Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Sinners in Katrina's Hands


An Essay in Psychosemiotics -- How Hurricane Katrinka is experienced by the Group (America) as shown through sign-use; and Elaboration.

In three Parts. 1. How She is seen; 2. Punishment for the Way They (=those seeing her as such) Are; 3. Apocalypse of self-hatred for those who reject the message.

Part 1. How She is seen. New York Times’ iconography

1. 8.30.05 “Nature’s Revenge” (editorial)
a. to “Nature” = Mother (Mother Nature, Archetypally personified in the boundless, turbulent, arbitrary, impervious force of the ocean (Tiamat, Tehome, Leviathan, Uroborus)

b. to “Revenge” = retaliation, punishment, reckoning for prior transgression. In fantasy: instinctive impulse in children to hit back against powerful, abusive -- or imagined abusive -- parent/authority figures.

Summary: “Nature’s Revenge” anthropomorphizes hurricane Katrina as retaliation of primal creative planetary force -- God personified as female/Mother side of creation -- to punish the sinful children of America.

2. 8.31 “In the Wake of Hurricane Katrina” (Heading of 5 Letters to the editor section.)
-mid-page picture is sketch of young girl’s shroud-blackened bowed head, with a hurricane drawn in her eye. Katrina, one supposes.

3. 8.28 Contextual juxtaposition: “The Vietnamization of Bush’s Vacation”, Frank Rich. The Iraq war, and how to get out of it, is repeatedly getting compared to the Vietnam quagmire. In synch with this, by archetypal coincidence through sign-uses, one reporter commenting on the fury that devastated Gulfport, Mississippi, just on the east wall of the eye where it made land, exclaimed: “She hit as if she had a score to settle.” The reference was to the l969 hurricane Camille, also category 4 coming ashore at almost the same spot, but not nearly as vicious, according to old-timer’s testimony. “As if she had a score to settle” connects the acts of God’s judgment on America in the midst of two failing wars, 35 years apart. The added ferociousness of Iraq over Vietnam says: “You thought THAT was bad? You want to see SHOCK AND AWE?”

Summary: The punishment is by the Almighty through Mother Nature, for the wars. The killing, driven by delusions of child sacrifice heroism, is repetition by compulsion of the ancient ritual of slaughtering massive numbers of children, as mother’s once did to Moloch in Carthage. “Just throw ‘em in the volcano. That will silence their infernal squalling and squabbling.” Katrina is the answer to that kind of Below thinking, from Above. As Above, so Below. “These things are not for you, but for Me, to do if I so choose.”

Part 2. Punishment: Not Just for the war
For the way they are

The way She came up, and came on, had an as-if focused, purposeful aspect, as if to say “Look: what you see in the epic narrative is the message my coming intends to send.” Like: “What you see is what you get,”, and what you see has been scripted (by God).

This was first strongly evident after it had approached Florida as a strengthening Tropical Depression with winds up to 45mph, at most a Category 1. Then, stalling; then suddenly releasing bands of high-potency wave-blasts up its urethal canals (“America’s wang”, as Homer Simpson called the state that threw the ‘00 election to Bush). Sucking the gambling and other operations on the wealthy Keys into its couter-clockwise maelstrom.

Odd enough, that, yet still only oxygen for surfervid imagination. As She emerged into Gulf of Mexico waters at the beginning of August’s last week, any expected damage threats a few days away were pushed aside by more immediate news demanding attention: the collapse of the constitutional process in Iraq; Israel’s Gaza pull-out; Cindy Crawford’s anti-war protest camp outside Crawford, Texas; the President’s sagging poll numbers (below 40% approval; raging 55% disapproval, taken by many as signal of an irreversible public opinion tipping point); the hunt for missing Alabama teenager Natalaie Holloway in Aruba; plus the sentencing and imprisonment of Wichata’s BTK killer … were top of the list. Models projecting its probably routes toward the shoreline of America’s southern underbelly – Florida’s Pandanle, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana – were shown. Meanwhile, it traveled very slowly, 6mph CNN said, “it will strengthen over the warm water.”

Did it ever. Suddenly there was a distinct, unblinking eye, surrounded by a spinning wall of red that expanding several miles – 50? guess – solid, to the North east sector approaching New Orleans, outward, though suddenly constellated bands of raging wind-rain torrents 200 miles or so in a huge circle. The familiar vortex pattern appeared early, with distinct definition, dominating an enormous chunk of southeast U.S. terrain, and did nothing but deepen, as if gathering strength for what it had to do.

Suddenly it stood in front of New Orleans, Category 5 winds aimed straight up the gullet. Monday morning, there was some relief. It had diminished to Category 4 and turned to the north more easterly, thus delivering the city only a ‘glacing blow’. But the respite was short-lived. Levees north and behind it broke, flooding the French Quarter, the SuperBowl area. The resulting catastrophic situation, now, Wednesday aafternoon, is being called “the greatest natural disaster of America’s history” (FEMA official),” “What Hiroshima looks like”, Haley Barbour. “Killer”/”Our Tsunami”—successive Daily News page 1 headlines. Watching an entity that was thriving with life only yesterday getting snuffed today. Drowning like rats on TV. It will be a trauma indelibly etched in historical memory.

And in Iraq there were reports of up to 800 people being killed by getting hurled or jumping off a bridge and drowning in the river waters below, the reports aren’t clear. Someone is supposed to have yelled “suicide bomber” and caused panic – the ultimate “crying fire in a crowded theatre” disaster. Perhaps the one who did thought it was true.

The Way They Are refers to those who brought the public to the point of such panic reaction. It is a eye of self-contradictory – twistedly turned-on-itelf – rhetoric that preaches the universal, in theory, but hews to the particular, in practice. It has been brewing in the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, pumping oil into the U.S., forming a field of implosive vortex force that creates wave-bands swirling counter-clockwise in concentrated fury far, far away by mile measurement, yet part of the same “weather pattern.”. The metaphysical point is the crystallizing power of the “eye” forces – inside of which, it should be remembered, it is calm, with a tiny patch of open sky above.

The inner core of the imploding vortex is the way of being that, in Christian terms, has not been washed in the blood of the lamb, but remains tied to Old Adam, as alchemical symbology called unredeemed humanity. This decadent strain of Old Adam humanity, previously kept on a tight cultural leash, was endemic to the gambling and resort businesses along the Gulf coast. Perhaps one might say “but those sins are minor, and have always been forgiven.” Perhaps; but when that strain is allowed to merges with the militaristic, pro-war strain, through sign-use (theological – appeal to “God”), as if that life-style, and the state of Israel, had been pre-ordained for Americans to die for, it rots the system. In fact, it invites what Katrina delivered. Nothing else on earth has the moral authority plus the power to deliver the message. (“No”, to “Las Vegas America” – which is not to call for its shut-down.)

Part 3. Apocalyptic.
Those who can see must decide

Let’s go with the comparison of Katrina to a Biblical event for a moment, even forgetting the talk may be only metaphorical. One chief function of the theological level of sign-use (S*7, by type of token) is to subsume all universes of discourse under a unity of consciousness, ideally projected, and this allows for rich shifting of feeling-complexes along with names, personae, scenes, allegories, etc. of Biblical narratives, so that the line between predication on what is metaphor, and on what is fact, gets obscured. (But cannot disappear in fully analyzed, systematically ordered rational discourse, on pain of engendering antinomy and self-contradiction, evidence of logical sins.)

tbc. ("We have to learn how to think a different way" -be)

Monday, August 29, 2005

Deconstructing Jewishness

Deconstructing Jewishness

-Refutation of Alan Dershowitz’ Case for Israel

Part I. Introduction of Material* (*with settings – communication situation -- for the sign-uses analyzed)

Document 1.

Yahoo blurb under website address:
Alan Dershowitz, America#039;s most famous litigator, hits back at European and American criticism of Israel. We ask an American Jew to make the case for U.S. Foreign Policy in Israel. ... that is reasonable, comparable and contextual" America's most famous defense attorney makes The Case for Israel. ...

Dershowitz's Case for Israel

Alan Dershowitz

Email to friend

Three weeks ago, President Bush stood beside Ariel Sharon and gave America's blessing to the Israeli Prime Minister's plan to keep some West Bank settlements, and deny Palestinian refugees the right of return to Israel. In the turbulent weeks since then, another Hamas leader was assassinated, and Sharon's own Likud Party rejected his plan to withdraw from Gaza.

U.S. diplomats sent a letter scolding President Bush over his support for Sharon, saying that he has "proved that the U.S. is not an even-handed peace partner." Alan Dershowitz says this criticism is part of a trend, wherein, as he puts it, the cacophony of unreasonable, double-standard and extreme condemnations of Israel drown out any criticism that is reasonable, comparable and contextual" America's most famous defense attorney makes The Case for Israel.

Document 2
Overview: from on-line review (right-wing Jewish)

Reviewed by Bernard J. Shapiro
Excerpt 1. Alan Dershowitz is widely respected as one our nation's most brilliant Professors of Law (Harvard University) and defense attorney. His has a resolute and unshakable belief in the liberties granted to Americans in the Bill of Rights and is ready to defend them. These qualities make him an ideal defender of Israel.
“Dershowitz concludes with a concept that the Israel is "the Jew among the nations." In other words the anti-Semites look at Israel as a macrocosm of "the Jews" they hate, fear and wish to destroy. Other writers have used this analogy, but Dershowitz carries it much further with his astute analysis and historical presentation.
Part II Analysis

The statement “Israel is the Jew among the nations”, as a sign-use construction is a “doubling” of references to “the Jew”, taken once from its (background, pre-conscious) use as the extreme Nazi-hate perjorative (“What the Jew was in Hitler’s Germany”); then taken again, by stretching its application to the ‘nation.’ What is carried over is re-application of the Nazi-hate background, thus staging a communication situation in which the reader is brought to observe themselves predicating whatever they personally associate with “the Jew” from the earlier context, to the contrived (by word and deed) refuge. That is Dershowitz’ “Case” in a nutshell, right there. Why shouldn’t it be called “the Jew among nations”? It is officially called “the Jewish state”. Why should dropping the “-ish” and changing “state” to “nation” raise such hackles? Because it evokes the revulsion all right-minded men, especially including all Americans whose families fought Hitler’s Germany in WWII, are assumed to feel – with reaction-formation. “Not!” “Never!” The revulsion evoked by stacks of starving, emaciated humanity outside Aushwitz goads this reaction. “No one could accept that!” Reaction-formation, Freud found, is the reversal of a strongly cathected instinctual impulse when it is mechanically turned back (repressed) by the person’s own ego-ideal. This inner agency, later called “super-ego” is acquired during the Oedipal stage of psychosexual development when the child learns to say “No! NO! I don’t hate him! I love Him” – in reaction to felt revenge impulses toward an abusive father, when instinctual expression invites severe punishment. But this ‘love of father’ based on reaction-formation is actually driven by hate, the quasi-quality that replaces cathexis of libido (spontaneous love) toward the Father in conditions of abuse. This comes through in sadistic-compulsive behavior (cf. picture of the facial expression of a masochist enjoying himself; or Pat Robertson’s face as he says the words “assassinate”, or “take him out” in re Venezuelan President Chavez.)

And THAT – reaction-formation toward hatred of Jews -- is the emotional basis of Dershowitz’ case for Israel. “Don’t even think (It*) (*killing the Children of Israel; killing God the Father Himself… not supporting Israel …wishing the final solution). The effect is to elicit, then turn back, death wishes toward Jews.

Note: John Lennon singing “Women are the niggers of the world” compares with this analysis of “Israel is the Jew of nations.” Use of the Southern perjorative, “The ‘N-‘ word” became a token of the wish-impulse to lynch blacks men who were fantasized as wanting to screw white girls; as such, since this entire CS evokes a feeling-tone complex all its own, it* (*the sign-use “nigger”) was suppressed, then repressed to the point of evoking a reaction-formation of its own; at which juncture it is fit to be used in a secondary manner, the way Dershowitz uses “the Jew”, as a reversal mechanism. Wouldn’t want to be thinking of our women as black folks themselves, now would we.

Dershowitz’ representation, then, on this interpretation, says: “Look, here’s how it is. If you are among its prejudiced, one-sided critics, then how you feel about Israel as a nation is the way Germans felt about the Jews. That is who and what you are.” His “case”, carried out to 32 points, consists in correcting the starting point of any who show bias measuring ‘Israel’ by one stardard, as if it were different, and other (real) nations by another standard. Leaving it up to the jury of his peers and public opinion, to weight his facts and arguments, and add the hate component.

Part 3. Generalization

It is my contention here that: 1. The case Dershowitz makes is ‘loaded’ – first, by stacking tokens of uniquely powerful particular associations in sentences (“Israel”, “the Jew”), then extracting token-tautologies from the posited S* by appeal to the latent passions they invoke. Insisting, all the while, on playing the language games (inference, argument, entreaty, etc.) as if the dice were not loaded. 2. Israel is NOT a “nation” except by generous extension of that term to entities with the unique historical particularity it’s name carries. It is not “a” nation among the “set” of nations, because it is named for a particular people with a particular history. This figures into the logic of the question “Does Israel have the right to exist?” (And ungenerous critic might see in this Dershowitz’ cunning manipulation of equating a “No” answer to this to signing on to Hitler’s “final solution”, whereas, in fact, it might be a point of sign-use insisted upon.).

A common trait marked “Jewishness” emerges from consideration of Dershowitz’s “case.”

Roughly: Preaching the Universal (as theory), while hewing to the particular (in practice).


They represent themselves as BOTH the Same – as you or I, individually; or as any other group, as nation – and Different: individuals and nation with a very unique historical narrative (shaping the inner as well as manifest outer particularity). The assumed unity of both appears in different points in their rhetoric, the universal or inclusive “we defenders of Free Speech Americans”, above, coming in at one real-politic juncture; the other, exclusive, “minority rights” rhetoric kicks in when Menorahs and Hannakuh fade the Christmas season celebration, or “anti-semitic hate laws” are passed in order to chill criticism of U.S. policy toward Israel. A psychodynamic whip-saw effect is achieved, wherein a context calling for identification-with-empathy, as the human response toward Jews suffering in the holocaust, is followed by an anti-cathectic, “them-only; you* only if approving” marker. What must be recognized is that BOTH POSITIONS, SIDE BY SIDE YET LOGICALLY DISTICT, IS AN ESSENTIAL TRAIT OF THEIR RHETORIC (Jewishness).

However, the claim of both (two) as a unity (one) is self-contradictory.

The Same and the Different are categorical distinctions, resoluble into a single unity only through consciousness itself as the ground of transcendental unity: that which is the Same in the Many of all S* given to individuals (the sum of a Kantian “I think”, under a single memory-connected set of sign-uses). This cannot be identical with Jewishness as a particularity, because as a particularity, Jewishness is only one among other strain of individual conscious life.

Reply to Dershowitz’ central contention:

Excerpts: from Introduction to The Case for Israel:

“Thomas Friedman of the New York Times got it right when he said, "Criticizing Israel is not anti-Semitic, and saying so is vile. But singling out Israel for opprobrium and international sanction -- out of all proportion to any other party in the Middle East -- is anti-Semitic, and not saying so is dishonest." A good working definition of anti-Semitism is taking a trait or an action that is widespread, if not universal, and blaming only the Jews for it

“This book will prove not only that Israel is innocent of the charges being leveled against it but that no other nation in history faced with comparable challenges has ever adhered to a higher standard of human rights, been more sensitive to the safety of innocent civilians, tried harder to operate under the rule of law, or been willing to take more risks for peace. This is a bold claim, and I support it with facts and figures, some of which will surprise those who get their information from biased sources. For example, Israel is the only nation in the world whose judiciary actively enforces the rule of law against its military even during wartime. It is the only country in modern history to have returned disputed territory captured in a defensive war and crucial to its own self-defense in exchange for peace. And Israel has killed fewer innocent civilians in proportion to the number of its own civilians killed than any country engaged in a comparable war. I challenge Israel's accusers to produce .

Comment: this demonstrates the grammar of persistently subsuming “Israel” under the general heading of “a nation”. To be favorably predicated on -- one of the best, objectively considered. He has the comparative data to prove it. But – the point cannot be repeated enough – this ignores What Israel IS: i.e., = what Israel* communicates. (see footnote) He thinks he can intellectually master control over that? It is using him, not vice versa. He can’t even predicate with any assurance on what Israel, the nation, is predicating of itself these days. Some official and many pundits now speak openly of it as a “Zionist state”. Rudolf Giuliani has declared to Europe, summer of ’04, that there has been an escalation of anti-Semitism to include anti-Zionism, telling those dudes to get off their asses and combat it. Dershowitz avoids the term, and skirts the unconscious associations the eliciting of which largely neutralizes any serious emotive content his text so meticulously summons up. Based on facts and arguments, you understand. (And: particular sign-uses, we are obliged to add.)


Further remarks show consciousness of being on the other side of twisted, pernicious reversal:

“I prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that a pernicious double standard has been applied to judging Israel's actions: that even when Israel has been the best or among the best in the world, it has often been accused of being the worst or among the worst in the world. I also prove that this double standard has not only been unfair to the Jewish state but that it has damaged the rule of law, wounded the credibility of international organizations such as the United Nations, and encouraged Palestinian terrorists to commit acts of violence in order to provoke overreaction by Israel and secure one-sided condemnation of Israel by the international community.”

This passage brings together the two sides of the “twist” most succinctly. “Even when Israel has been the best or among the best in the world, it has often been accused of being the worst or among the worst in the world.”

How can that be? – one is obliged to wonder. The answer here is: because there is a self-contradiction in what “Israel”’s existence stands for: as a nation that is both the Same and Different from others. That draws a logical line of total exclusion or inclusion. Which side one comes down on depends, I think, on the way the reaction-formation is cathected. That is why Dershowitz’ formula “Israel is the Jew among nations” is so apt. It focuses clearly where the seam splits.

Perhaps if it were to be called something else?


Footnote: What Israel* is. (=*What the word “Israel” communicates, divided accorded to 7 Metaphysical Categories – where the seventh reverts to the first as textual connection of conscious content):

1. The name of a person – the Biblical Patriarch Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham. Abram/Abraham (Sumerian-cum-Semitic form). The narrative of the man to which it applies.

2. The children of Jacob (“Father Israel” he became known as). Descendents of the 12 sons according to Mosaic law, through the mother’s line (of DNA)

3. The tribes dispersed in the later parts of the 1st millennium B.C., then after 70 A.D., known to each other across boundaries as “people of the book”; that is, followers of texts written long, long ago on scrolls about the remarkable history of Israel’s tribes.

4. The name of what is currently regarded as the “nation of Israel’, as above.

5. In addition: “Israel” is a token of the theological idea uniting those who are members of its recognized citizenry: the state as a mental content communicated among them as a group. In this use it is mainly a political token.

6. Further: It is synonymous with the group life of those who follow religious observances in rituals tracing back through the texts to early times. They can perhaps feel, with some justification, as if they are “Israel”, or are instrumental in “keeping Israel alive.”

7. Finally: “Israel” can be used, or misused, in the sense of a blood-based metaphysic: As the title of strain of congenital Jewish supremacy, as if it were an essential being-ointment that flowed directly from The One into Head through bodily fluids.

This last is the most hard-core esoteric use, mostly encountered only among scholars of the Talmud, and should succinctly addressed as a fall-back, default position in case others fail.

It can be refuted from the standpoint of the Christian John Calvin, and the ‘atheistic’ existentialist John Paul Sartre.

According to Calvin, each man stands under judgment by God responsible for what he chooses to be, to do, to become. These result from free will, not because God or anything else ordained it in advance.

Sartre’s doctrine of freedom goes further and says the denial of that – Calvin’s creed, refusing to lay the blame for one’s destiny on outside, occult sources – is false consciousness. Calvin says “You have to decide for yourself”. The philosopher adds: “To deny this is to lie to oneself, in the act of denial .”

To which a third voice, Freudian psychoanalysis, might well add: “The denial of responsibility, if mechanical and compulsive, is the result of the psychodynamics of repression; the refusal of entry to consciousness of an instinctual wish.

This argument applies to claims by (some) homosexuals that their sexual orientation is genetically determined (perhaps for some it is).

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Nightmare Scenario

Quote from topic article: (above)

MELISSA BLOCK: It sounds like what you're saying here is almost two parallel tracks, that a constitution will go through without Sunni approval, that it will pass a referendum in October, that will pave the way for elections in December. But the Sunnis will be out of the process, and extremism will rise as a result.

ATIYYAH: This is the nightmare scenario

And it has come to pass:

Assailing Draft, Sunnis Still Seek Charter Changes


"Sunni Arab political leaders condemned a draft of Iraq's proposed constitution handed to them on Saturday and made last-ditch efforts to revise the document even as Shiite and Kurdish leaders insisted that it would be published without substantial changes.

"The Shiite leaders said late Saturday night that they were already planning the details of the ceremony where the final document will be received by the National Assembly on Sunday afternoon."

The latest draft includes only slightly revised language on two critical issues - proposals to create autonomous regions within Iraq, and the status of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party - that have infuriated many Sunnis. If this last chance for consensus is missed, some Sunni leaders say, the document that was meant to unify Iraq could instead provoke more sectarian violence."

While the band for The Man played on:

"In his radio address on Saturday, President Bush expressed confidence that differences among Iraq's main factions on the constitutional committee would be overcome, saying a new democratic constitution "will be a landmark event" in the Middle East.

"Like our own nation's founders over two centuries ago, the Iraqis are grappling with difficult issues, such as the role of the federal government," he said. "What is important is that Iraqis are now addressing these issues through debate and discussion not at the barrel of a gun."

Notwithstanding this reality (his unreal fantasy-projection), The New York Post had it this way:

IRAQ DEAL Bush Call sets up Constitution


BAGHDAD -- Prodded by President Bush, Iraqi leaders have reached a "deal in principle" on a draft constitution, the speaker of parliament said yesterday.

"Hajim al-Hassani, a Sunni, said that negotiators from the Shiite majority had proposed a number of amendments to an existing draft to meet Sunni demands."

It perhaps looks innocent, this little NYPost Murdochism to pump up Herr Bush's balloon, but it isn't. Another Yahoo headline had "Duelling Protesters" converging on his Crawford, Tex. 'ranch', connecting it with (Iraq) "sacrifice" (=in America) and posing grave threat of violence for which he, and those who "pulled the lever for him" would be responsible.

"Get used to it," al Sadr said to the Sunni's, and the fundies said to Cindy. "I don't think so," said the people, and you could hear the sound of old, rusted Confederate uniforms strapping on. Let 'em say "bring it on", just once. That Pat Robertson religio-sadism threat will provoke, and be responsible for, whatever happens, if it goes violent. I am not for it and will not participate, but will sure as hell document it.

It's Hitler's brownshirts, who also showed up at the Florida vote recount, including Supreme Court Nominee Roberts.

Bush's brownskirts. Rush Limbaugh's real feminazis. I'm trying to tell you. The external and the internal sacrifice motifs are playing out simultaneously.

(note: the "take it or leave" basis noted by ATIYYAH as how the constitution written by the Kurds andd Shiites was presented to the Sunni's, leaving them no choice but submit to their demands or walk away -- neither of which options had been considered in their agreeing to participate -- was essentially the same situation Arafat faced in '99, confronted by Clinton and Barak's "take it or leave it -- 5 minutes to decide" settlement of the Israeli/Palestinian differences. I mention this because the point is regularly used to place the blame on Arafat for the lost opportunity, as by Alan Dershowitz in "The Case for Israel". It just isn't the way diplomatic business gets done, in good faith. )

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Crawford Sacrifice?

Comment on David Corn's remarks

"Fantasy" is the right word for Bush's world, alright. "Sure knows more than the experts on ...." is DC's nice way of getting at the same point.

But I, as professional academic (emeritus Assoc. Prof. of Philosophy) may perhaps be excused for insisting this be taken seriously.

I have already posted in the Rove Scandal and Sheehan threads that the particular mentality is A. actually shared by all, in the manner of a Jungian Archetype (model: his "Wotan possession" diagnosis of Hitler's Germany); B. consists in the unconscious delegation, by the group fixated Terror Threat of anal male rape -- afflicting the flatulent baby boomer generation (cf. Nick Nolte in fine move "Afflicted")-- of G.W. Bush to Do It to Saddam Hussein (and all manly good-looking hot blooded Arab-type men Dixie Chicks seem to prefer) before he gets a chance to DO It to them.

Further confirmation of this analysis comes from the comments on Pat Robertson's shameful, shameful remarks on the website"

Horny old Christians Posted by: pjrsullivan on Aug 25, 2005 1:22 PM

If you take the word "Assassinate," and break it up it looks something like, "Ass," "Ass," "in" "Ate."

A psychiatrist might find a latent sexual predator in someone who likes to "Assassinate" other people.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

As for that, here is an extension of the same analysis to Crawford:

?Bush braces U.S. for sacrifice as protesters gather

I submit this is an odd construction, explained by what we are talking about.

By Jeremy Pelofsky

CRAWFORD, Texas (Reuters) (GWB), assailed by sagging poll numbers and criticism from anti-war protesters camped outside his ranch, called on Saturday for Americans to show resolve and brace for additional sacrifice in Iraq.


"sacrifice" is the unconscious group-fantasy token of War-as-Birth. It always stands for the archaic ritual of child sacrifice -- to be re-born (actual children are projectively seen as the rebellious, 'evil' child-in-ourselves, merged with the placenta in the severly regressed group-unconscious state, who have to be "sacrificed to God" (=poisonous placenta/super-ego demanding Its (supra-human) due from sinful humans)... in order for it (the group) to be delivered from birth trauma.) All wars are re-birth rituals, and "Iraq" as token of external sacrifice, is also "America", token of internal sacrifice. The situation at Crawford is saturated with Kent State flashback death portent, may it thankfully remain at the unconscious level.

Since, as also previously noted, such events as brings the pro- and anti-Bush factions together are hugely over-determined, we also get the spectacle of:


Bush praises families of troops in Iraq By Joseph Curl THE WASHINGTON TIMES August 25, 2005

NAMPA, Idaho -- President Bush yesterday paid glowing tribute to family members of soldiers serving in Iraq, telling hundreds of Idaho National Guardsmen that America owes them a debt of gratitude.

The president singled out Tammy Pruett of Pocatello, Idaho, who now has four sons in Iraq and whose husband and another son returned from war last year.

"Tammy says this -- and I want you to hear this -- 'I know that if something happens to one of the boys, they would leave this world doing what they believe, what they think is right for our country,' " Mr. Bush said.

"And I guess you couldn't ask for a better way of life than giving it for something that you believe in. America lives in freedom because of families like the Pruetts." The crowd, made up mostly of military family members, broke into cheers and "USA" chants.

*****/ Now it's Tammy, from Pocatello, Id. vrs. Cindy, from Valparaiso, Ca. Let ‘em skinny wrestle in the mud. Pound for pound, who packs most blood? The weakness of this man can only be illustrated; no words for it exist, yet.


This is the theme of "gaynxiety" – (mostly) unconscious male anal rape rantasy – delegated to the "bitches" to act out. I have already noted that Cindy Sheehan ("menapausal valley girl" – D. Horowitz) was the neocon's ‘killer mommy' – a group-fantasy content nurtured from the time of the Poltergeist movies, tokened by Hillary Clinton, Grandmother Bush, Mary Matlyn (Medusa, Madonna, Dr. Phil, Larry King and, above all, Oprah. Among others.). Their war-for-Israel agenda calls, not for this kind of second or third post 60's generation Calofornia hype, but – ironically, as the lit. ones say – pious, dutiful, self-sacrificing security Moms. The kind that stayed at home and lit the candles for the German Nazi youth going forth to defend their country in WWII.

These be two distinct anima types (crystalized in the collective unconscious of anal rape-challenged males, aka America conservative manhood group-fantasizers). The inner war within and between these two deficient types of anima opposites, using Carl Jung's analytic, is delegated to two actual women to symbolically "square off" and "have it out". Squirm, scratch, bite and pull hair in a stinky cell-pool. Another battle in their externalized war on terror. Cindy speaks for her dead son. Tammy speaks for her kin. Bush flaunts one mother's bond to their sons over another – the one whose sentiment favors him. It is for the sake of their blood shed, he is now saying, that "we" must "stay the course." The final twist: the justification for shedding more blood devolves to having previously shed it, by choice ("war of choice, not necessity", it is admitted).

Maybe Tammy is so big, strong, powerful, sexy, beautiful as a woman that she can do whatever she likes, and comes naturally, to pathetic little Cindy in the moshpit. If she can't, they'll find one who can. Because she isn't really being counted as a person; "she" is a collective content, an archetype ("stereotype" they say in referring the trait to others), and they are fungible ("tokens"). Ms. Sheehan is not. Though that is the level to which the CNN/Fox One-eyed One would fane reduce her.

The lesson to be derived from seeing this? (killer-mommy wars as displacements of Big Daddy BAD DOG Dictator War safe aathole sanctuary) –

…too soon for you to get to. Try to absorb what is going on at a metaphysical level, first. What you learn will be commensurate to the amount of time you spend in the classroom.

Posted by JONES 08/27/2005 @ 2:16pm

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Tod Replies; as do I

Although many things are possible, including this extremely strange scenario and explanation, I personally wasn't thinking about anal sex, or any thing close to it when I pulled the handle for Bush = )

Thanks for playing!


Posted by OKSPORTSGUY 08/25/2005 @ 07:41am | ignore this person


"Although many things are possible, including this extremely strange scenario and explanation, I personally wasn't thinking about anal sex, or any thing close to it when I pulled the handle for Bush :=(,)

Not ony while you were "pulling the handle" for Bush -- (his latest: "If we pull out now it will weaken America" -- not thinking "loss of butt to screw" you idiot; acting it out in words) -- you were acting it out, just like you do everytime you think about the situation in connectin with him/it. And can't keep from it. Only deny it. (its called 'repression' - Freud)

You don't know what you were "thinking" when you "Pulled Bush's handle", do you. How could it be verified? Re-pube-likkuns, being pathologoical liars and psychotic killers (terrorists don't call themselves terrorist), don't know what they were 'thinking' five minutes ago and will in fact be driven to deny whatever it really was, assuming any actual mental content existed at all-- which they will manufacture on the spot (its called 'confabulation' as in post-hypnotic suggestion) as needed later. Just the way they are.

But it is just among those retrospectively fabulous fantasized mental process, themselves, where details of the values they hold (ha ha) are invariably hidden away.

It's not a game. Those are real people you are killing.

And real people who will die if/when they strike back here in justified revenge. Those who pulled the handle for Bush will deserve it. Those who stayed away from the last queer-baiting election will not. Now is the time for the second group to hate the first.

Posted by JONES 08/25/2005 @ 2:11pm | ignore this person

Responding to Tod

Thanks, Todd ( -Kon (neo?- God I hope not. That would be the worse, to wind up actually trying to communicate with one of them...) (And JR: -I knew had been peeking and couldn't not get it.) (Freemasonry was corrupted by Catholics and Jews, as in the infamous Italian P2 coven. The last surge of real Americanism, readying for a return, was the Know Nothings, around l854 -- almost swept the nation overnight, until the damned abolitionists got the bully pulpits going to kill Southroners. They are doing it to them again, today, as I speak, so where is Jefferson Davis when we need him? The hatred they have stirred up against things Arab, Muslim, Islamist is unto death also.

There is no time for "progresive"-ness. It's not on the Hegelian dialectic of Archtypal opposites, except 'way out. I was on the Original Dissent Forum board requented by Paleoconservative, and, as opposed to some who leave themsevle wilfully ignorant, and proud to be that way, take true material where I find it, as in the above post of David Duke defending Sheehan.

****/ Explanation

It's not in MY head ..only. I have just recently (last 5 years, with lots of help) figured it out, being a retired academic, and having taught Freud, Jung and W. Reich at the undergraduate college level).

It's in the unconscious group-fantasies distributed by the mass media of communication through Sign-uses. (Please visit my blogsite if interested: -- and below.)

Vocabulary note: "Group-fantasy": each individual's fantasy of themselves as member of a group, acting out a role on a private dream-state. "Shared Group-fantasy": a group-fantasy shared by a group. "Historical Group-fantasy" a group-fantasy shared by a historical group; instance, the Nation America circa 2000 a.d.) I didn't create them, I read them. Its in the sign-uses, text and token (words and images).

What the above long post said is that the unconscious fantasy of 'the weaker male' being brutally raped by 'the powerful male' 'mounting' them, as the Big Dog does the bitch, finding bung, became widely shared among Americans, who 'elected' -- got Judge Scalia to select -- one of the most-buggered from the most-buggered ("baby boomer") generation that has perhaps ever come along as a historical regression. They not only regressed to this stage of anal-psychosexual development, they began to act it out on Islamic Palestinian asses and expected eveyone else to go along. They got together, those sharing this terrifying fantasy of getting anally raped by Dad for not being mean enough (cf. Afflicted, Nick Nolte; "Where's the Rest of Me?", Ronald Reagan), and delegated G.W. Bush to Do it to Saddam Hussein (assured of "slam dunk" proof he was hiding Weapons of Mass Destruction in his shortsone of the Chief Buggered Buggerers.)

That does two things (unconscious contents are always over-determined, and none more so than fnatasy-driven historical events): allows the weak, impotent, stupid reality-reversed assholes, otherwise known to one and all as "Republicans" to come in behind CHief CHimp and start laying it out how inferior Arabs are, actually. ( contributer Ben Shapiro reckoned about 10 lives to 1 was the value ratio of Pals to Zionista, back in a '03/4 article, as I recall.)

Second, it exposes gay males to defamation, violence, if not assassination, if, God forbid, any of 'em wound up in Hugo Chavez' entourage. Just having that threat hanging around in every hidden, mystic, unconscious corner and evil smirk, locked lip-sucking males on TV just now, makes those who have had bad daddies, or who emphathazie with such perhaps from fear of them, cringe, hate gays, and resolve to stick it to the liberal jackass aka Democrat party every chance they get.

Which they are always flattered by, and resolve to strive forward to be like Him.

Godomizing for Jeezus (Jewish on the mother's side, you know)

Posted by JONES 08/25/2005 @ 12:19am | ignore this person

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


REPLY TO 8.20.8"llpm


Blog from Nation thread on Cindy Sheehan (posted 8.20.8:11pm)

"IN THE FOUR YEARS OR so since September 11, liberals have found a new weapon of preference, and that weapon is martyrdom. They have discovered grief as a tactical weapon. They tend to like grief they can use. They use it to arouse guilt and sympathy to cover a highly partisan message, in the hope that while the message may be controversial, the messenger will be sacrosanct and above reproach. Since 9/11, they have embraced this tactic repeatedly, and each time with a common objective: to cripple the war, to denounce the country, to swing an election, but mainly to embarrass and undermine the president.

No, it isn't "liberals" who have played the ‘martyrdom" card, although they have been under stack from the godomizing anal rape death squads from El Salvador to the White House Press Room (Guckert) since the years of Reagan.

The "Martyrdom" theme per se was a adjunct as early as '02. It went with the Perpetually Victimized Jews (The PVJ's – victims of Nazis; most recently: Daniel Pearle, with a lidttle stretch), constantly punching up the Perpetually Lynched Blacks (PLB's – victims of Bull Connor Southern racists – few actually left, but lots of Emmet Till pics), Ethnically Cleansed Albanians (ECA's – victims of Serb atrocities; virtually obsolete now. Victs for-the-day).

And who can forget New York Times' editor Abe Rosenthall maundering over the Suffering Chinese Christians (SCC's) in the late l990's, until its agit prop blatancy made everybody sick, so he retired.

So the blog's lead-in statement is a REVERSAL. What is true of ‘conservatives' is attributed to ‘liberals' – the "C" and "L" terms themselves getting re-grammatized by the controlling political juxtaposition.

And what DOES this grammatizing? – this stiff-arming of ‘liberals" in the very terms that apply first and foremost to "conservatives" (suffering victims for God's cause)?

The threat of anal rape, as in homosexual butt-banging, brought into the house by uninvited guests (of this originally predominantly Protestant Christian nation). That is the over-arching, all-suffusing, controlling, terrorizing unconscious group-fantasy now gripping right-wing Re-pube sphincters across the land. It's why they are called assholes. They know that's what they are and what they've got coming in return for what they have given out, so their only Hope – and it's a long shot; they tried to ride the dick of the boy out of Ark as long as they could and a lot of ‘em are still on it – lies in the "dumping": getting homosexuals (who don't deserve it, mostly) punished for the unconscious fantasy of being so impotent, weak, and valueless that GWBush must be delegated to Do It to Saddam Hussein, to save their asses and souls, while John Israel is seen watching, back turned, from the chair drawn up in front of the faceless asses stacked in a heap at Abu Ghraib.

The REVERSAL is explicitly acted out by the Guckerts and Fincklesteins (Arthur) -- right-wing homosexual male Republican political operatives, Lee Atwater/Karl Rove style, electing candidates by getting their own kind skewered. Guess they know how that give-a-little get-a-little; top'R'bottom thing goes.

The "war on terror", as explained elsewhere (see my blot spot), is a "doubled" reference to this primal scene of getting buggered by God (or father, uncle, or carbuncle), the very term "war", in is broadest, deepest, most imperative ‘fighting' meaning, is birth trauma – violent slashing/kicking-out, screaming held-downtortured fetal rage to rid itself of the poisonous placenta, invoked by psychodynamic arousal on the fantasy loop as the Perpetually Assaulting Enemy (PAE). (‘jihadists', they'll be called; "Islamofascists")


The Rev. Pat Robertson "called for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, saying the leftist leader wanted to turn his country into "the launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism."."

But that is the voice of a rabid Christian extremist, advocating assassination of world leaders ("Cheaper than Starting a War") after he and his kind have turned U.S. soil and American prestige into dirty Deepends in the minds of the rest of the world. Those who know the story of Hugo Chavez understand immediately that, as a folk-hero President, unseating a Washington puppet dictator (Robertson called Chavez, in associating him with Saddam Hussein, whose old fields the U.S. also did not control), Robertson's braying was a prompted political gimmick.

The claim to any shred of dignity, respect, or any other form of human consideration is forever stripped from this maggot once for all by that "Cheaper than Starting a War" crack. This is the sadist saying "not only did I (he says ‘we') do it once, I'll go it again." In clinical terms, it is the "little Pat" side – he looks like a patsy, doesn't he?; wonder if his classmates ever called him that – using his Big "We" stick to shove it up the ass of whoever gets between him and his Oil of God.

(as an aside: Did anybody here see Rosselini's great film Salo: 20 days of Sodom from the ‘40's, I think. It is about these Stibnite Republicans we face. Out and Out ass-and-fetus worshippers.

"God", they whine, calling on Him for Salvation. Moe YHWH..

Posted by JONES 08/24/2005 @ 4:01pm | ignore this person

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


FALSE EXITS Part I. Feingold

Certainly, one might expect that at some point that a U.S. Senator of the opposition party in a two-party political system, might speak up, as Russ Feingold has done, and call for a date-certain withdrawal of American forces from Iraq, ahead of other possible anti-war '08 presidential candidates, and over against pro-war Senators Hillary Clinton and Evan Bayh. The Nation's columnist John Nichols seems to endorse this idea as a good way out of Iraq.

In fact, it would be disastrous. .

It would leave unassailed those responsible for the carnage, and for leading the jackass party along, thus failing to confront the way of thinking that manipulated us into it. And, by doing so, would deprive this party of the jackass, upon whom the people had to depend to stop Bush and the neocons, of the one means of political, not to say personal salvation possibly remaining for them. Without which they could claim no justification for existing, except to serve lying mass serial murderers.

That only means of salvation is, if I may be forgiven for saying so, to kill the NEOCON in themselves. The NEOCON is, for instance, what comes out in Pat Robertson's "cheaper than starting a war" shot at taking out Venezuela's Chavez. (see below). Mentioning the threat this "leftist leader" Chavez (Reuters) posed by bringing in "Muslim extremism." One-upping Ari Fleisher? – who could forget that "For the price of a single bullet" quip of the ex-White House public relations guy, the morning of the day the Washington D.C. area sniper attacks began. I digress; but not really. The topic is salvation, and the most glaring degenerate case of sin calling for this commodity is surely blaming and punishing another for what one is guilty of, oneself. If Jesus Christ ever promised anything at all to those who listened to him it would be to deliver them from this particular mode of self-abuse – although it would not be easy, almost as if calling on them to be born again. Forget that sh!t, though. It's long, long past the point where that could do any good for those with NEOCON in their soul. There is an old alchemical tale that Adam smuggled some antinomy, the ultra-black metallic dye, when he and Eve were kicked out of Edin. ("Stibnite Republicans", unredeemed unredeemable Old Adam souls stained forever, taking everything to hell with them that will fit into their cart.)

No. While it is fitting that the Progressive strain in the state of Wisconsin's history, from Republican Lafollete in the 30's to Democrat Gaylord Nelson of the 50's should have provided soil for growing a Mid-West ‘liberal' voice now, it is too late for that strain to efflouresce. Too much has gone down, even directly connected to Joe McCarthy, Appleton, John Birch Society, Sensenbrenner stain of Stibnite Republicanism, controlled by NEOCONS – subsuming all tokens of concession, compromise, diplomacy as attitudes consonant with Chamberlain's appeasement of Hitler. And they mean it: look what happened to Wellstone next door in Minnesota. If Feingold, representing (in the sense of vorstelung: presenting as a message) the multicultural Jewish + Catholic message riding in on Wings of Liberalism, he cannot be half-assed about it. He will, at best, go the way of Michael Moorem, who followed up a decent high-concept film effort with half-assed arguments, totally collapsing the anti-war balloon.

Feingold's exit is no way out, any more than John Kerry's bid offered one. It is more of the same old same old, whose success would guarantee perpetual injustice.

Part II. Lynching Pat Robertson ("Conservative U.S, evangelist called for the assassiantino of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, saying the leftist leader (sic) wanted to turn his country into "the launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremists."")

WAIT! – you say. "This isn't lynching Pat Robertson going on here; this is Pat Robertson lynching (well, issuing death threat to) Venezuela's Chavez!"

Ah, I sigh. "Don't you see that's how you are supposed to think it? It's lynching the ol' "conservative U.S. televangelist" star of the long, long running TV show "the 700 club". I wouldn't be surprised if some Protocols of Zion Jew put him up to it. The picture of the news crew on CNN in such high dudgeon (HEY!- WHATTA WEIRDO NUTCASE … calling for the leader of another country's life? … criminal is what it is…oughtta be a law.)

But if the subject of state authorized assassinations was brought up for serious discussion one would be obliged to mention, at least – in addition to the DC sniper shootings, above, whatever was behind them: (1) the CIA's covert operation in Northern Iraq in '96, about the same time Netanyahu and Christian right-wing conservatives were tying the knot, stringing some Kurd faction along to take out Saddam Hussein; word of which apparently reached the dictator, who had the place wiped out, as well as one could follow it – only Newsweek was dealt in then, it seems. (2) The shooting of Sheik Yassin in Gaza authorized be the Knesset, carried out by the Israeli Defense Force from, it was announced, a U,S. Apache helicopter in 2003. After which, in response, it was said at the time, Falluja explodes with violence against U.S. "contractors", 4 bodies are hung swaying in front of American cameras from the bridge there, and a very, very cruel road opens up ahead between Baghdad and there. The month was April.

Posted by JONES 08/23/2005 @ 5:19pm |

Monday, August 22, 2005

America's Albatross


"Ah ! well a-day ! what evil looks

Had I from old and young !

Instead of the cross, the Albatross

About my neck was hung.

Part I. Documenting Dementia

Bush offers robust defence of Iraq policy
By Caroline Daniel in Washington - The Financial Times
8/22/05 8:30 pm

George W. Bush on Monday issued a robust defence of his Iraq policy against mounting domestic criticism, vowing "nothing less than the total victory over the terrorists".

He acknowledged the deaths of 1,864 US soldiers in Iraq and the "grieving families and loved ones back home" but insisted that, rather than set a timetable for withdrawal, "we owe them something. We will finish the task that they gave their lives for."
The speech in Utah, to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, marked the president's first direct response to Cindy Sheehan, whose son Casey was killed in Iraq and whose protest outside his ranch in Crawford, Texas, has galvanised opposition to the war. Opinion polls show that a majority of Americans now consider the war a mistake.
It came as Iraqi leaders finally submitted a draft constitution. However, a final vote would be delayed by a further three days amid disagreement on critical areas such as federalism and executive powers.

Zalmay Khalizad, US ambassador to Iraq, told CNN: "Iraqis have made a huge step forward and reached an agreement on a draft". But he acknowledged the need to get Sunni minority approval, in order to drain support from the insurgency. "The constitution needs to be a national compact."

With some Democrats more openly critical of the war and some Republicans growing uneasy about the ongoing insurgency, Mr Bush was under pressure to show the political strategy in Iraq was working, analysts said.

The tabular content relating to this article is not available to view. Apologies in advance for the inconvenience caused.The president said a democratic constitution would prove "a landmark event in the history of Iraq and the history of the Middle East", and reiterated his belief that Iraq was a "central front in the war on terror".

Senator Russell Feingold, a Democrat who last week called for US troops to withdraw by the end of 2006, said: "Continuing to pour a billion dollars a week into Iraq for an indefinite period of time is not the way to win the fight against terrorism."

Anthony Cordesman, an expert on the Middle East at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, also expressed concern. "Mr Bush stayed on message without any real innovation. He did not identify a single risk or major problem. It was a description of success, and at the end of it I knew precisely nothing that I did not know before."

Nevertheless, the case for immediate withdrawal was still being made by marginal voices, Mr Cordesman said. "There are those who make vague echoes to Vietnam, but they are uncoordinated and weak. It will be at least a year before you have any kind of stronger voice for withdrawal."

At the weekend two potential Republican candidates for president in 2008 marked out different positions on the war. Chuck Hagel, senator for Nebraska, spoke of "a bogged-down problem not unsimilar to where we were in Vietnam". George Allen, senator for Virginia, echoed Mr Bush, saying: "We cannot tuck tail and run. We have to prevail. If we lose, that will destabilise the Middle East."

Part II. Premises and Predications


Starting Point For Comment. – the position* taken from which the World Tribunal on Iraq (WTI) (From Nation: )

“The WTI is self-consciously an organ of civil society, with its own potential enforcement by way of economic boycotts, civil disobedience and political campaigns. And on the substantive issues of legality, it is designed to confirm the truth of the widely held allegations about the Iraq War, not to discover the truth by way of political, legal and moral inquiry and debate. It proceeds from a presumption that the allegations of illegality and criminality are valid and that its job is to reinforce that conclusion as persuasively and vividly as possible.”

This position predicates on the validity of “allegations of illegality and criminality” in re the Iraq War* (*asterisk indicates uses that will be followed on psychosemiotic grounds – communicating with the contextual intent). Currently chief among these allegations is leaking classified information to media snoops by/from inside high-up government insiders, to cause mischief and befuddle the public. And however often denied, it remains the fact that the entity leaked to in one case (L. Franklin) was, directly, Aipac, a political adjunct of Israel; and that the other case (Rove exposing Joseph Wilson’s undercover identity) involved neocons Libby, Feith, Bolton linked federal government operations to AEI, JINSA, ADL, and other Zionist two-flag worshippers (Perle, Wolfawich, Abrams, Kristols, Podwhoretzim, and the rest of the ;-(.) in mongering war for Israel

JUSTIFICATION of specified Starting Point
This specification of the WTI’s starting point is neither conjecture, ‘conspiracy theory’ (token of Bush’s ‘transparency’ grammarpac), nor anti-semitic screed. It is a repetition of what they disclosed about themselves in the terms they used to disclose it.

Document 1.
The “Clean Break” fatwa issued by The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies, 7-8-1996, titled A Clean Break: a New Strategy for Securing the Realm (citing read, in part: Following is a report prepared by The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies’ "Study Group on a New Israeli Strategy Toward 2000." The main substantive ideas in this paper emerge from a discussion in which prominent opinion makers, including Richard Perle, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser participated. The report, entitled "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm," is the framework for a series of follow-up reports on strategy.
“…..Israel has a large problem. Labor Zionism, which for 70 years has dominated the Zionist movement, has generated a stalled and shackled economy. Efforts to salvage Israel’s socialist institutions—which include pursuing supranational over national sovereignty and pursuing a peace process that embraces the slogan, "New Middle East"—undermine the legitimacy of the nation and lead Israel into strategic paralysis and the previous government’s "peace process." ….
“….Benjamin Netanyahu’s government comes in with a new set of ideas. While there are those who will counsel continuity, Israel has the opportunity to make a clean break; it can forge a peace process and strategy based on an entirely new intellectual foundation, one that restores strategic initiative and provides the nation the room to engage every possible energy on rebuilding Zionism…”
It is this “new intellectual foundation” that osmosed through Bush’s Bible belt base, where the Dispos and (pathetic) SBC-ers congregated (Falwell, Robertson, Bauer, Swaggart, etc. – all those a cut o
r two below Koresh) to help the Zionists.

Document 2.

“Toward a Neo-Reaganite Foreign Policy” by William Kristol and Robert Kagan, issued the same year from Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, is also vividly prescient.. Specifically, it calls for:

“Citizen involvement. A gap is growing, meanwhile, between America's professional military, uncomfortable with some of the missions that the new American role requires, and a civilian population increasingly unaware of or indifferent to the importance of its military's efforts abroad. U.S. military leaders harbor justifiable suspicions that while they serve as a kind of foreign legion, doing the hard work of American-style "empire management," American civilians at home, preoccupied with the distribution of tax breaks and government benefits, will not come to their support when the going gets tough. Weak political leadership and a poor job of educating the citizenry to the responsibilities of global hegemony have created an increasingly distinct and alienated military culture. Ask any mechanic or mess boy on an aircraft carrier why he is patrolling the oceans, and he can give a more sophisticated explanation of power projection than 99 percent of American college graduates. It is foolish to imagine that the United States can lead the world effectively while the overwhelming majority of the population neither understands nor is involved, in any real way, with its international mission.
The president and other political leaders can take steps to close the growing separation of civilian and military cultures in our society. They can remind civilians of the sacrifices being made by U.S. forces overseas and explain what those sacrifices are for. A clear statement of America's global mission can help the public understand why U.S. troops are deployed overseas and can help reassure military leaders of public support in difficult circumstances. It could also lay the groundwork for reasserting more comprehensive civilian control over the military.
There could be further efforts to involve more citizens in military service. Perhaps the United States has reached the point where a return to the draft is not feasible because of the high degree of professionalization of the military services. But there are other ways to lower the barriers between civilian and military life. Expanded forms of reserve service could give many more Americans experience of the military and an appreciation of military virtues..
Every one of these things has come to pass.
“Mein Blondes Baby, fergeht me nicht …”
– Marlene Deitrich, l955
Meanwhile, Catholic heat is being turned up for Supreme Court nominee Roberts, big time. No Borking. No hi-tech “pubic hair on the Coke can” lynching of the black guy this time around. Straight-out ring kissing.

Great pics pouring in of The Pope benedicting over 1,000,000 youths in Germany (it was said). Where only yesterday, it seems, real Hitler Nazi youth had embraced Joe Ratzinger, the to-be Vicar of Christ on earth. What strange twists of fate. In how few years. How ultra-contrived (and doomed to crash, like Gorbachev, except he had class.)

As for his part, the world now knows Benedictus XVI as One calling openly and forcefully, just the way World Religious Leaders do, the Vatican’s PR man (Navarro-Valls --he’s Opus Dei) guesses, for reconciliation with Zionist Israel, and combating the wave of new anti-Semitism said to be on the rise. No more of this “Christ killers”, WWII holocaust blame-game nonsense. Grace doth abound. Amazing. With CNN showing that darling, darling Gibson boy-guy who nailed Him to the cross right up there on the Silver Screen. Made billion$. Drove huge virtual iron nails right through the de Jeezes oputstretched hands (acted out on the bag of human bones playing Jesus Christ in the movie “The Passion” last year). Man, I wouldn’t mess with that, as religion, would you? S-Wheee-ooo.

We’re Marching to Zion, folks. Hold on for dear life.
FOR PRESENTATION: (A Representation, in the sense of vorstellun, prepared to document and specify the WTI starting point as the Catholic-Jewish neocon cabal indicated above.)


Of the “War on….” (continuation of previous)

- - - - - -* Sign used as text and token (Read: “Need for (re)birth”)

Level 3 …….*-ism noun used today for an attack in terrifying way, intended to evoke greatest psychological intimidation (dread, threat of the abhorrent, unthinkable, deadly). By reversed-extension, the act of ‘mongering’ this – scaring up the image of terrifying ‘terrorist’ enemies IN ORDER TO BE FORCED TO DEAL VIOLENTLY WITH THEM. (“mongering” – deal-making; stirring up conflict in order to profit off the proceedings).

These are the two sides “terrorism” and “terrorist”, deriving from the consideration that the situation could be real, or hyped (‘mongered”)

Level 2 - - - - - -* – noun for the extreme agitated semi-qualitative ( non-organ localized sensation) state accompanied by the felt experience of being overcome with the most terrible pain; can be partly psychological at more highly integrated levels of experience by threats of engulfment, smothering, defiling, shrinking lebenswelt, and the like (flashbacks from placental torture of the fetus in final birth stages). Symbolically: being forced back into “Eden”; thrown into hell.

Level 1 … terrified* - adj. to be filled with terror; greatly frightened

This is the lowest-level, original primary-process in the anatomy grounding the use of “terror” and its grammatical variants. The root –empirical content of its use as a word-sign in communication. The grammatical variants, plus metaphors, give it secondary experiential applications, e.g., to “terrorism” – acts caused by “terrorists”, IN ORDER TO MAKE THE RECIPIENTS (“US”) FEEL, OR RECOIL FROM, its use at Level 1.

Thus, to declare “war on terror” is to predicate a nation’s imperative Group-defensive reaction against a threatening “enemy”…. on the use of a term experientially grounded in the violence of birth-trauma. This can be done only through splitting off the text (what ‘we’ all understand it is being used to communicate in the politicized public tokenspace) from the token (empirical sign-content, related through depth channels of sign-use to the unconscious fantasy of re-living the fetal drama.)

Taking both “war” and “terror” together, then, doubles the links to this most powerful original segment. “War” symbolically connects to the life-or-death struggle against the womb/placenta, as sacrifice to rebirth the Group. “Terror” connects to the actual torturous suffering, excited afresh and spread by threatening the Group itself (also compulsively clung to on the token side as vehicle of the phantom nurturing placenta).

Thus, “War on Terror” doubles (1) -- the links through unconscious sign-use processing to birth trauma by way of both text and token; then also doubles (2) the two aroused contents approaching the experience from different sides, as it were, by turning one AGAINST the other – as if a “war on terror” could lead to NEVER BEING TERRIFIED AGAIN! by eliminating All enemy/placentas!

A permanent re-birth of All Persons of Faith! – others can be brought along on the basis of hosting parasites. The conflict becomes submerged in each individual, along the very lines already marked out, in themselves, to the extent they have individuated personal from group-family consciousness (development of one’s own relation to reality through experience, over against – but of course not foolishly rejecting -- parental or other ‘authority’. “War on terror” at the group level becomes something people are obliged to re-connect with, through birth-trauma, and deepest desire not to disconnect from the nurturing phantom placenta (“The Living God”), as if each one’s suffering was for All. This would be the last, terminal pre-emptive step in annihilating blood-grounded individuality. At the place where the rhythms of peace and turbulence; tension and relaxation, fat years and lean years – the rhythms throbbing through the womb of all creation – within individual persons, which they lived through once, from the inside, then coming to gradually understand, twice, from the outside – hiddenly “at war” with one another at a biological level, by the way we are – are thrust violently into the common present perceptual mix, placed in external life-and-death conflict between Western civilizations, permeated by Judeo-Christian values and culture, …. over against nations whose ways are set in Arabic blood, Muslim traditions, Islamic nations. Thus it is being permanently installed into the grammar of American history that these two meta-mega- relio-spiritual strains of identity will be fighting against each other from now on, driven by the pro-democratic European Judeo-Christian West in a delusional fantasy state that Bush conquering Saddam Hussein, performing anal rape on him, as the American-Israeli forces performed on all Arab Muslim Islamic males at Abu Ghraib, is the way a new millennial empire got birthed.

And it was/is.


(after the first of the year ’05 – tsunami abroad; dead bodies washed ashore…
Bush’s second term celebrated; 7/7 in London (then 7/14+1) )

Note: the battle for deliverance from the sqeezing, entwining, crushing, hot, blood-sucking (oxygen-destroying), life-terminating poisonous placenta – is the most powerful of the actual ‘imprinting’ processes; the event that all creatures born of woman (us) actually lived through, were traumatized by, but heroically survived (“VICTORY AT SEA!”). By being made “war” on, the imperative of overcoming the trauma of birth, matching the deepest libidinal imperative to find release from excitation by discharge, on the loop from stimulus through perception to action always by way of sign-use, gets translated from an individual imperative to escape the birth-canal/placenta torture, into a group imperative to escape from a “the enemy” -- threatening not only its very existence as a nation, for all that it, as a nation, stands for as beacon of light of Western Civilization itself, even the most, most holy, reverential, sacred thing it is possible (for many people: not) to imagine: the Judeo-Christian tradition, itself. What a loss if that goes. But its on life-support now, maybe ‘went south’ 15-20 years ago.



S*-ing (use of Sign-use) analysis of what the phrase communicates.


1. “War”: A. In Group tokenspace (content of quadrant two (QII)

(2. “Terror” – OR: go directly below, bypassing these remarks on what “War” communicates as text and token in Public and Private Tokenspace. Alternative route)

The most highly organized, inclusive, ultimate group activity: “protecting the nation”. (Predicating on The Nation as a totality given through the sign-use. Thus becoming attached to that as a higher content of private – individual inner – tokenspace.)

….Evoking a grammar that predicates on: “us” fighting an “enemy”. “War” is “waged” against an enemy. It is “on” something. What it is on in any given instance cannot be nothing – at least, grammatically. “War on nothing” is a kind of self-contradiction, however funny comedian Jerry Seinfeld might make it sound.

Predication on “us” fighting an “enemy” becomes, by grammatical variation,
“This is what we are doing, and will need money for. Re you for terrorism or against it?”. Bumper sticker appears: “Terrorists hate George Bush. Are you a terrorist?”

B. In Private tokenspace (content of quadrant three (QIII) – “War” is, in the first instance, the STRUGGLE FOR BIRTH, undergone (‘acted out’) in the struggle of the fetus to pass through the birth canal, climaxed by a Battle with the Placenta to be Free, Victorious, painfully but heroically HERE! – establishment of consciousness of presence in the post-natal world. It is known now, by the theory of cell-coating (mylenization), that memory chains established by early neuron links are continuous from the womb through the birth process itself, though highly affected by the massive trauma (esp. hypoxia, loss of oxygen in the lungs in the last stages, until the first free breaths are taken, which leave a particular awareness). Trauma acts as a ‘block’, preventing instinctual flow of libido from approaching the site of abuse. (token: the angels with flaming swords preventing Adam and Eve’s return to Eden.)

Repression, regression, and acting out twisted fantasies

The psychodynamic effect of blockage of libido-cathexis due to pain of abuse is to divert the energy that meets the barrier into alternate, ‘lateral’, channels, to find expressive outlet. In primary process terms, under the pleasure principle, this is experienced as a good thing. Freud thought for many years that a single impulse -- to match perception with desire – governed the entire mental life, including why we want to relate to reality through thought – to refine and prolong the pleasure; to maximize the sheer fun of a fully enjoyed life. Something ‘instinctive’, or quasi-instinctive, kicks in during the development to maturity, that will self-regulate uncontrolled orgasmic reflex-cathexis, even while recognizing the awesome amount of pleasure the body can produce when called upon to do so. So the pleasure principle comes to be modified, just by normal development in the common case, through rational relation to unfolding causal reality. But this ‘loop’ of organic orgasmic response, passing from some peripheral objective stimulus arousing the sexual areas on the body, usually by touching, is linked to deep internal blood-circulating energy-infusion organ arousals, so that response to reality through this loop is intrinsically laden with quantities of libido – pleasure seeking love – by the very biological nature of our being through the body. Whatever comes later, through trauma and other vicissitudes of childhood history, overlays this basic template as the form of unfolding totality. (Aim: Completion of the totalities* as growing things, along with and through the ever-maturing cellular processes. Title Token: The Philosophy of Completing Totalities.)

What does come later, was present at the beginning, we know and are beginning to understand, was trauma. This turned back object-cathexis of libido. The secondary fall-back system is heightened narcissism – the body itself as source of pleasure sensations becomes the object loved. The turn-back of libido from surface arousal-discharge can initiate the process of repression, in which contents of feelings and impulses that would otherwise have made it into conscious awareness are diverted into alternate, twisted-feeling/impulses routes to find expression. Such, for example, is the desire to be beaten by the Father which Freud found common among males. Under the vicissitude of a sadistic old man as “Father”, desire to be beaten by the father is the twisted version of the desire for his love. Thus the abused male child will feel HE is showing how Father loves by passing it along. The twisting of objects to get gratification of pleasure from reversals is helped along by giving the objects desired names, but also just by reversing orders and aims of sources of gratification on the body itself: taking the anal, vrs. vaginal canal for sexual intercourse. The formation of later gestalt- discharge cathexis (‘behavior patterns’, instanced; a person ‘doing their number’) follows the fantasies that were formed in the earliest stages of psychological development, when the child is learning to control instinctual organic reflexes of dumping and peeing at the right time, in the right way, etc.. Understanding that: with repression goes regression – the instinctual energy turned back, blocked from cathexis to objects seeks earlier, ‘older’, as common group-historical content (instinctual solutions of the personal waste disposal problem, arrived at with different degrees of sadism in the history of childhood, deMause has shown) channels of expression, aka earlier routes of nerve-stimulation links. As it is put in common parlance, the person becomes “little mac” –(Will, John, Sid, whatever first names were when we were all Portnoys). The “inner child” pops out. At this point, when the repression in public tokenspace , meets regression, throughout each person’s private tokenspace, the group, as a totality under sign-use, begins eating on itself, consuming itself, striving to satisfy all lusts and hatreds on itself, there occurs a kind of convulsion of being, as if from below and within, as if uncounted throngs of little womb-chins were simultaneously crying “WE GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE ” .

SUMMATION; WAR IS THE GROUPS’S REGRESSIVE SOLUTION TO THEIR REBIRTH PROBLEM, IN WHICH THE BLOOD OF CHILDREN IS USED TO PLACATE THE POISONOUS PLACENTA DESCENDING LIKE AN UROBORIC SEA MONSTER TO CRUSH THEIR PATHETIC LITTLE SOULS FOR ALL ETERNITY. .. sigh ..(Poisonous placenta = “Al Queda”, “Islamo-terrorists”, “Muslim fundamentalists”, “liberals”, “leftists” “Southern racist bigot types” as instanced by: White Nationals, Stormfront, VNN, David Duke, all the old KKK/Nazi stereotypes. And why are these always linked? Lynching black slaves and gassing Jews with poison in the showers? Because these have now become conventional tokens of the Enemy, itself; “Evil” incarnate; metaphysically linked since the creation of time, the historical suffering of the blacks in America’s “South”, and the suffering of
massive numbers of Jews in Germany in what has come to be knows as ‘the holocaust’. Such is the testimony of the very voices of the unborn, themselves, brought unto man by Archbishop John O’Connor. In God’s eyes, abortion clinics exterminating the unborn, and gas chambers exterminating Jews were the same, he announced. What they are doing inside those Planned Parenthood is what Nazi’s did, following Hitler’s orders. The Pope himself – John Paul II, at the time – didn’t go that far, but O’Connor quickly moved up the ranks in powerful New York City Catholic politics, and put the squeeze on Mario Cuomo, himself. They used a kind of anti-abortion/pro-Nazi playoff of what Ashcroft called rescuing “the unborn” from murderous mommy’s womb, and rescuing Jews from Auschwitz.

2. TERROR: token of threat of Return of the Poisonos Placenta.

Much more later.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Cindy Sheehan is Neocon's Killer Mommy

Cindy Sheehan is the neocons “killer mommy”.

PART I. Theory of Rebirth-Slay Tiamat Dragon compulsion

The term “killer mommy” is from Lloyd deMause’s brilliant analysis of the dominant chord in current unconscious historical group-fantasy, or “feeling toned complex” (Jung). This is a collective, not (just) individual content, experienced when there is no separation of individual ego-consciousness from the shared Super-ego of the Group Itself (as ‘shared’, common individual content).

As “Americans”, “we”, the identified Super-Group of those emotionally bound by sense of membership, are experiencing a common destiny unfolding in historical events, AS a Group: that is to say, through the language of “unity”, “citizenship” – and, now, it is driven to be “us children” either in the belly of Tiamat/Liviathan, or the male breasts of Saddam Hussein (who was vorstelunged – “represented”, in the German sense as by ‘the media’ – as a roly-poly GrandMother way back in the ‘91’, when “Aitch” Bush was president, and was typically shown in cartoons with limp wrist and handbag-on-arm, that is, neutered or feminized male.)


This is core psychological content of the fetal drama, the common trauma- content lived through by all beings born of woman (male or female), then acted out on a group-fantasy basis in ritual (war). We all passed through those portals, once, each person retaining whatever memories were imprinted in the neural circuits as permanent pathways for later energy-discharge (by stimulus-arousal//response-caused change) at the time. Group rituals are always reenactments of the original birth under the compulsion- to-repeat. They are always carried out in re-created symbolic womb-surrounds, often by sacrificing a blood-token: animal (the Apis Bull in ancient Egypt, sacrificed to/as Osiris); child -- children thrown into the fiery pits of Moloch; the Son of the living God sacrificed for mankind in Jerusalam 0 a.d., killed by the Jews. This last symbolic group-sacrifice (whatever was true of the historical Jesus) is held by “Christians*”, as a group who define themselves by how they inwardly relate to the “Christ” part of the token “Jesus Christ” to be a unique historical event, often called “the Incarnation”; the residue of which, as a hidden, inner or esoteric objective influence, is The Spirit.

This is Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s historical interpretation of the Trinity. It follows the basic trend of German Lutheranism, as a psychological theme. Spanning the 18th-19th century eras, it is a post-Kantian return ot Monism, under the title of “Idealism”, meaning, metaphysically, in the Absolute as One and Spirit.

The bond of solidarity forged by powerful thinkers of that eras, such as Fichte, established itself in the tokens of the German language, itself. “Das Ich”; the “I”, came after Descartes (and Kant’s) mere attachment of empirical consciousness to “think”, comes to be something only those who could use it properly understood from the inner side. After all, communication has always been barely distinguishable from copulation, which is how “is” got into the grammatical vocabulary in the first place. By the time Freud is distinguishing it from “the Id” (1923), Das Ich has had a long and very distinguished history, not to claim finality of even superiority. What had come into the modern word from medieval learning as “soul”, had become “Spirit”, in Hegel, “Das Ich” for Schopenhauerr, on its way to becoming German Folk Nationalism going into the 20th century.

The bond of solidarity that flourished under Hitler was hyper-dynamic. It briefly spawned some real blond, blue-eyed Uebermensch -Type youth … a species almost forgotten as an Archetype, perhaps even extinct. Hegel came right after Kant, and He was The Man. He taught of an Ideal Metaphysical Monism of Absolute Spirit, compatible with the Historical Trinity concept based on the Incarnation, also resembling the systems of pre-Socratic philosophers Pythagoras and Parmenides.


……Cindy Sheehan kills their* war dreams (proud sons of the nation marching off to war with devout mothers faithfully keeping vigil – she’s having none of that). She is the return of the totally patient and enduring mother of the boys (Jewish ones are notoriously bad about this) who cursed their own, to their face, in 'dirtytalk' while growing up. And she is not inly indifferent to the Jewish ones, who are accustomed to being first-recognized in any Special Thing that goes out to humanity in general, she had the gall to actually link hers son's blood to Israel. Of all Grail's that, for neocons, must be the Unholiest: open recognition of America's Mother's Son's Blood Sacrificed for the Zionist state Israel. The total vituperation spewed on her by, for instance, extreme Right-Wing Jew David Horowitz' FRONTPAGE on-line magazine used her to epitomize everything vile, poisonous, venal, abhorrent, scurrilous, up to and including calling her a "menopausal valley girl." He knows the type.

From a NATION poster

“Do you know what the bitch is saying now?” one pungent Nation poster screamed. “She’s saying it was Israel got her son killed.” Or something like that. The “bitch” suggests canine copulation, one notes, and should be voided from correct political conversation. It leads too directly to the inevitable tu quoque (et tu, whatever). After that comes the slapping, which can take place at many different levels according to where tolerance for abuse is distributed. I confess to having lest tolerance precisely at the point of imaging, say, a 5’.4’ J.A.P. (“Jewish American Princess” – nothing derogatory, please; reverence), or an abused white fat brat, calling Ms. Sheehan a “bitch” in this Public Tokenspace. And I posted as much, but got no response. She/he was anti-liberal, pro-Bush, but the ‘liberal’, ‘left-of-centre’ ones for which The Nation would be noted as intellectually up-scale didn’t complain. The let it slide. Although the thread was one calling for Cindy Sheehan supporters. Some supporters. Then they (Socialist Democrat MOOVEON jackasses) wonder why they are always getting taunted as weak on defense – they will take anything with striking back, even verbally, including the abuse of their women. They will allow them, and themselves, to be verbally abused; then think they are upholding their end of Plato’s Ideal Republic by keenly discussing the policies of the Right (bad) vs. the Left(good – but whoever goes first, the other will disagree on) with intellectual acumen. It is utterly sickening.

Saturday, August 20, 2005


MY GOD! It just struck me. How could I have missed it?

While Bush abounds

(forget the polls; why does he need anyone except those he has had all along around him? lame duck? hardly)

Hitler resounds.


Adolf was briefly sighted by the media a couple of years ago when "Arnie" --(that's 'Schwartzenegger') surfaced to bail out Calipornia. Been Pumpin' Iron, that boy. Didn't get the girliemen in Sacramento gigged up much, though. But we all got the idea and caught homo flack.

"Dangerous mad dog protestors" threaten Democrats at their Convention in Boston's. It was to be a Liberal Ball; the attackers had to be contained behind an enormous hardened, bomb-resistant iron wall. With spikes sticking out on top, and protruding in front.

Meanwhile, inside, KerryKohn and "Johnboy" Edwards are feeling each other up in every way but butt-banging live on stage, you know how Dems do when they get together. And as for the 9 out of 10 reported delegates who were anti-war, and would back some kind of statement to that effect by their candidate? ? ? -- forget 'em. "We're in there." ("Shove it", as Freida -- wait....Theresa? ... quite properly imho said.) (Now there would be a White House that titilatted your imagination, wouldn't? -- Anyone else smell Rove spice in the cooking here?)

Yes, John KerryKohn, cross between Catholic and Jew, so help me God, says "we're in there". And he's our man. If he can't do it, no.. b.....o...........d...)

This next blog could be sub-titled

How Rove has used the unconscious group-fantasy of reproducing Western civilization by anal rape to control the 'democratic' process.

The model is late 1800's German Judge Daniel Paul Shreber. Brilliant mind, author of "Memoires of My Nervous Illness", which relates....

He went into delusional states (with 'voluptuosities') combining homosexuality, paranoia, and fear -- terror; didn't dare sleep -- of God (which Freud imterpretred as displacement from his own inferentially abusive father: a Pediatrician, one assumes like Skinner, who kept his children in boxes to see what they would do if, etc. -- don't know what papa Schreber did to his son, but he went bug-assed nuts on the day Solomon, there was called on to take responsibility for Leibzig's law-court system. It was quite a well-known medical/legal scandal. The family was of highest prominence. It could have come straight from Dostoievsky, but it was Freud who 'got it'. Shreber's was the case that established the theoretrical link between paranoia and homosexuality (1910f.). This link, later analytically joined with the theory of narcissism, shed much light on The Psychosis.


The pictures of Abu Ghreaib America saw first was a stack of faceless asses belonging to Arab men. Bungholes dubbed out. (But you know they're there.)

George W. Bush has declared intelligent design as befitting our universe. It so happens, also, that Judge Bork and Robert Novak
recently cenverted to Catrholocism, Bork citing Aquinas' argument from design to the existence of God acted as an impelling force on his intellect. David Hume already argued back, quite cogently, that even if the design was intelligent, as in humans, as opposed to vegetables, it would be no means follow that a "design-er" of the universal totality of would have any more resemblance to what our intellect understands than a maggot would of understand a turd's origin, in so many words. But "intellgent design" it is. Senate Leader Frisk today endorsed the idea of teaching it in schools as an 'alternative" to godless, atheistic science.

First, GW was living up to everyone's expectations, going after the head of the snake his father only wounded the tail of. Pictures of Saddam Hussein the Dictator, firing his Red Ryder rifle on CNN, fine figure of a man asking to be brought down. Poisoned his own people. Gee Bee takes 'im out. Walla. No prob.

Well, maybe one or two.

Next comes Saddam the Rat, being pulled out of his hole in the ground hiding place. Great pics? You bet. Picking lice out his hair, shown over and over and over,, grizzly, smelly repulsive ex-dictator Saddam. After a while (The emergence of his total in-control sanity at the first appearance before a judge -- one of his nephews -- was so astounding it almost blew their mad-dog dictator gig out of the water. But...)

Now we get the full figure of the man in his underwear. Briefs. Haynes, I believe, was the brand on the Dave Letterman show. (or was that a competitor?) YES! You, too, can feel like a Saddam Hussein. Hide 'em away with your Weapons of Mass Destruction in the closet. By God! Every man a stud!

You think Democrats could defend your family against that?

KerryKohn and Mr. Ed?

You got to be kidding.

We're marching to Zion, this time. At first, GW was merely an agent of the good, having located, with the help of the Jew David Frum, the axis of evil itself, on earth, he was son of Uncle Sam, ready to sally forth to do battle. Or send people's sons and daughgters, while he rouses the troops back home to suppor them. He was always right there when Big Guy needed him. Southern Baptist COnvention President Richard Land testifies right on his website that Bush confided to him that "He believed God wanted him to be president." Of course, looking over at the Gore-Lieberman ticket, it was by no means an outlandish thing to say, if you want to bring the Almighty into that picture. Lieberman gets to play the God card?
I don't think he thinks so, or Scalia, either. Nope. "No sale" on YHWH next to the Oval Office. What's next? Butt-banging on Lincoln's bed?

Some manochevetz out back, maybe, that's it.

Well, as Saddam's trial comes up, Bush's messianic calling unfolds. From a mere warrior against evil, he can now unfurl the Master Plan. Intelligent Design, you say? God wanted him to be President? He's won a second term and his polls are way down like Daddy's were, you say?

Rubish. Never fear. I have the feeling he is about to achieve appotheosis. Perhaps an actual assumption into the upper cosmos, alongside Enoch, Adapa, the Jeeze, shmoozing up yucks with Thoth himself.

Meanwhile, up from the Halls of Amenti also rises Hitler and the Nazis. The following is a blog from Nation by "ILOVEPHYSICS", responding to "Jones" posting from Meini Kampf. Followed by my reply. The point is to illustrate a particular sign-use loop the effect of which is to substitute the looper's processes for yours in the process of conversation, in order to misdirect, divert, and neutralize the focus of conversation on disagreeable (uncomfortable, anti-cathectic) content -- in this case Hitler, in isolation from "the holocaust".


Facts about Hitler: He was a racist, a warmonger and a mass murderer, a criminal against humanity, but it is not likely that he was insane. His mental health deteriorated after the allies started winning, and the worse things got for the Third Reich, the more his mental and physical health deteriorated.

He has been called megalomaniacal by at least one biographer, and apparently had a reallly really bad Napolean complex, but I know of no credible source that calls him insane.

His "final solution", known as the holocaust to most, killed ten million people, approximately 6 million of them being Jews. The war he unleashed resulted in 50 million total dead, approximately, but this includes deaths in the Pacific theater, to which he can only be indirectly linked. Of the 50 million, 21 million were in the Soviet Union. About 8 million of the dead were Germans.

Posted by ILOVEPHYSICS 08/18/2005 @ 7:40p


aafter which this and that are exchanged, to wit

JONES, What is wrong with you? I was merely stating a few facts, there was no debate expressed or implied.

And if you can refute the 10 million number that you claim is wrong, by all means go right ahead. But if you want to deny the holocaust, don't expect me to dignify that with any response whatsoever.

Posted by ILOVEPHYSICS 08/19/2005 @ 1:34pm

this and that until: my last reply...

I still don't understand what all these numbers had to do with Hitler, what he was looking at, compared to what we are looking at -- except the hatred built up by their trying to kill him; and Germany. Are you saying he shouldn't have done what he did? Turn over the nation of Goethe to international rebbees? -- America, too? Blame the man who took charge of a situation that had to be corrected for the deaths that resulted from his trying to? What would you have done? (scratch that: he loved his nation.)

You are still running together something you call 'the" "holocaust", now ringing up 10,000,000 and counting! --- what about the Croatian Ustaci? 700,000 Serbs slaughtered in their "ethnic cleansing", many by Catholic priests in a manner so heinous it make even the Nazi's sick and they tried to stop it for humanitarian reasons -- absurd to either affirm or deny "it" existed (though Norman Fincklestein (no, not Guckert-the-butt-banger and "Arnold"'s boy) must be reckoned with) since "it" isn't really a descriptive, but rather an evaluative expression -- with WWII. (Do you count the allies' post-war concentration camp atrocities on German soldiers part of Hitler's Holycaust?) Because it wasn't, whatever you think the casus belli might have been. As if one must always to say WWII and Holycaust in the same breath, not mention one without being sure you mention the other.

As a matter of fact, my original post to which one must assume you were responding, deliberately avoided mentioning 'the' 'holocaust', as Zionist pc has it, at all, trying to go back to the situation he was looking at, to call attention to the situation WE are looking at in America today, and asking if he were a mad man to see it the way he did. It was YOU who inserted 'the' 'holocaust' into the discussion with you little array of "facts", and then accused me, who took exception of this trick Zionists and their shabos goyim use to occlude every conversation about WWII, just like they do anything at all that's not good for the Jews, of "misreading or not understanding" you. "The only possible mistake I made was perhaps not starting a new paragraph." No; it was in replying in such a manner at all -- shoving in the Holycaust, once more. And it turns out that I neither misread nor fail to understand anything you said; and what is wrong with you is that you suffer from the mental deficit of being unable to let go any past not full of suffering Jews. Screw off.

It is absurd to say one man was the cause of umpteen million deaths

Posted by JONES 08/20/2005 @ 12:32am

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Restoring the Boundaries

The following was posted under The Nation's blog on David Corn's comments on Bob Dole's NY Times article on the Rove-Plame case.

This comes in the midst of a monumental objective war I am waging in tokenspace over there against the children of darkness, let's call them.

Return to the topic:

What all these "leaker" stories mean, from the broader view, is the situation of pourous boundaries:

pro-Hitler type assault on the proper institutional boundaries between Government and the 4th estate> From "deep throat" to Novak's gloat (=he's CIA),manipulation of the media of mass communication has occurred on a scale surpassing Hitler's Germany. (Rove as Geobbels)

-between church (read: synagogue) and state (the entity leaked to is always linked to the Zionist state of Israel -- except when it is linked to the Vatican (probably: cf. R.P. Hansson; we don't know that, but he WAS Opus Dei, if that means anything).

"We'll share your "God" with you", said the guests who invited themselves into this Protestant-founded nation, and now think they have the right to take over.

Pourous boundaries, leaking...(gas)... Dogs in the manger, I say.

For the record, "God", in the King James version of the Bible, which is what "The Bible" meant in 1774, is not "Yahweh" of the Old Testament; having modified that so-called "monotheistic" concept claimed by many to originate with Jews (typically overlooking Marduk, Thoth, etc.) by introducing a Son, as the second part of the unique Trinitarian conception... .

Nor is it the "Deus" (rhymes with "Zeus") of the Catholic version of the New Testament. The culture of the institutions America grew from was something transplanted from Britain's Protestant King's heritage, nurtured on Virginia planter's soil, and rung on peals of the now-cracked bell of freedom in Franklin's (the other one's) town;

...And it grew through generations of use spanning Jackson -- Lincoln/Davis (Lincoln's Social Democrat God took that one by force, as the Bush appointees are prepared to do for our 'security') -- Franklin (the other one) Delano Roosevelt -- and, for one moment, Lyndon Baynes Johnson -- until this Spirit of Freedom, in Hegel's sense which I represent, in that tradition must emerge, as from the Halls of Amenti in Atlantis, and restore the original boundaries.

Posted by JONES 08/18/2005 @ 9:33pm