So’s YOUR old man !
Two Sun’s Sons in The SKY* today (*Chemtrails in TokenSpace)
Astrological configuration: Leo
8.4 : Obama’s birthday 8.4. 09 48 yrs. old
(Warning. What you are about to read is squantum* metaphysics; it is not for those subject to brainwhistle and/or soulbreath deficiency. It is what it is and not another thing. (Aristotle’s law of identity for rigid designators; (x)( x = x ) --see Kripke) )
I. Von Brunn => “WHO ARE YOU ?”
II. (answering for Obama) <= “The Other Black Son”
IIa. (O-bots cry “No! No! You B WHITE as any Son!”)
III. Michael Savage, O’rly Taitz => Obama is a crypto-Hitler; O-bots are Nazi Brownshirts. (Others see: Leader of the Czars, killed by Bolshevik Jews; and Comrade Stalin; Putin with
(They see The Black Sun Son radiating through the *GKLs (*Glossy Klieg Lights)
=>* Illuminating Appearances, calling for*: Acting Out (on stage)
<= Michael Jackson: black/white boy dancing under the GKL for us.
Mr. Bojangles, Sammy Davis, Jr. convert to Hollywood Judaism
Al Jolson, Jewish entertainer in blackface, singing “Sonny Boy”.
(Vignette: MSNBC’s Shuster’s interview with Birther Orly Taitz 8.3.. She was summoned in order to belittle any and all who gave credence to the preposterous idea that Obama wasn’t born in the U.S.A.. She was associated with claiming a Kenya birth certificate existed, shown on her website without saying where she got it. But though it was by that time already dismissed as a blatant forgery, she was prepared to explain how the two notices of his birth could have come to appear in Hawaii newspapers, and wouldn’t be cut off. He heaped ridicule on anyone prepared to suppose even for one minute these newspaper notices were preparing a 47 year deception. This was pre-framed manipulation, and she knew it. Holding her own, she called him a “Brownshirt” silencing the Word of Truth – in other words, treating her like the Nazi’s treated Jews. Well, Shuster was OUTRAGED! – as someone with relatives killed in the Holocaust, he…
And so it went. Video was widely replayed on the internet, inevitably with comments like “Taitz looses it”, “goes berserk”, though she had clearly gained the upper hand with that one reversal. He, and the condenscending female helper seeking higher ground came off looking like bullies and irrational idiots. It did not weaken, it strengthened her status. This was the opposite of what was intended. The positions of consciousness* (POC*) had been reversed, as it had been by Rush Limbaugh’s tagging aggressive women in Bush I’s time “feminazis”. The Liberal Left is prepared to have “right wingnuts” projectively reverse what they give out, to what they are getting back, in relation to others, converting feelings of attraction into feelings of being threatened. (This is bound up with converting the energy of masochism into sadism.)
What they are not prepared for, and what the Birthers bring back and throws in their face, is presentation of a justifiable force against their inner killer mommy – what they are, as a totality, confronted by their own inner negation, as a totality. This is the Dark side of the White sun meeting the White side of the Dark sun. The facts are that no witnesses, or on-the-spot documentation, of Obamas birth exists. On the Father’s side is an unknown fructifier; it, whatever the material basis, could be a Spiritus Dei, perhaps transplanetary for the worldly minded; certainly transcendental for post-Kantians. It accords with the Aristotelian Catholic metaphysics of material substrate + formal attributes that missing, or substitute, material sperm could be the outward form of higher inner matter. Perhaps Obama’s mother could have been infused with a Spirit, a Holy Spirit, manifest in the birth, life, excellence of being of the 44th President. Given that politics abhors a vacuum, it is easy to predict that rumors to this effect will begin to rumble.
BLACK SUN PSYCHOSEMIOTICS. BLACK SON The Birth question Unsquares the Left-Right Political system
It is axiomatic that issues arising between parties along the lines of old left- right divisions, such as health care framed as People’s Interests vrs. Big Pharma, AMA,
and other corporate interests, can only be resolved with congeniality under an authority both recognize as legitimate. That is the starting point of Thomas Hobbes’ LEVIATHAN and the fundamental premise of modern democracy.
Lack of fool proof documentation of legitimacy of an external objective Authority dissolves politics into sublimated war, with raw force of opposed factions replacing the possibility of congenial resolution within a democratic system. Questioning Obama’s birth credentials is not just another ‘issue’
That is what the question of Obama’s birth credentials is about. The authority recognized by two linked forces is the SUN => active principle of growth from the union of opposites. The inner psychodynamic of democracy is the intellectual and spiritual vigor arising through resolution of conflict by Higher authority, as the sun in heaven provides the resolution of opposites between water and earth to transform unliving into living substances; prima materia -- in metals, lead -- into gold, identical with SUN in alchemy with the sun. Thus there are two kinds of both Gold and Suns, material and ‘philosophical; visible external, and inner (masculine) potential.
The Sun, the active male agency that transforms lead into gold, is to earth ….
as (the leader’s) Authority, the active male agency that transforms what is potential in collective consciousness, is to democracy. This was the cannon. Male here is not gender, primarily, but the active metaphysical force. This is the point at which Jung’s Archetypal psychosemiotics trumps Freud’s personalized unconscious. The Father of Our country can be taken as psychically descriptive without importing the pre-conscious notion of sexual intercourse between male and female, only active v. passive forces.
The tokens SUN and SON, pronounced identically, and distinguished in written script only by vowels “u” and “o” between consonant sounds “SS’ and “NN”, toothwistle-to-nasal. How this came about as facts of English language use is probably unknown. But the inner meaning of this token-identify + textual-difference seems clear: a repetition of the active force in transformation from itself. The Son externally objectifies the Sun – the active force passing from higher to lower metaphysical plane. If the same transition is applied to Old-New Testament transition, this shows why the Son of the creative force in Genesis is The Word in John’s Gospel. The essence of Higher energy passes into a Token as source of text. .
The Son of the Sun of America’s democracy is Black. The unseen, inner side is white light, the active force of authority. This connects Obama transpersonally, through the office and election process, to the line of white male presidents back to the Founding Fathers. The external, visible side manifesting personal authority however is black. The White Sun forced to shine through the Black Son.
Those called BIRTHERS throw sulphuretted oxides in the face of he golden sun’is face
-Neither Birthers nor anti-Birthers can claim unchallenged legitimacy.
1. Birthers cannot challenge the fact that he was democratically elected
2. Anti-Birthers can no longer claim a clear paper trail of legitimacy.
SOL The Sun => external objectification of the active principle in the heavens: light <= male; formal cause of generation
LUNA The moon => external objectification of the passive principle in the heavens:
Again, another paradigm* conflict.— where the psychodynamics crystallize long standing, recognized group/social oppositions surfacing.
48 year old George Sodini, unable to get laid no matter how good he tries to be,
turns out the lights in the LA FITNESS room where the women are, and proceeds to shoot, as if taking revenge, in kind reversed, for the love he never got from females (Psyche, Semiramis
On the 48th birthday of the President <= underscored in the collective unconscious by the question of valid birth documentation.
The matching 48’s mix with white-black, male-female reversal
Sodini is firing at Nanny State America: it promises everything, but since it is fundamentally an illusion, can deliver nothing but appearances.
These Appearances are the curvy female bodies, working out -- viewable on any computer hooked up to the www, live in the flesh at LA Fitness center
His act is paradigm Oedipal/fetal rage: the rage of late term, unborn fetus in the womb “under great pressure”, amplified by resentment and hatred of non-nurturing females, plans, and enacts a final Wish fulfillmentecstatic orgastic act of destructive fulfillment. He goes off going out, and vice versa.
It Freudian terms, it conjoins Eros and Thanatos, fusing love (libido) and death.
In broader Archetypal terms, it is Uroboric; unborn inner male achieving birth and mastery, in a moment, over maternal dominance – killing his origin, Tiamat eating one of her own. Jung point out that since the snakes’ brain is in the tail of humans, the image of the Uroborus as a Snake/Dragon’s head eating its tail depicts the mind of a male body consuming/consumed by, its penis. This, together with “69”, depicting oral-genital coupling (fellatio and cunilingus), gives the notion of Self-Completing Totality a
auto-chothonic sexual flavor viewed token side up. Another Black Sun sign.
(Psychometaphysics of sex, darkness, the Dog (From Jung, MC, ch. III)
The Sun => Feminine unconscious/ masculine consciousness.
EQ*uivalences: Gold, unity -- “The Day is lit by a single sun” – fiery energy, heat, spiritus Dei Bull of Heaven (Taurus). Cosmic male progenitor of life.
<= Masculine unconscious/feminine consciousness
(Silver, moist, sinister and dangeroug aspect: light of the new moon causes moon-sickness, proceeding from the “moon wolf”; Selene => The Dog, the bitch)
Progeny of the Divine Marriage (Sol et Luna)
Animal natures are birthed first from the hierogamy because of the darkness of the union:
“Psychologically, this (e.g., presence of Sol Niger in matter itself) means that the union of consciousness (Sol) with its feminine counterpart (Luna) has undesirable results to begin with: it produces poisonous animals such as dragon, serpent, scorpion, basilisk,, and toad; then the lion. Bear, wolf, and dog; and finally the eagle and the raven.. The first to appear are the cold-blooded animals, then warm-blooded predators and lastly birds of prey or ill-omened scavengers. The first progeny of the matrimonium luminarium are all, therefore, rather unpleasant. But that is only because there is an evil darkness in both parents which comes to light in the children, as indeed often happened in real life.” p. 144f.
Jung illustrates the last point with an anecdote.
“I remember, for instance, the case of a twenty-year old bank clerk who embezzles several hundred francs. His old father, the chief cashier at the same back, was much pitied, because for forty years he had discharged his highly responsible duties with exemplary loyalty. Two days after the arrest of his son he decampled to South America with a million. So there must have been “something in the family”.”
He then adds this incredible passage: “We have seen in the case of Sol that he either possesses a shadow or is even a Sol niger. As to the position of Luna, … In the “Epistola Solis ad Lunam crescentem” Sol cautiously says: “If you do me no hurt, O moon.” Luna has promised him complete dissolution while she herself “coagulates,” i.e., becomes firm, and clothed with his blackness (induta fuero nigredine tua). She assumes in the friendliest manner that her blackness comes from him. The matrimonial wrangle has already begun….” (cf. America claiming Obama has poisoned HER!)
More astounding is Jung’s brilliant weaving of his Father Freud’s central Greek Archetypal template, mother-desire prohibition the Oedipus myth predicates on, with the psychodrama of hieros gamos, heavenly marriage between Sol and Moon to generate life-form hierarchy, relating the dichotomy of Light and Dark as Conscious and Unconscious, Good and Evil.
. “(Mephistopheles emerges as the taunting of Faust the alchemist) In this connection I would like to mention the incest dream of a woman patient. “Two dogs were copulating. The male went head first into the female and disappeared in her belly,” Theriomorphic symbolism is always an indication of a psychic process occurring on an animal level, i.e., in the instinctual sphere. The dream depicts a reversed birth as the goal of a sexual act. This archetypal situation underlies the incest motif in general and was present in modern man long before any consciousness of it. The archetype of incest is also at the back of the primitive notion that the father is reborn in the son; and of the hierosgamos of mother and son in its pagan and Christian forms; it signifies the highest and lowest, the brightest and the darkest, the best and the most detestable. It represents the pattern of renewal and rebirth, the endless creation and disappearance of symbolic figures.”
Also (my addition, from conversation with B.E.): (reversed birth as goal of a sexual act) signifies RE-ENTRY INTO MOTHER’S WOMB IN ORDER TO UNDO BIRTH -- DIE. Or: (side by side with the death motive) to be reborn through the Sun of her unconsciousness. Thus, Presidents are always changed by the country, even as they change it.
But this raises the crucial issue: What if She has already inwardly wed Sol niger…?.(cf. some right wing women – Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham)
This is the psychological text of O-botamized America. He (the individual of that name) has entered TokenSpace as a veritable Son of the Sun: the agonizingly long primary-general election campaigns were one huge self-cannibalizing, child eating, incestuous ritual parody of serious democratic process. How black Her sun had grown under GW Bush was shown by his regular depiction as a chimpanzee. Hillary Clinton stood up to this blackness, as a woman – however, without confronting its war. The male standing over against it, also not confronting its war, was black, himself, as if his pigment objectified McCain/Palin soul. This was the unconscious trade-off. The Right could have its Darkess -- child sacrifice to the Catholic Deus in Vietnam – if it swallowed all racist impulses and accepted the black man as president. The inner darkness of Bush is mirrored back at them in the skin color of the one America was driven in the arms of. to get away from them. He is strictly post-60’s generation, his living American experiences filled with MidWest ambience. He is the incestuous product of that psychohistorical totality reproducing itself. Its child, elected to become Father of its future children. But not white: black. Shielding by reaction-formation to “racism” the blackness of the sun behind him. His transparent fineness of character, inner and outer – what’s not to like? (As Pilate asked the Jews about Jesus: “What fault find ye with this man?” – only amplifies the Blackness behind and above him.
. How many now counting back this year?
-Gay club shooting in Tel Aviv
-police/black professor contretemps at Harvard (Obama “stupidly” chimes in).