Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Politics of Sign-Use: Intelligent Design


Follow-up to: Absolutizing Ideologicals. Effect of

(In common contemporary discourse: religious right’s “ID” talking point)

Is a Trojan Horse
-a species-flattering pre-emptive pseudo-completion hypothesis, whose unconscious motive is to subsume the totality of the universe under anthropological limitation (“intelligence”, as we know it, is essentially bound up with the material processes that accounts for the human brain’s functions with signs). It is therefore a product of species narcissism, a projection of mankind’s highest, boldest, most complete and completing agency into the skies (reason) -- which becomes thereby a mirror of his psychic totality. God is the Formal Actuality of everything created. Man was created in the image of God (not: vice versa!). The Son of God of Christianity was taken up into heaven.

Acts 1.9 links Jesus to sky-god entities (‘angels’): “Now when he had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. 10. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold two men stood by them in white apparel, 11. who also said. “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into the sky? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.”).

Revelation 22 continues the same cosmic containing link. “Behold, I am coming quickly!” occurs three times, at verses 7, 12 (followed by “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the End, the First and the Last”, v. 13), and v. 20. The last quoted words: “Surely I come quickly.” The star of Bethlehem and testimony of the three wise men link his birth to a ‘coming’ from the heavens. These links, this link between heaven and earth represented by the figure of Jesus Christ crucified on the cross, then ascending into heaven, from there to return, leaving the injunction: “It is not for you to know the times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority.” – are essential to Bible Christianity, however regarded by de-mythologizers and neo-orthodox theologians. It is a group-fantasy link between dispensationalist evangekicals, so-called, and Zionist Jews. Jesus was a Jew on his mother’s side, but He is coming back triumphant after the four horsemen of the apocalypse ride, and the 7 seals are broken – this, from the lineage of His Father’s side.

The Creationist’s are using ….

“Creationists” have come into existence as A new species of humans, “creationists”, have come into being. Some professor is no doubt preparing research, right now, to establish links between holding to the idea of creation, as in the Bible, to a segment in the genome chair, as a pre-programmed disposition. How easily triumphant the science of life proceeds apace today to answer the age-old questions. “Creationists” can now go right up there alongside “homosexuals”, and, certainly, “semites”, race-ists, perhaps liberals per se. (Ann Coulter and the neocons call it a sickness; it’s hardly a stretch to think in terms of a maleficient ‘liberal gene’ plaguing humanity, maybe carcinogenic, as well.) God’s Spirit has called (opponents say culled) out the Orthodox to favor ID. It is the doctrine that says they were create in His image, Who created the Universe and all that it contains. The pseudo-concept of “Intelligent Design” is needed to latch terms of personal self-reference to an external bond others are obliged to recognize as common: “I”, light, sun, Taurus (in Sumer, etc.). Even though it proceeds from a private individual standpoint. This subjectivity of metaphysical origin is disguised, overcome by uses of signs designed for all to use in self-reference, consonant with the priest’s.

Thus, ALL AT ONCE, Bill Maher noted, as if ready to chime in with a perfect illustration of Group-think, Republican strategists had introduced the phrase “criminalizing politics” for what the Dems were doing, in pursing Tom DeLay, Bill Frist, Libby and Rove. What they were doing, by contrast, was just politics. It is the goody-goody liberals playing out-of-bounds here by daring to hold them legally responsible.

Thus, the same ones who would give us “Intelligent Design” are the ones accusing Dems of “criminalizing politics” in seeking indictments for wrongdoing. This illustrates what psychosemiotics calls “reversal”. The charges brought do indeed import criminality in their political conduct. It’s about time this occurred. American politics has become an arena of hate through the Atwater-Rove-Cheney-Liddy-Miller-Feith-Rumsfelt- WHIG (White House Iraq Group: pro-war operatives in 2002/3 involved in the Valerie Plame/CIA leak case) political propaganda machine that would make Josef Geobbels blush, if it weren’t so passive in its sadistic aggression. By projecting their theological identifications as metaphysically ultimate, even though it originates in themselves as a group, they have necessitated rejection in kind: of themselves; of this way of being. If they make a demand that you must be either for or against the way their God made the universe, whereas you had not thought of making such a demand on them or anyone else, this is a willful transgression of reason: one-sided, arbitrarily irreversible, self-contradictory, logically deformed. And that is the demand made by hi-jacking use of the highest signs in America’s sacral firmament (freedom, democracy, life).

To Get (their) God

(and guns)

on the Ballot (indirectly: by promoting ID - related issues, e.g., “protecting the sanctity of marriage”; “rights of the unborn”)

Monday, October 24, 2005

Russell's Lament, Psychsem Consolation

Russell’s Lament, Psychosemiotic Consolation

“That man is the product of causes which had no prevision of the end they were achieving; that his origins, his growth, his hopes and fears, his loves and beliefs, are but the outcome of accidental collusions of atoms; that no fire, no heroism, no intensity of thought and feeling can preserve an individual life beyond the grave; that all the labours of the ages, all their devotion, all their inspiration, all the noonday brightness of human genius, are destined to extinction in the vast death of the solar system; and that the whole temple of Man’s achievements must inevitably be buried beneath the debris of a universe in ruins –all these things, if not quite beyond dispute, are yet so nearly certain, that no philosophy which rejects them can hope to stand. Only within the scaffolding of these truths, only on the firm foudnaiton of unyielding despasir, can the soul’s habitation henceforth be built.” Bertrand Russell

Despite have been raised in the church, and absorbing its spirit into cellular habits if anyone could have, it never occurred to me, in studying Russell’s technical philosophy, to challenge this assessment of the human situation. I should have expected it to be different? THAT would take a lot of ego, which the study of philosophy assumes one checks at the door. His weltaunschuung seemed not only essentially ‘modern,’ but incontrovertible.

This was a tough-minded era, when it came to what was assumed about reality. Where logical positivism (‘the meaning of a proposition is its verification’) interacted with the causal theory of perception (‘verification is by consciousness of sense qualities’), out popped the sense-datum theory of the external world. Roughly: what we know about the reality of the external world is based on and metaphysically reducible to relations between brain-events extrapolated for purposes of communication into universes of discourse under sign-use. Signs and the signified: both inner, as products of previous neuro-anatomical discharges (“cathexis” – Freud); both stratified under Text/token higher-lower layers, or levels of organization. Physical sciences have constructed descriptions of the way the universe is laid out in space, mapping the same skies and cosmic orbits visible now as recorded millennia ago. Biological sciences have constructed descriptions of the way organisms originate and develop in time, mapping the same routes of DNA-protein molecule-cell replication to produce and maintain societies (origin of morphic field concepts). Reproductive sciences have constructed descriptions of the process of sexual arousal leading to copulation and the orgasm reflex, which is the highest point of cathexis of libido accompanied, of course, by discharge of the greatest quantity of accumulated intense excitement in currents of pleasure. (Reich) These three levels of psychosemiotic processing (S*3 = total body sensation; S*2 =total quality manifold of waking conscious moment; S*1 = totality of neuro-anatomical arousal, peripheral and inner, passing over into conscious content), together provide as much material as anyone would have the right to expect this life to provide. And these are only the lower triad, the first three dimensions of completing totality shared by all persons. All this goes to show that out of this tough-minded era, when it came to knowledge of reality, there grew up a tree of knowledge inside, as it were. The swing-point was Kant’s reduction of apace and time as transcendent categories, as containing totalities of conscious content under sign-use, to transcendental ones: not referred to as external, but presupposed by all referencing, as internal morphic fields (although the distinction what is external and what is internal collapses in morphic field theory, in the end).

Deconstruction of “Intelligent Design” to go with sense-data

Analysis of motives of users of this phrase in today’s political context, as a token onto which teaching about the origin of the species and the abortion issues are attached as text.

Those who speak of “intelligent design” for the universal totality want to refer to something ‘beyond’, but not necessarily incompatible with the reality of Russell’s lament.

1. At the level of common cosmic totality (S*7), they want to see it completed as Person completes the body, designed for the individual to function. They want “God”, the completion of all totalities, therefore necessarily of what is personal in humans. “Design” without a “Designer” would be compatible with Cartesian deux ex machina, deism (cf. Jeffereson again), the human soul as a ghost in the machine.

2. At the level of totality of sign-uses (S*6) they want the unity of a synthertic apriori basis of universal field theory of all individuals. (“God” is the self-created creator; whatever else is created and dependent. His thoughts are the forms of their materiality in space-time-gravity – Aristotle)

3. At the level of ego-consciousness (S*5), they want an inner umbilicus to the nurturing phantom placental consciousness: renewal of valor, strength and will-to-be by the return to the unborn state and battling the strangling poisonous placenta to be born, again. “God” is the completing totality of the perpetual need of rebirth and realignment of the lower and higher triads. S*5 is the consciousness that accepts the libido/eros quotient generated in the organism from below, manifesting at S*3, and sublimates a portion of it into libido/agape.

4. At the level of the totality of common human conscience/consciousness (S*4), they want an objective, moral judge (Father, by Archetype). Also, One who acts providentially to bring about His Plan of salvation on earth devised from eternity for His children. How would humanity be helped by the existence of intelligent design if noone of them could figure out what the designed was? They want God as a Providence, and a prophet to speak the Word.

5. At the level of the totality of full bodied experience (S*3), they want a spiritual completion of the totality orgasmic reflex response: an ejaculatory reward for withholding love entirely from things of the lower triad in order to devote it to things of the upper triad (S*7,6,5). This totality is social through the uses of signs communication about sexual matters. They want to see that Plan in history, now.

6. At the level of totality of phenomenal experience (S*2), they want to see Him (without being seen). “Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord ..” the song says. “Glory, glory hallulja!” sings another. “And the glory of the Lord shone around and about them.” “The light of the world is Jesus.” “Come to the light, ‘tis shining for thee; sweetly the light has dawned upon me.” These intimate portals in the transcendental unity of apperception, opening onto the 5th dimension in Tokenspace.

7. At the level of totality of neuro-anatomical processes which pass immediately over into elements affecting conscious content under sign-use (S*1), they want dreams, and visions, to be creditable to God (or his Son, or Holy Spirit). This, of course, is one of mankind’s earliest beliefs: people – some, at any rate – have experiences they wish to credit with originating from what they call “God”, which closes the loop from cosmic to bio-psychic (quasi-comic) “creator”. This typically happens in altered states of consciousness, as in flashbacks, hallucinogenic field-states (Enoch’s transport, etc.) Carl Jung made a great point of hyper-cathectic states (“peak experiences”) as transformative, if borderline psychotic. Shamann, gurus, drug adepts and deadheads share loop secrets that change people with one another.

A vignette that confirms this last claim, that those who are pushing the Intelligent Design agenda are wanting to establish a linguistic processing loop between God (the forces of completing conscious and unconscious totality) and Man (experiences of certain ones). It comes from a CNN interview with some professor from Georgetown University who was asked to commenting on the subject of intelligent design as a matter of faith vrs. science.

. “You know?”, he went…”Lets face it. Science isn’t wired to be able to perceive Intelligent Design.”

The exact wording may have been slightly different, but the intent was clear. It was to ‘bracket off’, in U.’s sense, the entire universe of discourse subsumed under “science”, as exclusionarily self-contained, blocked off or ‘programmed not to compute’ information about the Big Picture. The trick he turns here is grammatical: scientists, as persons, are surely as bright, intuitive, sensitive, responsive to possible cosmic, if not occult influences, as good Christian or other people who believe in Intelligent Design. Some of the best (Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton) have been outstanding in these respects. Thus, whatever a true believer in intelligent design migh pick up on, by special ‘wiring’ can be checked out by science. Unless it is in principle incommunicable -- in which case it has no credibility ex hypothesi. .

This assumes the claimed knowledge falls under the scope of repeatable experiment. A big If. One-time, private audience messages would be the historically unique kind. Interpretations of reality changing so rapidly it is impossible to keep up or go back.

What the professor edges toward, with his scientifically unwired intelligent design followers is a priesthood of believers -- who will get together as many facts as needed to interpret the ever-seething, dynamic group process as part of it, from inside of what descriptive scientific accounts can give only externally, one case at a time. The mode of interpretation and interaction is through absolutized ideologicals (see blog of this title elsewhere) Those who control the upper triad processes can always spin these in wedg-uses to generate reality- tokens that override those of “science”, because they predicate on totalities in a Time of which no record exists except in sign-use itself. (Whose tokens instantly terminate after showing their text) This tacit priest hood of believers are those intent on politicizing all sign-uses, thus all experience, to bring it under control of God-sanctioned discourse It does this by controlling the mechanisms of social sublimation; this bring the topic back to the university. These are those for whom reality is/must be identical with what they communicate (about; predicate on, as psychosemiotic totalities.)

A Day

(Continuing metaphysical coverage...)

A Day

A daily cycle of events can be defined in psychosemiotics as the content communicated by the signs used during a 24-hour period. For simplicity, assume “from a given place,” e.g., New York City. If S* are compared with food, being in fact a ‘fuel’ of a higher octane, this cycle of sign-use is The Daily Bread.

It seems clear, on the one hand, that this does specify a totality, though with very indefinite boundaries and intrinsically unmeasurable. A mayoral race is underway in NYCity now, for instance, and it makes sense to talk about “how many people heard Bloomberg speak today, and what impressions he made”, even though these magnitudes are merely linguistic. There is such a thing as “a day in the life of Mr. Jones”, consisting of the (rough) totality of his experiences; and there is such a thing as “a day in the life of New York City,” as the totality of its experiences. Add to both “conscious content under sign-use” as a refinement for “experience,” and the field of public TokenSpace will have been morphed.

The Record

What is “the Record”, now, after collapse of the newspaper that was “of” it? Did it exist (was there “a record”) before the New York Times became its custodian? Will it “it” next be re-tapped, or re-invented? For one thing is certain: that were will conmtinue to be reference made to it. There is a social compulsion to keep one. Of everything. (Even if only in one’s head, in private Tokenspace.) It is a matter of leaving behind ag a verifiable narrative. That would be part of what it means to have lived, as a person, though a Jeffersonian would not use the results of their existence to bind others’ freedoms.

“The Newspaper of Record”. The New York Times. All the news that’s fit to print, etc., etc. Surely, though, one of the reasons to live in New York State is to be under the umbrella of its level of discourse. Elements in it remain beyond peer. Judith Miller? - not one of them. And thereby hangs a long, long tale best reserved for full telling elsewhere.

The focus here is metaphysical: What may one* (*rational sign-user) justifiably predicate on, as an entity*? (*individual thing in a field of TokenSpace) If there was a newspaper “of record”, was there an independent, though surely interactively shaped such a thing; – or did its processes produce what the term stood for? (Quite a franchise, that.)

Such questions require ultimate, or ‘absolute’ statement in order to be taken to the logical extremes from which Form descends, even though when make explicit it may often seem as if the answer is clear. In the present instance, for example, it seems clear that the aforementioned social compulsion to keep records, which itself is the externalized common bond of the inner drive to organize the contents of consciousness into a unity (totality under sign-use by/for an individual person), is given institution form by the newspaper company, thus creating an entity that, by interacting with what its news talks about; mediated by its analysts, columnists, editors, and staffs, “morphs” the field” of common consciousness, the ‘default position’ to which each day returns. The ideally hypothesized narrative of “what is really happening” to us historically, as a nation, in so far as it can be gathered from communication, would be in that artifact: the printed page of the New York Times. It was the newspaper of record.


There is an esoteric (-hidden) record of the events in the ‘60’s in upstate New York at Binghamton, at Harpur College. Its memory-resonances provide the shaping forces of the Morphic Field of America in miniature.

The term “Akashic record”, if not the notion, comes from the writings of the “Sleeping prophet”, Edgar Cayce. Others, e.g. P. D. Ouspensky, speak of a similar concept as “5th dimensional” content. “Dimensions,” for Ouspensky, were a totality of seven (7) orders, consonant with the notes on the seven-toned musical scale. The 5th dimension (‘Sol’) subsumes the 4th (“fa”). which completes the totality of time relative to the 3rd (“mi”), which completes the simultaneous dimensionalities containing material/physical bodies causally interacting in the field of space/time/gravity. The morphs of this (3rd dimensional) field are time, propagated by light. Through the ‘information” present at any given point (in space/time/gravity) the cosmic past becomes contemporary when “picked up on.” Without light there would be no such field of connection. It is “picked up on” when light is configured into tokens: signs as pre-textual glyphs, produced in dynamic geometrical shapes into “messages”. The akashic record, in so far as it is in our minds, would consists of tokens of 5th dimensional entities, existing through the dimension of movement through, not “in” time. This is illustrated by the self-contained totalities of thought in consciousness (e.g., the Pythagorean theorem; Euclidean geometry). However, it should be noticed that from signs used as texts for three-dimensional totalities (located on lines extending from, around, through the individual human body) ON THE TOKEN SIDE, these signs are markers of conscious content. As such: interacting with other dynamic processes in the morphic field; subsuming the lower dimension (4th; moral; 3rd; embodied, etc.); relating past-to-present-to-future through memory, in the moment of freedom. When the processing apparatus has been damaged, as in trauma, the sign-use tokens acquire a lower template as 5th dimensional patterns which disrupt the free flow of cathexis up and own the scale of S*7-1.


“It doesn’t cost anymore to show an educational message than it does to show a blank screen,” the cliché goes. Cost is relative to the apparatus, electrical etc., required to bring a TV picture into living rooms. This cliché is even invoked to get children to use their brain. “It doesn’t take any more effort to learn than it takes to get by without learning.”

The distinction between sign-as-meaning, text, and sign-as-particular, token,
is brought to metaphysical crisis at this point. The form of signs in text is called “grammar”; but when reduced to the logical syntax of language, as by logical positivism, its connection with 5th dimensionality through real tokens of higher level is broken, or given a glass ceiling. This prevents further free development of flow of cathexis to the higher two levels, 6th (philosophical – completion of sign-use under sign-use) and 7th (theological – completion of sign-use under God). Tokens of the higher grammar(s) are morphs of the akashic record in TokenSpace. (Cf. the signs of the Zodiac; Tarot cards; I Ching triads: traces of ancient higher grammars.)

We are saying that after recognizing the distinction between energy and information, there comes a point at which they are re-combined. This is when ‘information’ itself is considered as energy (of a higher level, ‘carried in’ the energy-forms of the lower token-level). Under these assumptions, the ‘loop’ that transforms token into text, and back again – as in the exchange of contents of their own individual consciousness by two people in communication – is the metaphysical site of what is called “freedom”. The point in time at which what lies in the past can be present in (a, this) future is one in which present real processes can intervene in exercize of what is called “free will’. It is a moment of experience that may go back to batting away a shiney mobile hanging in your crib. This is the sector of reality that marks the human uniqueness. No other species communicates in alphabetic language.

Completing Totalities

The Philosophy of Completing Totalities

And the hierarchy of Absolute Ideologicals (Token-inclusive universes of discourse)

(Continuing project: defining reality through deconstruction of the signs used in communicating it. Here, the 7 levels of token types as pure form are applied to the analysis of an important class of sign-uses)


Absolute Ideologicals are signs whose text is a token of a self-inclusive domain, as “sign is a sign”. They occur typically in self-predicated doublings, as in “Form of Forms” (‘geometry’ would be a study of that, in relation to space); “Lord of Lords” (‘theology’ would be a study of that, as the totality-completion personified). (Others are “I of I” (or “I and I”), “remembering to remember”, etc..)

The unconscious uses AI’s to hide its next level of development from consciousness (“it’s* behind here” = *door to the inaccessible).

“Intelligent Design”: deconstruction of the debate.

This projects a misleading dyad comprised of: a mentalistic term (“intelligent”) of questionable application apart from brain-awareness psychology; with a vacuous pseudo descriptive (irrefutable claim; it excludes nothing; any ordered process shows some design) in order to psychosemiotically engineer specific split-control brain-wave processing loops.

By doing this it injects an Absolute Ideological into common collective discourse, with all the ramifications that implies. (see elsewhere: the splitting function of ideological sign-use) Its use sets up a link, or bridge through the words “intelligent” and “design”, themselves, internally, as if oneself (ego conscious level: 5) had participated in The Plan, or could align themselves with Its Author by Believing in God. It is bt means of this internal processing link that “creationism” waits in the wings to pounce on “evolution”, as a backward, materialistic way of think about mankind’s origins (completion of third totality in sign-use; that for the external world; see below). And as soon as there us (shudder) “creationism”, there is….God. Says so in the Bible. The Book of our beginnings, as American people, if not as a very species. How many people in America Believe In the Bible as the inspired word of God ? – or swear they do? Lots and lots. INSERTING the phrase ‘intelligent design’ into the streams of public discourse and education (public TokenSpace) poisons its processes.

*****/ Elaboration

Whenever mention is made of “the absolute” (unsurpassable, completed) the tautological opposite prompted into position is: “The non-absolute”, or “relative”. The absolute, or absoluteness, is that which is limited by nothing other than itself, hence not comparable to that which is limited by other things. This includes all individual bodies, situated at any point in space, intersecting three dimensional lines that extend indefinitely in a simultaneous order, with time represented by their movement (processes proceding in a given direction).

The absolute ideological of dreams is the word “dream” itself. Use of the word cathects the neuro-circutry nexus that provides the morphic field background of the actual ‘sleep’- state contents. These can be recalled as such – altered state products: “I saw saw as in a dream” – with or without specificity of qualitative detail or content. But the word by means of which this is done, and predicated upon in ‘telling dreams’, takes that morphic field, as a whole, up to the next grammatical level, where it is characterized a body state. Thus “the dream” comes to refer to a quantitatively determined energy state, when described in terms from outside the body; while also understood to be referring to the inside, quasi-qualitative phenomena.

The absolute ideological of phenomena, as totality of qualitative and quasi-qualitative content of private TokenSpace (following Descartes, Hume, Kant, Russell, Freud) is perception of the physical object (world). Perception of the external world, involving use of phenomena as three-dimensional object-tokens, is a process that is not completed in consciousness through sign-use, but is completed (when veridical) by what exists outside consciousness relating causally to the body as stimuli.

The absolute ideological of physical objects is “the universe” as completed three-dimensional cosmos. As the (ideally) completed universe containing all ratio/scales of space to time, this “It” – the physical world laid out in space – is also the moral universe. If time is the totality of wave forces passing through it, as a totality, then there is metaphysical room for freedom through processes that change “is” of the past to “out to be” of the future.

The absolute ideological of the moral universe is the psychological totality of personal human development completed in the fourth dimension. This is the person “coming into manifestation”, as the result of completing the initial initiatory stage of a becoming process. The actualization of completed totalities in common cosmic morphic field at a given time (stage in the development of earth) defines the social style of their age and locale. All predications on objects in the moral universe (acts of gods and men) belong to public, not just private TokenSpace. True judgments express forms in the common conscience/consciousness

The absolute ideological of the social world is the completed totality of consciousness under Sign-use in general, or culture. This begins with signs for numbers, places, duration, people; passing into names of personality types, calendars, continents and numerologics. The concept of One Philosophical System, encompassing a single unified field theory of all individuals, predicates and relations.

The absolute ideological of the One Philosophical System (S*) is whatever completes it, even as it includes it, as a totality. Since this is the textual function ordinarily associated with use of “God”, the absolute absolute ideological in the system S* can be called “God”. This names the Form of Forms of TokenSpace, public and private.

The theory of absolute ideologicals holds more than merely formal interest for group-process trackers. That is because of their ‘political potency’. This comes from the re-directing – splitting – of energies when an absolute ideological is introduced under its own aegis – a preacher morphing into God Himself, say, like Jimmy Jones, and ordering the faithful to die. Or a poor obsessed demented soul claiming to be Hitler, Mousselini, or somebody reincarnate, seizing the day for their Man.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Absolute Ideologifcals (Sign misuse)

The Philosophy of Completing Totalities

And the hierarchy of Absolute Ideologicals (Token-inclusive universes of discourse)

(Continuing project: defining reality through deconstruction of the signs used in communicating it. Here, the 7 levels of token types as pure form are applied to the analysis of an important class of sign-uses)


Absolute Ideologicals are signs whose text is a token of a self-inclusive domain, as “sign is a sign”. They occur typically in self-predicated doublings, as in “Form of Forms” (‘geometry’ would be a study of that, in relation to space); “Lord of Lords” (‘theology’ would be a study of that, as the totality-completion personified). (Others are “I of I” (or “I and I”), “remembering to remember”, etc..)

The unconscious uses AI’s to hide its next level of development from consciousness (“it’s* behind here” = *door to the inaccessible).

“Intelligent Design”: deconstruction of the debate.

This projects a misleading dyad comprised of: a mentalistic term (“intelligent”) of questionable application apart from brain-awareness psychology; with a vacuous pseudo descriptive (irrefutable claim; it excludes nothing; any ordered process shows some design) in order to psychosemiotically engineer specific split-control brain-wave processing loops.

By doing this it injects an Absolute Ideological into common collective discourse, with all the ramifications that implies. (see elsewhere: the splitting function of ideological sign-use) Its use sets up a link, or bridge through the words “intelligent” and “design”, themselves, internally, as if oneself (ego conscious level: 5) had participated in The Plan, or could align themselves with Its Author by Believing in God. It is bt means of this internal processing link that “creationism” waits in the wings to pounce on “evolution”, as a backward, materialistic way of think about mankind’s origins (completion of third totality in sign-use; that for the external world; see below). And as soon as there us (shudder) “creationism”, there is….God. Says so in the Bible. The Book of our beginnings, as American people, if not as a very species. How many people in America Believe In the Bible as the inspired word of God ? – or swear they do? Lots and lots. INSERTING the phrase ‘intelligent design’ into the streams of public discourse and education (public TokenSpace) poisons its processes.

*****/ Elaboration

Whenever mention is made of “the absolute” (unsurpassable, completed) the tautological opposite prompted into position is: “The non-absolute”, or “relative”. The absolute, or absoluteness, is that which is limited by nothing other than itself, hence not comparable to that which is limited by other things. This includes all individual bodies, situated at any point in space, intersecting three dimensional lines that extend indefinitely in a simultaneous order, with time represented by their movement (processes proceding in a given direction).

The absolute ideological of dreams is the word “dream” itself. Use of the word cathects the neuro-circutry nexus that provides the morphic field background of the actual ‘sleep’- state contents. These can be recalled as such – altered state products: “I saw saw as in a dream” – with or without specificity of qualitative detail or content. But the word by means of which this is done, and predicated upon in ‘telling dreams’, takes that morphic field, as a whole, up to the next grammatical level, where it is characterized a body state. Thus “the dream” comes to refer to a quantitatively determined energy state, when described in terms from outside the body; while also understood to be referring to the inside, quasi-qualitative phenomena.

The absolute ideological of phenomena, as totality of qualitative and quasi-qualitative content of private TokenSpace (following Descartes, Hume, Kant, Russell, Freud) is perception of the physical object (world). Perception of the external world, involving use of phenomena as three-dimensional object-tokens, is a process that is not completed in consciousness through sign-use, but is completed (when veridical) by what exists outside consciousness relating causally to the body as stimuli.

The absolute ideological of physical objects is “the universe” as completed three-dimensional cosmos. As the (ideally) completed universe containing all ratio/scales of space to time, this “It” – the physical world laid out in space – is also the moral universe. If time is the totality of wave forces passing through it, as a totality, then there is metaphysical room for freedom through processes that change “is” of the past to “out to be” of the future.

The absolute ideological of the moral universe is the psychological totality of personal human development completed in the fourth dimension. This is the person “coming into manifestation”, as the result of completing the initial initiatory stage of a becoming process. The actualization of completed totalities in common cosmic morphic field at a given time (stage in the development of earth) defines the social style of their age and locale. All predications on objects in the moral universe (acts of gods and men) belong to public, not just private TokenSpace. True judgments express forms in the common conscience/consciousness

The absolute ideological of the social world is the completed totality of consciousness under Sign-use in general, or culture. This begins with signs for numbers, places, duration, people; passing into names of personality types, calendars, continents and numerologics. The concept of One Philosophical System, encompassing a single unified field theory of all individuals, predicates and relations.

The absolute ideological of the One Philosophical System (S*) is whatever completes it, even as it includes it, as a totality. Since this is the textual function ordinarily associated with use of “God”, the absolute absolute ideological in the system S* can be called “God”. This names the Form of Forms of TokenSpace, public and private.

The theory of absolute ideologicals holds more than merely formal interest for group-process trackers. That is because of their ‘political potency’. This comes from the re-directing – splitting – of energies when an absolute ideological is introduced under its own aegis – a preacher morphing into God Himself, say, like Jimmy Jones, and ordering the faithful to die. Or a poor obsessed demented soul claiming to be Hitler, Mousselini, or somebody reincarnate, seizing the day for their Man.

Absolute Ideologicals

The Philosophy of Completing Totalities

And the hierarchy of Absolute Ideologicals (Token-inclusive universes of discourse)

(Continuing project: defining reality through deconstruction of the signs used in communicating it. Here, the 7 levels of token types as pure form are applied to the analysis of an important class of sign-uses)


Absolute Ideologicals are signs whose text is a token of a self-inclusive domain, as “sign is a sign”. They occur typically in self-predicated doublings, as in “Form of Forms” (‘geometry’ would be a study of that, in relation to space); “Lord of Lords” (‘theology’ would be a study of that, as the totality-completion personified). (Others are “I of I” (or “I and I”), “remembering to remember”, etc..)

The unconscious uses AI’s to hide its next level of development from consciousness (“it’s* behind here” = *door to the inaccessible).

“Intelligent Design”: deconstruction of the debate.

This projects a misleading dyad comprised of: a mentalistic term (“intelligent”) of questionable application apart from brain-awareness psychology; with a vacuous pseudo descriptive (irrefutable claim; it excludes nothing; any ordered process shows some design) in order to psychosemiotically engineer specific split-control brain-wave processing loops.

By doing this it injects an Absolute Ideological into common collective discourse, with all the ramifications that implies. (see elsewhere: the splitting function of ideological sign-use) Its use sets up a link, or bridge through the words “intelligent” and “design”, themselves, internally, as if oneself (ego conscious level: 5) had participated in The Plan, or could align themselves with Its Author by Believing in God. It is bt means of this internal processing link that “creationism” waits in the wings to pounce on “evolution”, as a backward, materialistic way of think about mankind’s origins (completion of third totality in sign-use; that for the external world; see below). And as soon as there us (shudder) “creationism”, there is….God. Says so in the Bible. The Book of our beginnings, as American people, if not as a very species. How many people in America Believe In the Bible as the inspired word of God ? – or swear they do? Lots and lots. INSERTING the phrase ‘intelligent design’ into the streams of public discourse and education (public TokenSpace) poisons its processes.

*****/ Elaboration

Whenever mention is made of “the absolute” (unsurpassable, completed) the tautological opposite prompted into position is: “The non-absolute”, or “relative”. The absolute, or absoluteness, is that which is limited by nothing other than itself, hence not comparable to that which is limited by other things. This includes all individual bodies, situated at any point in space, intersecting three dimensional lines that extend indefinitely in a simultaneous order, with time represented by their movement (processes proceding in a given direction).

The absolute ideological of dreams is the word “dream” itself. Use of the word cathects the neuro-circutry nexus that provides the morphic field background of the actual ‘sleep’- state contents. These can be recalled as such – altered state products: “I saw saw as in a dream” – with or without specificity of qualitative detail or content. But the word by means of which this is done, and predicated upon in ‘telling dreams’, takes that morphic field, as a whole, up to the next grammatical level, where it is characterized a body state. Thus “the dream” comes to refer to a quantitatively determined energy state, when described in terms from outside the body; while also understood to be referring to the inside, quasi-qualitative phenomena.

The absolute ideological of phenomena, as totality of qualitative and quasi-qualitative content of private TokenSpace (following Descartes, Hume, Kant, Russell, Freud) is perception of the physical object (world). Perception of the external world, involving use of phenomena as three-dimensional object-tokens, is a process that is not completed in consciousness through sign-use, but is completed (when veridical) by what exists outside consciousness relating causally to the body as stimuli.

The absolute ideological of physical objects is “the universe” as completed three-dimensional cosmos. As the (ideally) completed universe containing all ratio/scales of space to time, this “It” – the physical world laid out in space – is also the moral universe. If time is the totality of wave forces passing through it, as a totality, then there is metaphysical room for freedom through processes that change “is” of the past to “out to be” of the future.

The absolute ideological of the moral universe is the psychological totality of personal human development completed in the fourth dimension. This is the person “coming into manifestation”, as the result of completing the initial initiatory stage of a becoming process. The actualization of completed totalities in common cosmic morphic field at a given time (stage in the development of earth) defines the social style of their age and locale. All predications on objects in the moral universe (acts of gods and men) belong to public, not just private TokenSpace. True judgments express forms in the common conscience/consciousness

The absolute ideological of the social world is the completed totality of consciousness under Sign-use in general, or culture. This begins with signs for numbers, places, duration, people; passing into names of personality types, calendars, continents and numerologics. The concept of One Philosophical System, encompassing a single unified field theory of all individuals, predicates and relations.

The absolute ideological of the One Philosophical System (S*) is whatever completes it, even as it includes it, as a totality. Since this is the textual function ordinarily associated with use of “God”, the absolute absolute ideological in the system S* can be called “God”. This names the Form of Forms of TokenSpace, public and private.

The theory of absolute ideologicals holds more than merely formal interest for group-process trackers. That is because of their ‘political potency’. This comes from the re-directing – splitting – of energies when an absolute ideological is introduced under its own aegis – a preacher morphing into God Himself, say, like Jimmy Jones, and ordering the faithful to die. Or a poor obsessed demented soul claiming to be Hitler, Mousselini, or somebody reincarnate, seizing the day for their Man.

NATION blog post

BLOG | Posted 10/22/2005 @ 2:42pm A reply to John Nichol's
A (True) Conservative Case for Exiting Iraq

Comments 1. "True" no longer applies to "conservative" with descriptive, only tendentious force, even when applied to "Reagan"-ism. That is due to the fact that those on the political spectrum most deserving the title, in the way "True Torah Jews" deserve title of the religous representatives, are the Original Dissent Forum (Keyword)paleoconservatives, who were first to split off from the National Review Buckley/Buchanan (himself later splitting off) crowdk, plus Weekly Standard and all Jewish owned or controlled news outlets in so far as possible; and tagged the bell on the neocon's cat. (The Original Neocon Watch, managed by Anti-Yuppie, is a world-class historical document of this cult-like entity that came to destroy America.)

2. The case for pulling out --see "WHY NOT CUT AND RUN?" by Gen. W.E. Odom (ret.)answering nine reasons offered for 'staying the course', impressively overlapping Nichol's arguments -- goes beyond right/left, liberal/conservative, of course, but if this insidious bifurcation is brought in, let it be brought in accurately, and hard. Reagan's policy dictated by Likud/Sharon Israeli factions was right-wing kin calling each other, there as here, then as now.

3. Reagan's pull-out of Lebanon in '83 as a model for what "conservatives" could/should favor on Iraq is well taken, in itself, but must be tinctured by remembrance of Chatilla and Shabra. William Safire wrote a column during that time to which I responded, pointing out that it contained over thirty references to "Christian", as in "Christian Phalangists", and "solidarity with Christian causes here and abroad." I was incensed, and said so. Politicizing the name of Christ. It was the first time in my memory, tracing to pre-Eisenhower West Texas Baptist,that the name of the religion we were raised under was used by a state apparatus to kill enemies. Sharon had given the "Christian militia" the green light to commit atrocity.

Those who are true conservative after that are the one's who condemned him, his enablers, and all those who have written off what the dead marines in Beyruth mean. They were so gung-ho, one report said at the time, they didn't even post a periphery guard to keep out drive-by bombers. The shield of Reagan's God would protect them.

Posted by JONES 10/23/2005 @ 11:38am | ignore this person

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Universe and University (cont.)

Universe and University (cont.)

S*1: (stipulation) As the universe is the morphic field of the body,
So the university is the morphic field of the mind.

Body awareness is perception.
Mental awareness is consciousness (conscious awareness)

On Signs and communication

Communication of awareness from one individual to others is by means of signs (language and pictures) whose appearance as tokens have been internally linked to perceived qualitative configurations (perception of a block with letters, for example).

If shown a block such as children play with stamped with “A”, “B”, etc., whoever has been raised on English will recognize and be able to pronounce the letter names. It is associated early in learning with the ‘special’ class of objects called signs by learning it in sequences that spell words. Alphabetic writing itself, in fact, was a point of historical departure in Tokenspace of great significance just because it established this loop-route through the psychic processing apparatus, as the more efficient sign-use technology replaced cuneiform and hieroglyphics (Sumer and Egypt, respectively).

When taken as standing for something other than itself, a sign is communicating its text.: its meaning qua cognitive. When taken as an object in the sensory field itself (uttered, written or hand signaled words, etc.) it may be said to be a “Token”: of its meaning as text; of fungible chad-like entity-hood per se. The distinction between text and token as two sides, aspects or essential features of things used by people to communicate, although recognized and of course omni-ambient throughout the history of civilization, has not before now, with this system (psychosemiotics), been made the metaphysical hinge-point of analysis.

As title of the field of shared faculty-student-administration-staff communications, the university is a token of their unity. Whoever predicates on it as a single entity, as only its President is officially entitled to do, makes an attribution to something that links all those who participate in its communications, at all levels of function (maintainance, instruction) wherever classes assemble, paychecks are disbursed, dining halls are filled with people eating, etc. – to its common atmosphere. Rupert Sheldrake’s morphic field hypothesis takes this as pre-existing, real, metaphysically ultimate category of analysis, explaining macro-dynamic currents.

Separate, distinct loops in intra-organic processing may be posited, corresponding to text and token. This is succinctly demonstrated by cartoons and sight-gags. Human words tagged as emerging from an animal’s mouth, like Snoopy, require cross-over routing in order to re-fit what the mind remembers with what the picture shows. A student of mine once related he had become freaked out by seeing the sign “ABSTRACT SIGN” in a window passed by his traincoach. That psychosemiotic ‘shock’ effect , according to the two-track memory loop hypothesis, is due to interrupting a stream of habitual perception – sign-using process, and an ‘unscrabling’, or ‘de-linking” text from token, meaning from quality. It is a momentary “not knowing which way to go” until both sides of the picture – what its (S*) meaning is and why a token of it is appearing in my field of consciousness. Once these are de-linked, analysis of content may proceed without any imposition they import; that is, in pure consciousness in presence to itself before formed by sign-uses.

S*2 (By use of the principle of completing totalities ..”pcts”) WHY SOCIETIES EXIST -

Deduced from their supra-ordinate function with respect to individuals (or: why people aren’t termites). For individual humans, they exist as fields of interaction through communication which are required by the structure and dynamics of space-time-gravity loops containing their body.

HUMAN UNITS (Persons), at any given phase of their existence, are bodily-physical totalities completing and reproducing themselves during a specific sign-use process history unique to each as individual. Their bodies act out the text of their life’s narrative as its tokens. The narrative is the completion of its inner duration, in time. Time is the morphic field of the completion of consciousness.

The University in Society

- Function: to integrate, facilitate, disseminate

communications required and useful for completing totalities (beginning with student, faculty, classroom, dormitory resonance, through athletic activities, administration, and security.)

Responsibility: Optimal binding of time.

In the philosophy of completing totalities, what is measured as time is the extension of objects in the dimension of growth-process, which is a metaphysical ultimate. Thus, time comes is waves, and passes through each point in space.

Time, as a wave, goes with light as a wave (and sound – at a lower scale of resonance). Each carries information from a ‘past’ into someone’s ‘present’, as light does from distant stars, some of which are ‘long’ extinct by the time information about it arrives here. Time, on this view, is a morphic field several magnitudes more subtle than light; the light of light, or light^2.

Proper (completing) Sign-uses bind time by creating memory-waves in its morphic field. Sign-uses are proper when they cathect present neurons in patterns that complete the totality of their bearer (individual person). If Sheldarake’s hypothesis of interactive, morphic fields, evolving in/as a result of them are shaped by individual person’s processes as in a dynamic creative field.

- Required for:
- The individuals to complete themselves >(maximally)
- The social/cultural group-container to be nourished from by its expertise,

The University


(self appointed)

Everybody talks the talk; nobody walks the walk.

The university is the morphic field of consciousness.

This is a kind of elaborate sign-use tautology: an elaboration on the sentence sounded out (actualizing the verbal tokens of the text.)

“University” says “universe”. As (the) universe is to whatever is contained in the medium of space-time-gravity, with light, so (the) university is to whatever is contained under (“taught”) its name. Containment in the first case is physical; in the second, conscious (“informational”). These are metaphysical polarities running through the bandwidth of conscious awareness under sign-use (S*).

From Einstein, if I understand him, comes the awareness that what is experienced as gravity is a Form (Gr. “morph”) of space and time, a dyad whose natures are separated by modes of measurement of enduring objects. In consciousness the duality of this dyad is overcome in the unity of sequential/simultaneous orders under number signs. That is to say, in experience, space is distinguished from time by then distinction between what is ,easured simultaneously, through hypothetical extension of three intersecting straight lines perpendicular but not parallel with each other, from any given (the three-dimensionality of body-perception up-down, left-right, in front-behind) point on the globe (planet earth). Newtonian science, and Kantian transcendentalism assumed these were pure forms, empty of any content in and of themselves. The objects each contain are three dimensional enduring pieces of matter, ranging in scale of size from galactic units and beyond, to the clusters of matter called atoms, molecules, cells, organisms, societies – and their processes. As soon as the description of objects in space reaches process, the measurement of them “in time” opens up as a defining dimension neither perpindicular nor parallel to the other three lines, but as a non-spatial line “through” all points the other three intersect. “Process” is process “of”, on “in” something undergoing it. “Time” is an object’s extension as a continuity through a non-spatial dimension or “medium”. Because of the transitive, asymmetrical structure of the before-after relation (cf. B. Russell), it can be deduced that nothing can precede or succeed itself: time “runs through” individuals bestowing its unique sequence on them. And simultaneously, in space. It is the morphic field of their unfolding.

As light is the presence of the past in the morphic field of space/time/gravity of earth, so the ‘atmosphere’ of the university is the morphic field of consciousness of its ‘globe’. The ‘globe of consciousness’ that contains the processes of a group*, can be defined as the field of S*, where S* is any sign used in actual communication. The global shape is constructed by taking the seven-token levels of (textual) content as the units along the line of a radius, making a series of circles-cum-cyles-cum-circumferences via the developmental movement through a three dimensional organism (with human anatomy) as orders of universe of discourse (the seven S*)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

For fear of the Jews

On Judith Miller - Does the New York Times have a Conservative Bias? 2003-05-12 16:30:29

By Paul K. MacDonald (Casus Belli) May 4, 2003 A fascinating new article by Daniel Forbes highlights the links between Judith Miller, the New York Times reporter who received notoriety for her shocking scoop on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction (WMD) program entitled "Illicit Arms Kept Till Eve of War, an Iraqi Scientist Is Said to Assert", and the Middle East Forum, a conservative think tank run by Daniel Pipes. Miller is listed as one of the Forum's "Experts on Islam, Islamism and the Middle East" and has spoken at events sponsored by the Forum. Pipes, of course, is a controversial Middle East commentator, who was recently nominated to the board of the United States Institute of Peace despite the objections of many Muslim American advocacy groups.

When it was originally published, Miller's article was criticized, notably by Jack Shafer of Slate, for not being forthcoming about the nature of her cooperation with military officials and the reliability of her sources.

Conspiracy theorists will see the obvious linkage -- Miller shares Pipes conservative opinions on the Middle East, and therefore she wrote a biased piece that claimed to have new a scoop about Iraqi WMD even though her information was incomplete and unsubstantiated. That would be a serious claim, one that would require more research both into Miller's reporting techniques and the nature of the connections between Miller and the Middle East Forum....


Answer to above question: yes. Except it isn't "conservative", its "neoconservative."
They've hi-jacked the name along with everything else. See National Review editor Ramesh Pornuru's "Why Conservativers Are Divided" on Monday's Times Op-ed piece 10.17. ‘05. Neocon Zionist factions in editor's waterclosets across the nation.

The only force that doesn't seem to be afraid of the Jews is God. Here comes Wilma. Until the lying and denying what was behind the "get Joe Wilson" shtick ("not good for the Jews, what he's saying") stops the destruction of America will continue. Who got blacks to riot against neo-Nazis in Holy Toledo I wonder?

Libby's letter to jailed Judy was clear: "blame it on Rove, and you can come back into the neocon fold and get work. He's not one of us, and everybody hates him anyway." Well, she didn't. Now they're stuck.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005



-To correct corruption of mentality by ideological thinking; the effect it has on the default position of group consciousness; and the historical group-process it distorts.

The terms “fascism” and “communism” -- detailed deconstruction given in previous blog – with common associations (Germany, Soviet Russia) are used to focus the present corruption ideological thinking brings.

Note on what a metaphysical crisis is. (See below: “Houston…we… HOUSTON? ….)

The following is a lay-out in a triad of triads an analysis of what needs fixing in communication immediately to avoid inundation by the Zuider Zee. This is the sea-level lake water held back by the dikes from flooding Amsterdam. Freud referred to the psychic Zuider Zee as the place into which the unconscious drains. I use it in that sense here and introduce it in order to tie together old and recent history in the common narrative stock. I can go no further than the Signs.


A. The expression of a mentality in signs used as follows: assumed to refer to hitherto unseen or unreferenced reality;
B. …the learning about and understanding of which requires processing material under sign use calling for emotional response and alignment (atrocities, abominations, grotesqueries, etc..
C. …. … thus splitting the responses, and responders, in respect to further/later use of signs; separating “us” vrs “them” sub-groups, according to how individuals have inwardly aligned.

Ideological thinking is illustrated by use of such terms as “fascism” and “communism” as if they communicated objects to which predicates can be grammatically attached. (satisfying A: this assumes their ‘existence’ as part of the universe of discourse; thus, a metaphysical commitment). Learning and understanding what these terms mean, and how they came to be opposed in ideological thinking takes one through the experiences subsumed under “World Wars I and II”, also “The Cold War” – step B. above. By the time discussion among intellectuals using such terms takes place, in papers and conversation (if only….), the assumption is made that all speakers with knowledge and understanding are deeply emotionally aligned, one way or another, around images of genocide, battlefield slaughter, poison gas in trench warfare and the rest of it. These associations, together with still living memories of survivors of holocausts, are subsumed by associations under discussion of subjects to which these big terms attach. And “Islamo-fascist” is now commonly used ideologically by the preemptive warriors to align “us” against ”them” in “the war on terror”. (As Iraqi Baathists were called “socialists” in pre-war ideological rhetoric.) This shows that these two terms, which can be called European imports, since the Group process experience of America in WWII can be described without using either of them (also shown elsewhere), are intrinsically war-wired. They are programmed to trigger the “kill or die” impulse, and the religious plugs – Catholic Christianity and Zionist Judaism – cannot be far behind. Yes, this particular very war-wired pair of psychological opposites has been imported, injected into mainstream political and cultural conversation, and brought about a pre-programmed verbal-emotional alignment throughout the communicating community. The religious link to ideological sign-use, always latent, is brought to the fore when “God”-use is invoked. It forecloses the universe of discourse under the theological position of these two pre-enlightenment traditions, as the “common denominator’ default position of consciousness.


A. The from-which/to-which ever-renewable centre, as a position on consciousness to which mental processes recur, after expending their going-forth (‘cathectic’) energy. In Freudian terms, it would be the position of full inner relaxation, next to sleep, where the thoughts, will-to-do’s, tension, are let go of, so that contents of the mind follow one another in paths of non-directed, free association. In group process psychology, the place where the media of mass communication assumes its audience comes together, as continuity through daily life cycle.

B. “End of Day(s)”. Where Neutralizations occur. The expression “at end of day” came into currency in the ’80-90’s, I think, as a way of bringing remarks to a point of closure. This, I suggest, is a mark of the default position of consciosness, where everything gets added up and sorted out.

C. BINDS TIME. As an actual moment (consciously originating, only) the default position becomes the site in lived space-time of transformation: the past, prompting the associations to sign-uses when we let ourselves remember, can come into the present, before passing directly into the future, as would otherwise occur by force of habit. At this moment, substitutions of text for tokens can occur, which can re-configure the process dynamics.

America’s default position, as a nation, has been permeated by ideological sign-uses, corrupting the depth associations and keeping the system fed by well-aligned mentality from renewing itself.

Corruption of text by wrong attachment to tokens -- this slippage is the price paid for going to war in Iraq on the basis of lies. After that, the words “democracy”, “freedom”, not to say “AMERICA” itself don’t sound the same; aren’t the same. An inner gap opens up between what you see and what you are hearing them say, like in sight-gags, only it’s (what they call) “reality” (reality in an apron: sur-real) THIS IS LOSS OF ALIGNMENT IN SPINNING. This is an extremely dangerous situation because it leads to attempts at correction that can only worsen the warp, like an improperly aligned wheel balance weight. As an example of misaligned spin, I offer the Harriet Miers appointment. It seems Bush wanted to balance appointment of Catholic Roberts by Protestant Miers, behind the scenes unspoken, while spinning opposition to her as “sexist”. Good Rove move. Problem: THIS WASN’T THE RIGHT BALANCE! So the spin doesn’t work; the centre is lost. (see below). Bush evidently felt so comfortable in his faith-based initiative womb that he could fold all the political capital gained by the second term victory into this “trust me; she’s one of us” stacking of his “God” court. This wasn’t so. His non-evangelical Christian “Republican base” has gone nuts. They don’t buy “born again” as judicial qualification, even if it came during Reagan’s first term and included switching party alignment. Not enough!


A. Public Tokenspace is invaded by a Group Super-ego

Tokenspace” refers here to that segment of an individual’s perceptual, say visionary, field in which signs occur communicating some message – is in reading a page of print. The four quadrants formed by drawing two intersecting vertical and horizontal lines on a sheet of paper can be taken as a connected unified schema for all conscious processes in sign-use, projected onto them. (QI=lower left; QII = upper right; QIII =upper left; QIV =lower right. The Sequence QI,II,III,IV thus forms a “loop” through tokenspace, with a direction drawn by the described motion: counter-clockwise, bottom-thru-top; this is correlated with “Input” and “Output” of the psychic processing system, with the relevant anatomical details of the transition through the Quadrants occurring theoretically along this line. The line itself would represent “what goes on” inside the black box limned, or lit, by consciousness as it directly relates to processing sign-use. It passes through the lines between physical and mental, conscious and unconscious, and is matched by another, which can be drawn moving simultaneously in just the opposite way (clockwise-down from Quadrant II, looping QI to QIV, ending in QIII). This cannot be gone into further at present, but it accounts for the availability of a representative of the “collective”/Group unconscious, in lower QII, to occur in QIII (consciousness) as distinguishable content under text (fantasy one can become aware that one has), giving it status in Freud’s “pre-conscious” (available, when the censor allows). This is how the Leader “taps into” the tokenspace of individuals, by knowing the content of the fantasies feeding the group’s default position. He “knows how everyone feels”. Even if he obviously doesn’t, hearing him and others say he does, and act as if he did, for them, has a group-hypnotic effect.

Public tokenspace”, to complete the case for A., is that part of each individual’s token space that predicates on them as members of the communicating group. John Q. Public. Mr. Citizen. The space in which the New York Times can call even the most egregious wrongdoers politely, as “Mr. -” while the Post and Daily News will use slang (for example, for Milosovich). As the newspaper of record, the Times is not supposed to use ideological terms. That is out of respect of the role they play in Public Tokenspace. They define its highest-level default, intellectually neutral position. A content I think Carl Jung would call “spirit”, as opposed to Post and Daily News “instinct.” Public tokenspace, as a conscious fantasy, is where the default position to which the great mass of public citizenry returns, when it is relieved of the requirement of dealing with global issues – the overlap of these defaults. This is pre-sleep, dream-like space. Advertisers try to reach it.

The increased awareness of aligned and non-aligned responses to sign-uses pertaining to the group as a whole (“patriot”, “American”, “Christian”, “Catholic”, “Jew”) brings with it a sense of greater sanction, such as less consideration from or mistreatment by others, if one gets it wrong. This pressure to conform, the pull of “groupthink”, the pre-cognitive funneling of responses into avoidable alternatives. This is the heighten sense of the SuperEgo: a self-watching, judging, punishing psychic agency, classically, an angry Father punishing sinful children. Use of the term “God” projects an external correlate of this part of the personality. As an objective fact, this is considered unlikely by many. As something to tell the kids? … A good Father, it seems to me, will divest himself of all temptation in the direction of looking for an external punisher -- while not closing off sensitivity to the totality, perhaps involving the planet itself. Nevertheless, use of “God” has returned, as a “issue” for the Supreme Court to deal with, as well as chief ideological token of sinfulness in Group Tokerspace.

B. “Center Moves Right”. The default position will have allowed great quantities of anxiety to seep into its processes. Text must get put to token in any case – you’ve got to mention Columbus on Columbus day, right? – but under the inner constraint of far more pressure to “get it right”. The penalties for getting it wrong are heightened. As the center moves right, the attitudes from childhood favoring the “left” – independence, rebelliousness, hatred of father and authority – are less encouraged, if not punished outright wherever spotted. It becomes harder to express them, and the language for doing it in less familiar, less resonant. This is metaphysical drift. Facts are undergoing a systematic re arrangement under sign-use.

C. The 4 Horsemen Ride …. Collapse of financial system Taken from internet source.
War (on Iran)
Fascism -- what was once America resolves into a police state, blending Soviet-style commaraderie as ‘secular’ style with quasi-religious iconics draping government figures and fubctions. These would be the accoutrements of the Imperialist pretensions collapsed into out-of-spin “Fourth Reich” globalism.

Houston? houston

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

End of Days...or End of Ways?


So help me God, today (10. 11.05) on CNN:

Wolff Blitzer in The Situation Room: “So, Rev. Robertson, what about this “End of Days” talk, … with all the catastrophes happening, is this the End of Days?” One could tell the ideological tokening on this one was going to be heavy. Rev. Jerry Falwell, founder and President of Liberty University in North Carolina is in the wings. Giraldo Revera Fox news territory, spiritually muscling into the ranks of CNN religious experts.

I had to stop and turn my head until the darkness goes, as an old song went.

But I, also, have invoked the name of what I call the one-word text-token term for the completing totality. Predicating on its use entails metaphysical commitment, but it does not detail the text of reality. It is not an act to be done frivolously, but, if responsible, expected to be supported by reasonable considerations. My use in linking it with hurricane Katrina as “act of God”, I hold to have been responsible. The reasonable considerations are the layers of irony, from collapsed democracy in Iraq, to the wrath of ‘Rita, if the “St.” be left off of “St. Rita”, patron of the abused in Catholicism, plus analysis of the twisted, self-punishing mentality of the abused abusers – Plus, New Age esoteric Christianity, linking catastrophic changes on earth, at this time, with, changes in the skies as Pisces is replaced by Aquarius. My basic argument from sign use is this: hurricane Katrina qualified as a historical calamity of an order deserving the predicate “act of God”, if any do. (Point 1) “Act of God”, as conveying commitment to the judgment of completing totality, would apply, in consideration of the ironies, here, if anywhere. Therefore, the conjunction “Katrina was an act of God” can be asserted as true (whether one chooses to do so or not is up to them).

Then: along comes Wolff Blitzer interviewing Past Robinson to top off my morning. Counting down to that tiny wedge of time between 4:00-5:00 Friday, before the sunset starting Yom Kippur, and the constitution vote next day in Iraq. I wonder if there will be anything to atone for, this year, and, if so, whether the old Nol Kidre holds? Is this the End of Days? Is there a place to vote on Wolff Blitzer?

S* (sign-use) loops through the unconscious

Another deconstruction.

Laura Bush says sexism possible in Miers criticism
By Tabassum Zakaria
Tuesday, October 11, 2005; 8:47 AM
COVINGTON, Louisiana (Reuters) - First lady Laura Bush joined her husband in defending his nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday and said it was possible some critics were being sexist in their opposition to Harriet Miers.
"That's possible, I think that's possible," Mrs. Bush said when asked on NBC's "Today Show" whether criticism that Miers lacked intellectual heft were sexist in nature. She said Miers' accomplishments as a lawyer were a role model to young women.

Analysis of this S* (sign-use) situation

1. Hyp. (defended elsewhere) the Harriet Miers appointment is motivated by an attempt at religious balancing act: The Chief Justice of SCOTUS goes to steady John Roberts’ Catholicism; Protestant’s get the female intern appointee. Respect for Male Fatherhood at the table’s archetop; respect for Female Motherhood at its opposite end. Something like that is how such a balancing act (in Libra, one notes) might be fantasized.

2. (If hyp.), Miers’ appointment evokes the “God” of WWII opposites of fascism and communism (see preceding); reversed (she represents fascism; he communism); and conjoined in restaged (as totally symbolic opposition, as the Leader of the Supreme Soviet to his Duma) mysterium coniunctionis. This last is taken from Carl Jung’s psychology. It refers to a process called “marriage of opposites” that takes place deep in the unconscious side of the human psyche. Bush’s balancing act, if that is what it is, is a manifestation of this attempt to “marry opposites”, perhaps to ideally sink differences, by supreme court appointees from both sides of gender line, coupled as (unspoken) opposite sides of the Catholic/Protesetant religious line; and perhaps thinking by this to be doing good all around.

3. However, many considerations negate the essence, but perhaps not the workability of this. For one thing, it double-hides the God hi-jacking under way. If my choice is between A’s god or B’s god, but neither A nor B nor their juxtaposition has been chosen to be chosen between, that is a metaphysical imposition. If I don’t impose my “God” on them, they don’t impose theirs – or a choice between theirs – on me. Simple as that. On the other hand, if they do impose theirs, or the choice between theirs, on me, American citizen representative, all bets are off in imposing mine on them, because it is not a war Americans have started but a war that has been started in its/our name -- by the God-hijackers.

4. The charge by George and Laura Bush that opposition to Harriet Miers may be “sexist”, resentful of the forceful, competent, accomplished female harbored by certain extremist right-wing groups. “Good riddance”, they might say. The crypto-racist, latently anti-Semitic white male with inner issues left over from the feminization perceived in “Aich” Bush (#41) would of course be suspicious of Harriet, born-again Christian and Republican (at roughly the same time, early ‘80’s, when Reagan came in). She’s vouched-for good Southern Baptist type people (folk).

5. But that “frames the issue” wrongly; never mind for a moment that the control lies in framing it at all, however the moral equation works out. She is to be resisted, not because she is a female, but because political use is being made of her being female, and one of a particular political stripe – unspokenly promised to line up against abortion rights. Let’s face it, that is the hidden “God” issue, the definition of a fetus vs. “baby”, and rejection of the ideological term “murder” for abortions. These are the major tokens of moral and religious poison in today’s group discourse. The abortion issue has been a continuing obsession in group-fantasy since Vietnam. Opposing it is the way those who are perpetrated its rapacious cruelties and genocidal slaughters try to assuage their guilt. “We don’t take life needlessly, for pleasure! – We defend it in its most basic form, the baby in the womb.” But it is not THEIR womb, however much they might believe (what they call) “God” is in every fertilized ovum. “The unborn”, as generic term of reference, often heard from the mouths of such people as ex-Attorney General Ashcroft, is an ideological construct, first of all, a sign-use cathecting the user’s identification with fetal origins. This is OK. It is even known now that an entire psychodrama of action-reaction to stimuli through the mother, the umbilicus, to the brain and later conscious memory (pre-verbal, looking for metaphor). But in terms of real, in the sense of objective, human experience this period is merely potential. “Murder” has always been a term applied to what may happen after birth. It is a stretch, and a stretch through bonds of Fatherly authority, to extend a term with a definite descriptive application to borderline cases, in order to evoke (and profit from) the ideological twist. For that is what it is. The idea that it is “Murder” comes from their head. They ferociously act out punishing others for what has originated in themselves. And that ain’t right. By framing the opposition to Harriet Miers as “sexist”, the entire abortion scenario can be split off, re-tokened, kept discretely out of sight, ever seeping into the unconscious as ideological poison. It hi-jacks and betrays both what the feminist revolution was all about, and the perception of what justice is, in this frame. It “squares under self-contradiction”, a form of sign-use beyond explanation here.

6. Neither Catholic, Protestant, certainly not Zionist Jew, have been elected or appointed as God’s mouthpieces in America, to Americans.



What it is … and is not

Serves an ideological function when used for metaphorical effect; so that what is associated its textual meaning (“seen through”, “open”, “clear”, “without guile or concealment”) is applied to what it is predicated of. Associations with “transparency” from early childhood are generally “good”: infants in caring hands; standing naked before adults; expressing real intentions; “coming clean” about what one has done. Thus, the textual meaning readily goes over to metaphor that evokes the split between being duplicitous vs. frank, attitudes toward which were picked up in childhood.

This already gives “transparency” considerable ideological cache. How easily it meshes with the politics of “left” and “right” (duplicitous v. honest; casuistic v. principles), “liberal” v. “conservative” (permissive v disciplined). Images of ranks of perfectly drilled, precise lines of marching Nazi soldiers, celibate white males devoted to the Holy Mother: these belong to the transparency of German fascism. “Idealistic”, “right”, “obedient”, “disciplined”, “warlike”: these go with right-wing transparency.
This has the double effect of 1. imposing the Father-dominated strain of childhood; and 2. promoting the more fierce, less liberal Father as the one more profitable to appease. The “left”, already stuck behind the acts of good-Tzar killers, has for its lot of “idealism” mainly riddance of just this authoritarian Father. Plus, or course, whatever the results of freeing the children of his oppression and their repression might be. It does promise return of free flow of libido, knocking out identify of the completing totality with anti-cathexis. What ever is “humanistic”, as distinct from “theistic”, or “theistic humanity”, is encompassed by their idealism. The effect of importing the CONJUNCTION of these – Left v Right – into the American political system UNDER GOD intrinsically favors right-wing authoritarianism as the ideal transparency. “Issues” such as abortion and homosexuality are generated which “the voters” of this “democratic system” decide between every four years in presidential elections.

In this context, with this background, the use of “transparency” by G.W. Bush spokesmen goes over into out and out reversal and self-contradiction, since “God” (as completing totality) is simultaneously BOTH: the arch-subjective token, and cosmic-objective text. It’s use is a metaphysical splitter. This follows from the will-to-totality in cathexis toward it. It must be against whatever is against it, which is why “God” use is so dangerous when the psyche of the user is not properly aligned with what is ultimately real.

The effects of folding transparancy as an ideological metaphor into the context of present group discourse, at another level of process, is to “loop together” what you see and what you hear as the token itself is being uttered. “See, this is transparancey.” When an authority is telling you, authoritatively, “what you see is what you get,” how can it not be true? (The Father’s IS the voice of authority in group-fantasy) THERE IS AN ENORMOUS DANGER IN THIS, HOWEVER, DUE TO THE SIGHT-GAG EFFECT. What is seen may be different, even the opposite of what is said, as is happening with the language of democratizing Iraq. Deliberately glossing over this by invoking “transparency” turns “what you see is what you get” into “what I tell you are seeing is what you get”. Sight gags, as when cute dogs are assigned human speech in cartoons, communicate by juxtaposing textual sound with perceptual token. Chuckles, yucks, grins follow automatically. Two separate memory-routes from stimulus to brain-response are simultaneously activated, and both must be made explicit, along with awareness of what the person using signs in this way is doing (“Do I look like a killer to you?”), in order to relate to the situation discriminately.

Use of “transparency” in situations of obvious non-transparency has the effect of either A. arousing the two-track, two-memory processing response, doubling the text and token content in consciousness; or B. ‘tickling’ this process response, but glossing over conflicts if might arouse if permitted to develop, en route to self-serving political applications. (“What? Me/us hide anything?”) . Which way it goes in a given instance would depend on how close to consciousness the counter-evidence (of the user’s duplicity) lies. Alternative A. will be more likely to occur among those whose memories are primed with instances of trauma inflicted by the authoritarian Father, ready to pass over into consciousness. As previously noted, Hitler could appeal to transparency … invoking much less duplicity.

communism and fascism deconstructed


Psychohistorical analysis of these ideological Sign-use constructs.


Ideological thinking : when certain words, phrases, iconic sounds are used in common discourse with assumed descriptive application (as text); having strong (trauma related) emotional evocations (as tokens); the effect of communicating by means of such signs is to split and ramify the responses (“universe of discourse”). This can be called “ideological thinking”.

Examples would be uses of “communism” and “fascism”, for instance. As text, these would ordinarily be taken to refer to 20th century systems for organizing state government, represented by Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany, respectively. For detailed knowledge* of what communism and fascism are, however, much, much reading of sources, historical, philosophical, economic, psychological, you name it, is required, at the minimum. Records, especially testimonials of survivers, are necessary to provide depth of understanding. Plus ability to make other connections through personal feelings, by having undergone similar experiences as survivors relate.

If you are from America’s Great Southwest, like myself, these are all things you learn after having grown up, moved away, or especially studied. I can’t recall hearing either of them through high school; college, probably (Baylor University), but like Greek geometry in cognitive appreciation. They were not part of common discourse. As I learned from having moved away (Wisconsin; upstate New York), all the events in Europe connected with World War II which we heard about were, in fact, being experienced by intellectual circles there and here under these terms, or related ones. “Hitler”, and “Nazi” one knew, of course; though in an objective, emotionally innocent way, except as colored by RKO Pathe news and radio. I don’t remember newspapers around in Lockney, except at the Rexall downtown. “Jew” and “Catholic” would during this time belonged in the Greek geometry category. “There is one living at Childress,” for the first; my sister visited. “Sprinkle their babies for baptism” was about all for the second. Neither was regarded negatively, in home, school, community, county, region (except, I’m sure, in certain pockets). Definitely more positive in general tone, I would say. Vitual


Separated from all such context in contemporary these terns occur, now, as “power signs” on the token side. Their use has the effect of splitting the response of those communicating along ultimate – “theologized” -- lines. You are expected to know how you line up on the side of political reality in regard to anything and everything else you might predicate on in the world, as history, even cosmology, from Hiroshima to God, in order to use them correctly. And you are expected to use them correctly to relate to anything other than a narrow, parochial reality. Most especially, if you want to address the national public; because “Jew”, and “Catholic” are right behind “communism” and “fascism” in the grammar you must know – they fall on the same side (Jew/communist; Catholic/fascist) of some inner line that gets drawn by “knowing” all those things mentioned above, the way survivors do. This is something you have to pick up as you go along. It isn’t written out anywhere, yet.

“Catholic” goes with “fascism”, on the token side, by association with the religion of those in parts of Germany (mainly, more southern), and Italy, the two major fascist countries (Croatia was a third). The unity of the people was the polity of the state: the leader spoke for/from/to the default position* of all. Recognized as such by the people, as a “Folk,” he WAS the state. When Hitler stood before the group en masse, hand raised to receive its group-outpoured respect toward It, in Him, right there, then…. he was not, did not represent (vorstellung) himself as a personality. He was, and represented, “Die Fuhrer.” It* was not an entity apart from him, but through him, in the people. One could extend one’s hand, snap heels, and say “Seig Heil” to what it* was he represented. That common bond of what it was to be German, present at the inauguration of The Third Reich. What is common between “Fuhrer” and “Pope”, on the token side, is “Father.” That is why Catholicism is associated in the unconscious with fascism. The way Catholics feel about their spiritual Father is the way the Nazi party expected Germans to feel about Hitler, and many did, allowing for the spiritual seque from mageterium to Sturn und Drang. Even though Catholics, today, would start in insisting on that the Catholic Church did not approve of Hitler, Pius XII did keep silent more than he had to to protect his priests, etc., this is beside the point which “fascism” is brought out. There is a line of connection through the unconscious, via the “Father”, that leads from Pope, to State Leader (re-mythologized), to Popish State Leader (substituting “Leader of corporate fascist US empire descended through Germany and Italy plus Vatican Rome) – with a Protestant twang, as history would have it. The marriage of opposites (Jung) that began warring in World War II, within and without state/religious bounds (Catholics wad to go qo with Hitler if the world was to be divided between him and Stalin) has been brought to America post-2000, on the Wings of that Great Speckled Bird (=The Bible – metaphor from song by Grand Ole Opry star Grandpa Jones)

“Communisms”, on the textual side, is synonymous on common discourse with the system of governance set up in Moscow, fabled old Russian city, by Bolshevik ideologists under the title “Soviet Russia”. It was a system that also ‘nationalized’ everything, but differently, bringing industry, agriculture, money, education, history, even metaphysics and language under state control and management. The inner bond of unity was the State – doubled back onto itself, AS inner bond, replacing single person. Everyone has equal authority, and share of wealth, on different levels. This is not represented (in theory) by/in any one embodiment, as Pope, Fuhrer, Priest, King or….Tzar. It had been the murder of the Tzar (Nicholas?) for ideological reasons – he was a good man, as Tzars go. Done by “Jews”, rumor had it.

On the Token side, as seen, “communism” communicated and communicates the public – group-fantasy – elimination of The Father. No more “Mr. Dad”, with a swastika, reversed priestly collar, or Businessman or other obedience-demanding figures. The guy on the other side of the counter works for you, too. The state owns what’s in it. In Freudian terms, this (causally) represents the mentality of “killing the father”. The spirit of fraternity modeled on worker’s commaraderie was the familiar “brother” term. “Comrade”. Wild fantasies – about wild fantasies, mostly – abounded about girls required to have sex on demand by righteous comrades. Sexual freedom with political revolution; both defied The (inner) Father projected as the default position* of the group. Thus, what the German Folk came to honor as a spiritual totality, was psychologically polar opposite of what Soviet Communists honored as theirs, in re the Father content. One was “godly”; the other “godless”.


What “communism” communicated came to be associated with “the Jews.” The Bolsheviks were very heavily Jewish, up to 85-90% early on. This takes a long time to appreciate, since it is one of those things the Jewish version of 20th cent history tends to ignore. It was an international movement, starring intellectuals who followed the work of Karl Marx (who had followed that of Hegel, the philosopher), an ideology one may appreciate intellectually without religious or tribal identification (Marx was “anti-Semitic” in regard Judaism as a religion, as the term is used now: he rejected what “the Jew” represented, then ). The core spiritual unity of this movement, besides killing external authority, was the positive humanistic impulse called tikkun olim : roughly (as I understand it*) “work toward the good of humanity as a whole.” What began as a Jewish movement – today, I think, called “Trotskyite” by PJ Buchanan and to-the-right conservatives – merged with movements of “workers,” “socialists,” equalitarians, and those called “liberals ” today (making abortion, freedom to die, etc. politically fundamental). And perhaps it* would have remained, historically recalled, as a kind of pure strain of positive being, as many intended it, if….

It* (had not) re-emerged in the 80-90’s – post-Vietnam, exploiting America’s war-guilt to brew “neoconservative”, around “Zion”. This is what went over to pro-Bush politics after 2000.

This connects the theo-State-Leader complex with the Protestant Twang - G.W.Bush and the Evangelical Christian, religious-right, “base” of pro-Bush politics.

Let me say here I am obliged to use these terms of group-identity to keep in contact with political discourse in the mainstream media (MSM). The “Evangelical Christian base of Bush Republicanism” is a mythic construct, kept going by its reciprocated use by such as Jerry Faldwell, Pat Robertson, S. Baptist president Land, and others who identify. It would carry “clout”, and for some still does, were it not for the knowledge, now, of the personalities and deal being swapped back around 1996 when Benyamin Yahu was tapped to be PM of Israel, and Zionism began to be aggressively pushed, though largely behind the scenes in think-tanks, lobbies, and placement of key personnel, as a keystone of national discourse. This was such a blatant reversal of church-state relations, for the U.S. to recognize such an ideological term in state discourse, attaching what “Israel” represents to something previous defenders may have detested and do to this day – effectively converting their inner state to one Zionists can identify as “with the enemy”… that Rudoph Giuliani was compelled to reverse that, pre-emptively declaring anti-Zionism equal to anti-Semitism, and telling European governments they had better crack down on anti-Semitism, now that it was (he said) expanding to include anti-Zionism. When (as the saying goes these days), it was just the other way around.


Bottom line: This European Union of Opposites, communism and fascism, has been imported, now, with their histories and, especially, religious tensions, to fuse with “end of days” (latent – 2005) political theo-thinkers into America, via its democratic system, over against a “New” externalized Father-killer – Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, al-Zaquari (Milosevic, etc.).

It is at this point that the plot of the psychohistorical narrative takes a strange turn. Not only is “kill the Father” (communism) stuck together with “worship the Father” (fascism), glued by so-called dispensationalist theology holding that Jerusalem must be returned to the Jews before Jesus can come again; but – wouldn’t you just know it – also deconstructed in the historical group process is the theme of homosexuality. This was one of the issues raised along with the 60’s revolution that glommed onto the respect won by anti-war Protestors-on-principle. “Freedom” was the word then, as played at Woodstock by L…..And it went deep. The individual’s control over his or her own sexuality as a “right”, under the U.S. constitution. Defines the kind of country “we” have. The kind of people we are. What others do behind closed doors is not for law to decide: it is the right to privacy, aka sexual freedom. This became an accepted part of what right-wingers call “liberalism”, though strongly supported by SCOTUS Justice Antonin Scalia. (This is a major, major psychological twist. More later). It is significant that it is just the sexual issues raised by the 60’s FOR THE RIGHT-WING; THOSE WHO SUPPORTED THE VIETNAM WAR – namely, abortion and homosexuality – that are the ones that have remained and emerge, now, in 2005-6, almost intact, like a solid block of “squared” mythic narrative history, as what these “right-wing Republican Jewish/Catholic/ideological Christian base” of pro-Bush politics must forever, perpetuially, be “running against”.

What cannot be seen except through Freudian lenses, I would argue, is the connection between “kill the Father” fantasies, inherent in communist anxiety, and “male homosexual anal rape” fantasies inherent in gaynxiety*, which would explain why both should historically deconstruct at the same time, in the same process. It lies in the analysis Freud did of Daniel Shreber (around l912?), famous Leipsig judge who went mad the day he was sworn into highest office, confined himself to an asylum for the mentally ill and wrote “Memoirs of My Mental Illness”, read by all the late 1890’s elite. From the demented world-view he brilliantly elaborated living in in fantasy, Freud reconstructed the common basis of: his extreme narcissism; hallucinations of being sodomized at night (experienced with “voluptuosities” ); New Man creator of the next generation; hypochondria; psychotic loss of reality (not permanent; thus, soft-, not hard-wired); … and homosexuality. The latter emerged from his early childhood erotic fantasies by putting together the contents of his cosmic elaborations alongside the relationship with his personal father, and deducing that in later life he was regressing to that mode of libido cathexis – arousing ferocious defense against these, intra-psychically. It is this, in itself precious bond between son and father, and vice versa, that is twistedly correcting the reality of the physical world in Schreber’s fantasies. It results in/from the unconscious desire to be anally raped by the Father, as expression of love.

-Sid Thomas

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Token Topics Thursday Evening


By the time it got to Lou Dobbs….

The news was
1. Karl Rove re-testifying for Fitzgerald’s grand jury…
After Judith Miller’s release, on the CIA identity leak case

2. Harriet Miers SCOTUS pick. (see the Onion parody --)

3. Psychodynamic theme playing out: Katrina as Act of God, in punishing America, the group-fantasy content, for what ‘we’ did to Iraq. The feminist’s meta-irony in St. Rita’s name. “Muddy Water Rising, taking back the land.’

THEME: From Irony, to Reversal (via deconstruction of the ironic agenda: metaphysics) to Apocalypse (via libidinization of Thanatos – everything dead) – the asymptotic progression

4 For the sake of our own sanity we must consider what Bush is saying in all seriousness. The check on these remarks should be verified/confirmed or the opposite, depending on developments toward Iran. Revenge on/by The Great Satan could be just around the corner, and we who studied in advance will know why.

Item: “God led me to do it” – Bush’s remarks to the BBC (see text)

Item: Speaking before the National Endowment for Democracy 10.06.’95( “Islamic radicals are seeking to enslave and intimidate the world,,,,”The militants believe that controlling one country will rally the Muslim masses, enabling them to overthrow all moderagte governments in the region and establish a radical Islamic empire that spans from Spain to Indonesia.”

Coincidentally: it was announced the a spy in the White House, apparently a mole from the Phillipines, had been sniffed out of Cheney’s off ice by the FBI or CIA …

….and NY City Mayor Bloomberg/federal authorities announce specific new information that subways are targeted by Al Quida, linked to intelligence alleged to have originated in a U.S. raid in Western Iraq … Taking the tokens that would otherwise be getting text over investigation of Larry Franklin (Hansson, Pollard were associated as recent cases), AIPAC, slopping over to neoconazi zionistas, PNAC, and Cindy’s son. How convenient.

Meanwhile, Cable TCV has been showing terror attack drills realistically staged with screaming ‘victims’, splattered with (presumably fake) blood. … a people gone mad .. Lou Dobbs is feeding some CNN military expert general the “Hit it outta here” soft-ball question: “What will it take to seal the borders of Syria and Iran to keep these Islamo fascist terrorist murders from killing Americans?” “The Iraqi forces themselves are stepping up to do just that,” came the assured reply.

ITEM (continuation) “Bush likened the ideology of Islamic militants to communism. And he said they are being “aided by elements of the Arab news media that incites hatred and anti-Semitism.” That is pre-emptive labeling as if it were something wrong. Maybe it is only patriotically anti-Israel.

“Against such an enemy there is only one effective response. We never back down, etc.”. But a look at the PNAC/neocon documents show the effort to be one of unsurpassed aggression from the beginning, thus showing what acceptance of it at any level is: appeasement of nazi-type sadistic fascism, twisted into attacking its mirror image. “Such an enemy” exists, not because it was there already, but because it has been called out by their death-wish agenda. It is their way of externalizing the split-off, dumped, reversed, judgmental-punishing side of themselves, “warred against” by the group-fantasy of deliverance from perpetual threat (in their minds) from this poisonous placenta complex – how? “Never accept anything less than complete victory.” This is perpetual rebirth (war as replay of birth-trauma at the collective level) projected at the lower Christ of the Hidden (“Mutable”) Cross level. The political split between neoconazi zionistas and esoteric zodiac Christians lies over the metaphysics of the Mutable and Fixed Crosses in the psychohistorical skies. Only the Fixed Cross of the Crucified Christ is carried over from the Age of Piscess to Aquarius.

Responding to claims that the US military presence in Iraq is fueling radicalism – a true(-ly) “ironic” reversal – “American troops were not there on Sept. 11, 2001” – as if his juxtaposition sufficed to retroactively link attack on Iraq as response to Al Queda. Will anyone deny that poison link now? – After he has publicly predicated on it? -- or will it also just sl-i-i-de by into the drinking water of political communication.

ITEM: “The terrorists regard Iraq as the central front in the war against humanity. And we must recognize Iraq as the central front in our war on terror,” he said. “Our commitments is clear. We will not relent until the organized international terror networks are exposed and broken and their leaders held to account for their acts of murder,” Bush said.

He is trying desperately to stand clear of precisely this particular historical boomerang. What are “organized” terror networks? Blogboards that “incite hatred and anti-Semitism” by calling Bush and whatever “base” he represents “neoconazi zionistas” –Satanic, not Godly; anti-American tools of foreign governments (ZOG); lower-order Christian ?


The point of conjunction in tokenspace between Bush and Hillary Clinton—de-stabilizing Iran – is the point of disjunction between party controlled politics, and the people’s America, in Jeffersonian sense. There must be a line of inner cleansing, but drawn externally, monumentally, forever. A SUPER HOLLYWOOD CROSS: