How (this* - see blow) meaningful coincidence in Sign-use explains and is explained by the switch in God-use in America by G.W.Bush
-encompassing rings of mighty terrible effects (acting out id reversal as moral)
The meaningful coincidence is
1. At the theological level
monotheism (“YHWH”/Allah worship) replaces trinitarianism
Consequence: shift from form of unity impossible to contradict (The Trinity cannot be contradicted, only completed.) to form of unity necessarily (self-) contradicted (through opposed specifications of evil incorporated under “One God” extended to all forms of monotheism.)
(Fissures will occur in unities along contradictory lines under each unity; as Opus Dei Catholics are in contention with Vatican II Catholics. After “God” use by monotheists drags it into the irresoluable YHWH-ALLAH blood-based contradiction, and war.)
2. At the historical group-level
(National identity): democracy guided by the spirit of unity will be replaced by use of voting procedures to resolve confessional differences lowered to the level of political issues. (The symbols of unity will be replaced by a self-contradictory conjunction.) Then: The Pope can gain political leverage by splitting off non-middle of the road religionists from trouble-making “extremists”.
3. Patriotism, the citizen’s right to honor the national identity, whatever theological-religious confession.
Wholesome patriotism, completion of the feeling totality of group life, is devotion second only in rank of hierarchical reality to the totality of common humanity (2), symbolized by blood; and that under a sign for the Completing Totality of totalities, through some symbol as “God” (1).
When G.W. Bush reversed sign-use, we have argued, it set in motion a karmic process that would come back and bite him in the rear: Chaves calling him the devil from the UN floor.
We have now added to this notion of karmic link, intuited by the esoteric sense of completing totality, the particular sign/symbol substitution that brought it about. This is: the de facto subordination of the Trinity, as the confessional symbol of totality under “God” (as sign for this particular sign-use) for Christians. The Trinity is the more differentiated form of unity for common humanity by blood, distributing the Form of the Completing Totality in the individual through the separate being-centers (Gurdjieff). The Head-brain differentiates “Father”; the Heart (emotional)-brain the “Son”; the lower-reactive (reptilian) brain- the Holy Ghost (by sublimation of all three). The functional unity of the three is completed in the cathexis (“commitment”) of totality to the Whole (=necessary condition for transformation of 1. into 4.). (completion of consciousness beyond consciousness; “Second Conscious Shock” required for the energy of Oxygen 6).
The lack of differentiation of the work of the three centers directly dis-unifies the totality of their function. “One center does the work of another,” was the way G. put it.
What is happening now is the turning back from a more advanced Form of the Completing Totality to the earlier position of unity. It was an advance, compared to the BULL-EL (Baal) Taurus Age – which did not yield willingly to the Ram. But the latter was superceded by The Pisces Incarnation, on the broadest level of group consciousness, itself now passing over to the age of Aquarian Water-Bearer. This amounts to a psychohistorical interpretation of the Trinity overlaid onto the sliding Zodiacal triads by use of the mythic template of Father- Son – Holy Ghost. Christianity brings in the second Eve, Ea, earth, in the formula: Father =>Son => (by means of ) the Holy Ghost impregnating Mary. The Jewish blood ancestry is woven by the Bible (taking both Old and New Testaments as One Story) into the mythic texture (“Jesus was a Jew” – by blood/water -birth) as the Archetyupal connubial grounding of One Male Sky God (MARDUK, YHWH) with His Created, Sustained planetary bounty, His Ea (ENKI as male lover), His Daughter. God The Father loved Mary, and entered her as impregnating Spirit. She received this gift of Grace and birthed God’s Son in Bethlehem.
Who, or what was Jesus’ “Father”?
If told as a story of human psychology, it is, perhaps, the gloss of an indiscretion, broad hints at a romantic tryst between Joseph’s wife and a Roman soldier before he married her. Such is the imagination of youth, and the hormonal sex-reactive-mind center.
If told as the continuation of the actual on-earth story of the evolution of human consciousness, however, it is completed at the symbolic level of a “universe” not in Jesus’ blood, but his consciousness. The Christians must say to the Jews: “Just on his Mother’s side …”. In his consciousness, according to the record, he professed Sonship of “before I AM” (John 8.58), invoking Exodus 3.14. If “ENKI” => EYAH => EA => “I AM”, Jesus becomes (a) Son of Enki through Mary ( As both MARDUK and YHWH are Sons of Enki). The Sumerian (non-Semitic) origin of the “Father” Jesus consciously recognized, according to John’s record of his sign-use, was re-stated in the Book of Hebrews, Chapter 7, as “A priest forever of the order of Melchizedek.” The Melchizedek priests were at (Jeru-) Salem when Abraham passed through circa 2000 – 1500 BCE, worshipping “Most High God” (YHWH-ELYON), immortal beings to which the Patriarch paid a tithe tribute. Thus, in the actual historical dispensation, the story of “God”-use passes through the Hebrew language into the narrative of the Jewish tribes circa. 9th century BCE and following. But, separate and distinct traditions of symbolic revenants of old religions survived and continued. When Jesus placed “Father” in the TokenSpace of old Sumer, the religion of “Christ” as Spirit of the Inner Man (released at death, through suffering, returning to his Father Above) is effectively taken away from blood-lines, to spirit lines. And, in fact, Christianity spread in the earliest centuries around the Northern edge of the Mediterranean basin, even to Greece and Rome, through old Hittite/Turkic lands, Phoenecia, Crete, where the Spirit of Great Mother/Daughter Goddesses had long thrived alongside that of male God’s. The Greek OANNES, fish-tail man God who arose from the sea with the rudiments of human civilization would have represented the Spirit in this Great Sea of old: The Mediterranean. These are unfathomably deep* tokens of Archetypal mythic texture, reflected throughout the range of trans-dimensional metaphors*.
This clarifies the psychological situation in the Pisces era, transcribing the trinity into a unity of upper triad sign-uses (God, country, patriotism). The Incarnation religion spanning Sumer (ENKI), Babylon (MARDUK), Jerusalem (YHWH), Athens (ATHENA/Zeus), Jerusalem (again) (JESUS CHRIST), ROME (JOVE/St. Peter) is coordinated with completion of Zodiacal/millennial triads (Taurus, Aries, Pisces/ / Aries, Pisces, Aquarius). As triads, the coordinate with the three forces ramified through the three centers of total conscious functioning. They can be transcribed onto a diagram of three concentric rings around the point made by two straight lines crossing, horizontally and vertically, on a flat two –dimensional plane; the circumference of each ring marked into seven (7) equally spaced points in alignment (as ‘spokes’ from the center outward).
In Gurdjieff’s Enneagram, the six interior points between “7”, coinciding at the top of each circle with One (1) => apex of the interior equilateral triangle, can be assigned constant values 142857, in the natural number digit series. This is the sequence of digits obtained as a fraction when 7 is divided into 1 (1/7 = .1428571428…ad inf.). What is remarkable about this sequence is that the order is retained, through seven steps of increasing arithmetical sequence, when 7 is divided into 2 (2/7 = .285714285…), into 3 (3/7 = .428571428…), into 4 (4/7 = .571428571…) and so forth. Looked at in this way:
7/0 = 0.0 (“Do”)
.142857142…. (Re)
.285714285. . . (Mi)
.428571428… (Fa)
.571428571… (Sol)
.714285714… (La)
.857142857… (Ti)
7/7 = 1.00000000 “Do”
The interior six “notes” align horizontally and vertically in coordinate progression, formally schematizing a process of traversing accumulated totalities between 7 and 1. In other words, an “octave”, completed from above, or below, wherever a “Do” occirs. The repetitions ad inf of the same sequence in each row give 142857 a “barber pole” effect as the traversing steps accumulate.
“0” stands for any circumference the 6 ‘notes’ are spread across, that is, for nothing. Reality, the actual units of sign-use in TokenSpace, is distributed around Re – Ti; what completes it, or is completed by its periods, is the “Do” sequence of octaves.
The number-digits 3, 9 and 6, notably missing from this account so far, are supplied thus: the 999999999… ‘s are obtained by adding Re to Do, as if closing the circle without completion (turning it back to complete within itself). The 666666666’s are the interior digits completed without 7. The 333333333’s are the originating “shock” required to boost Mi to Fa (a derivative of which boosts Ti = .8 to Do= 1 via the inner triad by “second conscious shock”).
Thus, the number digits from 1 to 10 can be laid out on the Ennegram, with the lines between the circumference points = > the notes on the 7-tone scale between repeating Do wavelengths.
The next step in interpretation of this formal schema is the assignment of “notes” to Token-levels of sign-use. A “token level” of sign use is the specification of a universe of discourse under a given actual name, e.g., “Socrates”; and predicates (“is human”; “is mortal”). This universe of discourse coincides with the space of three dimensional objects, and time, through which all humans (and by extension, all physical objects) are relasted (as conjuries of material earth elements).
The abstract assignment of a hierarchy of sign-uses, the successive steps of which, by hypothesis, use of higher-order signs to predicate on totalities posited by lower-order names. When these are then correlated to reality by rules assigning the hierarchy of signs to contents of conscious, the abstract schema crystallizes into strata, or levels of experience. (Individual experience is assumed given in communication through S*.
All this, and more, is needed to explain how what coincided psychosemiotically
1. Bush’s reversal
2. Chavez calling him “the Devil”
3. War between Hezbollah and Israel (Pitting the US against Iran)
=> 4. What has brought about America’s devolution is the karmic cycle run out by the linkage of its Trinitarian God with YHWH . This has repressed the completion of all the other levels of sign-use under the completing totality.
Further confirmations:
White House-Abramoff Contacts More Extensive Than Thought, Report Says
Congressional Report Finds Convicted Lobbyist Had Contact With Karl Rove, Ken Mehlman
BU investigates graffiti found in residence hall
Scrawled messages anti-Semitic, racistBy George Basler
Press & Sun-Bulletin
VESTAL -- Binghamton University has set up a telephone tip line and is actively investigating a case of racist and anti-Semitic graffiti found in a residence hall on the campus, a university spokesman said Wednesday.
The graffiti contained explicit language, derogatory terms and swastikas directed against blacks and Jews, said Ryan Yarosh, a media relations specialist for the university.