraelproject.org
United Jewish Communities info@ujc.org
Telephone: 212.284.6500
Outraged Rightard Jews -- No America in them at all, except through Republican right-wingism.
UPDATE 4pm: The Israel Project has removed its support for the Rally which disinvited Palin. The only rally in NY they are participating in is the one on the 25th
UPDATE; 9/19 2:32PM: The rally I am attending has invited Palin!
Women United has extended an invitation Governor Sarah Palin, among others, to address a press conference and rally to "Stop Ahmadinejad", taking place in front of the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City on Thursday, September 25th protesting a meeting being held at the hotel between Iran's President Ahmadinejad and various organizations wishing to open up with him a dialogue and who appear thereby to be providing tacit legitimacy to the Iranian president's policies.
UPDATE: BIDEN TOLD ISRAEL: Joe Biden, told "senior Israeli officials behind closed doors that the Jewish state will have to reconcile itself to a nuclear Iran."
UPDATE12:15pm: HERE'S THE SHOW (thanks Michael!) Download Sept_18_Show.mp3
David wrote to tell me, those debased Leftard Jews (they will be the death of us all) over at the the DNC are calling in their markers and leaning very hard on Monday's Anti-Iran Rally organizers and sympathetic local rabbis to dis-invite Alaska Governor Sarah Palin from speaking at the event. The reason: her presence makes it a "partisan" event. One Northern NJ rabbi (who will remain anonymous) is really stinking it up with the Jewish Press. Look for an article about it very soon.
The bottom line is Hillary canceled her appearance at the anti-Ahmadinejad rally. She made the decision not to appear, she made it a partisan issue. Perhaps it was deliberate to try to force the organizers to cancel Palin
"JEWISH REPUBLICAN GIRL: Nice 20-something Jewish girl from New Jersey. Republican"
.WASHINGTON, DC – Marc R. Stanley, Chairman of the National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC), released the following statement:
Monday’s protest against Ahmadinejad is too important to be tainted by partisanship. Unfortunately, the campaign of Senator John McCain is much more interested in scoring political points than insuring there is bipartisan solidarity around the anti- Ahmadinejad efforts. Therefore, we call upon the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations to withdraw the invitation to Governor Sarah Palin and we applaud Senator Hillary Clinton’s decision to not attend the rally after the attendance of Palin was announced.
By withdrawing Palin’s invitation, the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations will be able to return the focus to America’s outrage towards the genocidal musings and nuclear ambitions of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Organizers of an anti-Iran rally next week have dropped Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin from the event, days after Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton pulled out.
The National Coalition to Stop Iran Now said Thursday that it would put on a rally without “American political personalities” and Palin won’t be there.
The move angered Republican presidential nominee John McCain, who accused Democratic rivals of having his running mate disinvited. All Americans should agree on the need to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, he said.
“Governor Palin was pleased to accept an invitation to address this rally and show her resolve on this grave national security issue,” McCain said in a statement. He blamed “Democratic partisans” and Barack Obama’s campaign for pressing organizers to dump Palin.
A number of American Jewish organizers are staging the rally in New York City against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. They had announced earlier this week that the event would feature both Clinton and Palin.
Clinton aides fumed over what they saw as a slight by organizers, because they had no idea until told by reporters that Palin was supposed to attend as well.
The New York senator had agreed weeks ago to attend the rally, but abruptly backed out late Tuesday, as soon as she learned of the pairing. Clinton, whose historic bid for the presidency came up short, has sought to avoid a public face-off with Palin. A Clinton-Palin double billing at such an event would have been awkward.
Casey Sanders, a spokeswoman for rally organizers, had no explanation for why Palin shouldn’t be there or who decided that.
The Republican ticket of John McCain and Palin is working hard to win over disappointed Clinton supporters, particularly women voters. And Obama, who beat Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination, has been trying to assure Jewish voters that he is firmly committed to Israel’s security.
McCain’s campaign did not explain why it thinks Democrats and the Obama camp were behind the rescinded invitation.
The Palin camp criticized Clinton for backing out, saying all parties should rally together in opposition to the threat posed by a nuclear Iran.
The way this came together on CNN (Blitzer, The Situation Room, 4:15 9.19.08)
"Sarah Palin is not going to attend a anti-Ahmanidenijad STOP IRAN! rally next week; blaming Democrats (!- tone of voice) Psychosemiotic Effect: to lump Democrats with Iran as common Republican "enemy". This is why I followed it up. It was too blatant to be accidental OR intended. It is how the events came together as Wolff Blitzer's formula required them to be reported. I added the "common enemy".
In actuality, what seems to have happened was this: The event was designed to be a show of solidarity with Israeli -- a Zionist Jew production. The September '06 rally was turned into that, in spades (see Atlas Shrugged site above). Joe Biden pulled out, apparently on principle; so did Hillary. At this point, it looked like a one-sided Republican political rally against Iran for the Jews. NO WAR FOR ISRAEL! signs went up and pistols cocked in the tokenspace southland. The Presidents of Major Jewish Orgs correctly saw Jewicide in that and disinvited Palin. Therefore they are called "Jewicidal Leftards", the "death of us all". These people are straight down the line with Palin, the Judas Pit Bull (willing and eager to identify radical Islamic 'enemy' and Democrats"
These are snake worshipers seeking rebirth through Palin Womb Worship (little Trig => Israel => *us (anti-American Americans).
Trig and Christ: Ambassadors of Godhttp://ruleofreason.blogspot.com/2008/09/palins-down-syndrome-child-and-right-to.htm
The New Pieta: So while anti-abortion commentators such as Michael Franc of the National Review sees Down syndrome's victims as "ambassadors of God" who "offer us the opportunity to rise to that greatest of all challenges," for many, that opportunity for challenge is little more than a lifetime of endless burden.
They would turn Christ into a burden instead of a brightness.
This is a regression in human civilization to pre-modern Mother-Son Archetype, already surpassed by Michaelangelo's magnificent carving.
(token of McCain-Palin Republicanism)
Your Brother Is a Blessing
The power of Trig.By Michael G. Franc
‘Children with special needs,” Gov. Sarah Palin said during her acceptance speech at the Republican convention, “inspire a special love.” As someone who grew up alongside a brother with Down Syndrome, I can attest to that observation.
But these special children, and the special adults they grow up to be, inspire something else of equal importance. When these little, unexpected ambassadors of God enter our lives, they offer us the opportunity to rise to that greatest of all challenges — to treat others as we would want to be treated. Their presence, in short, elevates all of us.
To defend Zionist Jews Against Iran ("NEVER ABORT") and Democrats.
According to One late adolescent Jewish strain (ex,: mock Obama as The One; the 'black Jesus') the narrative is this:
"Jewicidal" liberal Democrats prevailed on Hillary Clinton to withdraw from the anti-Ahmadinejad, STOP IRAN! rally scheduled in NYC for 9.25. In fact (it appears), she withdrew because Palin's presence was not known when the invitation was accepted. Upon hearing that, both she and Biden withdrew; the Jewish organizers of the rally disinvited Palin, and issued an announcement that the issue of confronting Iran overshadowed ("trumped") politics, so no elected officials were invited. Not that staging a Solidarity-with-Israel photo-op, with Bury The Hatchet Over Me -- "united America is strong" Christian rock music in the background -- would have been all that bad for the Jews. Oh well; what can they say.