(for: Black Flaggers and Bophamet, seeing eye-t0-eye)
Saturday, 11.7.09 A day of sorrow, rage, hate, vowing never to forget. A mentality not shared with many, not implying it should.
Objectively considering, as a totality -- part of America’s completing totality now-- the event* that took place at Ft. Hood Thursday, and whether, in particular, what we know through broad sources isn’t compatible with a black flag (‘play the enemy’ role reversal) sting-type operation, staged for mass-global political effect.
I. Timing coincidences. a. Janet Napolitano is in Europe talking about domestic terrorism, hate crime. b. U.S. Congress attaching hate crime law to military spending bill. c. gay marriage vote decreed by NY Gov. Paterson. d. wars in Afghanstan and Iraq deteriorating badly; e. Sec. of State Clinton returning from highly acrimonious Israel-Palestine setting. f. A 1000+ unit of U.S. military advisors has gone to Israel.
Consonant with these, Hasan as reported to be Jordanian, and his birthplace is given as Palestine on one official document, though it actually wasn’t. This is a double-reverse- bind anomaly. If he made the entry, it demonstrates identity (‘son if’) with the Palestinian cause, so the slaughter at Ft. Hood can be understood as motivated by pay-back for US-Israel genocide in Gaza. If a forgery, this effect would circulate at one level while the conspiracy nuts traced planted shadow.
II. Symbolic synchronicities
Tokens connected through fantasy template of poisoned blood.
“Take The Shot” --NT Times’ editorial lead in re swine flu vaccine.
Joe Lieberman decrees: “No vax for Gitmo prisoners”. And he’s chairman of the Senate Homeland Security committee.
H1N1 Virus has replaced Sodom (Barack) Hussein as blood-enemy assailing (our unconscious) ports of entry
ITEM: ADL vs. KKK -- reviving old black-Jewish hate vs. Bull Connors whites
PBS 1 ½ hour documentary of the 1913 murder of little Mary Phagan, 11.02.09, 10 p.m., “The People vs. Leo Frank” brings back life in turn-of-century Marietta Co. Georgia, and how this act crystallized America’s most unabashedly violent collective outpouring of racial hate. The narrative was taken from the book “And The Dead Shall Rise” which focuses most on Frank’s trial and subsequent lynching. It throws the spotlight of history on rural Southern white Protestant culture and the male mentality existentially sustaining it. The elite German Jewish owner and boss of the pencil factory where Mary Phagan was brutalized and murdered , became such objects of shared public loathing, generalized to race, religion, ethnicity, it spawned reaction in the name of Jewry itself: the Anti-Defamation League. The term “anti-semitic” was coined for this mentality. Europe and late 19th century Tzarist Russia had had pogroms, but this appeared spontaneously in post Civil War South to vie with its legendary racism. It is this particular historical mentality the MSNBC/SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) ‘liberals’ are driven to evoke in order to attack. America’s historical black hole coiling back through slavery, lynchings, piracy, rape, cruelty, domineering, by this strain of white male humanity. When the jury accepted the black man’s word over Jew’s, sentencing Leo Frank to death, a sentence ultimately carried out by lynching, after Georgia’ governor had been persuaded by the New York Times and high priced lawyers to commute the sentence, it must have been as clear to those of them as the Dreyfuss case made it clear to T. Herzl. Their only hope for escaping this mentality was a Jewish homeland in the place marked Palestine on post WWI maps.
*Goldman-Sachs Socialism. Wall Street bankers get billions in bonuses, again, as Bloomberg gets himself
III. Factual Circumstances
a. The feasibility of one shooter firing that number of rounds, with such lethal effect within the given 4 minute time frame, has raised questions even by experts on TV.
b. There were official reports of more than one shooter, before the first responder’s arrived.
c. Some witnesses reported hearing “Allahu Akbar” shouted out. However, this would not have been in character for the Hasan associates described. It is, therefore, compatible with, if not evidence of a staged Black Flag operation. -Either shouted out by someone else, or ‘heard’ -- made up -- to frame him.
d. The Deadly Reverse angle/ “I don’t think that anyone would have ever expected a psychiatrist trained to help others’ mental health would be the one who would go off himself, unless there’s more to it,’’ said Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison. Most of the coverage emphasized this reversal. It has become something of a mantra: “The very ones responsible for helping, hurt.”
Like the Primal Scene, What Actually Happened cannot be directly related to, only indicated. “(T)he military and federal investigators pointedly refused to release details on how the shootings happened..” (NYTimes, A1).. This is the Dark Trauma hole. TV visually framed enactments in video-shooter format, showing him getting blasted by Sgt. Munsell, the female security guard who shoots the shooter first. That part – the heroism -- is where the Coverage begins/
IV. Media Coverage reports the shooting in a manner that evokes, but then decisively cuts off, predication on it as a possible Black Flag operation. Or, perhaps a bit less poisonously, a sting-type operation using Hasan as a patsy. Precedent for the first alternative is given by the anthrax attack following the 911. Precedent for the latter is supplied by the conspiracy theorist’s version of Virginia Tech’s shooter, Chou.
Philosophical note: words and pictures
-S* Frame. The event* as a communicated totality requires terms of reference to predicate on. These can be said to “frame” the perception, following use of the metaphor in “he was framed”, and “framing the message.” From the subjective side, Frames* contribute ‘seeing into your own seeing’, a kind of doubling of conscious content: it’s “what” and “how”. Metaphysically, they determine content of the two lower brain’s experience(s). (also, “The unconscious” of Freud, Jung).
The doubled-ness can be illustrated by asking: Should the Ft. Hood shooting be referred to as a “massacre” (BPSB), “tragedy” (USA Today), or “Islamic terrorism” (Fox news’ Ralph Peters)? All, surely, for given contexts; but which term is actually selected in a given context uniquely textualizes the conscious content and determines the direction of further predication. This direction will be determined partly by what is accepted as fact, for instance whether there was one or more shooters. But prevailing emotional or moral impulses notoriously figure in, depending or personality type and angle of interest. For instance, if the interest in question is editorial comment on “the shooter’s motivation”, not just personal bias comes into play, but possible libel suits. Whether “tragedy” or “act of terrorism” is used for the Ft. Hood shooting (note neutral reference) is thus more than semantic preference. It may, in fact (metafact*) serve as a metaphysical frame.
Note: the narrative thread of the official story arrived at by the MSM must organize the dual soul/serpent brain reactions to accepted collective conscious content: soul-brain tokens for the Light, PC side of unity; snake brain tokens for the Dark, repressed side of unity.
A. Types: 1. Low – Jewish: Fox News (“They have a perspective” – White House. “Yew bet,” replies Murdoch; “and here it comes.”)
Bill O’Reilly, 11.6 .’09 Guests invited to frame the Ft. Hood shooting.
Geraldo Rivera –“It’s Evil.” He’s talkin’ to all young males out there who might be apt to ‘lose it’, ‘go off’, ‘act out’ their rage, like this psychopath. 2. (second guest) – “No sniveling liberal sympathy for Hasan’s murderous religious-racial hatred; its terrorism”. 3. Ralph Peters – “911; Islamic terrorism; defended by friends of Ben Laden – aimed at weakening American’s will to fight
This is the satanic reptilian brain Frame*, whether the content is a Black-Flag terrorism or not.
<= This cannot be seen without seeing how “AIPAC metaphysics” could frame such a Black Flag operation possible.
Narrative of secret US intelligence psyops dedicated to penetrating and destroying mass human consciousness, while breeding and hardening uebermench robotoids (Jason Bourns, with no memory identity – “identity theft” “They’ve stolen by identity!”) They have (it is claimed) taught ordinary people how to kill animals by staring at them. Sounds like Korean religion, where devotees act out animal sounds, gestures, etc. to exorcise ‘the beast’ in them.
“Men Who Stare At Goats” double-squares all the levels of psychopathic Satanic reptilian evil in the human psyche (American) currently playing out -- the mind-brain of Aldebaronians. Whoever sees it has been seen by those who framed the script, with the content it mirrors. Reflecting back all the hatred they know is felt deepest and inalienably by 60’s ant-war protestors, who saw through what they are then and never forgot. The ex-Vietnam warrior, who killed plenty of men, he says, goes over to New Age Number 1 Earth Warrior, full of love (<= hate). This is the ultimate S*7-1 reversal, the metaphysical inverse of soul consciousness reality. Jung’s analysis of psychosis.
For perpetrators of the Vietnam war – it always and will forever come back to them, and those who at the time saw it was a lying child sacrifice for Kennedy Catholics and did nothing but ‘demur’ – it ‘redeems’ their cruel and inhuman actions by bullying the psyche into grudging admiration of what it takes to do what the did and still remain human, at least in external appearance. It is a level of psychic processing to which everyone is brought down by evoking the reaction formayion (“No! No! It can’t be that way!” – as shared feeling state, => creating compulsion to FIGHT AGAINST IT BEING THAT WAY!
The same thing happened in late 50’s, early 60’s philosophy of religion, with the “God is Dead” movement. It was promoted in the interests of psychosemiotic clarity: the word no longer communicated what it once did, so persistence in its use would defile its intent. It did not mean neo-orthodox theologians no longer ‘believed’ in what it previously communicated, it meant they respected what that belief was all the more. However, the reaction to this movement was to simply shed the text – any conceptual content , true or false, assertively entailed by its use – and thunder down harder on the token. Far from being Dead, God* just came back stronger than ever, for having being stripped of need for rational pretense. “Believers” are relieved of any responsibility for accounting for what they ‘believe’; it was all worked out by Our Fathers, somewhere, all “we” have to do is honor their sacred memory and get back to it. lol.
It is good for the (reverse) good guys to have many, and varied, ‘believers’ strewn amongst the crowd. It takes much fewer fake hate/Black Flag operations to control them, because they already ‘believe’ what they are told is happening, if it is about evil.
S* x => “Ft. Hood massacre – Black-Flag” thought (“No! No!”)
is juxtaposed to
S*y => “Men Staring at Goats - mirrored psychops control event” (“No! No!”)
the result is
R*(x,y) => Thought of Ft. Hood massacre mirrors self staring at goats staring back (“No! No!”)
This is my hypothesis of how the psyops script would work, if there was one. It buries the thought that Nidal Malick Hasan was anything other than a demented (reversal: treating those mentally deranged by war) Islamic terrorist.
The act of Nidal Malikck Hamas, assuming it was him, as the public mind has little choice but to do, linked the two major psychological reservoirs from which opposition to the Afghan-Pakistan war draw water: the mental health argument, from the devastating effects combat duty can have on the mind and soul; and the religious-kin argument, that it asks Muslims to kill Brother Muslims. The linking of these by heinous reversal of having a Muslim psychiatrist shoot American military recruits to fight it neutralizes the force of both. Also, that this happened at the place it did, to those completing the last stages before deployment to fight abroad, links both sides, there on the field, shown reacting, and green recruits here at home. The ‘x’ formed by crossing these two links, represented by lines in TokenSpace, can be overlayed by the horizontal-vertical ‘+’, to present an eight-starrred asterisk, attenuated here to “*”, to formally construct a grid in/of TokenSpace for a totality of conscious content under Sign-Use (S*).
What has happened in/to America, psychosemiotically, as it appears on this grid, S*7-1: Black Flag alternative and Bophemet seeing eye-to-eye.
they know you better than you know yourself.
that is what “seeing into your own seeing” reveals here.