Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

My Photo
Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Tuesday, July 28, 2009



-pathetically trying to make up for the loss

(Freud => Cohen => Sarkozy =>….)


The sky-god
has strengthened the radiance for the kind
that the king may lift himself to Heaven
like the Eye of Ra.
The king is in this Eye of Horus
Where the command of the gods is heard.

The “eye of Horus” changes hues: first it was blue, then it is red. (Z. Sitchin. “Stairway to Heaven,” Bk. II of Earth Chronicles, p. 63)

Sermon To the Church at Laodecia.

“I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I would that you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spew you out of my mouth.” (Rev. 3.14f)

-God, through the Book of Revelation, to America:

Vietnam  Obama

They took away your Fathers, substituted alien G-d worship, and subverted Completion of Our Totality (C’T*) in ZION (New Jerusalem: Rev. 21.2; 21-10) for an empire with feet of clay on earth. You don’t even know whether the one you call “Mr President” even HAD a father, except by word of mouth and inference,, much less how he was conceived.

-God, for America, is the inner meaning of U.S. history roughly 1650-1950. At this point in time, the Baby Boomer generation got birthed. Post WWII demographic bulge. Born best and brightest by the grace of God, they followed their own inner way freely, through Woodstock, then the Tet offensive, always challenged by the Great Father Betrayers, aka Vietnam war daddies. In this war, America’s fathers broke faith with its sons, as Jack Kennedy sent a contingent of Marines to bail out So. Vietnam’s minority Catholic government. That was the glitch: at the transpersonal, “we” level of conscious discourse, imposing existential rupture ‘played out’ by assimilation of the cal, rhetoric, ideology, grammar, etc… It played out most vividly at the personal level in the McCain family. John, the young top gun hero, finds himself strapped on a livery, communicating with his father, U.S. Navy Commander of the entire Tonkin Gulf fleet, over a phone, sustained by grace and courtesy of enemy humanitarianism.

The fact that McCain could so reverse this gratuity and not demand the same for those falsely imprisoned in Bush’s war, willing to continue the policy, is the continuation of the dark side of the flaw, or glitch, in father-son relations that lead to anti-Obama Birthers. It led to the not-black-but-white//not-white-but-black substitute for the Lost Father America turned to for hope. But it was written in the cards, so to speak, that this was not to be. It was already a profound shock to the cannon of America’s native traditional folk expectations to have a black and a woman leading the challenge to the Old Sinful Vietnam War Killer McCain-Palin psychoclass. Whatever was BORN FROM THE USA as a result of reversing White + Male to Black v Female, could never be a normal child of regular, certified ancestry. The entire story of Obama’s biological father is largely missing. He ‘maerialized’ amonst us, like a Melchizedek (not.:). It’s not just the “birth certificate” vs. “certificate of birth” hiatus. Other details of his childhood are missing as well. It seems likely he had little personal connection with male parenting; his Facebook status should read: “fatherless child”.

So there is this existential/metaphysical/psychohistorical glitch traceable back to pro- and anti-Vietnam war conciousness. Pro-war consciousness could never be reconciled with their unconscious, carrying around the crushing inner weight of Punishing Dad (or “Punish Me, Dad!” – see Freud’s 1923 “The Economic Problem of Masochism”), projected by obedient, bow-tie sons onto The Men Upstairs to escape The Manson family girl’s fate; and, of course, Patty Hearst’s. Neoconism is internally marked by false reconciliation with a false moralistic dad-in-the-head – the unconsciously self-punishing, guilty-of-blood-complicity sons of the Black Sun who emerged the heroes of Abu Ghraib. When caught out, this position of consciousness emerges as “Penitent Jew”. It’s instinctual, unrepressewd “Id-“ way of expressing love is anal male rape.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sotomayor and Spellman: Black Sun, NY

The New York Sun, well known organ of “New Deal”- type Jewish conspirators, is the only publication to date whose editors have addressed the point I raised in the BP&SB about Sotomayor’s Supreme Court appointment, if it happens, making a 2/3 Catholic majority.
Sotomayor and Spellman

By ALICIA COLON | May 28, 2009

"President Obama’s nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court has unleashed, among other things, a cascade of emails into my computer from friends remarking on the similarities of our backgrounds. I, too, am a Newyorican who lived in a housing project. Mine was in Spanish Harlem, hers in the Bronx, and we both went to parochial schools. Our fathers passed away when we were young, and our mothers struggled to support our families. We also speak perfect unaccented English and are both Catholic
"What more could we ask from a Supreme Court justice than total respect for the Constitution? If the question of abortion arises during the confirmation hearings, it will be interesting to hear how Judge Sotomayor addresses this issue. Is she a Scalia, Alito, Roberts, Thomas Catholic or a Pelosi, Kerrey, Biden, Kennedy Catholic? And does it matter? Even the pro-life members of the bench believe their job is not to impose religious law but to interpret the Constitution.

But does the Constitution really prohibit the Congress or the state legislatures from regulating abortion? Does it really outlaw the Congress from weighing, when it considers abortion, the views of, say, Joseph Francis Cardinal Spellman, after whom the school Judge Sotomayor attended was named? If she has “never forgotten where she began,” as President Obama suggested, will those who educated her and embraced pro-life principles be recipients of, at least, her empathy?

Cardinal Law, the chairman of the National Council of Catholic Bishops said, “Support for abortion is not an option for Catholics and the failure of many Catholics to challenge abortion politicians is a great concern.” Nor are Catholics alone. The latest surveys confirm that above 50% of the American people are now pro-life. Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton were decisions by activist judges who believed that the Constitution is adaptable. Is that what Judge Sotomayor believes? Or will Roe and Doe some day be seen as errors on the scale of Dred Scott?

The United States Supreme Court Justices are there for life. If confirmed, Judge Sotomayor will be the first Hispanic on the bench and bring to six out of nine the number of Catholics. She will no longer have to look over her shoulder for assurance from liberal peers. Here is one Newyorican who hopes that maybe, just maybe, she will be able to give the Constitution and unborn Americans the honor they deserve.


Follow the voice of the boldfaced tokens over, now, to the sound of AIPAC -ed <= 52 Major Jewish organizations supporting Zioncon => some West Bank Israeli Settler Likudnick calling up Rahn Emanuel to remind him of his Jewishness, not to sell out the holy idea his father sacrificed for and won. This is the essence of the shoe-stringed S* collaboration between inner elite hierarchy circles – the grammar of “we” organized around the Catholic-Jewish Deus-ex-Machina (as it already was for Jefferson) G-d. The NY Sun is the Black Sun: Hitler’s Nazi token, flipped over on its other side. Catholic female editor of small circulation leaflet for downstate NY Jewry.

It’s P.1 links “rescue the unborn”, and New Deal New Jersey. The Catholics get custodianship of a non-existent constituency by prodding, projective grammar of “the unborn”. They’ve gotta have something unseen they are protecting humanity from, and the evilmindedness of baby killers is where they must begin. (Signs of “BABY KILLERS!” pumping up and down outside abortion clinics by protestors .) )

In return for which, Israel gets a green light to pull off a 2nd strike at the phony “Syrian bioterror lab”, to protect the Western world from who knows what. (Hypothesis: a “soft -911 strike’ is needed to save Obama. A strike against Syria would do something – big. So, past experience leads one to expect … , .) Conclusion: there is reason for apprehension that such a terror event might occur. “Sooner than anyone thought they would,” it will be said. (Not: predicting)

(BDE is informing of a link forged between the Sandinistas and Catholics in Nicaragua mking ALL abortions illegal. This is huge, since it links Hispanics, Catholics, US power and prestige – and the appointment of Sonia Sotomayor.)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Black Sun over the Palisades 7.23

P. 2

Analysis of Brian Lehrer (for P. 3 – see snakebrain politics, below)

Putting the P. 1 spin on the Syrian J-word connection
(grammatizing official uses of “rabbi”, “Israel” in “covering” the massive corruption story

-w. interviewer Bob Henley, raking over the muck--financial crimes not too terrible; not religion related, except heheh fundamentalists all think God gives them special rights, nothing especially Jewish 'bout that. What we've got here is a big corruption scam several rabbi's got caught up in.

THIS BLOCKS THE SUN (Black Sun over the Palisades)

Needed to see Two stories on P.2 (snakebrain-linked on P.3; see below)

I. SYRIA (<=Damascus <= St. Paul converted on the road to, from Jerusalem’s north gate)

-Israel bombed Syria in ’07, claiming proof a N. Korean nuclear development facility to justify this act of war. This was all over the news, including a piece in the Binghamton Press & Sun Bulletin by a visiting BU Professor from Israel, to which I posted a refutation on-line. This act pre-empted U.S. policy in the region, and created de facto control of the grammar of nuclear politics. They did it again: showed how far they were prepared to go, whatever the US American people think. Activity centering around the Syrian Jewish community in New Jersey, with Solomon Dwek slipping a $25 million check through a drive in bank teller’s window, taking back a couple for himself, the rest going to cover bills -- what the hey?! -- but, sting1 or not, the Feds hired him, wired him, placed his hands around the pillars and yelled “pull it!”

--Fall, 2007 –
From The Sunday Times
September 16, 2007
Israelis ‘blew apart Syrian nuclear cache’
Secret raid on Korean shipment

--Spring, 2009 -

Biological Weapons, Instead Of Nuclear Reactor, Keep Syria Within Axis Of Evil
TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2009
Jerusalem — Syria has reportedly rebuilt the structure that housed the reactor bombed by Israel last year and has turned the site into a facility for manufacturing chemical and biological weapons.

“Attack Iran with TV” was a thread on the old Original Dissent Forum board, on an article by AEI mogul Michael Ledeen, calling for non-violent TV- tactics to win Iran’s emerging young generation just becoming accustomed to robust 21st pleasures of the Free World, taken to the limit in America. This would be how baby-boomer AIPAC-ers would have it on P. 1. On P. 2, flipping the token over on the other side, it Anschlausses their religio-moral development.

AS IF, TO WIT -- link from BDE

The MSM snakebrain politics connection:
Having Sex With Lolita in Tehran

Zachary Shtogren
In Syria, things are a bit more liberal with many sellers offering garb that would be considered racy in the West. “This allows the husband to nibble the underwear off of his wife’s body,” says one Damascus lingerie merchant, explaining the mechanics of edible underwear to a Der Speigel reporter. The full range of Syrian lingerie is catalogued in The Secret Life of Syrian Lingerie .


BRUNO  “I AM A GAY AMERICAN” (…friend over there .. Golan Cipel, NJ Homeland Security liason, and dual citizen of Israel) <=anti-Prop. 8 GAY MARRIAGE AGENDA TO MILK THE WHITE CASH COW GOYEEM. ) And Queen…

There has simply been too much homosexuality in political incidents to avoid notice, except by compulsive psychological avoidance and denial. They not only came out; they came out and took over – or would, at least, if Bruno had his way with your mind, as he apparently has with millions of others. Such over-the-top sustained, wanton debauchery as this is equalled in film only by Pasolini’s Salo: 120 Days in Sodom. Pasolini’s live child pornographers were ultimate high-up fascist-capitalists. Bruno is a buggered kid from Austria, teabagging balls to the forehead of “rightwingers” all. From Arnie’s army (Schwarzenegger weilding BIG hunting knife) to Ron Paul’s posse, thowing eminem under the angel’s butt, this one covers the waterfront for insulting those who react to homosexual forms of intercourse with revulsion. They are put in the position of waiting for a shameless child to get through trying to shock grown-ups by disgusting behavior. It is characteristic of an inferior human type,

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

SBC High Priest of the Black Sun



S asha
.. B aron
.. .. C ohen

B O R A T -- self-hating Jew routine to expose ‘anti-semitism’ deep in the heart of Texas, widely supported and advertised by certain now-becoming-obvious regions* of TokenSpace, Ex. Drudge.

B R U N O – self-hating “cruisin’ for a bruisin’” homosexual routine to expose ‘homophobia’ down among the Arkansas hillbillies. This movie, with SBC shown in trailers actually peeing in a urinal, dirty looking jocky short clad back turned to the camera. (“Piss Jew” Maplethorpe comedy, I thought at the time; Americans oughta stand in line and pay good money to see that!

Well, it didn’t work out that way, and I’ll get to why, exactly, in a minute. Despite one of the biggest PR campaigns since Holy General Mary David Petraeus and the Bush-Neocon “Surge” reversed the results of the mid-term ’06 national election which called for getting out of Iraq, BRUNO apparently got tweeked off the radar screen after a day or two – until word of how he mooned the planet spread.

Then: S W E E E CH ! SBC gives an interview declaring him dead. We’re talking about a lot of Mad-as-Hells here, and I do mean to include Friends of Ron Paul. I have to quote a snippet to convey the flavor (he’s stepped on the garden rake, slapping handle-to-forehead)

'When I create a character like Borat or Bruno, I learn to love them. I stay in them for a really long time, and in some ways I do become them.'

"How weird" (the interviewer adds). "He admits he is reluctant to put Bruno to bed, so to speak, even now that filming is well and truly over. 'It's wonderful that the films are successful, but every new person who sees the movie is one less person I can be Borat or Bruno with again, so finishing a movie means having to say goodbye. Admitting that you're never going to play the character again is like saying goodbye to a loved one. And that's hard

That was July 19. But here is Hohann Hari posting on Huffington July 21st (today => 22rd), claiming critics of the great satirest have missed the point.


The Bruno-Bashers Have Missed The Point.
(btw/ the ADL ‘missed the point of his anti-semitism ‘exposee’ also, until it was explained it <= and flip the tpken => any pub is good pub).

Sacha Baron Cohen's new baby, Bruno….”

Lets stop right there a minute. Everybody iunderstands movie producers and actdors regard their product as “babies”. It issues forth`their creativity. In his case, he says, the become him; or he them; as if an alter (or non-?) identity that remains (‘perseveration” was Jung’s term; “compulsive obsession”, Freud’s).

Taking him at his Word, what we have here is KING OF THE GAY JEWS GIVING BIRTH TO HIMSELF AS BY THE HEAD OF THE UROBORUS DEVOURING ITS TAIL. (The male snake brain, alchemical sulphur, is in the self-consuming Dragon’s tail, disappearing into its head (intellect => Zeus => Athena.)

It had already been deduced, psychosemiotically (credit to B.D.E. for this one) that the unconscious group fantasty of male reproduction, by anal rape of Islam masculinity, was the driving depth psychological force of Bush Jr.’s Iraq war. Remember old Sodom Hussein. “What did you think all those torbans and white robes wuz about?” to parody Willie Nelson’s “Cowboys Are Often Secretly Fond of Each Other”.

This male jock-up stench was the “noisy”, up-front Oedipal trauma psychic level. Undernearth, penetrating to fetal origins and birth trauma regression, the figures of “killer mommy” -- CNN’s Nancy Grace; Brother to Fox’s Glenn Beck – is War (=> child sacrifice<=) on the POISONOUS PLACENTA. “Al Quida”  “the Children of Israel”: the Mysterium Conjunctios of opposites to America’s soul. Friends of one, foe of the other; irreconcilable with each other they are. This is the Zionist wedge, using the Bible as proxy. It organizes the group rebirth fantasy (war is always the fetus fighting for birth – the ‘nation’ for “rrebirth”—against the poisonous placenta, brought back by squeezing, reptilian (claustophobic—walls caving in) slithering, proprioceptive (‘touches”) soul cues, to flow toward imprinted child sacrifice ritual (repitition- compulsion), linking the grammar of “shared blood sacrifice” with the sorrowful mothers of those who died young. That is the “Semitic” edge, or wedge of the Conspiracy Process, and it will be there to twist like the Sword of Longinus long after SBC has (ried to) bury BRUNO.

The Oedipal up-front thick- neck Abu Ghraib abominations staged by MC Rove et al was the upper level of the dark side emerging post-Vietnam. Right wing masculinity getting mooned by The King Of The Jews! Can you imagine that? Getting Teabagged, like punk rock rapper eminem. Balls to the Face fer Jesus! – liberating the souls of an entire new generation from the bondage of homophobia, seen from this vantage point of history as a left-over, un-evolved spiritual attitude, consonant with Westbury Baptist Church evangelism.

What has happened* (from above), and I think has blind sided them all, is the all- powerful BLACK SUN vortex, spiraling the backlash through ’09 into Existential Revulsion (cf. G.., All and Everything, “revolt of one part of the psyche against the sheer unbecomingness of another”); and radical splitting (“Y” – sign of the Sun/Son unconscious). Michael’ Jackson’s hair ablaze => moonwalker <=Luke skywalker  Spock & Cap’n Kirk from Iowa <= shooting of coach Ed Thomas in Iowa by “satan” shouting youth <= many stories of tragic violence, the official MSM versions of which are of suspicious origin, compatible with black flag operations, as the 9.11 anthrax bioterror was proven to be.

Michael Jackson was the vortex certer point of America’s post-Vietnam war
Child sacrificing Nothingness, its Dark Side acted out like a SBC ‘satire.’

Continuing Johann Hari’s piece: “ a shrieking faggot who embodies every prejudice ever thrown at gay people -- that we are shallow, callow, and perverted. He buys a black baby from Africa -- the price? an i-Pod -- to mimic Madonna. He preys on straight men by charging into their tents naked. He penetrates his pygmy boyfriend with massive dildos powered by exercise bikes. Oh, and the staggering success of the film is a stride forward for gay people.”

That’s his thumbnail. Here’s the response.

“ The Bruno-bashing backlash -- swelling yet further this week -- has profoundly missed the point. Baron Cohen -- one of the great satirists of our time -- is taking a prejudiced position to its logical conclusion, in order to expose its absurdity. It's how satire works. When Jonathan Swift wrote the greatest satire in history -- A Modest Proposal, in 1729 -- he suggested the starving Irish were failing to show any initiative. Obviously, they should eat their own babies. There were many contemporary readers who took it as another attack on the barbarian Irish hoardes. “

Apart from wanting to put SBC and Jonathan Swift in the same category, I fail to get the point of the writer’s explanation of “how satire works.” The content evoked is as cruel as evoking a satire of Judenhassen to poke fun at whoever laughs at the clown (Daffy Dafoe’s AntiChrist script). The Irish potatoe famine had not happened yet, but the remorseless attitide some Brits apparently had toward it does, indeed, go well with this KING OF THE GAY JEWS! attitude toward his fantasized poisonous oppressors.

The one BRUNO really slapping Balls To The Face to, of course, is Hitler. 1939 => 1939: Anschlauss: Nazi German Wehrmacht, under the sign of the Black Sun, crushes Austrian resistance, annexing it, with the old capital of the Mediterranean sea Venice, to Germany. That was the real beginning of WWII, a barely parelleled history-changing Victory in War for national pride to be remembered, whatever came later.

Now teabagged; balls to the face of Hitler’s boys. Look who’s laughing now. heheh

America’s Dark Side since Vietnam; think about it, running through the shared cultural fantasy life, ‘ringed” in the unconscious by the two shared trauma of early life … A single perspective, or vision (intuitive; not mystical) emerges in the threads. A common historical group fantasy life, a “we”, each one an identity (or multi-identity) but pat of the collective flow. The group fantasy life, the more patticipation mistique the more vivid, is the delegate consciousness traceable to fetal origins, brought out and insisted on as a “right” through “democracy”. The psychosemiotic discovery of the possibility of reversal coming into this, so the Light side is perpetually bound to the Dark by child sacrifice for rebirth, has yet to be considered. Other blogs have argued that only Esoeric Christianity (and that properly understood) can cleanxe this sulphuretted atmosphere.

The Black Sun



-Nibiru’s Return => NWO NOW => The 4th Reich


She’s about to blow, Arianna says. Psychoanalysis says it’s self hatred.

Her excellent piece confirms that the Conspiracy Of All Time Group Fantasy, as a feeling-state, has reached the Upheaval stage (in deMause’s schema). Volcano ash darkens the sun -- a lot. A total eclipse was just seen all over Asia.

The raw psychic energy is the Return of The Repressed from Vietnam, with father-love reversed to father-hate predicated on as “America”.

It requires the metaphysical resources of Esoteric Christianity to defeat the corrupted version of x-ian soul talk built on reaction-formation (“No! No! I don’t hate Him! I love Him.”) Because it is compulsive, not free; ideologized, politicized and idolized, it is Anti-Christ. Now along comes Willem Dafoe and Bruno to supply the visuals. To the ongoing historical group process, these do not seem to differ much from earlier shock-jocking. In reality, however, they belong to a different genre of post-Obama, post- Michael Jackson asteroid memory belt around planetary consciousness, threaded by a false, Old Testament version of the relation of sexuality, sin, and Nicos Kazantzaki’s Last Tempation Of Christ. (whether played by Defoe or Antony Quinn). That’s Hollywood snake brain entertainment taken as existential gospel. This distorted, romanticized assumption, falsely linking sin and sexuality, has been the fall-back, default position used as a foil for dismissing the entire NewTestament narrative as humanity undergoing “sublimation of libido.”

The Return of the Repressed, pivoting on father-son relations from the 60’s and Vietnam, has wound up delivering:

And this: Taser-hit man burst into flames
50,000 volts will do it, I guess, if you are ready to go off (he had petrol on him) (Fantasy of human spontaneous combustion – preachers have been said to get so heated they actually catch fire.)


Hollywood pretty boy Mel Gibson’s real passion 
C Street Family 
Republican Family Values 

Certain actors and politicians have been ‘chipped’ to receive controlling messages from devices ultimately controlled by outer space contacts. They stage events useful to the Conspiracy.

Another of these was Alec Baldwin’s Hulu Superbowl XLIII commercial.

These events inject P.3 content, what is impressing itself on the psyche as deep feeling-state arousals of collective delegate unconscious regions (“demiurge” of Neoplatonism). This imprinting provides visuals for use in articulating the sulphuric moon-mood, satisfied by lacerating the body of Christ (sic) in TokenSpace, where the Sun (consciousness) should be shining. It’s the only way the Abused-who-have-turned-into-monster-Abusers can stand to live with themselves as sane (crazy) individuals: only if the very Son of God Himself came to suffer, bleed, die FOR THEM! 4 U, 2 ! Esoteric Christianity holds THAT is precisely the historical group fantasy which condemns them to hell, if it means anything at all. This is the self-hating reversal. No wonder Jeezus has become a pretty mean guy – sorta like SpiderMan, also played by Willem Dafoe.

They gotta believe, and what “gotta” means here is “psychologically compelled, driven,’ It is a form of psychism in humans that is overcome by irrationality. Every predicate is applied to incompatible opposites conjoined under a single subject term (“Everything is two” – Thoth. ((x)(F)(Fx . ~Fx) – everything is what it is not.) The relation between (Higher) Self (Sol, Father, Consciousness) and (Lower) personal awareness (Luna, Son, Ego) that would ordinarily be one of love has been reversed, and become a bond subjectively linked by hate. Again, this is a continuation of the same glitch between Fathers and Sons going back to Vietnam. The fact that WWII military-political Fathers drafted their sons to die for Catholic anti-Communist ones, represented by two young, virile Presidents Kennedy and Diem in the early 60’s, was split off and repressed. The underlying reality returned in Father XLI and Son XLIII Bush. They, and the years 2008/9, are the Return of the Repressed of Father Abuse of Sons by sending them to die for a Privatized Religious Ideology. JFK, Frank Sinatra and the Rat Pack glamorized the Old Father’s way in the budding baby boom generation: the way the best and brightest among them were obliged to repudiate and tear down. Pundits dubbed this chasm between Fathers and Sons “the generation gap”. De Mause sees it as the emergence of a Younger Psychoclass throwing off internal self-constraints (=> need to control or punish themselves for not) their Fathers had been raised under.

The Fathers were forced to eat so much crow, take so much back without any intention of psychic reconstruction, massive guilt reduction was required. They were objectively required to hate what they were exposed as so much, only a Divine dispensation would help. “Jesus Be De Man” is just the group-psychotic insight needed for them to live with themselves. If The Divine Savior Of The World had not died for their sin, they would be subjected to the same punishment they righteouslt decree for others. As it is, and since they who believe in Him are the New Chosen, as preacher Coe holds, anyone who is not part of their Family has to be accursed by God and out to destroy them. But there could be links, through them, and the many foreign countries, embassies, and intelligence operations they connect with, to Al Quida cells. Perhaps the entire “Al Quida” operation, whatever it is, is run through the C Street Nut House as a black flag, deniable- reverse operation.

<= ABC’s “All In The FAMILY” … black Jeffersons; Maud; Meathead (Rob Reiner, Sally Struthers): survived the McCarthy-communist purge to introduce the grammar of ‘dark side’ culture in America on the TV screen. The Waltons, Beverly Hilbillies, made pleasant background fare. The Honeymooners was a little too rough for many family TV living rooms. It was Archie Bunker who showed how real white guys had to talk, then, to hold their own. It was alright because he was merely defining what was assumed as already adopted attitudes among them and emerging group grammars ‘liberated’ by 60’s anti-Vietnam war protestors. Same thing happened later in the 90’s when Ellen Degeneris emerged to provide a name and face to lesbian talk.

Jung commenting on “the singular role sulphur plays in alchemy”
“The first point of interest is its relation to Sol: it was called the prima materia of Sol, Sol being naturally understood as gold. As a matter of fact, sulphur was sometimes identified with gold. Sol therefore derives from sulphur. (Explanation of sun as sulfur blazing in the sky -- not just a ‘god’.)

The close connection between them explains the view that sulphur was “the companion of Luna.” When the gold (Sol) and his bride (Luna) are united, “the coagulating sulphur, which is the corporal gold was turned outward (extraversum), is turned inward (i.e., introverted).” This remark indicates the psychic double nature of sulphur (sulphur duplex); there is a red and white sulphur, the white being the active substance of the moon, the red that of the sun.”
Jung, MC, 134p)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009



(First assbook entry: STRIKE A MATCH !)

Karmic heptaparaparshinokmobile jolt to the galactic rim, where I a maintain a shack with Ahknaton. See myself riding back on Nibiru (Anu, Enlil, Enki… pre-Marduk, Horus … approaching Ararat, Pyramid Eye missing; can’t land yet...)
Sulphur is found in meteorites, volcanoes, hot springs, and as galena, gypsum, Epsom salts, and barite. It is recovered commercially from "salt domes" along the Gulf Coast of the USA.
Jupiter's moon Io owes its colours to various forms of sulphur. A dark area near the crater Aristarchus on the moon may be a sulphur deposit.
Sulphur is a pale yellow, odourless, brittle solid, which is insoluble in water but soluble in carbon disulphide. Sulphur is essential to life. It is a minor constituent of fats, body fluids, and skeletal minerals.
Carbon disulphide, hydrogen sulphide, and sulphur dioxide should be handled extremely carefully. Hydrogen sulphide in very small concentrations can be metabolized, but in higher concentrations it can cause death quickly by respiratory paralysis. It is insidious in that it quickly deadens the sense of smell. Sulphur dioxide is a dangerous component in atmospheric air pollution and is one of the factors responsible for acid rain.
Comment: odd – that the material having the distinctive sulphuric odor should, in different chemical combination, have the insidious effect of quickly deadening the sense pf smell. I strongly maintain this applies to what has happened to America, psychically, during the Bush years. These recycled into (2 x 4) = 2008/9 diurnals another repetition of the 40 yr old narrative template from 1968/9) => Vietnam to Obama. This, in turn, repeats the (2 x 2) = 4,000 year periods, looping back in, finally, this week (7/14-21) to these convergents in TokenSpace: A. references to the 40 year period, spanning the Vietnam war to Afghanistan; B. An “earth sized spot” (projection: why not “Io” sized?) found on the surface of Jupiter.

If “Sulphur”, “Sulphuric” is taken as a content of consciousness including the qualia alchemists called “philosophical sulphur,” it might be used to describe an experienced effect, say, of someone’s tone of voice (cf. ‘scathing’, ‘volcanic’); or of a group atmosphere (cf. ‘jaded’, ‘poisonous’). It should be explained that in alchemical psychosemiotics, sulphur, as well as mercury, salt –and of course, gold and silver (Sol et Luna) are what Jung called “duplex” entities ; material substances handled in elaborate laboratories; and mental contents retained through the quality of impressions and observed chemical transforms (“reactions” they are called, after discovery of the atomic-molecular structure of matter). If one intellectual pivot from medieval Aristotelian to modern Newtonian view of the material world were designated, this shift from the concept of “matter” a potential ground of ‘occult’, as well as observable physical, influences … to the concept of strictly quantified cause and effect explanation of change … is most fundamental, after Copernicus and Descartes. Jung was a transitional figure witnessing, and translating for us, the language of one psychological era, when unconscious processes in the individual psyche were experienced externally, as unseen but powerful, real forces pervading whatever reflected consciousness – from the starry heavens above to the rancorous, gnawing feelings within … into the language of another, after humans had learned to frame sensed qualities as internal. (<= the causal theory of perception). The chief psychosemiotic development of since 1800 has consisted in grammatizing the “modern”, post-Kantian position of consciousness. “Post-Modernism” is a position already under preparation in the late 19th-20th century romanticized reaction to the world science was unfolding.


-Dragons head  Christ
“Sulphur is the masculine element par excellence the “sperma homogeneum”; and since the dragon is said to “impregnate himself,” his tail is masculine and his mouth the feminine organ …the dragon devours himself from the tail upwards until his whole body has been swallowed into his head. Being the inner fire of Mercurius, Sulphur obviously partakes of his most dangerous and evil nature….
“Further, this dragon is equated with the human-headed serpent of paradise, which had the “imago et similitude Dei” in its head, this being the deeper reason why the dragon devours its hated body.”
“Hence we get the parallel of the dragon’s head with Christ, corresponding to the Gnostic view that the son of the highest divinity took on the form of the serpent in paradise in order to teach our first parents the faculty of discrimination, so that they should see that the work of the demiurge was imperfect.” Jung. MC, p. 116

*** note

Jung’s last book, Mysterium Conjunctionis, unfolds the title concept (“mystical union of opposites”) by elaborating cascades of material accumulated over a lifetime devoted to analysis of unconscious psychological content springing spontaneous and autonomous from the human psyche. He wrote contemporaneously with Freud, but a little afterward, as Word of the great Jewish Vienese psychologist’s discoveries about dreams wafted upstream to Zurich. He and Brauer were taking care of the real loonies up there, near where the gold was kept, up close and first hand observers of psychic “surds” (indissoluably irrational end-products of humanity, taken to the asylum there from all over Europe). He kept seeing these same contents spring up all his life, around the globe in runes and rituals: conjunctions of opposites; as when a man of science, trusting in weather patterns, prays for rain. )

Monday, July 20, 2009

Dafoe deformed


Dafoe deformed

I. Lars von Trier’s AntiChrist


Scene of Dafoe mooning on top

But that’s only the signature gimmick. It seems the movie is about a sadistic “surrender” Story of O -type priest (surrender to what you fear, and pain, is good, rebirthing) and a gal pal who gets into it and gets even. (from trailer and review below)

So What Happens to Willem Dafoe’s Genitals in Lars Von Trier’s Antichrist, Anyway?

So far, no review has gone into gruesome details, though, from what we gather, here's how it goes down, more or less: After knocking him unconscious, Gainsbourg bores a hole in Dafoe's leg with a hand drill and bolts him to a grindstone to keep him from escaping. Then, she smashes his scrotum with some sort of blunt object (the moment of impact happens slightly below the frame). We don't actually see his testicles become disengaged from this body, though it's apparently implied. Next, she brings him to a climax with her hands and he ejaculates blood (yes, it's shown). But that's not all! Later, in an extreme closeup — lensed by Oscar-winning Slumdog Millionaire cinematographer Anthony Dod Mantle! — Gainsbourg cuts off her own clitoris with a pair of scissors.

The good male sacrifice to bring the word of liberation to the parched human soul gets neutered, in the end. Damn shame, this whole human condition thing. Lars ‘el tell ya. So deeply sincere, profoundly vulnerable, Willem raves. “The extreme scenes make me wrench and cringe like everyone else, to watch it. But they put you in a place that makes the movie stick,” he says. “If you are into the movie, it takes you further. If you are not into the movie, it takes you out of the movie.” Might well have been said of BRUNO’s bomb, the Sotomayor Senate hearings, and Michael Moonwalking with Michael!

Next upcoming in this indefatigable actor’s body of evidence ….

II. H-E-E-R-E ‘ S A D A M !

Jeff Goldblum and Willem Dafoe are 'Resurrected'

(Two Adams for the price of One. )

A stellar cast has been secured for Paul Schrader's upcoming Holocaust survivor movie "Adam Resurrected" according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Actor Jeff Goldblum is cast in the lead, and Willem Dafoe will plays a concentration camp commandant.

Also inked are actors Hana Laszlo - recently seen in "Free Zone"; and Israeli actresses Evgenia Dudina, Ayelet Zurer, recently of "Munich", and Moritz Bliebtreu; and German

The film is based on a novel written by Yoram Kanjuk. It's the story of a former circus clown named Adam Stein who dodged the gas chamber by entertaining Jews as they lined up for their deaths. Stein later ends up in an insane asylum populated by Holocaust survivors, where he becomes something of a ringleader for the patients.

The film is due to start pre-production early spring and will shoot in Romania, Germany and Israel

The juxtaposition topping the Conspiracy of All Time today, however, is Joe Lieberman and Afghanistan.

1. Fox News shows clip of Joe Liebermann calling for 20,000 more troops to fight the war over there.

2. MSNBC showed omnipresent Joe speaking out for a Republican side of the Health Bill, over against Ted Kennedy (picture) pushing universal coverage. There’s the old Walter Cronkite news item the American public can get its mind around.

3. Repeated playing of video clip showing U.S. soldier Bowe Bergdal (“Bo”, from Idaho), reported held hostage by the Taliban. Perhaps its true…press releases attributed to them say he will be killed unless the U.S. stops leafleting.

This war is U.S. alchemy. Afghanistan is prima material , the lead Obama’s magic Stone would transform into Gold.

Esoteric Christianity


(Token flipped: OmniPresentOkidanokh)

Jesus tripping
from the late 60’s
to the late ‘00’s
-40 odd years
and counting….


Final Words: Cronkite’s Feb. 27, ’68 Vietnam commentary following the Tet offensive, the one that obliged Johnson not to seek re-election, was replayed on NPR yesterday. He declared, in effect, that the U.S. wouldn’t win and would have to negotiate its way out – on essentially the same terms Nixon/Kissinger were forced to accept four bloody years later.

J.F. Kennedy started it on behalf of rabid anti-Communist Catholics, like Joe McCarthy, Nixon’s mentor. Pro-war Democrats like Sen. “Scoop” Jackson, mentor to evil Richard Perle, helped forge the union of Chicago-CCNY Trotskyite-mediamogul. AIPAC, Jewish sector, …and the Buckley, Buchanan, Kirkpatrick, Bennett Catholic sector .. together with Protestant followers of the Old testament .. to form the loose federation called
“neocons.” The one ideological constant in this post-Vietnam war federation was re-projection of America’s military might to save “Israel”: token of Old Testament Historical Group Fantasy narrative of mythic children of Ab.ra.ham (Sumerian/Semitic), through his son Jacob, by his beloved wife Sarah after both were long past childbearing age.) The Children of Israel re-settling the land promised by The Word of that reproductive power issuing from his loins to her womb is the narrative claimed in the late 20th Century for “Zionism”, central to neocon ideology, grammar, token templates and metaphysics, backed up by the U.S. military and State Dept. (Elliot Abrams). The vortex of U.S. foreign policy from ‘68/9 to ‘08/9 is, has always been, “The Holy Land”: the Pope wraps his authority around a special dispensation to descendants of Old Jerusalem Pharisees, forever unrepentant and un reconstructed. How dare he.

At the centre of this spiral (I hold) is a reversal (S*/~S*) (union of opposites; in logical text, self-contradiction). The token hierarchy in sign-use, logically established on Russell’s theory of logical types (of predicates….of predicates… of individuals), reproduces the opposite, ~S*, each time use is made of S*, so that, if these define directions of progression, the ‘negatives’ will split off from the direction S* would otherwise take -- if the center unit were S*/S* (“square”). The resulting string of historical predications flowing from a given S* splits those extending in a consistent direction from the repeated ~S* flowing in a different direction. If, under pressure of consistency in opposition, the flow of ~S* counter-circles a point exactly opposite the S* direction, the result will be a line that begins doubled, splits into two (Y), with one of the two extending straight, the other curling back on itself, until (S*/S*)  (~S*/~S*), where “” depicts the mental operation of “matching”. The mathematics of this is given by the spiral drawn through the expanding Fibonacci rectangle sequence. The increasingly large enclosed figure can be measured either by straight lines to the point of (double) origin from any radius as side of a square; or, along the curve. When spirals with this ratio occur in nature, as they do in nautilus and conch shells, natural forces are squaring the circle. What I think has happened now is this: The line of time used to organize group and individual experience has split, and split again, etc., in our heads, until matching ‘double negations” are squaring circles in psychohistorical group process.:
(S*/~S*)  (~S*/S*).
So that: one way of narrating events can be substituted for another in any given actual communication by merely “flipping the tokens over on their other side”. (I got this expresson from Andy Chertow long ago, I think, when that was then).

Illustration. Let S* => ZIONISM, (text from the Bible; token from Heshel). Let the sequence of predicates be: HITLER  HOLOCAUST  ISRAEL <= S* ( the Children of Israel --Jacob) The two narratives threading the bold large-case sequence are: 1. through the Bible, as textually threading E.Din (time immorial) to The Zionist State of Israel (2009 a.d. -- , Israel rejects US call to halt Jerusalem project.) or 2. through "flipping the token over on its other side” treading “Zionism” through James Petras’ use of “Zionist Power Configuration” (ZPG, aka ZOG, among The Illuminati), predicated along with “Neoconned”. Line 2. circles around the essential group-fantasy (non-existent except in TokenSpace) core of line 1., proceeding through the Bible as a unity of Old and New Testaments. Line 1. extends to what would "ride in on" the approach of THE DARK SUN, NIBIRU, drenched in “matched “ allusions to 3rd REICH symbols, but reversed: NOT what WE are // (YES IT IS).

The point where the matched reversals combine would be: The New World Order  The Fourth Reich. It is the matching overlap of these two grammars threaded by The Bible as psychohistory that defines the corners of the (unsquare) box American history has been put in by substitution of OT for NT side of the token.


In 2001, after he took office but before 9.11, G.W.Bush announced, pursuant to his faith based initiatives, that Catholics and Jews, specifically, would be swing votes in the ’04 election.

Argument. This was a key link in the substitution of ~S* for S* next chapter of American history after Vietnam. The (S*/~S*) glitch predicated on as “America” after that started circling back, around and through the Dark side, with ~S* ramifying in an intra-related direction, splitting off these two old world, old war, Old Testament-sanctioning ‘faith’ grammars. These intertwined, incompatible historical at is what has created Amerika.

God” used by the Vatican-Tel Aviv axis is not theologically square with America’s

The Trinity: 1 John 5.7 (What does Benedict XVI say about that?)
Judas Iscariot: the 13th disciple

The Word become flesh in the New Testament (John1.1), by the grace of God Most High (YHWH_Elohim, Gen. 14; Hebrews 8 – ‘a priest of the order of Melchisedek) is not Semitic, but Sumerian. This is the centerpiece of esoteric Christianity, squared with the inner side of Hebrews 11, but epistemically based on objective self-observation, participation, and the metaphysics of sign-use (in which ;faith’ is a token of some S*(Ql,v)* (*content of consciousness).

The creature born from the neocons womb is sulfuric. It is coming back from the ~S* side of the Vietnam war like the return of the repressed.

**OmnipresentOkidanokh is the second grade cosmic force that accounts for the sense of the presnt as content of consciousness. Required to define "time", and functionally entailed whever consciously used.

Composed with my Facebook friend Chris Hayton in mind, with many thanks.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Conspiracy Of All Time

(It went down 7.14.’09)


SUN BLOCK <= Blood oxygen corrupted => BLACK SUN

A plan exists to block sun rays from over-heating the planet, by sowing tons of hydrogen sulfide particles, reported by the Wall Street Journal 6. 15.’09. A multi-billion dollar hi-technology scheme, pitched as simultaneously “fighting global warming” and “reviving the economy (no kidding -- ‘attacking unemployment’).

Paul Krugman just compared Americans to "Boiling Frogs". Temperature of both earth and global economy are rising too quick for frogs getting boiled to jump out of the water.
Now, spending big billions to create a sun block is just the kind of scheme "all good hearted and right minded Americans and people of the world” might be induced to get behind. “United, we can get through this and solve these problems. BUT WE HAVE TO JUMP OUT OF THE POND NOW! ACTION IS IMPERATIVE!

The title of the original article was “Save The Planet With Chemtrails”. Timely, given that said chemtrails were widely noted in various early June skies, particularly over Austin, Texas, justifying wide spread government-air-poisoning-fantasies to go with Swine flu pan(dem)ic.


Return of the (TokenSpaceShip <= negated by Criticism => retained as text of UGF* (unconscious group fantasy) of Cosmic Return: of the 12th planet from beyond earth’s orbit around the sun, defined set periods of its 36,000 diurnal revolutions. The concept is that of “orbital container”; whether the period of 72 Great Year cycles of planet earth’s plane of the ecliptic was known to them, or to who and how many of them can be left open.

This is the time-binding “Coming closer to earth every minute” fantasy riding piggyback on stories of dark skies, poisoned waters; lost XX and XY gender boundary, “I” vs. “You!” identity; effeminized males, America defeated, shamed, swamped by impenetrable lies, increasing unrelieved desperation in private lives …. NIBIRU APPROACHES! A REAL* TOKENSPACESHIP ENTERING THE MORAL DIMENSION, AND THROUGH IT, 3 DIMENSIONAL SPACE


World renowned, universally beloved, TV news anchor of many years just died -- Walter Cronkite. Surely an anticipated all-media-engulfing sorrowful event by those closest to him, who needed to make suitable arrangements. The chief scene to be brought back from his years of broadcasting would surely be his coverage of the Apollo 11 Moon landing. …And in THAT, unless I am mistaken, one sees the reason for sudden announcement that the original tapes of the landing is NOT what the public will be looking at in these shots with Walter Cronkite – so you beady-eyed photo conspiracy theorists can give it a rest. Accidentally erased, theze got, darn it. An edited version will have to suffice, although such will admittedly give it that more polished Hyper-Staged Michael Jackson look, if you follow my drift.

But … whoa! could that be what’s behind the sudden release of the tapes of MJ’s hair catching fire shooting the Pepsi commercial? Why, Michael Jackson TAUGHT US THE MOONWALK! – how it looks, and feels to be a kid moving around, steppin’-out, up there. His recent death, brought back with images of BLAZING HEAD OF HAIR – KING OF POP – SINGING “I’LL BE THERE” –BRINGS DOWN TO EARTH, NOW, FOR OUR DOLEFUL-YET—JOYOUS RE-ENACTMENT, A RITUALIZED DEATH-REBIRTH TEMPLATE OF GROUP-FANTASY EXPERIENCE. Page 1 content from the media of mass communication connected through Page 3 unconscious group fantasy (see below).

There is more, another time-binding connection through levels of overlaid, deep text-token connections. This one runs through the very underbelly of European academics: Freudian psychoanalysis. Analyzing signs used in communication through ‘frames’ supplied by unconscious* (* as various ‘off-line’ factors were generically communicated) processes inferentially, and metaphysically, link conscious sign-use, in general, to these frame-formations (censorship, substitution, condensation, suppression, etc.). That is the bio-neorological / / psychological point “X” of transformation from physical/quantitative to psychological/qualitative processes. Freud grammatized the “v” ( <= energy component of conscious content). Kant had already grammatized the “Ql” (<= phenomenal givenness quality). Psychosemiotics adds to all variably determined Ql,v components of conscious content, the meaningful sign, S*, communicating something other than itself (thus, already ‘beyond consciousness’, as an individually- centered totality). Thus is obtained the expression => S*(Ql,v), depicting and referring generically to conscious content under sign-use (<= communicated by actual S*)

From these theoretical connections, I wish to connect the content S*x =>Michael Jackson bringing Moonwalking to earth, with S*y => Chapter 7.C of Sigmund Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams (1900). Here is the depth connection.

The content of the anonymous , ‘collective’ dream he relates there is a father’s hypnogogic dream-experience (felt really real) of his dead son in flaming shrounds, lit by a candle carelessly tipped. One who had come across both images, such as I, could hardly fail to connect them; perhaps only I made them conscious, as here, in S*x  S*y. The flaming hair of King of Pop Michael Jackson; the flaming shroud of a son seen by his father in a delusional state. This connection – formally: through the tokens – deserve further elaboration, since it bookends an epoch.

C. The Wish-Fulfilment
The dream of the burning child (cited above) affords us a welcome opportunity for appreciating the difficulties confronting the theory of wish-fulfilment. That a dream should be nothing but a wish-fulfilment must undoubtedly seem strange to us all- and not only because of the contradiction offered by the anxiety-dream. Once our first analyses had given us the enlightenment that meaning and psychic value are concealed behind our dreams, we could hardly have expected so unitary a determination of this meaning. According to the correct but summary definition of Aristotle, the dream is a continuation of thinking in sleep. Now if, during the day, our thoughts perform such a diversity of psychic acts- judgments, conclusions, the answering of objections, expectations, intentions, etc.- why should they be forced at night to confine themselves to the production of wishes only? Are there not, on the contrary, many dreams that present an altogether different psychic act in dream-form- for example, anxious care- and is not the father's unusually transparent dream of the burning child such a dream? From the gleam of light that falls upon his eyes while he is asleep the father draws the apprehensive conclusion that a candle has fallen over and may be burning the body; he transforms this conclusion into a dream by embodying it in an obvious situation enacted in the present tense. What part is played in this dream by the wish-fulfilment? And how can we possibly mistake the predominance of the thought continued from the waking state or evoked by the new sensory impression.”




Nibiru returns to earth for its gold. Sprinkling of vast quantities of this material element (symbol Au) is required in order to maintain habitable surface conditions throughout the duration of its enormously elliptical orbit. (From Z. Sitchin’s Earth Chronicles) The idea of Nibiru’s return, needing more gold, appears to be the template for the group psychotic fantasy* of shooting massive quantities of sulfur in our sky to protect against global warming. (But to different effect in the two cases: one to block, the other to retain the sun’s radiation.) If it is more than just idea, but deep morphogenic planetary memory reborn in each 1-2-3 brain transform system, it is not just a thin link of analogy, it is a line attraction-and-repulsion of opposites: earthlings blindly impelled to act out something in their genetic-instinctual apparatus they don’t understand. The psychodynamic figure for this would be Neoplatonic Nous striving to mate with its Parental (X,Y – paternal/maternal) Placental opposite-origin containers, outside the body, through what emerges as a totality (soul) within it.

B. Alchemy and Esoteric Christianity (Neoplatonism and The Dark Sun)

Esoteric Christianity, recovered by psychosemiotics, is required as higher Oxygen to complete the totality threading humanity => Christianity => America (Vietnan  Obama). It can only come into play after 1st Conscious shock of Criticism (Kant) has reduced content of consciousness to Quality (incl. feeling-qualia). 1st Cs. Shock reduces claims of non-empirical knowledge, such as theologians claimed for “God”, “soul”, “Holy Spirit”, “Incarnation” to claims about organization of inner qualitative content under the grid of three dimensional space and absolute (Newtonian) time. This translated talk about Transcendent deity to talk about Transcendental unity of apperception, reversing the ground for what satisfies the phrase ‘the existence of God” from something external, to something internal; presupposed by content of consciousness, including systematic misuse of “god” by most philosophy of religion (Ex. “Monotheists believe there is One and Only One God”.) The entire projected metaphysical underpinnings for this pre-Kantian externalized “transcendental” assumption of God* use, as if it referred to something externally surrounding the totality of Newtonian space and time. This was the Thomistic (Aristotelian – Catholic) fideist theology: salvation rests on the inner attitude of assent to, or belief in, certain credos or propositions, originally written in Latin. By contrast, Protestantism has used the King James version of the Bible, read and interpreted by personal authority, to communicate what “God” means. It has accordingly taken what “faith” means less legalistically, more commitment-requiring. Baptist doctrine emphasizes experience of re-birth after confessional cleansing and immersion, through faith by grace. One leads to textual legalism, tending to idolatry on the token side; the other leads to token fidelity, tending to variant emotional doctrine content. Kant is called “The Protestant philosopher”, I think, because he brought use of the term “God” down to a humanly conditioned sign-use, taking it out of the domain of any other person’s ‘mystical expertise’ besides ones own, seeing it as what would be psychodynamically called ‘a projection’. The lurking metaphysical problem Kant’s Transcendtalism has, however, was uncovered by Freud’s l923 “The Ego and The Id”, which destroyed the assumption of a unified consciousness under “I” (last vestiges of Descartes’ abstract general idea of soul). As long as “denke” had its Ich, all could seem metaphysically intact on the inner side. The experiencer could see him or her self as a kind of “subject”, a point of central identity, around which Qualitative data whirled as they danced in a circle; or through which quality, shapes, motions pass, as on a theatre stage. But if “I” is a linguistic, grammatical construct – a token hook for every self referential text – there may be -- in fact, are, Gurdjieff holds – many of them, alternately organizing the totality of present conscious content, each one with or without knowledge of others. This metaphysical situation undermines Kant’s 3-dimensions in space + absolute time transcendentalism. It re-opens the possibility that the “I” perceiving “it” ( <= object over there I can walk around, kick, etc. ) is only one metaphysical alternative, “Lord of the lower Triad”, and itself standing as a totality in a hierarchy of ‘subject’ relationships. This situation would call for a new transcendentalism, if unity (of experience and reality) is to be retained as an apriori category of the understanding. Esoteric Christianity is the response to this metaphysical call.

This remains to be shown elsewhere, of course, but the above articulates the thesis. “Pop” Christian language has gone with th politics of of Appearance, allowing G.W.Bush to subordinate America’s God to the Catholic-Jewish understanding, already in 2001, before 9/11. It leads to the Apollo 11 moon landing and Michael Jackson’s Moonwalk with flaming hair. This is the substitute “We are The World” end chapter of Humanity, Christianity, Ameroca. But there is a continuing thread: Luke 22.10.

C. FOOD FOR THE MOON (<= non-reproducing maleness: Bruno/Michael Jackson <= G.W. Bush: unconscious group-fantasy of forced reproduction of democracy in Iraq by “shock and awe”  impregnation by male anal rape, to “give birth to a new nation”. (credit for this deconstruction goes to Brandon Emerick)

<=– Glenn Beck


Montezumas Real Revenge

Timely, given that said chemtrails were widely noted in various early June skies, particularly over Austin, Texas, justifying wide spread government-air-poisoning-fantasies to go with Swine flu pan(dem)ic.


Return of the (TokenSpaceShip <= negated by Criticism => retained as text of UGF* (unconscious group fantasy) of Cosmic Return: of the 12th planet from beyond earth’s orbit around the sun, defined set periods of its 36,000 diurnal revolutions. The concept is that of “orbital container”; whether the period of 72 Great Year cycles of planet earth’s plane of the ecliptic was known to them, or to who and how many of them can be left open.

This is the time-binding “Coming closer to earth every minute” fantasy riding piggyback on stories of dark skies, poisoned waters; lost XX and XY gender boundary, “I” vs. “You!” identity; effeminized males, America defeated, shamed, swamped by impenetrable lies, increasing unrelieved desperation in private lives …. NIBIRU APPROACHES! A REAL* TOKENSPACESHIP ENTERING THE MORAL DIMENSION, AND THROUGH IT, 3 DIMENSIONAL SPACE


World renowned, universally beloved, TV news anchor of many years just died -- Walter Cronkite. Surely an anticipated all-media-engulfing sorrowful event by those closest to him, who needed to make suitable arrangements. The chief scene to be brought back from his years of broadcasting would surely be his coverage of the Apollo 11 Moon landing. …And in THAT, unless I am mistaken, one sees the reason for sudden announcement that the original tapes of the landing is NOT what the public will be looking at in these shots with Walter Cronkite – so you beady-eyed photo conspiracy theorists can give it a rest. Accidentally erased, theze got, darn it. An edited version will have to suffice, although such will admittedly give it that more polished Hyper-Staged Michael Jackson look, if you follow my drift.

But … whoa! could that be what’s behind the sudden release of the tapes of MJ’s hair catching fire shooting the Pepsi commercial? Why, Michael Jackson TAUGHT US THE MOONWALK! – how it looks, and feels to be a kid moving around, steppin’-out, up there. His recent death, brought back with images of BLAZING HEAD OF HAIR – KING OF POP – SINGING “I’LL BE THERE” –BRINGS DOWN TO EARTH, NOW, FOR OUR DOLEFUL-YET—JOYOUS RE-ENACTMENT, A RITUALIZED DEATH-REBIRTH TEMPLATE OF GROUP-FANTASY EXPERIENCE. Page 1 content from the media of mass communication connected through Page 3 unconscious group fantasy (see below).

There is more, another time-binding connection through levels of overlaid, deep text-token connections. This one runs through the very underbelly of European academics: Freudian psychoanalysis. Analyzing signs used in communication through ‘frames’ supplied by unconscious* (* as various ‘off-line’ factors were generically communicated) processes inferentially, and metaphysically, link conscious sign-use, in general, to these frame-formations (censorship, substitution, condensation, suppression, etc.). That is the bio-neorological / / psychological point “X” of transformation from physical/quantitative to psychological/qualitative processes. Freud grammatized the “v” ( <= energy component of conscious content). Kant had already grammatized the “Ql” (<= phenomenal givenness quality). Psychosemiotics adds to all variably determined Ql,v components of conscious content, the meaningful sign, S*, communicating something other than itself (thus, already ‘beyond consciousness’, as an individually- centered totality). Thus is obtained the expression => S*(Ql,v), depicting and referring generically to conscious content under sign-use (<= communicated by actual S*)

From these theoretical connections, I wish to connect the content S*x =>Michael Jackson bringing Moonwalking to earth, with S*y => Chapter 7.C of Sigmund Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams (1900). Here is the depth connection.

The content of the anonymous , ‘collective’ dream he relates there is a father’s hypnogogic dream-experience (felt really real) of his dead son in flaming shrounds, lit by a candle carelessly tipped. One who had come across both images, such as I, could hardly fail to connect them; perhaps only I made them conscious, as here, in S*x  S*y. The flaming hair of King of Pop Michael Jackson; the flaming shroud of a son seen by his father in a delusional state. This connection – formally: through the tokens – deserve further elaboration, since it bookends an epoch.

C. The Wish-Fulfilment
The dream of the burning child (cited above) affords us a welcome opportunity for appreciating the difficulties confronting the theory of wish-fulfilment. That a dream should be nothing but a wish-fulfilment must undoubtedly seem strange to us all- and not only because of the contradiction offered by the anxiety-dream. Once our first analyses had given us the enlightenment that meaning and psychic value are concealed behind our dreams, we could hardly have expected so unitary a determination of this meaning. According to the correct but summary definition of Aristotle, the dream is a continuation of thinking in sleep. Now if, during the day, our thoughts perform such a diversity of psychic acts- judgments, conclusions, the answering of objections, expectations, intentions, etc.- why should they be forced at night to confine themselves to the production of wishes only? Are there not, on the contrary, many dreams that present an altogether different psychic act in dream-form- for example, anxious care- and is not the father's unusually transparent dream of the burning child such a dream? From the gleam of light that falls upon his eyes while he is asleep the father draws the apprehensive conclusion that a candle has fallen over and may be burning the body; he transforms this conclusion into a dream by embodying it in an obvious situation enacted in the present tense. What part is played in this dream by the wish-fulfilment? And how can we possibly mistake the predominance of the thought continued from the waking state or evoked by the new sensory impression.”




Nibiru returns to earth for its gold. Sprinkling of vast quantities of this material element (symbol Au) is required in order to maintain habitable surface conditions throughout the duration of its enormously elliptical orbit. (From Z. Sitchin’s Earth Chronicles) The idea of Nibiru’s return, needing more gold, appears to be the template for the group psychotic fantasy* of shooting massive quantities of sulfur in our sky to protect against global warming. (But to different effect in the two cases: one to block, the other to retain the sun’s radiation.) If it is more than just idea, but deep morphogenic planetary memory reborn in each 1-2-3 brain transform system, it is not just a thin link of analogy, it is a line attraction-and-repulsion of opposites: earthlings blindly impelled to act out something in their genetic-instinctual apparatus they don’t understand. The psychodynamic figure for this would be Neoplatonic Nous striving to mate with its Parental (X,Y – paternal/maternal) Placental opposite-origin containers, outside the body, through what emerges as a totality (soul) within it.

B. Alchemy and Esoteric Christianity (Neoplatonism and The Dark Sun)

Esoteric Christianity, recovered by psychosemiotics, is required as higher Oxygen to complete the totality threading humanity => Christianity => America (Vietnan  Obama). It can only come into play after 1st Conscious shock of Criticism (Kant) has reduced content of consciousness to Quality (incl. feeling-qualia). 1st Cs. Shock reduces claims of non-empirical knowledge, such as theologians claimed for “God”, “soul”, “Holy Spirit”, “Incarnation” to claims about organization of inner qualitative content under the grid of three dimensional space and absolute (Newtonian) time. This translated talk about Transcendent deity to talk about Transcendental unity of apperception, reversing the ground for what satisfies the phrase ‘the existence of God” from something external, to something internal; presupposed by content of consciousness, including systematic misuse of “god” by most philosophy of religion (Ex. “Monotheists believe there is One and Only One God”.) The entire projected metaphysical underpinnings for this pre-Kantian externalized “transcendental” assumption of God* use, as if it referred to something externally surrounding the totality of Newtonian space and time. This was the Thomistic (Aristotelian – Catholic) fideist theology: salvation rests on the inner attitude of assent to, or belief in, certain credos or propositions, originally written in Latin. By contrast, Protestantism has used the King James version of the Bible, read and interpreted by personal authority, to communicate what “God” means. It has accordingly taken what “faith” means less legalistically, more commitment-requiring. Baptist doctrine emphasizes experience of re-birth after confessional cleansing and immersion, through faith by grace. One leads to textual legalism, tending to idolatry on the token side; the other leads to token fidelity, tending to variant emotional doctrine content. Kant is called “The Protestant philosopher”, I think, because he brought use of the term “God” down to a humanly conditioned sign-use, taking it out of the domain of any other person’s ‘mystical expertise’ besides ones own, seeing it as what would be psychodynamically called ‘a projection’. The lurking metaphysical problem Kant’s Transcendtalism has, however, was uncovered by Freud’s l923 “The Ego and The Id”, which destroyed the assumption of a unified consciousness under “I” (last vestiges of Descartes’ abstract general idea of soul). As long as “denke” had its Ich, all could seem metaphysically intact on the inner side. The experiencer could see him or her self as a kind of “subject”, a point of central identity, around which Qualitative data whirled as they danced in a circle; or through which quality, shapes, motions pass, as on a theatre stage. But if “I” is a linguistic, grammatical construct – a token hook for every self referential text – there may be -- in fact, are, Gurdjieff holds – many of them, alternately organizing the totality of present conscious content, each one with or without knowledge of others. This metaphysical situation undermines Kant’s 3-dimensions in space + absolute time transcendentalism. It re-opens the possibility that the “I” perceiving “it” ( <= object over there I can walk around, kick, etc. ) is only one metaphysical alternative, “Lord of the lower Triad”, and itself standing as a totality in a hierarchy of ‘subject’ relationships. This situation would call for a new transcendentalism, if unity (of experience and reality) is to be retained as an apriori category of the understanding. Esoteric Christianity is the response to this metaphysical call.

This remains to be shown elsewhere, of course, but the above articulates the thesis. “Pop” Christian language has gone with th politics of of Appearance, allowing G.W.Bush to subordinate America’s God to the Catholic-Jewish understanding, already in 2001, before 9/11. It leads to the Apollo 11 moon landing and Michael Jackson’s Moonwalk with flaming hair. This is the substitute “We are The World” end chapter of Humanity, Christianity, Ameroca. But there is a continuing thread: Luke 22.10.

C. FOOD FOR THE MOON (<= non-reproducing maleness: Bruno/Michael Jackson <= G.W. Bush: unconscious group-fantasy of forced reproduction of democracy in Iraq by “shock and awe”  impregnation by male anal rape, to “give birth to a new nation”. (credit for this deconstruction goes to Brandon Emerick)

<=– Glenn Beck


Montezumas Real Revenge

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

anti-deMause/ male civil war

This is a reply I put up on NEWSANDBLUES forum, after Scott and Joe had mentioned L. deMause on their PBS show 7.7.'09. I am known to them as having been a devotee of his, so had to set the record straight fwit'sw here and there.
Comment on references to Lloyd deMause, prior mentor of mine

His work is most deeply characterized by Hatred of The Mother. But for European civilization, Mother is Christianity, the historical soul form of its completing totality coming forward into America, 2009-'10.

DeMause is barely aware of himself as actually in this era, time-and-space wise. He writes in sweeping generalities about "The Emotional Life of Nations", "The Killer Motherland" -- the last about how males have always devoted their warrior blood to Goddesses demanding their ultimate sacrificial death to defeat imagined or real enemies. (He doesn't mention Esther and Mordecai, though.) Imagine that. (I already did, reading and absorbing vast quantities of lore of every kind anout Innana, Ishtar, Isis .. but he does a fantastic job of pulling together reams of icons of SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED! (Ryder Hagaards great '20 novel). deMause has a heavy theoretical interest in unearthing the Dark Medusa Killer Mother(-land?), since he fundamentally undercut Freud's theory of trauma by (correctly) elaborating birth - violent breaking out of the placental sac to gain first Breath OF LIFe - overlaying the previously un-allowed for, but actually imprinted, fetal origins of experience. This, plus fantasy- analysis (mainly of cartoons and presidential speeches), plus the history of childhood (defining "Projection-Reversal" of adult/childlike consciousness under stress), provide fundamental, monumental, contributions to group psychology for times to come. I feel I have internalized his work, wedded it with my own background of philosophical analysis of sign-use (language; incl pictures, vids, tweets, digital; psychoanalytic, but beginning with Jung, not Freud), and worked through many applications and existential implications. Living with what you know isn't always easy, is it newz.

But he has demonstrably NOT worked through these, when it comes to the Father side of the psychic equation; not from Vietnam to McCain/Palin to Ed Thomas (beloved Iowa coach killed by a 22 yr old son of neighbor church member -- its in Sports Illustrated this month, and I posted in the DesMoines register about it) to Michael Jackson, Harvey Milk, BRUNO (the great Gay Jew epitome -- acted out in fun! "Balls in the face for eminen!": anti-homosexual, mom-rejecting (with reason) foul mouth dirty rapper got his! (see video of PDFlo with that particular title, using the term "teabag": --the close-up U've been lookin' for. But -- wha.." looks like it was FAKE! -- ..What do you know.)
deMause wouldn't get anything that was about, but it is, in fact, a very big event in the on-going flow of historical group process, threading with other things I post about. He appears to lack both any male father psychology as a template for understanding these clusters (esp. since 4.3/4.4 -- 7.4 '09) and understanding of soul. (Which, if you are American, requires understanding Christianity - Protestant.99% you can look it up.) What I got fed up with, theologically, was his school's wiseacring the Gospel. If warriors fight for Mother's, by God I'll fight for ours, dad.

He does not see the split between two kinds of male spirituality as the dividing wedge in the coming civil war, more or less like it was in the last one, with the Nothern elites pushing all that abolitionist shit, as it would be called these days.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Schopenhauer cum Jackson

SCHOPENHAUER: The World as Will and Idea

subtext, 2009; KILL WILL - with mother/nanny state – freedom- suffocating_dependency => Harvey Milk community organization politics => Jiverly Wong => Ed Thomas’ murder => Michael Jackson’s death => Michael (Garvey) MILKing Michel (Jackson) => BRUNO teabagging EMINEM <= on YOUtube
(Didn’t go over too well: “Whatever thou hast done to the least of these, my brethren, verily, I say Thou hast done unto me.” )

“Some say it was real; others, that it was staged. I think it was staged and got a little out of hand. …” (PDFlo mic man)

“(said scathingly) Anybody who would take balls to the face to sell records!...”

…almost as if standing in moral judgment of a business deal eminem might have cooked up with SBC  TURNS ON THE SPOT ! (“Hey! Lighten Up!” bell goes off – he’d just been jivin’ about how chicks with no sense of humor leave him cold) THEN:

**** “Take balls across the face to sell records? Hey! I would! –Throw a penis in there, man, if its selling more DVD’s !!...”

And there you have it. There was more, but I couldn’t watch. I do believe I had got the point. The Nothingness pf PDFlo’s America nothings itself again. (“They always blame America first,” – Jeanne Fitzpatrick, Roman Catholic neocon),

Somebody had to think of this. It had to have been planned out. Shades of FartMan from Sirius – acting out the fantasy of ‘landing on U” from out of the sky. That process would be The IDEA. Freud would have called it “the unconscious dream thought”. BRUNO creams emininem, sorta; everybody has to take it and go along with the gag. The ultimate Gay Jew sight gag acted out: Teabagging foul mouthed mother-hating anti-gay late teen rebels. ALL IN FUN!, don’cha know. The sex is the sex is the sex is the sex, Harvey Milk once told Sean Penn; the difference is up to us to make. That’s the idea.

And that would be alright – is half right – if not for one thing (in the psychosemiotic reproductive process). If theologized , it kills will. That makes it impossible for it to reproduce itself through its own free-flowing natural communication-intercourse processes. It is dead end. Squared. When will will return? First, False Will, taken up by Peter King and Palin, plus semen-to-mother (Michael Jackson’s) Will  Ill Will in perpetuity from those who retain normal instinctive male revulsion to sexual perversion. The completing totality of Mother’s Son is the Father’s Manly Man, These two Super-Ego Ideals correlate as earlier vs. later in normally maturing male sexual development, individually, Biblically (Old vs. New Testrament), and (psycho-) historically. The theological template of the actual developmental processes was the Christian Trinity: Father, 2000-0 b.c. (ARIES); Son, 0-2000 a.d. (PISCES); Holy Ghost (Spiritus) 1500-2000+ => AQUARIUS (began ingressing in the last quarter of the 2000 yr, approx. span of Zodiacal celestial ages). These are the times written in the stars in Daniel 12.7, Rev. 12.14, approaching the X-crossover point (where the two great circles of past and present ‘kiss’; cf. Plato’s Timaeus 43f..



“Will”, in the naster flow chart, is the actual inner impulse (brain 3) cathexis to texted content (brain 1) desired. Will, stabilized by soul, “holds the line” against vagrant, wistful impulses proceeding from organ-specific arousals. “The Good Will” is the moral springboard in Kant’s philosophy, accompanying respect for law under the limits of pure reason. However, neither Kant, Hegel, Fichte, nor later German Idealist philosophers like Shopenhauer had access to Freudian psychosemiotics. This combined 1. the hypothesis of a special psychic energy (libido); 2. the hypothesis of intra-psychic dynamic (repression); 3. compartmentalized system-processing analysis of psychic content (Unc./Pre-Cs. –earlier); 4. Personality analysis (Id, Ego,Super-ego – after 1923). All of Freud’s works on general psychology, psychopathology of daily life; case histories; critique of culture, religion, theology, history – are elaborations of these 4 major theories.

However, extensive and inclusive as this is, it is yet metaphysically incomplete. Gurdjieff’s 3 brain schema of psychic processing must be super-imposed on its field of psychosemiotic reference. (Not conceptually possible unless both are laid out as on a sheaf of planes in TokenSpace; as in Freud’s Mystical Magic Writing Pad.) This schema assigns separate StopEnders for completing the totality of the three brains, according to the 7-tone musical octave. I imagine these related as three clock-gears, with the same number of teeth on small, middle, large diameter circles. The psyche as a whole is built to discharge the energies of its totalities as a unit (libido, omni-presentOkidanokh, Etherokrilna) in pleasure, fun and (re-)creation of the totality completing in it as the 4th (cf. P.D. Ouspensky’s Ray Of Creation). Each being-brain operates under the law of striving-to-reblend-with-the-whole; the circulation of blood through arteries and veins carries oxygen and other nutrients to all cells, bathing the brain under our skull, even as content of conscious thought is bathed by the flow of proper soul-signs in communication. These, such as “in Jesus’ name… ” in Christian’s soul-prayer, carry the oxygen required for igniting external ‘carbons’ present in TokenSpace, which are in turn required for kindling proper collective growth in nations.

So to sketch what is to be seen, psychosemiotically, I draw circles tracing, first, around Michael Jackson’s two sides, what we see in performances and interview (/ - brain 1: cathected under stream of visual/lyric energy as DANCING BOY/ black Entertainer who Thrilled - Loved - Healed a parched, barren world – redeeming by his total eagerness to please, call it exhibitionism or whatever you please, there is something dead in you if it leaves you unmoved.)

Around the processing of that, as mass collective content now part of Americas pop culture, the Soul-gear is turned. This brings re-turn of the repressed: boyhood pre-Oedipal libido cathexis, earliest feelings of infantile hatred of mother, ever dancing for Her In The Audience (substitute) – She Who Must Be Obeyed (Ryder Hagaard’s White Goddess in the heart of Africa), The Mother (sister, lover, Semiramis- WOMAN herself, to the psyche* of men, and humanity. PSYCHE. And there is an earth-soul, as well. What all this adds up to, supplemented by bio-chemical trend-lines, is SOUL-BEING STRUGGLING WITH FEMINIZATION. Michael Jackson’s “WILL” perfectly “squared” his own existential lack of soul identity. What he deemed himself to be through blood and sperm goes back to her, giving back what he got. As for his dad… -- never part of his reality. That attenuated, almost pure brain 3 trajectory, completed his soul-loop. By its sheer, overpowering libidinal vivacity, with later-to-be-recognized insipient sexual movements, entirely uninhibited (‘innocent’) by moral judgment, spreads through the entire range and depth of proprioceptive cultural response. Gurdjieff has noted what personal communication with homosexual males, and Freudian theory confirms, that the crossover psychic process between thought and feeling-impulse (brains 1,3) is image of ‘performing’, acting out, “on stage’. When the Big Maw of American Pop Culture called out for Michael Jackson’s Soul, they found a planetary body perfectly suited, willing and able to give them what they wanted to see.

One “ScienceBlogger” dissected what until recently was viewed as sexual perversities into categories of “paraphelias”:

-gay – MJ was not strictly that, he says, in the sense used today, implying acceptance of developed manhood identity.

-pedophile – not that, either – not out to rape or abuse them in any way (honest!)

-hebephile – (not kidding; not my term) -- sees God in the face of children as reflection of inner soul-being; pre-Oedipal sexuality insipiently present, but ‘tee-heed.’ It’s the beauty of pubscent and pre- innocence, Fragranced Eternal Moment (my elaboration) This is how Michael Jackson sounded to me like he wanted to come off. (Am I wrong? Did he?)

-autogynaphile – exclusive libido-cathexis to self as dancing female; for males, substitution of gender in imagination. (phenomenal transexuality)

Many things in the public persona of Michael Jackson fit with this, also: Elizabeth Taylor’s amplitudinal comfort; groomed appearance-obsession; hair fetishes, voice sounds, unreal femininized mannerisms – and movements. What are they? ( <= him ?)

When taken up to the highest-level, Big Wheel (brain1) process, the implications are, first; theologized; then, politicized.

The moments of collective group-fantasy identity will silently crystallize around the opposite polarities.

At this point in time 7.07.’09 (5.20 p.m. est) these polaritites are 1. Male instinctuality grounded in male adult Oedipal maturity; vs. 2. New Male Gender-ism defined by penis rejection. 2. are Michael Jackson ‘liberals.’ They share ‘hebephilia’ – seeing God in the face of children, tee-heeing any sexual innuendo – that’s your problem, whoever is hung up on seeing little children nude – normally developed males blessed with Father-mixed-with-Motherly instinctual responses. Also universally shared are ‘autogynaphilic’ impulses. From Sacred Dances, Dancing Maidens, Dancing Boy (<= Al Jolsen in blackface singing “Sonny Boy” in the first sound film Singin’ Fool l => Sammy Davis, Jr. singing “Mr. Bojangles” <= Michael Jackson singing “I am Here…Because you were There”  text/token identity track. For politics: Sammy Davis, Jr.’s conversion to Judaism => Harvey Milk late ‘70’s San Francisco. This is a thread of mega-star* performances, knitted by black face entertainers and Hollywood Judaism. All 4 U. 4getful heart. “The door has closed forevermore, If indeed there ever was a door.”

‘Willing’ the fruit of his sperm to his mother completed the fatherless soul-identity.

If the soul is not taken as a separate totality, completing in a way entirely distinct from that of the intellectual/psysical apparatus, there is nothing to stabilize the force of Will.


We left the story at the point where Big Gay Jew (not really – its all about the lultz) landed on eminem – teabagging the foul-mouthed anti-gay late 90’s teen youth rapper from Detroit. “Anybody who would take balls to the face to sell records !” expostulated PDFlo in one breath. “HEY! R U kiddin’me? I would! – throw the old penis in there, as well, with the balls, if it will sell DVD’s!” the next breath had the same announcer gesticulating into the mic. And so it goes. Rudeness rules, eminem has to take it like a man, flattened with Cohen’s ass in his face, along with all who identify with him, or else make another kind of ass of themselves by really screaming about. Catch 22. He’s got ‘em. (By the ying-yang, we used to say, before the 60’s.)

More exploits from BRUNO BUNS,1518,634871,00.html#ref=rss

'I Am Not Really Ein Typical Austrian'
In an outrageous SPIEGEL ONLINE e-mail interview, Brüno, speaking in character, discusses his life as a famous fashion journalist and the Austrian dream: "You know -- get a job, find a dungeon, und raise a family in it."
One notes here that SPIEGEL is playing along with a para-personality gig, legitimizing predication on staged (‘virtual’) reality stunts. It would seem to be linked through the Zionist Power Configuration, bringing down another Old World Father embarrassment the Austrians have to take (Speigel is based in N. Germany). The idea is to thoroughly belittle the personality type.

Another example of which turned up today in England.

> >

'Black magic' child abuser jailed
A former police officer who claimed he was a "black magic" high priest while sexually abusing three children has been jailed for seven years.
John McFadden, 42, from Bearsden, was found guilty of abusing a boy between 1988 and 1992 in Kirkintilloch.
He was also convicted of abusing two other youngsters at various addresses in Kirkintilloch between 1983 and 1990.
At the High Court in Glasgow, judge Lord Matthews also placed McFadden on the sex offenders register.
The court heard how McFadden had been running a martial arts club when he began abusing a 12-year-old boy who had joined.
He befriended the boy, invited him to stay overnight and told him that demons and spirits would kill him and drag him to hell unless he carried out sex acts.
He dressed in a black cloak and used a crucifix with a skull and crossbones and an onyx ring, which he claimed gave him power, to terrify the youngster into keeping the abuse a secret.
The victim, who is now 32, told how McFadden abused him almost every day for four years, using threats to keep him silent.

This is male same-sex abuse, again, which BRUNO combines as Token (his virtual identity), textually splitting off to Father abuse of imprisoned daughter (in the case alluded to).

The Old child abusing Satanic Father come off as doubly-bad, Evil^, while the One(s) who teabagged eminem come out on the side of the Jacksonians (Michael). This is aggressively vicious existential provocation of normal mature instinctual male impulse-reaction. When steeled by will, it’s will grabs steel to defend its superior way


Replying to:
...doing an investigative story on internet blogs/forums and how they seem to bring out the worst in people. The extreme opinions, hostility, etc. that people would never otherwise share. What is the psychology behind it, what is the impact on US society/culture, etc.
Posted by alphakat
I can write on this (please see profile). I was first the worst, beginning around 2002, learned all flame/lulzing techniques (Best: Il Ragno!) Posting blogs was a new art form of/in communication. As ex-academic (emeritus), I liked that. Keeping up with the lingo for the increasingly disordered sequence of national events, jusy to keep an idea going on in my own head of what "we" all were looking at, as previously required to do as lecturer. I never accepted one minute of it since 2000 as American, Christian, or human -- but something tending toward, and 'landing' at/on, the spectacles of Ronald Reagan/Michael Jackson deaths, now followed on Youtube with BRUNO teabagging eminem and the 6th (count 'em) out of 9 Roman Catholic Judges awaiting Supreme Court Of The United States confirmation. Crazy crazy.

Posting became, and is, an addiction. You can let it all out, here, as American, Christian, human, and I do. In metaphysical terms, it is the position I have come to defend is the soul common to these three. Humanity completing itself through Christianity in America: the reality of that. It is the Undamaged Eagle position, from FRD, through anti-Vietnam war, anti-Reagan, BushI,II, anti-Israeli-centric AIPAC cultural ingression. I regard the confluence of these as an underground, dark current in American political life to be a foreign and alien force unleashed for a short time to destroy our soul.

Theologically, this force can be defined as anti-Completing Totality. In the Philosophy of Completing Totalitiies, this phrase is* the content of consciousness otherwise personified by "God" (the token): God is the Completing Totality^ (^squared: ..of Completing Totalities). I own no weapons, threaten no one, do not incite nor condone violence on another's individual person, nor issue calls to action. But I will implacably abhore with revulsion: torture, w/ male sexual assault; drone aircraft killing, fake hate/false flag manipulations, and will point out emanations from these energies when most blatant, mod willing.

Reply to two Nation bloggers pleading innocent of knowledge of Michael Kackson’s pederasty

Moral stalwarts, these men (I guess): gunslinger and Zyp. One won’t believe MJ isexually abused boys. (“Just a 10 year old boy, himself, inside,” one psychiatrist mused; “not what you would call a pedophile”.) The second adds he’s ‘seen no evidence’ Jackson was a pedophile; while one source of such evidence ends by saying “Now that he’s gone, maybe it’s time to shelve the suspicions and appreciate the music. “

Here is what Ian Halperin posted on MAILOnline, June 28. ‘09
“He was also playing a truly dangerous game. It is clear to me that Michael was homosexual and that his taste was for young men, albeit not as young as Jordan Chandler or Gavin Arvizo.
In the course of my investigations, I spoke to two of his gay lovers, one a Hollywood waiter, the other an aspiring actor. The waiter had remained friends, perhaps more, with the singer until his death last week. He had served Jackson at a restaurant, Jackson made his interest plain and the two slept together the following night. According to the waiter, Jackson fell in love.
The actor, who has been given solid but uninspiring film parts, saw Jackson in the middle of 2007. He told me they had spent nearly every night together during their affair – an easy claim to make, you might think. But this lover produced corroboration in the form of photographs of the two of them together, and a witness.
Other witnesses speak of strings of young men visiting his house at all hours, even in the period of his decline. Some stayed overnight.
When Jackson lived in Las Vegas, one of his closest aides told how he would sneak off to a ‘grungy, rat-infested’ motel – often dressed as a woman to disguise his identity – to meet a male construction worker he had fallen in love with.”
However, the blogger who posted this, J. Michael Bailey, psychology Professor, Northwestern U. rejects “gay” as right for MJ. They don’t do up their face or their voice like the boy Pop Star did. (redefining ‘gay’ to defend against moral contamination with child molesters).

Btw I give little credence to the above.

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