4 Links to Holocaust America
1. Rove scandal – 2. London bombings – 3. Israeli/Zionist Jew agenda – 4. suicide bombs in America
Context beginning July: World Tribune on Iraq; Iraq war situation; outcry to BRING HOME THE TROOPS! – The problem of how to get by with what they have done. RUNNING FROM THEIR LIES
The point: to prepare to confront those responsible for igniting global hatred of US and who intend to kill anyone who stands up for the truth about them.
Links. 1. The Rove scandal was a side-show to call attention away from use of known falsehoods used to justify invasion of Iraq. (uranium buy from Niger; mobile bio-chemical weapons lab). John Bolton helped hype evidence in re Iraq and Iran to justify attack.
The ‘leak’ of CIA operative Valerie Plame’s name and role in Joe Wilson’s appointment to investigate the Niger uranium link was a coordinated manipulation of the media of communication to frame public discussion of the events Wilson’s 7/6 article exposed. Mainstream media figures Novak (CNN), Russert (NBC). Cooper (TIME), Kristoff (NY Times), Pincus (WaPo), and Miller were leaked to, Miller having been already involved in colluding with Ahmee Chalabi to spread disinformation in re mobile bio-chemical labs.
But this side show itself became too hot to handle. Ergo …
2. London bombing I.
-The attack was by native Britons who died in the blast, not necessarily suicide bombers, but possibly “dupes”, according to authorities. Nevertheless, over objections by Scotland Yard, PM Blair announces “Suicide bombing is wrong whether in Israel, London or New York.” The point is clearly to linking suicide bombs in Israel to his country and America, going beyond what his intelligence confirmed.
- US media echoes and amplifies the connection, repeatedly raising the spectre “When will it happen here?”
-A “mastermind” is reported behind the “al Quada like” attack.
Comment . The PR handling of the tragedy is consistent with it being another side show to spread the terror that started with the Palestinian intafada against Israel. The claim from several corners that it was in response for Blair’s support of Bush’s war in Iraq is heatedly – and absurdly –denied by 10 Downing St..
London Bombing II.
-clearly ‘masterminded’ for maximum terror effect, with ominous date (7/7-7-21 – an English fortnight) associations. The ‘bombs’ don’t detonate, and the captured Muslim claims the intent was not to kill but ‘only’ terrorize (as if he knew in advance that all of the detonation devices would fail? -- then why pack real explosives, with many more ‘found’ in the rented car?).
- those captured in London are displayed world wide with public nakedness. Decency prohibits such even for jailed criminals, and it is most humiliating to Muslims. But sexually titillating to male homosexual interests (and abhorred by those who hate them).
- The trail takes the investigators to Italy, as if to spread the terror without further killing. Ex-CIA director John McLaughlin is talking about “the new al Quaeda”, with “one person” organizing “a few others” in “loosely organized cells” all around the globe. “The Global War on Terror”, CNN’s headline reads (Wolf Blitzer report, 12 am 7/31)
Comment: this is consistent with those captured being plants arranged by the real masterminds (a jihidist “mastermind” named ‘Ibrahim” is announced, quickly) coordinating both attacks from deep behind the scenes, and deep inside the anti-terrorist agencies.
3. Israeli/Zionist Jew link.
Although no link whatever is established between the intent of those arrested for attacking to target Israeli/Zionist Jew interests, except through talk of suicide bombers, the mainstream media is saturated with it. Just as after 9/11 is isn’t just America that is attacked, it is “America and Israel’; just as the DC sniper wasn’t just gunning down Americans in the street prior to the ’02 election, he was letting us see what Israeli’s face all the time on a daily basis (said repeatedly, with empathy).
-Who got Blair to overcall his own Scotland Yard men and link the first blasts to suicide bombers? This is consistent with a M16/Massad/CIA faction pushing their language in, at the top of the hierarchy, when those below know better. This is the same pattern in Iraq war buildup when Rumsfelt’s Office of Special Plans boys, led by Douglas Feith, corrupted normal Pentagon intelligence, and the WHIG (“White House Iran Group”) overcalled Wilson and many other’s (even George Tenet’ later admission) admonition “Don’t say that; its wrong” on Iraq’s alleged aluminum buy from Niger. (Led by John Bolton via Condaleeze Rice?)
-The connection between Larry Franklin’s ‘leak” of US materials on Iran to AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) is not just consistent with, but exemplifies the pattern of using government agencies to shape public perception in the interests of Israel’s Zionist Jew faction. (They want to see the US overthrow Teheran and free Iran’s people; bestow democracy, which has worked so well in Iraq.) It should be called treason, and those involved given Jonathan Pollard sentence served in Guantanmo.
-There remains the November ’01 anthrax poisoning, the deadliest weaponized strain being sent to liberal Senators Leahy and Dashle (who apparently didn’t mind all that much, to judge by the fuss the made. Or didn’t make. If they didn’t care enough about themselves to demand answers it looks like they might consider others potentially suffering the same.) The enclosed printed letters, ordinarily treated as a decisive forensic clue, unquestionably implicated a Zionist psychotic, masquerading as a mad Allah Akhbar chanting Islamist, linking Israel and America as targets. Why hasn’t this been discussed by anyone in government or the mainstream lapdog media? Until it is, common sense can only assume the existence of traitor moles inside both, and everything else done in the name of “security” a staged side-show, with planted evidence.
Relief will have to be found from the devastation in Iraq. Those responsible for it are those devised George W. Bush’s foreign policy (“neocons” – the Zionist Israeli Jew faction, helped by Catholics like Bill Bennett, Jeanne Kirkpatrict, Rudolf Giuliani), those who voted for him, those who executed the plans, and those who sold the lies to the public. (Karl Rove et al). And, the corporate fascist entities these individuals and groups serve.
Not responsible will be: first, those who have opposed what has been known to be going on continuously, since the ’00 election was stolen by Catholic judge Scalia, and Bush “bait –switched” compassion into ‘faith’. By right of being right, they should now emerge to take charge of the fall-back from Iraq, BEFORE THE SUICIDE BLAST. Whoever participated in any way, particularly sniveling Democrat party cowards who let John Kerry kill the anti-war movement in ’04, are too compromised to be allowed government employment.
When a suicide bomb blast goes off – and may all pray it won’t pace Catholic FBI directly Mueller’s declaration “its inevitable”, who speaks ex cathedra on such matters if anyone does: may he be wrong, and judge according to higher law for having said it – there will be two kinds of people who die. One is those responsible for Iraq. I would judge, on principles of justive, that they have it come, and will get what they deserve. The others will be killed by what they have opposed. Their families will be manipulated into blaming Arab/Muslim/Islamic militants, jihadists, fundamentalist radicals, led by Bin Laden, al-Zarquari, or whoever evil, vile, America-Israel hating terrorist-de-jure lies at hand. The true enemies of America, however, are the ones who gave the Muslims cause for seeking revenge; in the case of 9/11, George Bush Sr. for desecrating the Saudi Arabia home of Mecca, in contradiction to bin Laden and the laws of decent respect for other’s religion. No people of any country could be expected not to exact revenge for that. The families of those killed in the next blast, who don’t deserve it – and all citizens, turning against those who support the others led by his son – should blame them and their vehicle: the Republican party. Forever, implacably, unto death, which they have decreed.
They are: traitors to America; anti-Christian; sub-human.